Wednesday, September 11, 2019


So my employer is batshit crazy. My son is anxiety ridden. My love is not my lover. I have no relationship to speak of with my parents. Got a ton of new gray hair last year. Currently trying to save 100 dogs from certain death. Ya know same old same old. I’m lonely, I am overwhelmed and right now I would really like to be held. Saving up for a weighted blanket because no arms are going to be wrapped around me any time soon and  I am not even sad about that. It is what it is. I wonder sometimes what it is I am all about. My husband is “in love” with someone that suits him better than I and I am just here doing what I do. I am happy for him on some level. I am happy for me at times. You cannot help who you love or how you love. Words of wisdom, if someone tells you about themselves listen really fucking listen. It will save you a shit ton of grief in the long run.