Thursday, September 07, 2006

Comments on a generation of idiots

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B Said:...When we are old and have our house can we be part of the underground railroad for battered women
D Said:...absolutely
B Said:...I thought it would be cool
D Said:...and by that time we might have to be part of the underground railroad for liberals
D Said:...or anyone else not far right
D Said:...conservative assholes
B Said:...The pendulum always swings
D Said:...wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
B Said:...Have you been reading political rags again
B Said:...I have this board survey I do every week on different topics and this weeks was your generation
D Said:...MY generation??????????? are you implying I’m of a different generation than you
B Said:...And the last question is forget the current designation of your designation and make up your own
B Said:...NO we are both boomers but I am almost and xer
D Said:...current designation of your designation? what does that mean??
B Said:...Whether you are a baby boomer or Generation X or a millennial
D Said:...okay. i see
B Said:...Or an oldster
B Said:...So now I am supposed to reclassify my generation and give them a name and list who the heroes and villains are
B Said:...and I wrote this really nasty thing about them being the generation of the lost and fearful
B Said:...And my villains were all the lazy people giving their kids to the publics schools and not teaching them the arts of cooking and sewing and basic skills and manners
B Said:...And the ones trying to tell people how to live and fanatics of all kinds and evil politicians and leaders who think its okay to give up our constitution for the illusion of safety
B Said:...And my heroes were all the people fighting against tyranny and secrecy
B Said:...And I finished with how I was sure if they were going to die from bad government or shopping them selves to death for things they don't need that are killing a planet they obviously don't want
B Said:...Then I went and read some other peoples stuff and they were all happy and light and their heroes were JFK and Bush and I don’t' see how you can have both unless you are just basing it on governmental incompetence
B Said:...Or are counting their drug abuse
D Said:...that's very sad.
B Said:...Anyway reading all the god and soldier crap made me almost ill so I erased mine and went to bed
D Said:...I’m not sure how you can put the 2 in the same sentence. and it should have spurred you to submit it!
B Said:...I know but it really is the 40 and older that are leading he charge for all the things I hate
B Said:...I know but you had already signed off and it was actually much more virulent and nasty
D Said:...damn. wish you had submitted it
B Said:...And they talk about how safe the streets used to be blah blah blah well that’s because the towns were smaller
B Said:...And they go on about how there wasn't as much drug use and people stayed married etc..
B Said:...They don't mention the fact that beating you wife was legal and women couldn't file for divorce or own property
B Said:...And small town America still has the safety thing going but at least women can have the bastards arrested now
D's called selective history
B Said:...They are just blind and stupid and then there are the ones calling themselves the generation of the luck y because they had stay at home moms etc. but they are the same ones that didn't give their kids that
D Said:...yeah - i know. I’ve heard that one before too, but i always wondered, "If you think you were lucky to have that, then why aren't you giving your kids the same thing?"
D Said:...I never had it. my mom worked or we went hungry and without shelter
B Said:...I would rather be considered a gen xer than call my self a boomer
B Said:...My mother worked but at least she still taught me basic skills
D Said:...true. my mom did too. didn't have much choice, since she was working i had to raise 2 sisters, do the laundry, cooking, cleaning. I sorta had to know
B Said:...These kids today don't know shit
B Said:...Well mine do but I was an evil mom
D Said:...tell me about it. I’m amazed at all the college kids that had no clue how to balance a checkbook.
B Said:...I like the ones who are 30-40 who come in and don't know where to stamp a check or make out a deposit slip
D Said:...for that matter, how many didn't know where any country other than Mexico or Canada was. or even where other states are.
B Said:...It is very scary
B Said:...And how many can't answer life liberty and the pursuit of ?
D Said:...yes
D Said:...did i tell you cj isn't really whooped up about 1st grade?
B Said:...We are a generation that turned from wonderful ideals to exploiting mediocrity and
B Said:...Nope
B Said:...Does he want to stay home now
D Said:...talked to him the other day. he said it's dumb. he reads at a 3rd grade level and does 2 digit add,sub, multiplying and division. every day since school started he's brought home homework. homework is 2 dot to dots that go to 25. no wonder he thinks it's dumb
B Said:...My brothers oldest is 8 or 9 and reading at a 10th grade level
D Said:...janelle keeps asking him and he says no. it's the socialization aspect of it he likes. which also the only reason he plays sports, which is okay. since they will be moving in 3 weeks janelle is going to let it ride.
B Said:...And my brother is at wits end whining to my mother that she doesn't know how hard it is and she laughed at him and told him his sister was the same and if he isn't careful and doesn't keep him interested he will end up just like me
B Said:...At least she gives him the option
D brother's younger boy is doing college entry stuff at 10 and is beyond genius. yet, 3 years ago his teacher (and this is private school) told his parents he has adhd and needs to be on ridlyn
B Said:...Cause he was bored and annoying her on purpose
D Said:...yes - she has always kept that option open for him and asks him all the time if he wants to. exactly.
B Said:...I hit college level at my first public school test which was the end of 4th grade
B Said:...And I enjoyed it through 8th grade but we had chorus and band and did great plays and had a really good school
B Said:...Now they have none of the cool stuff
D pisses me off that a teacher would even say such a thing. that's when they had thousands of dollars of test done on him to find out that he was just too damned smart for the class. the teacher's response was, "They are wrong."
B Said:...Lydias 2nd youngest just hit kindergarten and they told Lydia that they have cancelled all art and music for kindergarten this year
D Said:...i know. that totally sucks. they have taken out every creative aspect of school
B Said:...They told me Josh would be good for nothing but Jail when he hit 4th grade
B Said:...Music and art were the only things you are supposed to do in kindergarten


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