Sunday, October 09, 2011


 I am writing to avoid housework. I have a great deal of it to do and I don't know where to begin. I finally got a some free time last night and rather than tackle the mountainous mess that is my dwelling, I being the fun junk y that I am decided to take the kidsto the HP. We watched Corpus Christ's rendition of Sweeny Todd. It was damn good especially for community theatre, I was only minimally distracted by the fact that Sweeny appeared to weigh at least 300 pounds. At times the set shook when he walked on it.It isn't that I am making a judgement on his weight it was more  the fact that I realized that their were actors below him seperated only by a few shoddy beams. Poor creatures it must have been incredibly hard to give their best performance knowing that thier lives could be in danger. Ahh suffering for their art very commendable. Is anybody out there?