Monday, January 25, 2010

donors, Blood and poison

I swore I would blog this whole affair even started a different blog on another site called living on borrowed blood my short life as a vampire. I wrote the 1st two days and then stopped so I am going to try and do more here I will re-post those other two at some point. Today is day one of round 2 I was really hoping there would not be a round except for the transplant. Was kinda in a do or die mode since we have donor who is a 10 for 10 match. Or at least blood-wise we do. He/she who knows turned in blood quickly and we had the answer by the 5th of January. They were it, but once the donor bank started contacting them they didn't get back to them. Could have been vacation, illness or he could have lived in the middle of nowhere since donors come from everywhere. But he never called back until today.

Tomorrow they are going for an informational meeting and we will hopefully know more about their intentions like whether they intend to do it or not and I can imagine the conversations at the dinner table. Daddy/mommy will it hurt, do you have to go away, will you have to miss work and is it dangerous, Just how will it affect my life? And these are all valid questions and to some extent I would agree there are even valid reasons to say no. But I sure hope they say yes and agree to a free physical where hopefully nothing will be wrong and then he will take the pills for a week to make the stem cells grow in his blood and then will sit for a few hours while the cells are harvested and the rest of their blood is returned to them. That's what I am hoping for. But until then I am sitting at my couch with a take bag of radio active isotopes running through my blood once again killing off all my blood cells. While I sit hoping once again that this is the last time they have to poison me before they try and kill me to cure me. SO regardless of the questions please say yes. The Donor registry is celebrating a few milestones this month. 40000 transplants have been done. and there are officially 8 million donors, which is great and yet pathetic at the same time how many of Americas 250 million not to mention the rest of the world will die cause you have to know the 8Mil aint going to cover much. And the sad part is that it will be mostly minorities that die in particularly in America it will be the American Indians. Its not because of insurance or because the evil rich and poor white folk have some special secret its because they are on the donor registry and the minorities are terribly under represented. SO go to and join its painless and you never have to leave the couch except to get the mail. Someday I even hope to find out who they are and thank them personally.

Until then I will carry my cute little bag filled with my cute little pump and my not so cute bio-hazard chemo bag Hooked by plastic tubes to my definitely not so cute CVC port plugged into my body over my right boob. Brings a whole knew meaning to the concept of a tube top.


Blogger AliceInWonderland said...

I wonder why would someone even volunteer if they weren't absolutely sure of their decision? I hope all works out though.

1:26 PM  

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