Friday, July 06, 2012

Nothing has to be important or spelled correctly or even make sense. Just share something, anything. Your tragedies, triumphs, how happy, how sad, how crazy you are. Theres a lot to be said really. Just jump in the water is fine.

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

So thus far I have done a piss poor job of keeping this blog active. What could I possible have to say this is important enough to post on moms blog. Well apparently not a whole hell of a lot. I however am happy to see that the other are still posting away. Maybe not as activly as mom would like but she knew how lazy we all are so it's good enough in my book. I hope everyone is having a lovely holiday. Emily is sick, mike is grouchy, but it's cool and raining in the Deseret and I'm going to take a long nap then bake fatty foods later so all and all it could be a lot more awful.