Friday, December 22, 2017

Motherly Love

So I have been meaning to post on here for about a week now about my latest on my evil mother. So a few months ago (September to be exact) Eric and I petitioned for my mother to have her Grandparents rights taken away because 1. she wouldn't stop teaching my daughter about her religion, 2. she wouldn't stop harassing both Eric and I about how we were parenting wrong, 3. she was overstepping her boundaries by stating that she wanted more visitation with Riley and basically just displaying the most erratic and off the wall behavior I have seen her show in quite some time. 

So we won the case because my mother basically refused to show up to the 3 hearings that were held. She also refused to be served even stating via text that she was not going to make it easy. And she didn't have to go to court unless she was served. 

Well the judge read these messages and was not happy. The judge gave her three chances to show up but to no avail. So the judge granted us our petitioned and revoked my mother's grandparents rights.

Fast forward to last week and some man served me at my place of work (don't know how she found out where I worked) a lawsuit that my mother filed against me stating she wanted her Grandparents rights back. Of course, I was surprised. but not that surprised since this is my mother we are talking about. 

If she would just learn to calm down and lay low for awhile she would be able to talk to her grand daughter again and eventually see her again. But instead she does the exact opposite and files a lawsuit against me. I suppose I am just disappointed more than anything that she can't just be a normal person.  


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