Monday, August 25, 2008

Michael Phelps- From the beginning

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Public Sculpture Steps Up - The New York Times > Arts > Slide Show > Slide 1 of 12

Public Sculpture Steps Up - The New York Times > Arts > Slide Show > Slide 1 of 12

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Why does UPS call themselves Brown? Cause their service is crap

Dear UPS

Concerning: Tracking Number 1ZE52A180345209706

If I had not experienced it personally, I would never have believed the level of sheer incompetent service I have received from your company. Let me say now that I do realize the driver that regularly handles my route is on vacation and that if he had been working this would not have happened. and the people I spoke to on the phone and at the local hub were in general polite and friendly while they were telling me I was screwed. That said, there is no excuse for service this poor.

For 3 days now I have been waiting for you to deliver a package that was properly addressed.

Monday 8/11: It was returned to the hub for bogus reasons, as there is no apartment number required. If the driver had even made a good faith attempt, he would have known there was no apartment number needed. I called customer service around 5:30 Monday evening after tracking the package and realizing there had been an exception. Confirmed that the address on the package was correct, that I would be here, and gave them extra phone numbers to contact me at in case they still could not find me for some reason. (Mind you my house is a giant 2 story red brick sitting at the corner of a main intersection. You would have to be blind to miss it.) I was assured it would be out for delivery the next day.

Tuesday 8/12: I had heard nothing by 3:30 and the tracking was not showing it on a truck so I called the 800 number again and was assured it was on a truck and that it would be delivered before 7:00 p.m.. I called back again at approximately. 5:45 and was told, “Sorry it wasn’t going to be delivered until the next day, but that I could go to the local center and pick it up if I wanted to.” I said, “Fine, since you were obviously not capable of doing it.” About 45 minutes later the local hub called me to confirm customer pick up and to tell me that yes, the package was in their hands. I went to the hub, which of course is in the boonies, wasting my time and gas only to be told that, “Sorry, the package was not actually available but instead was on a trailer for delivery the next day.” I was extremely frustrated at this point that your company had wasted my time, not to mention gas, and to me it is inconceivable that they would call and say yes it’s here to pick up, without actually having it in their hands. The gentleman there promised it would be delivered the next day without fail and I went home as I was given no other option.

Wednesday 8/13: Because at this point I in no way trusted your company to do as they said, I checked the tracking status, today the 3rd day I have been waiting for a package that was properly addressed in the first place, only to find out that now it had been pulled off the truck and they expected me to drive the 20 miles to pick it up again, since not only can’t they follow directions, but they also can’t seem to read or they would have realized that “will call” was for yesterday and, oh by the way, I had already been to their office and been told something else.. I called the 800 number again this morning at 9:30AM. I was told that they would contact the local hub and that they would be calling me back within an hour. Needless to say there was never a call. I called the 800 number again at 11:30 This time I spoke to a supervisor, who I hoped would be able to talk to the local hub directly, rather than just exchanging emails. She was able to do that, but I was still informed that, “Sorry, it’s still too late there is no way anyone can deliver the package to me today.” Which means that, yes, I can waste my time and gas to go attempt to pick it up again, or they can deliver tomorrow for its 4th day of delivery attempt. If your company had any investment in customer service, a supervisor would be delivering the package as we speak. You obviously don’t care.

Our company recently had a FedEx get misdirected on a Friday to San Antonio rather than Corpus – one phone call and it was here by 8 am the next morning, which was a Saturday, and of course you know Fedex doesn’t work Saturdays. That’s dedication. Even DHL, a year ago, when a driver pulled the same stunt yours did sending the package back for a bogus reason made a supervisor deliver it. It may not have gotten here until 9PM that night, but it did get here. Pretty sad when UPS has worse customer service than DHL.

I can promise you after this fiasco I will never, ever, ever again use UPS for any mailing. If I am buying from a company and they give me any option at all, I will pay whatever it takes to avoid you. This letter will be posted to by website and Blog and while they are not huge blogs, with only 2000-3000 visitors a month, that should be sufficient to my cause. I am also forwarding a copy of this letter to the company I made my purchase from so they will understand exactly how “brown” treats their customers. Because God knows having their electronics riding around for several days in really hot trucks and not taking the product to the customer was exactly what they had in mind when they chose you for a shipper.

Currently friends and I are betting on whether or not UPS is competent enough to get the package to me by the 4th day.

Sincerely Disgusted

Brandy Dickerson
4902 Ayers
Corpus Christi, TX 78415
(And yes, that is the correct address and no, its doesn’t need an apartment number)

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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Evolving Language

Here is the Washington Post's 2008 Mensa Invitational, which once
again asked readers to take any word from the dictionary, alter it by
adding, subtracting, or changing one letter, and supply a new

The winners are:

1. Cashtration: The act of buying a house, which renders the subject
financially impotent for an indefinite period of time.

2.Ignoranus: A person who's both stupid and an asshole.

3. Intaxication: Euphoria at getting a tax refund, which lasts until
you realize it was your money to start with.

4. Reintarnation: Coming back to life as a hillbilly.

5. Bozone: The substance surrounding stupid people that stops bright
ideas from penetrating. The bozone layer, unfortunately, shows little
sign of breaking down in the near future.

6. Foreploy: Any misrepresentation about yourself for the purpose of
getting laid.

7. Giraffiti: Vandalism spray-painted very, very high.

8. Sarchasm: The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the
person who doesn't get it.

9. Inoculatte: To take coffee intravenously when you are running late.

10. Hipatitis: Terminal coolness.

11. Osteopornosis: A degenerate disease. (This one got extra credit.)

12. Karmageddon: It's when everybody is sending off all these really
bad vibes, and then the Earth explodes, and it's a serious bummer.

13. Decafalon: The grueling event of getting through the day consuming
only things that are good for you

14. Glibido: All talk and no action.

15. Dopeler effect: The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when
they come at you rapidly.

16. Arachnoleptic fit: The frantic dance performed just after you've
accidentally walked through a spider web.

17. Beelzebug: This is when Satan, in the form of a mosquito, gets
into your bedroom at three in the morning and cannot be cast out.

18. Caterpallor: The color you turn after finding half a worm in the
fruit you're eating.