Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Latest Rant

Suggested to K that he get together with his X ASAP to discuss his daughters education as she will be applying to colleges this fall and he is obligated to pay 100% of it. To be nice I offered to give her some info on which schools have early deadlines etc. I then made the mistake of saying that perhaps she would not know these things otherwise as her mother has never impressed me as someone who investigates that kind of stuff. I am not making this shit up, he then sounds almost hurt and asks why I would say that. I refrained from blurting out that I saw her buying alcohol at the grocery store this morning (God I hope it is her day off), it could have been her double. He then said that she is absolutely 100% on top of it, I then said ok then- that makes me feel better, I don't need to worry about it. He got pissed off an hung up on me. Did I mention that I haven't seen him in over 2 weeks and that he's driving home. So really he hung up on me for a perceived slight on his X. WOW... That's interesting.

I really meant well, I don't see his daughter much, but occasionally I will mention something that L is doing or involved in and she will tell me that she would have liked to have done that but that she never heard about it.

Okay I'm a numbskull, turns out his phone went dead and that he did not hang up on.

Monday, April 25, 2011

The Sketchbook Project

The Sketchbook Project

Cool project...

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Well I am feeling bithcy and hormonal and I am not even pregnant!

Friday, April 22, 2011

On a more positive note

I will be having my hair dyed tomorrow with my best friend. Along with an awesome dinner at a new resturaunt the two of us have never been to, followed by shopping at my most favorite mall.

I can't tell you how much I have been looking forward to this. I probably won't get any sleep tonight because I am so excited to have a girl day of pampering! :)

I guess no one also told me that when you are preggers everything is intensified. Such as: missing something, hunger, sadness, anger, etc. It's all 10 times stronger than normal.

I miss my cat to death lately and the other night I cried myself to sleep about it because I was so sad. She will always be my first baby.

I was so hungry to the point of I felt dizzy (even though I had just eaten 2 1/2 hours earlier) and of course I got bitchy! Like, "I need to eat some effin food now or I am going to kill someone!"

I miss my home (Vermont) so much! I miss the green mountains, the hippie people, the small town, and the relaxed and free feeling of being there. I also cried about this too.

I thought when you reach the second trimester you are suppose to feel energized and happier (less moody). Where has that gone? Oh and where is my damn glow? I don't have a glow. I now have the face of a teenager due to the pimples and uneven/oily skin tone.

Being pregnant for me is horrible.

Saturday, April 09, 2011


I must be crazy. WHY WHY WHY did I agree to move back to phoenix. MOM hated being near all her family and I know and understand her reasons why so why do I say SURE lets move there. I am so looking forward to being close to my dad and my brother. I just love Amber so thats not a problem. But some people there really get on my last nerve.


Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Say Hey (I Love You) Lryics Michael Franti & Spearhead

He saw the bedroom door open by itself and it annoyed him. It was the invisible woman again trying to interrupt his life. He heard it say, "Bla Bla Bla, need my keys to drive your child to school". He told it to go away because he was busy talking to his eldest son. He knew that it was probably unwise to talk to invisible creatures because it is commonly known that when they talk back, they just make you feel stupid. The Ogre decided to answer her anyway,(he had concluded that the entity was at least female because it was so damn annoying and besides that he liked having sex with it.) It started mumbling something about the tiny Ogre being late for school. He knew that it must be a trick of some sort because he knew very well that his tiny Ogre was carried to school each morning in the invisible remote control car piloted by NASA. So the Ogre used his best Ogre voice to tell her that he didn't care and truly he did not. It was against one one of the basic Ogre core principles to care about creatures that didn't even have the common decency to be visible.

The invisible woman really did not want to go out in public in her PJ's but it's invisible clothes were in the bedroom. This probably wouldn't have been a problem for her had she realized that since she was invisible no one could see her.The invisible creature's main source of strife in it's existence was that the poor dumb sap did not realize that she was of the clear persuasion. It thought itself to be both conspicuous and human. So it was always puzzling to it when the "REAL" people did not respond to her the way that she expected them to.

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

If nothing else he inspires me to write and that is something.

Asperger's Syndrome in Adults

He has most of the symptoms, but then again it could just be asshole syndrome. Asperger's Syndrome in Adults

Paul Simon - Slip Slidin' Away + lyrics

tales from the crypt

Sometimes I get migraines that are so severe that all I can think about is trying to find a dark quiet place to hide from the world. My physician has given me an assortment of medications and I have yet to find anything that will prevent or 100% alleviate the pain. What I have found that works best for me is to drink a coca cola take a Lortab, hide and ride it out. If I am lucky the pain may only last 3-4 hours. I have had some episodes that have lasted days. I am fortunate that I do not have migraines often, I have gone months without a single one,not even a regular headache. Then there are other times where I have a string of them for weeks on end. On the pain scale of 1-10 I would have to say that my typical migraine would have to be about a 8, 9 being labor pains and 10 being pain from a kidney stone. That being said I would not wish that kind of pain on my worst enemy. I can't think of anyone that I dislike enough to give this particular kind of hurt. There are certain medications that I like to have in the house at all times, and aside from the kids stuff Lortab is one of them.

Lindy woke up this morning and had a back ache and sore shoulders (I'm assuming it was from the Rhabdo). I told her I could take her back to the doc early to check her CPK level to make sure that it is not going back up. I offered her a Tylenol, the hospital doc prescribed her Lortab. I never picked up her prescription because I had some at home. I gave her a couple when she first got home from the hospital but then her Dr.told me to discontinue that, so I did. She asked me for one this morning and I told her no that I would have to ask the Dr. first. She was pretty irritable and she told me that she didn't want to miss school and asked again for a Lortab. I asked Kelly what he thought and he agreed that if she was in that much pain we just needed to take her back to the doc. I told him that she had taken a Lortab when his sister was watching her even though I had told her to just take Tylenol. He asked me why we even had it in the house. I explained to him that it was for my headaches (which I have told him before and he didn't agree with). He told me that I didn't need it and that I can just take a Tylenol like everyone else for my headaches. I suggested that we lock it in his office, since Lindy self medicating may be an issue. He said No and yelled at me until I flushed it down the toilet. So we can lock up the guns but not the migraine medicine.

No I don't think that my kid is an addict, I think she is in pain.

I don't have a migraine at the moment so not having the meds is not an issue this second. I can get more and I will because having nothing is not an option, the Lortabs are slightly better than nothing but they help me bear it a little and it hurts to know that he thinks so little of me. I don't like hiding things from him, maybe I will take him to the doctor with me so that he will get it. I want to believe that he just doesn't get it because the alternative is that he just doesn't give a shit.

Monday, April 04, 2011

The Times They Are A-Changin'

Whew! What a crazy last week it has been! So the boyfriend has officially moved in. And it has been chaos ever since. I knew it was going to be difficult having a new addition to my studio apartment (actually two new additions which would include his lab mix: Guinness), but I honestly didn't forsee it being this hard. First off, let me tell you that I have lived on my own for almost 5 years now. My own place, my own things, my own quirks, my own rules, and my own time. I was definately "set in my ways" so to speak. That has all changed within the last 4 days. My world has been turned upside down. I now have to deal with the fact that their is a clumsy stoned ADHD man who lives with me now. Who is the father of my unborn child. And even though I freakin love him to death, he is driving me crazy at this point! A list of arguments we had this weekend: Friday Night (Date Night): I took him to the Phoenix SUNS game. I sold two extra tickets that I had for 80 bucks. My tickets. I sold them so I earned the money. Well he automatically said, "Well I guess I know who is paying for dinner." Um nooooo. I didn't just make this money so I could spend it on our dinner tonight Mister! And so he ended up paying for dinner and was upset about it. Saturday morning: It's around 9:30am I believe and all is quiet in the house until the boyfriend says loudly while standing over my bed, "Are you sleeping?" "Yes I am sleeping." "Well are you going to get up? Whatcha doing?" "You just have no consideration do you?" I say grumpily "Why should I?" Upon that answer I get up immediately from the bed furious and rush into the bathroom to take a shower. I get dressed and as I walk out the door I tell him, "I'm leaving." "Where are you going?" "To my mom's" "Well I can leave too." "You do that!" I said with my voice slightly raised As I am about to back out of my parking space he sarcastically waves his hand goodbye at me and smiles. I in return, flip him off and speed off out of the parking lot. Of course we have gotten over both these arguments already. But these little arguments are tremendously draining for me at this point. Ugh... How much longer can I put up with this!?

Ying's World

In the little world of my mind, I have always imagined that if I really really needed someone that they would be there for me. When my husband is at work, and I am alone in the emergency or hospital room I just say to myself he would be here if he could be and sometimes I just pretend that he is there. That's how I get by being alone over half the time. When he is home and he refuses to give me what I need it just reminds me that I really am all alone. I don't really like that feeling, I lashed out at him and called him an asshole in front of the kids. I know it wasn't right but I had such a hard time saying nothing and I was just hurting so much. If the kids get sick , I take care of them, if I get sick I take care of them. What I needed from him was for him to help reinforce the illusion that I could actually depend on him for something. I'm pretty mad at him right now and it doesn't have much to do with him not going to the pharmacy for me. I just can't stop thinking about all the times that he is not there for me.

I keep thinking of when I was sitting in the ICU with B and he didn't even call and ask how we were doing. Called once to bitch at me for not writing a check the way that he has instructed me to. B had asked for a Jamba Juice and I called him to bring one because I din't want to leave her side. He said no and it broke my freaking heart. Just one small thing, and he said no. He couldn't be bothered to. I do the most stupidest ass shit for him all the time and he couldn't even do that for me. That kind of shit is pretty typical with him.

I tried talking to him about how much it hurt that he wouldn't help me by going to the pharmacy and he said that he was so tired from driving that he didn't want to fall asleep on the road. I just had to point out that he always stops at the post office on the way home (that doesn't really sound like complete exhaustion does it?) Whenever I ask him for his help he always asks the same shitty thing. "Why can't you do it?" I asked him for help unloading some boxes from my car a couple of months ago. He asked me why I needed his help and I told him that I am not supposed to lift much because of recent surgery. He never got around to helping me, I got someone else to put the boxes in the garage before I went to Nashville. He will probably complain when he notices that they are in there.

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Mi vida loca + I know who doesn't have my back.


It's been crazy around here lately, 10 days ago Lil Kel got upset at his sister and decided to throw a dresser drawer down the stairs, drawer lands on Roos head and we make a trip to the emergency room for a staple in the scalp(husband is off shore of course). 9 days ago L wakes up and can hardly get out of bed, she's in immense pain nearly from head to toe, and is unable to urinate. Also looks like she's gained 20lbs over night. So I take her to the Dr. and they are either too stupid, or don't have the right size catheter for her. I guess they have forgotten that children are sometimes as big or bigger than adults. They do some tests find nothing wrong and tell me to flood her with fluids and that if she still can't pee by the evening to take her to the ER. So we get her pipes working but she is still in immense pain and the next day she wakes up and I swear one leg is twice as big as the other, So I call for something to alleviate the pain, they say that she should take tylenol and I feel like saying, "I'm not a fucking moron, I'm calling you because she needs more than a tylenol you brain dead shit". So I think they told me to go to the ER just to get rid of me. Took her to the ER and after 8 hours of tests after test a dude that looks like a Hessidic Doogie Hauser (yeah imagine that) calls me in to a room and wants me to consider that fact that my daughter is a nut job and that there may not be anything wrong with her. To this I replied that it was possible that she is a wacko but that I genuinely believed that she was in pain and wacko or no how do you explain the swollen leg and weight gain. He said that this concerned him as well, but was dismissive and said that there was still one test that were waiting on. One that was suggested by the Children's Clinic that I take her to. So Doogie's shift ends, the test comes back and BINGO we have a winner. She's got Rhabdomyolosys (probably spelled that wrong). Rare, painful, and causes kidney failure. So she is hospitalized and all they do for her is take a bunch of blood and hydrate her. So after a couple of days the CPK (protein in her blood) is going down and I get them to let her continue her recovery at home. I am stressed to the hilt trying to take care of kids and be with L , my husband is off shore of course. 5 days ago Ranger 2nd baseball game, he hits the ball (AMAZINGLY! HE GETS A RUN) I'm ecstatic, elated. Until another kid hits the ball over the fence and all the boys run out to congratulate him on is home run and someone swings a bat and hits my baby in the head and there is blood gushing out of Roo's head and no man has the sense to take off their shirt for him. So big brother takes off his and after being checked out by one of the Dad's that is a plastic surgeon we are off to the ER again (I call SIL to bring big brother a shirt, and she says no she is playing darts at bar) she does call her 80 plus year old father to bring us one though. If I wante dto get the old dude out of bed I woud have called him. Fucking heartless bitch (She's now on the top of my shit list) A little after 3 am the same lady that put the staple in takes it out and gives him four stitches above the eye. Next day drive to San Antonio and take 2 delayed flights kids in tow to hook up with husband in Nashville. Honestly was so frazzled that I would have skipped the trip but I being a smart woman realize that if I throw away these non refundable tickets that frugal husband will never let us go anywhere again. Kel was supposed to wait up for us (finally made it to Nashville at about 11:30 pm). Anywho he fell asleep and big freaking surprise didn't get any of my calls. It takes an hour to wait in line and check to hotel, find him in bed asleep. In his defense he really didn't get my calls. Had a nice couple of days up until it was time to printout boarding passes at the hotel, I must have imagined that the lady who was waiting next to us complained about how slow I was. looked up at her and very seriously (NOT BITCHY AT ALL) said, " I just got on, I have 4 boarding passes to print out." She then said sorry, I was talking about the line in general not you. Well as the lady was saying this my ASSHOLE husband flicks me on the head. Because we all know who doesn't have my back. I think that in the unlikely event that I was ever in a physical altercation the man would probably help someone jump me. Then a wake up at 4 am to catch a couple of planes back to San Anton get in the car drive a few hours back. Find out when I get home that SIL didn't even really spend any time with L and went drinking nightly. Talked to SIl who doesn't deny it, she said she had trouble sleeping. L said SIL also had the nuts to criticize my housekeeping. Then Roo promptly starts to barf and barf and barf falls asleep and even barfs while he's sleeping. Husband walks through the door at midnight and since I am frazzled and not dressed I ask him to go to the 24 hour pharmacy and get aceteminophin suppositories for our feverish barfing boy. He looks at me like I'm a fucking idiot and says why can't you do it. I just got home I'm tired. I look at him, daggers in my eyes, expecting himto change his tune and say something like yes honey. So I grab my closest shoes (cowboy boots) with no socks, they really go great with my excersize pants and tie dye shirt. I slam the door on the way out. Get home and lay with sick boy on the couch until 6:30 am, then I tell stupid man to lay with him so I can nap til 8:30. I take Roo to the Dr. who is actually a Nurse practitioner who was such a freaking moron that I am rethinking ever having the kids seen by a NP again (and up until recently all the NP's we have ever seen totally rocked) Anywho they take his temp and it is close to normal but I tell them to take it under the arm because he just took a popsicle out of his mouth. They don't then the rocket scientist sends us to the lab and after waiting 20 minutes, ROO who is gifted prompts me to go leave the lab and ask what the hold up is. NP gos oh forgot it's closed on Sunday. No the bitch doesn't apologize. Then she wants to send me home with phenergan pills for the nausea and I look at her scarcely hiding the fact that I feel she is a freaking moron and very sweetly remind her that Roo is barfing and that he won't be able to hold it down. Then she looks all confused like she doesn't know what to do. So I say, how about a shot. Then she says but a shot won't last long, pills are better. I speak very very clearly and slowly. How about you give him both I suggested.Her face lit up like she just had her first intelligent thought for the day. So this is my life. THIS IS NOT FICTION!This is my life. My husband is a total shit.

Friday, April 01, 2011

World's Best Island Hotels

World's Best Island Hotels

B - I miss you.