Thursday, August 12, 2004


I am here to try to blog my way back into B's good graces. Unfortunately, I opened this window and my mind went blank. (Blanker than usual.) I can't think of a thing to say, so B told me to say nothing a lot. I contemplated filling the page with the word "nothing," but that just seemed way too obvious.
The way to a man's heart...I'm sure it works, but not sure why Darrel is still married to me, then. I haven't cooked enough to say so in 6 years and I've convinced him blow jobs are special and so should only be used for special ocassions so they don't lose their "Specialness." I think that is probably TMI.
Darrel begins his 3 day weekend off tomorrow and I am looking forward to 3 days of just him and I with no kids or grandkids. (Does this constitute a "special ocassion?")
The new computer will arrive tomorrow, so we will rip out the 2 old ones and install the new, and drive B crazy with 1,000 stupid questions.
We are thinking of going to the zoo on Sunday, of all things. Tried to think of something special to do - just the 2 of us - but something that wasn't a lot of work or effort and was relaxing. The zoo would normally thrill me, but the older I get the more I can't stand seeing all those beautiful animals caged and/or penned up. I want to run screaming through the zoo and release them all. Of course I know they are much happier where they are rather than roaming the streets of Wichita, Kansas, but it seems so unfair to see them behind those bars or windows, with all the silly humans oohing and ahing at them.
Lydia - do you think you could send those kids north? I'm finidng it hard to care enough about the house to clean it lately. Especially since every week or two the ankle lizards show up and destroy it all, anyway. Sort of seems like a waste of my time and limited energy to clean it. You have been very quiet the last two days, so I will assume you are either frazzled or things are going smoothly. Hope the wee one is feeling better. It's so heart breaking when they are sick and there's nothing you can do for them.
I am flying to Connecticut the end of September and am determined to lose 10-20 pounds before I go, as I will be seeing people I haven't seen in many years. They remember me as size 1 Dona and God knows those days are long gone, but size 8-10 Dona is NOT going with me. That said, I need HELP! I have no problem with what I eat during the day, but late at night, I definitely have a problem!! One of the main issues with my fibro and CFIDS is that I don't sleep. (Even when I sleep, but that's another blog...) As a general rule, I am up very late at night and I get cravings and I am the first to admit I have no will power. I try not to keep sweets and really bad things in the house, but can always manage to find something to cram in my mouth. (Stop it, Brandy - I know where you are going with this right now, and these cravings do not a "special ocassion" make.) Anyway, does anyone have any suggestions for things to do to curb these cravings? When I first got sick and they had no idea what was wrong with me, I literally spent 4 months in bed. Besides every antibiotic made, they put me on steroids for 4 months. I know this is some of the weight problem, as nothing I've tried the past 5 years has helped, so I know I will never be down to the weight and/or size I was before. I would just like to lose enough to be comfortable, which I haven't been in a long time.
Brandy told me to make up a story, so she would have something interesting to read when she got up. Even the fantasy life in my head is not functioning tonight. Let's see...I've rambled about blow-jobs, house cleaning, and my weight. HELP!!!


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