Monday, October 30, 2006

U.S. Rules Allow the Sale of Products Others Ban - Los Angeles Times

U.S. Rules Allow the Sale of Products Others Ban - Los Angeles Times: "U.S. Rules Allow the Sale of Products Others Ban
Chemical-laden goods outlawed in Europe and Japan are permitted in the American market."

Because our government doesn't care what kills us

From the drafts pile/Blogs that don't always make sense.

Excuse me for my absence but one of my other less interesting personalities has had control of my veritable wheel for quite some time. This personality seems to be much more industrious than myself so it surprises me that they did not write. It is probably because they are so damn considerate and do not like to torment people with the minute details of my rather repetitive ground hog day like existence. Let me assure you though all of that is about to change. Not quite sure how but I sense that it is coming and I am just going to go with it. Does these sound like the ramblings of an insane individual? I am in the mood for change. My mate surprises me, he has expressed interest in leaving the area in due time. Due time being in the unfortunate event that his father passes and while I look forward to a new adventure I do not look forward to this.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

eBay Store - Your Tailor: Shirts for Men, Skirt for Men, Cloak s Cap s

eBay Store - Your Tailor: Shirts for Men, Skirt for Men, Cloak s Cap s


See if you can find the differences in this puzzle most people can find just one. There are 12.

In honor of Fall I I'm publishing all my unfinished drafts

Another man with an inferiority complex. I cannot pose a question to him that might force him to think or feel without the ending result bring his yelling at me. Since apparently the only emotion that he is capable of expressing is anger. I am not venting I'm just stating facts. Apparently every time I open my mouth I make him feel stupid. So it's pretty much me enthusiastically supporting him. Me beaming about the children, complaining about those same children. Him complaining about his job, presenting me with his idea of the day and real estate that is pretty much it. Which mostly works f or me because it takes little effort on my part.

Saturday, October 28, 2006


I accept your apology, I said. Even though he really didn't apologize or even comprehend that what he did was wrong. He has these little mini temper tantrum explosions, outbursts at me every day. sometimes it's for something that I've actually done or failed to do but mostly it's for some imaginary wrong and his need to blame someone for something and I'm here and I guess I am an easy target. I would have been perfectly willing to blissed out tonight but nah, happiness is not allowed around here. If he's miserable everyone needs to join his party and if you dont get with the program he'll force you to sign up. Ranger came down stairs and he had a blopop in his mouth. Apparently he convinced someone to get the bag of candy from on top of the refrigerator for him. I took it away and scolded him he began to cry and Kelly asked what was going on. Next thing I know he is in my face yelling at me at the top of his lungs for allowing candy inside the house. This was the very same man that was doling out the sugar up until a few days ago when he saw the dentist bill. Some A-hole came in to the store today and got all pissed cause I didn't jump quick enough for him and didn't get fired for it. Can't believe I even batted an eyelash. I guess I reserve the right to treat me like shit for those that I adore. I guess he has forgotten who I am. The person that is in love with him. I wonder how long he would be able to take it. If I was on his ass 24 seven pointing out his flaws, making sure that I informed him of every moment that he was less than perfect. I wonder what is wrong with me that I actually find this acceptable.


I tried to post a a North Carolina picture of Lindy but it took to long uploading so I abandoned the effort. I took my vitamins and now I am eating a bowl of total. What a good girl I am. Weird stuff. I was on my way home from Walmart with the boys lastnight when suddenly I just started missing the hell out of Kelly. I felt like I had not seen him in a month. I actually got excited the closer I got to home. The boys beat me to the door and I almost pushed them out of the way because they were taking too long giving their daddy love. I was so happy to see him and he was thrilled to be greeted so warmly. Kelly is probably lying about not having any magic powers, he probably placed a spell on me in the morning when he held me before he left for work. He's a sly one that angry Irishman.
I am often times hesitant to give advice to friends, mainly because I feel that I have limited knowledge and expertise in virtually all areas. (Which is better than having no knowledge, I suppose) But at the same time I have neglected to dispense the one real thing that I know. God is always listening, talk to God. God loves you and will give you what you need. So if God thinks you need a good laugh then you will be provided with opportunities to torment your friends.

Friday, October 27, 2006

The scenery in North Carolina was unbelievably beautiful. God is the supreme artist. The explosion of red, peach and gold hues on the autumn leaves intoxicated my soul to the point that my whole adventure was a whole weeks worth of fulfilled psychic visions. Maybe my brain took a needed break from reality, or maybe my mind started my vacation without me months ago. Maybe it was the rough gems that Lindy and I unearthed blessed by God with some mystical power. (Could be my hereditary mental illness has finally manifested itself)
The first day was spent digging in the red Carolina earth and at the end of the day, Lindy held a ruby colored sapphire crystal in her hand. We are told that it might star when it is cut. We got lost on windy steep mountain roads. Ran off a road, stuck in mud and rescued by a true southern gentlemam with wine on his breath a drawl in his speech and I'm positive that if my daughter was not with me I would have thanked him proper.

Being away from the boys and men in my life reminded me that I am indeed and actually a person that might have another purpose other than to serve them. My husband and family will not be irrevocably damaged if I live for myself a bit. If I act like an actual human being and have an independent desire, is not some flaw that I must crush or feel guilt for. Maybe I have been afraid that if I will not be loved if I am myself. Not just a servant, caretaker, entertainer and lover. Vacations are a good thing. Everyone should take them. I may take my next one alone.

Lastnight Kelly was in a pissy mood probably due to the fact I presented him with estimates for the dental work that the children need. He seems to think that Blaze does not need anesthetic to go along with his root canal. Ordinarily I would laugh but this just pissed me off. But I held my tongue, I didn't say what I was thinking. Namely your an idiot! But before he left for work this morning he ran his hands up and down my body and told me how much he loved me so I decided not to leave him. I am ultra easy to manipulate. You can yell at me and treat me like dirt, just show me some affection occasionally and I'll stick around. Kind of like a dog I am.

Maybe he suddenly remembered that he wanted me to type his new resume today.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Men - You Can't Live With 'Em & You Can't Shoot 'Em

For all those men who say, "Why buy a cow when you can get milk for free": Here's an update for you: Now days, 80% of women are against marriage, WHY? Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire pig just to get a little sausage.

1. Men are like ...Laxatives ..They irritate the crap out of you.
2. Men are like… Bananas ... The older they get, the less firm they are.
3. Men are like ...Weather… Nothing can be done to change them.
4. Men are like …Blenders… You need One, but you're not quite sure why.
5. Men are like ... Chocolate Bars ... Sweet, smooth, & they usually head right for your hips.
6. Men are like ..Commercials ... You can't believe a word they say.
7. Men are like …Department Stores...Their clothes are always 1/2 off.
8. Men are like ...Government Bonds ...They take soooooooo long to mature.
9. Men are like ... Mascara… hey usually run at the first sign of emotion.
10. Men are like … Popcorn ..They satisfy you, but only for a little while.
11. Men are like …Snowstorms ... you never know when they're coming, how many inches you'll get or how long it will last.
12. Men are like ..Lava Lamps... Fun to look at, but not very bright.
13. Men are like Parking Spots … All the good ones are taken, the rest are handicapped.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Real Beauty?

Ever wonder why we all seem to have self-esteem issues? Or why men have unrealistic expectations? Hit "Click to play" and watch with your best friend, your mother, your daughter, your sister, or the chick next door.


Sunday, October 08, 2006

What I Did On My Fall Vacation

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Would still be at Discovery Cove, but unfortunately they kicked us out when the park closed.