Friday, December 31, 2004

Happy New Year!

Wasn't there another post or am I hallucinating? Here is a pic of my beautiful youngest daughter and our new little puppy dog...(still no name)....

I have been working on tiling my bathroom floor, as my roommate informed me she was leaving for a week, on a cruise with her family, and I have here enough tile and thinset, leaving the only financial investment at the moment being for grout. I'm liking it, but wow, what a lot of work! I'll shoot pics of that when I get further into it :-)

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Court Backs Firing of Waitress Without Makeup

iWon News: "A female bartender who refused to wear makeup at a Reno, Nevada, casino was not unfairly dismissed from her job, a U.S. federal appeals court ruled on Tuesday."

This is wrong in so many many ways

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Chocolate: A Boon for the Libido and the Heart

Chocolate: A Boon for the Libido and the Heart: "SUNDAY, Dec. 26 (HealthDay News) -- Chocolate. It's on everyone's wish list. And for good reason.

There's something about chocolate, something beyond tactile taste that is indefinable, ineffable and inexpressible.

And as the medical reviews keep coming in, there's evidence that chocolate may meet a variety of needs, from the libido to the heart.

The most recent finding has an Italian researcher saying he has found an association between eating chocolate and sexual fulfillment. Women who love chocolate, he says, seem to have better love lives. "

Was there ever any doubt

Those pictures are precious, but I still hate Christmas

.....and I am always so glad it's over. Don't get me wrong...I love feasts, and eating lots of sweets, I love giving and getting gifts and feeling good will towards most mankind....but....of course there is the other side, and this is only my second holiday season in my 'new life'...much better than last year, but still not settled into a new routine or traditions....I have been thinking about that, what kind of traditions do I want to establish, since I have sort of a fresh start....

We have a new member of the family here. Steffin was given a puppy... (his friend called me first to see if it was okay) 8 week old Australian Shepherd...he loves that breed and has raised them, and this lil guy is sooooo cute! No name yet...but I'll post a pic of him when I get a decent one....he's pretty busy...

Monday, December 27, 2004

We have had a request

hey! i kind of just started a battle of the sexes and i posted the same website for jokes. im a female. i need jokes and stories about men being .. stupid! :D
if u got n e plz email me!

This made it to our comments board. I have not tested the email addy so I don't know if the request is bogus or not but feel free to post any and all stupid men stories to the blog.

More snow in Corpus And Christmas pictures

Great picture Lydia, Nice to see you survived your holiday insanity. Its wonderful hearing from you again. I haven't been writing much but now I can least show you why. Decided to be nuts this year and make a quilt for April. I am not a seamstress and couldn't cut a straight line if my life depended on it. Luckily the hubby cuts very straight lines. TOo many pictures to put up so you get links to web pages.

Corpus Christi Christmas Snow 2004

April and Emmy Christmas Quilts 2004

Christmas presents and family Photos As you can see Emily was the star of the show

Emilys Blog also has more Christmas and other photos for anyone that wants to see.

More later - something serious and properly nostalgic. I promise

Snow in Corpus Christi! December 24! (Lydia's beautiful frozen daughter Lindy) Posted by Hello

Sunday, December 26, 2004

Google Press Center: Zeitgeist

2004 Year-End Google Zeitgeist
Search patterns, trends, and surprises

Google Press Center: Zeitgeist

Friday, December 24, 2004

Recipe Casserole Green Chili Cheese Egg Internet Cookbook

Recipe Casserole Green Chili Cheese Egg Internet Cookbook:

I love potluck foods - But I don't get to work in an office anymore so occasionally we celebrate the not having to work in a cubicle with pot luck meals for 2. For Christmas Eve Breakfast because it is the pot luck season I chose that delectable festive favorite, Green CHili Eggs

The original large feed recipe can be found at the web link above. My altered just for 2 or 3 people with what I had in the fridge recipe is below.

One 8-ounce can green chilis mixed with 1/2 a can of fiesta corn leftover from making cornbread 2 days ago.
1/2 - 3/4 small bag shredded colby Jack Cheese
4 eggs
3/4 C sour cream
Small amount of shaved ham

Drain chilis and place in bottom of greased 6-inch round baking pan. Top with cheese then ham make a couple of layers. Combine eggs and sour cream with wire whisk. Salt and Pepper to taste. Pour over chili and cheese layers. Bake in 350-degree oven for 30 minutes. Cut into 1/4 or 1/3 pie slices and served with leftover cornbread covered in butter and honey and a little melon on the side


pollitics as usual

pollitics as usual

Luxury Seekers Making Merry This Season

iWon News: "Fancy a $20,000 suit of armor under the Christmas tree? Or how about a crystal-encrusted Mrs. Potato Head for $8,000? Or maybe a $50,000 Ferrari go-cart?

While many U.S. retailers are cutting prices to draw crowds and bolster holiday sales, upscale U.S. retailers are having a merry time meeting strong demand for luxury gifts."

As we kept saying, under Bush the rich get richer and the poor get poorer and in keeping with the trickle down theory the money is currently moving to people who make toys that only the rich can afford.

Aren't we lucky to have such an intelligent enlightened man for president, God save us all from those moral red staters.

Falluja Returnees Angry, 'City Unfit for Animals'

iWon News: "FALLUJA, Iraq (Reuters) - Iraqis reacted with anger, frustration and resentment Friday after many returned to Falluja to discover their homes in rubble and their livelihoods ruined following last month's U.S. offensive.

'I saw the city and al-Andalus destroyed,' said Ali Mahmood, 35, referring to the district of the city he returned to briefly Thursday but now plans to leave after seeing the mess."

NOt sure what they were expecting did they miss those pictures of PAris in WWII. Bombing has never been pretty and it brings a whole new meaning to surgical

Thursday, December 23, 2004

I want Fruit Loops with Pop Rocks and The marshmallows from lucky charms and make that regular milk

"It's all cereal. Seriously.:

Cereality Cereal Bar & Cafe, which opened its first sit-down cafe Wednesday on the University of Pennsylvania campus, is a sugarcoated -- and tongue-in-cheek -- homage to what your mother always told you was the most important meal of the day.

But she probably never dished out bowls of Froot Loops and Cap'n Crunch topped with Pop Rocks."

eBay item 3771067185 (Ends Dec-31-04 14:10:54 PST) - CENSORED ANIMAL SAVIDO BUSH MONKEYS PAINTING AUCTION

eBay item 3771067185 (Ends Dec-31-04 14:10:54 PST) - CENSORED ANIMAL SAVIDO BUSH MONKEYS PAINTING AUCTION

Can't believe they closed an art show for this. SOmeone defiantely lacks a sense of humor

Bush Monkey Picture Shown on Giant Billboard

iWon News: "A portrait of President Bush using monkeys to form his image that was banished from a New York art show last week amid charges of censorship was projected on a giant billboard in Manhattan"

Choose The Blue

Choose The Blue
If you want to spend your money with non-Republican supporting companies....

Mark Twain quote

Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or imbeciles who really mean it.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Bush waste yet more of the tax payers money but keeps madison avenue happy

iWon News: "President Bush will spearhead an election-style public relations campaign early next year to try to convince Americans that Social Security is in urgent need of change but will keep dollar and cent details deliberately vague, analysts and officials say.

With Bush's political capital riding on a successful overhaul of the popular retirement program, the White House and its allies plan to bombard the public with presidential speeches, television and radio ads, newspaper op-ed articles and grass-roots rallies between now and early 2005."

I vote take all the money he will waste on this advertising and put it into the SS coffers. It would only be a drop in the bucket but overall better for the system than his privitization plan


Can't quite decide if I feel like sobbing or homicide. Spouses of the world please take note. If you are cohabitating with another human being and you decide to invite your entire family over for a big holiday meal and celebration. It would be prudent to inform the person that will be responsible for the cooking, cleaning, gift wrapping etc. I just found out from my sister in law that Kelly planned Christmas at our house this year. How nice that I know now. Well I was making mexican food! Now I'm cooking a turkey! If anyone out there truly loves me, please drop by with a bottle of anything containing alcohol.

A warm fuzzy Christmas Story

A warm fuzzy Christmas story sort of involving yet another one of my mothers over priced jogging suits. When I was 18 and about to embark on a trip to Europe my mother presented me with gifts the night before my departure. One of which was, you guessed it an over priced nylon jogging suit from Nordstroms. Although jogging suits are just not my style (the whole hating to run and loathing sports shoes thing), as far as jogging suits went, this one was pretty groovy. The jacket had all these wild brightly colored faces on it and I have to this day never seen another one like it. Every time I opened my whatever piece of furniture they use instead of closets in Germany it always made me smile. Even though I never wore it, I did think enough of it to include it in the relatively few belongings that I packed when I high tailed it out of there running from ex-husband numero uno. The jacket remained in whatever closet I occupied moving from place to place, generally feeling unappreciated until just prior to divorce number two when newly single mother Lydia worked any temp job she could to get some cash. She was working at the Memorial coliseum former home of the Ice Rays scrubbing toilets for almost minimum wage. It was freaking freezing in there and as she had no decent jacket she found herself wearing what ever was in her closet. I'm not a very good story teller so this is where I'll break off and tell you that it was Christmas time and every time I went to HEB, I would eye this plastic car that would be perfect for a one year old boy to scoot around the yard in. It was twenty dollars which really isn't that much but when you are broke and only spending about 50 dollars a week to eat it sure seems like a lot. I wanted that car so badly, I could just see my little Blazer man scooting around the yard in it. The car was still in my thoughts that evening as I worked in the ice box Coliseum. It was boxing tonight which meant more drunks than usual lucky me. I was sweeping up trash when this skinny old Mexican guy that smelled like a brewery walked up to me and asked. "It's fucking freezing in here, let me wear your jacket". I just laughed and walked away. He walked up to me again and I thought that he was going to hit on me but instead he offered me fifty dollars for my fancy jogging jacket! SOLD!!! He put my jacket on and it looked good on him too. All be it a bit feminine. I was a happy camper! I bought the plastic car and it has been very loved by the two eldest boys. It is about time for it to retire so Ranger will never know this particular vehicle. So that is a Christmas story for you. Somewhere out there a scraggly Mexican dude has got my jacket. A footnote to this story would be that one of the maintenance men at the Coliseum found out I had sold my jacket and had his wife buy me a white fleece hooded jacket at Walmart. Which I appreciated and wore until I quit all my temp jobs to work as a cocktail waitress at the Palace. The end.

CBS News | Wal-Mart Sued Over Gun Suicide | December 22, 2004�09:01:10

CBS News | Wal-Mart Sued Over Gun Suicide | December 22, 2004�09:01:10: "AP) Near the end of her short life, Shayla Stewart, a diagnosed manic-depressive and schizophrenic, assaulted police officers and was arrested for attacking a fellow customer at a Wal-Mart store where she had a prescription for anti-psychotic medication.

Given all those signs, her parents say, another Wal-Mart just 7 miles away should have never sold her the shotgun she used to kill herself at age 24 in 2003. ".

It is a sad case but still a stupid lawsuit. You can't keep blaming the gun deaths on people other than the people who use the guns. I personally hate walmart and would love to see them go out of business but not by way of stupid lawsuit.

I have never understood how people can think that a court battle and some money will make the pain go away - to me it cheapens the very death they are so upset over

Protests Planned for 2nd Bush Inauguration

Protests Planned for 2nd Bush Inauguration

Wish I was going to be there

Merry Christmas Miss Brandy!

Saw that Lydia and Mishy had blogged, so thought maybe I could sneak a blog in and please B to no end. All of us in a row - EGADS and see...miracles do happen!
I feel the same - Christmas is the LEAST spiritual time of year in our culture and I've always felt like Spring and its time of renewel and birth are much more spritual, but that's just a personal thing. So, I've always tried to concentrate on the wonder and magic the wee ones have at this time of year. (That all seems more "spirtual" to me than the excess that we all fall victim to around the holidays.)
For those of you who don't know, I'm married to the original Scrooge - not that he's a miser, but I've never met anyone who has such a deep and abiding dislike of all things Noel. While his son was still living at home, I insisted on a tree and all the decorations, as this poor kid had never had a tree!! Since he left home, I have respected my dearest's feelings and we've only had a tree one year, when Cj was here for Christmas Day. Not so much as a holiday tune in this house! Well . . . I informed him the other day that next year we will at least have a tree. Call me shallow, but I miss the pretty lights! (Of course, I'm simple minded enough that twinkling lights will hold me mezmerized for hours, and like a crow, I like shiny things and sparkling bling-blings.)
We are going to Janelle's late Friday night (idiots, traveling on Christmas Eve...I know!) and returning on Sunday. It will be fun watching Cj and McKenzie open presents Christmas a.m. and this will be my daughter's first time doing the "family holiday meal" thing. It should be amusing.
Had another birthday last week, turning 47. Can't say I feel any different - okay, the body doesn't look or feel the same, but mentally I still feel 12.
For what it's worth, Lydia, I agree with Kelly. Give her the gifts your mom sent and if she really is disappointed, go from there. She may surprise you (we tend to forget our kids aren't us) and this may actually be an event she looks back on later fondly, rememberiing her "eccentric" grandmother. (Sort of like the Christmas card I sent to Kenzie last week. She's 1-1/2 and the other night my daughter and son-in-law called, both laughing hysterically. Apparently I sent a card reading "When you were little you were so sweet, blah blah blah. Now that you're all grown up, you blah, blah, blah." They felt this HAD to go into Kenzie's scrapbook with the date, so Kenzie would know just what airhead genes she comes from.)
Well, I'm sure I have much more blathering to do, but will close for now and in the event I don't return to the Land of Blog before the weekend, everyone have a FUN holiday!!!
Merry Christmas, B!

It is a crazy time of year. I am Jewish, raised with Hanukah, but my three siblings and I, and even our dad after he and mom divorced, all married outside the faith...and even Mom had a Christmas tree and all the trimmings during the past 20 years. It was kind of weird, for me, to come to the reality of the new customs and traditions, but I love celebration and ritual, and my whole family had menorahs *and* Christmas trees, so I just had fun with it. I love a feast, and giving gifts, but of course all the commerciality of it is nauseating. So, last year, with the new family situation, I was generous and gave up Christmas completely (what do I care?), trading it off for another day so they could go spend time with Gary's family. This year, it falls on 'my weekend' again, and I am trading it off again, so they can go see the family with all the new generation of kids coming along....they like that, and I have no family here. I'm inviting the four kids over for a ham dinner sometime this week or next...and we will exchange gifts. I always give the kids fifty bucks, and stuff a big stocking for them, that's my personal ritual...I'll let Gary do the massive gift buying spree...I did that for 20 years! And I have money for them from my dad, so they make a good haul. They'll come see me to pick up their money, of course :-/

In perspective though, wow, it sure is quiet and peaceful around here, and I have had time to really continue cleaning and organizing...I might even get my filing in order soon...yikes!

John Bennett Pottery, stoneware pots, ceramic sea sculptures

John Bennett Pottery, stoneware pots, ceramic sea sculptures
There is another page of sea sculptures, can't remember if I blogged this before...

If I start a desert dragon blog, should I use their website location or create my own like you did Ms B?

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

The Christmas Crazies

Maybe it is the season. Never particularly cared for Christmas. My Aunt Lindy passed away this time of year but I had negative associations before that. I feel least spiritual at this time of year. I even seem to avoid going to church. Just plain weird. I don't know if Santa would say that I've been good this year. I certainly have tried not to be bad but don't know if I am on the "good list". Here's a Christmas story for you. I called Kelly this morning and asked him if I should go out and buy my little Lindy some toys from her Nana. I opened the kid's packages (Nana sent the gifts unwrapped) and while the boys got piles of fun toys the girl child got shoes, a coat, 100 dollar jogging suit,women's size six red suit (no tags attached so can't return this item)and a couple of purses. Lindy is eight years old, she's five foot tall but still eight years old. She likes things like paint, and clay, and music and pretty barbie dolls. I had this horrid flash back of myself crying on my birthday because I received a khaki colored winter coat and not a toy. We were not poor, so necessities need not be purchased for Holidays. I don't know what this is about. I should not be reliving the disappointments of youth but I'm just imagining her opening these gifts. Hey, I'm not afraid of exchanging gifts. The woman's suit was really strange. My mother forced me to wear business suits charcoal gray, to school in the eighth grade. I cried and cried at the time but she would not give in. I finally asked her about this last year and she said that those are the clothes I chose. She has a selective memory. Anyway Kelly says that I should just give the things to Lindy and let her know we can exchange them.

Personalized Baby Gifts for Newborns, Parents & Grandparents

Personalized Baby Gifts for Newborns, Parents & Grandparents: "
Birth, Christening, 1st Christmas & More"

And Click Here

Personalized Christmas Ornaments

Personalized Christmas Ornaments: "Personalized ORNAMENTS"

April Click on this one

Christmas Don'ts

Ten Things Not to Buy for Christmas

How to have an environmentally guilt free christmas

This was from December 2004 (that job didn't last long)

I don't know how it actually happened but I did find time to read the blog and I am almost caught up now. I was just going to read and for go the posting part but the I miss you from Brandy made me remember that this blogging thing is actually something that I enjoy doing and we must always make time for those things or people. I'm not going to make any blood oathes about writing with any frequency because that will only make me guilt ridden when I fail to fullfil my own commitments to myself. My how my life has changed, I have so much to share and do not know where to begin. I'll begin with today, I went to Rockport and then Port Aransas and as I drove along looking at the water I thought to myself, this job is alright. It was chilly outside and I wore a big red wool coat. A size 10 wool coat. I had limited success with my diet and did not reach my goal 30th birthday weight but it really matters very little to me now. Well Florida served it's purpose, I am well trained to be a distributor of fabulous conservative unnoffensive books to the masses of underpaid school teachers in our area. I like my job, I like books, I think that I like this more than anything else that I've been paid to do. Well except for the dancing. It has now been perhaps weeks since I started this blog. Will I ever finish it? I don't know, I just don't know. I could just publish my thoughts for the day. I took little Kel to see Disney on ice today, we went with the Startz clan minus Cristal and the new baby.


Just to let you know how much negative energy is hovering around me I some how managed to erase my blog. It was some pretty good stuff too. I'll attempt to recreate it but I'm sure that it will be missing some of the angst. Well it has finally happened. Always have wondered when I would wake up and realize that I was insane. I may have finally lost what little of my functioning mind that was actually in use. Not so happy to announce that guess what people at just the tender age of thirty I have already become my mother. That psycho bitch is me! My two elder children have driven me to do and say things that I swore I never would and wouldn't you know it I am feeling very sympathetic towards my mother. Poor woman she had absolutely no help. She worked so hard! So what if she was an alcoholic and I got a few beatings that I didn't really deserve. I probably did deserve them! Well I'm swimming in an extraordinary pile of shit here at home. Due to the fact that since I've been working I've done even less than usual. So here I am again as usual feeling so overwhelmed. So very overwhelmed and unappreciated. Some of the negativity in my life may be due to the fact that I have given up my fantasy life in an effort to pay more attention. I think that it may have been the only thing keeping me sane. I've decided to rid myself of those things that are cluttering my life. Then I realized that I have nothing, it's everyone else's crap that is cluttering my life. I guess I could throw away some make up or a picture of a certain red haired boy standing near his red sports car but damn it I don't want to. Yes I've quit pretending that he'll show up any minute to whisk me to France. When I had the chance I didn't take it because I had no time to pack. Now here I am and I keep throwing away the dust pan and losing my car keys and misplacing my drivers license. My kids are bad and my husband yells at me too much and I'll have to act like I don't care when he doesn't get me anything for Christmas. I try hard to help others but at heart I am a very selfish person. I just am.

GPS hide n seek games

So has anyone seen these games they play now with the GPS thingies? It's like...they pick a theme, and hide various places around the globe, and whoever wants to play can join in, go find a stash, and replace it with something within the they have a women's game, where the stashes have bath beads and that kinda girly stuff....We were talking about it at the open house, and a potter friend said she thought it'd be cool to establish an art theme one, or a clay-art theme one....have to scope it out and see how they get these things going...but I need a GPS so I can play too!!!!! I thought it sounded like lots of fun...

Monday, December 20, 2004



Sunday, December 19, 2004

Bopbush Inflatable Bush doll

Bopbush Inflatable Bush doll

Site is a tad extreme but what a great way for the Dems to take out their frustrations

Cost of War

Cost of War

Studio Open House was a great success

We had great traffic all day, my roomie, Jill (who makes really nice functional pots, and had a bunch), sold over $250, and I get 20 %.... I didn't sell nearly that much, but future students, and open studio customers and jobs teaching pottery to other groups came up, much potential business, which is probably even better. The kiln opening was gorgeous and my current students are excited about their pots and enthused about the studio being newly organized and cleaned. Steffin just kind of putters around in the background, staying out of the way and helping all the time, he's really a gem. I told him last night, it is a new thing, for me, having a partner actually *there*, participating in the activity and party, and socializing with the people, and he even invited his friend to bring his family down. It's a really nice feeling. So, today I will clean up from the festivities...and then get down to making more stuff!!! I will try to get some photographs of the studio all clean and some of the pieces out of the kiln yesterday, we are working on some glazes with rutile, going for the purple marbles that run like a motha'. Got close :-)

Saturday, December 18, 2004

An Idealistic College Political Blog. If only they could retain their passion into middle age

Gate Cache

Friday, December 17, 2004

Inauguration to Emphasize War, Sacrifice

iWon News: "In January, as war continues in Iraq and Afghanistan, Bush's second inauguration will heavily emphasize the ongoing conflicts and sacrifices by U.S. forces with the theme, 'Celebrating Freedom, Honoring Service.' But the festivities will rival those held during peacetime.

On tap are nine official balls, a youth concert, a parade, a fireworks display and, of course, Bush's second swearing-in ceremony and speech at noon on Jan. 20. Planners put the cost at $30 million to $40 million, excluding expenses for security for the first post-Sept. 11 inauguration."

The only sacrifice I am seeing int his picture is that of the tax payers and the soldiers and maybe that of common sense. I don't and have never understaood the sheer waste of money spent at these function. They are not royalty and its certainly not like the common people get to go. They call it a celebration of democracy I call it a waste of money. And it is our money they are wasting.

The White House has already warned federal agencies including the Education Department to brace for slower spending and possibly outright budget cuts, Democrats say.

So if I have this right Education is not as important is Shrub's mind as his party. He act like 40 million is nothing and to hime it isn't but to education, and health care it could mean a great deal

Earth-Hostile Chemical Gets White House OK

iWon News: "'Catering to a handful of big chemical and agribusiness interests, the Bush administration is actually expanding the use of this dangerous, ozone-destroying chemical,' said David Doniger, a policy director at the Natural Resources Defense Council."

Remember the Green House effect isn't real and besides we are the United States, its okay if we poison the world.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

First they brought us Great political shorts and now

They are bringing us Grumpy Santa. For all you Scrooges out there

I get the evil ones!

Mishy is welcome to join us, but I get first dibs on all the evil costumes. I know the point of costumes and masks is to disguise you, but I think they should also reflect at least one aspect of your basic personality. Thus - I get to be all the evil and/or mean characters.

Yummy (and easy!) Crock Pot Oriental Chicken

2 pounds boneless chicken pieces (I use boneless, skinless breasts, cut into pieces)
1 cup packed brown sugar
2/3 cup vinegar
1/4 cup lemon/lime soda
2-3 tablespoons minced garlic
2 tablespoon soy sauce (I use tamari - it's healthier and I prefer, but soy sauce works)
1 teaspoon black pepper

Put chix pieces in crock pot. Combine other ingredients in bowl, pour over chicken. Cook 6-8 hours on low, less on high. Serve with rice. We like it over brown rice and I like to sprinkle sesame seeds on mine. I usually make 1-1/2 times this recipe, as it is just as good (if not better) the next day for leftovers.

When I get old I am going to hang w/Dona and Brandy

Been cleaning my studio like a maniac here, now I just want to go out and MESS IT ALL UP!!! Today, it's glazing day, will finish glazing all possible bisque-ware and load up the gas kiln to fire tomorrow and have a 'kiln opening' on Saturday at the studio open house. Also, went through my bisque-ware at Kim's shop (lots of piles o' stuff cause I demo when I teach over there) and gathered up a bunch of low-fire ware, big bowls and plates mostly, and I figure whatever I don't decorate special for gifts...I can glaze fire for the show too... Steffin has been challenging my artisitic capabilities and asking me to create custom pretties for his family and friends, such as horse head, pig and unicorn carvings and paintings, and for his buddy JP, who is a die-hard Kiss fan (and never hears the end of it from his co-workers in the biz)...he wants me to paint Kiss onto a plate...we got some printout pics of them and I'm going to attempt it, I think it might be kinda fun. I am really jazzed about the studio being all clean and organized and have been advertising workshops and this holiday open house like crazy. I feel like I'm on an energy 'high', guess I better take advantage of it while it's here.

Oh, and yes, you are a goddess to me, you know that!

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Gee that's beginning to sound like a prayer

You are forgiven just don't let it happen again. I feel like a I am beating a dead horse (pun intended of course) to get people to write but then I haven't exactly been prolific with anything but links lately. Work and working on Christmas can't tell you what wonderful things I have been buying because my kids read this thing. Suppose there is no one to blame but myself since I keep giving out the links. I will tell after the big day and you don't have long to wait. Finally convinced my mother that web cams are a good thing. We have had them now for about 7 years and I have suggested previously that I should get her one and she always blew me off, like what did she really need it for and it would be too much hassle. However the instant Miss Emily went in front of it for her internet video Debut suddenly it was very cool. I will drag her into the technological age one way or another and I am willing to shamelessly use her great granddaughter to do it.

Nothing terribly new and exciting to report. Having trouble telling people what I want for Christmas since the only things I need are a new computer and a new couch. My mother is not good at internet shopping. You would have thought she would be a natural. So I opted for Best Buy Cards. I feel torn about the gift card idea on one hand I think they are wonderful because you can buy what you want but on the other they are impersonal and probably too easy. You don't have to think about the persons wants and likes you just get the gift card and go. Must admit they are much cheaper for shipping.

Used to think my parents were kidding when they said they didn't want anything for Christmas but at the old age of 40 I have discovered they weren't lying. The fact is that by this stage in life most people have every thing they need and don't have time to play with the cool stuff anyway.

My favorite gifts over the years have been paint and canvas. I love to paint I am bad at it but I like doing it, so paint is always a good thing. The coolest gift I have ever gotten was a handmade cloak from my mother and yes she actually made it for me. Was one of those rare moments that I felt loved and accepted for who I am and all that my imagination stands for. There have been other fantastic gifts like belly dancing beads and Egyptian collar necklaces from the hubby who complains that I don't wear any jewelry enough and that I lost the diamond earrings, I know they are here somewhere but I have moved twice and there are lots of things I haven't seen in 3 years so they could still be with me. There is also and antique watch that is one of my most cherished possessions. What the hubby and most people don't understand is how much I love to play dress up and how seldom I get too. If the hubby were more into flights of fancy I would gladly play the Egyptian slave in full jewelry and nothing else. Dressing up in the rhinestones and velvet to prance around the house. I used to do this a lot when I was young. Pick out the favorite silky nightgown put up my hair and pretend I was a fine lady or an ancient Egyptian goddess. Mostly I did these things when no one was home because I didn't want people to think I was nuts. (Okay they thought that anyway but they didn't need more ammunition) Luckily I was home alone a lot or unluckily depending on how you think about it. I would dress up in my skimpy finery and leap and dance across the living room floor for hours.

Hubby thinks wearing my cloak all the time is a little strange and he exists in the real world far more than I. He say I live in a bubble world that would asphyxiate most people that try to live there. He is however coming around. Slowly but surely I am dragging him into my insanity. I think deep inside he has always been as looney as me but the world or his father beat it out of him at an early age. Why just the other day he was upset because he didn't get to pour the hot water over the tea bags because he likes to see them bubble. How cool is that. He has no idea how much this admission endears him to me. I am sure Dona would totally understand. When we are old ladies we plan on dressing up and going to town to annoy the natives. I think I will be the dowager Empress this week do you want to be the lady in waiting or the evil queen form the land of Nod. Who knows what we will be or where we will turn up.

For Christmas we are going to buy presents for the forgotten people in town and deliver them on Christmas eve. Wearing our special christmas cloaks and masks so nobody will truly know who we are, though they will probably guess. Maybe we will go to a different town every year. Of course we will have to be quiet about it. In today;s world they would probably arrest us for trying to be nice. As the hubby always says, "No good deed goes unpunished"

Chrismukkah Cards celebrating Hanukkah and Christmas together

Chrismukkah Cards celebrating Hanukkah and Christmas together

For Mishy and Heidi - I know you will get a kick out of it

Forgive me Brandy for I have not blogged....

I lost a horse...a couple weeks ago, my old mare Tequila laid down and died. She was over 30 years old, and that is pretty old for a horse. Looked like she went peacefully, but not sure what it was. She was discovered by Steffin's seven year old daughter, Stevie, who came into the house and informed me that "that white horse was laying down and looks dead, she is not moving". Stevie wasn't too upset and when I confirmed that indeed, the horse looked dead to me, Stevie asked me if I were going to keep her teeth (!) Turns out her grandfather is a forest ranger up there in the Payson area, and he snags teeth trophies from dead game, but it was a good laugh anyway. I can see me out there, yanking out her teeth with a pliers...Yikes!

I told Steffin to start digging, he said he would dig the hole, if I would drag her into it (this is a small horse, only 13 hands but at least 800 lbs). I called 'animal pickup' and they referred me to a commodities company (did someone say glue?), who came the next day (she died on Sunday) with a huge truck and a winch to pick her up, for a mere $127. So, yes, the dead horse laid there for a day and a night, good thing it wasn't too hot here. I wasn't here when they came to get her, Steffin said, that even though I removed most of the front of the shed she had been under when she laid down, the winch pulling her stiff legged body out, got her sort of caught on the edge of the doorway and pulled at the wall a bit...kinda gory but kinda funny to think about. So, now I have two cute little ponies and I won't be selling the little marble dude. However, he will have to be gelded...guess I will let the vet do that !

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Desert Dragon Pottery | 7th Annual Holiday Studio Show

Desert Dragon Pottery | 7th Annual Holiday Studio Show

* * * * * * * *
Desert Dragon Pottery presents our
7th Annual Holiday Studio Open House
Saturday December 18, 2004 10am-7pm

Mishy Lowe and guest artists would like to invite everyone to visit Desert Dragon Pottery for a day of fun, food and good will. Free gifts for all, snacks and lots of cool art and pottery to see and buy.

Located in north central Phoenix, a mile east of I-17, north of Happy Valley Road, Desert Dragon Pottery is a large studio facility with many artists utilizing the workspace and firing capabilities. The studio offers classes and open studio, cone ten reduction and raku and a planned soda/salt kiln in 2005.

New York Art Shuttered After Bush Monkey Portrait

iWon News: "This is much deeper than art. This is fundamental American rights, freedom of speech,' Savido said. 'To see that something like this can happen, especially in a place like New York City is mind boggling and scary.'"

If Bush was a real American or even wanted to pretend he was he would speak against this show closing. There was nothing obscene and it is a free speech argument. So Mr. President stand up and reign in your supporters, laugh and get on with life. Controversy over this type of stuff never does anything except fuel the opposition with righteous anger and cause the items of the convtroversy to become more popular.

Monday, December 13, 2004

e.thePeople : Article : Help rewrite THE CONGRESS' NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS!

e.thePeople : Article : Help rewrite THE CONGRESS' NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS!: "Congress' Night Before Christmas
'Twas the week before Christmas and those sly little elves,
Our congressmen, labored to better themselves.
They cared not a whit what the public might think
'Let them eat cake,' some said with a wink.
And putting their thumbs to the tip of their nose,
they waved as they shouted 'Anything goes!'
They scoffed at the thought that we might object,
to a tax cut for the wealthy of a posh percent.
They've got prerequisites-franking, per diem, and more --
bargain-priced haircuts and gyms (three or four!)
Paid speaking engagements and meals on the cuff,
celebrity status -- (they've sure got it tough!), "

Go to the web site to read the rest and help finish it off

La. Judge Suspended for Wearing Blackface

iWon News: "A judge who wore blackface makeup, handcuffs and a jail jumpsuit at a Halloween party will be suspended for six months, the Louisiana Supreme Court ruled Monday.

The justices voted 5-2 to suspend Judge Timothy Ellender for a year without pay for dishonoring his position, but to defer half of that penalty. Ellender will lose more than $50,000 in pay, one judge noted.

Ellender, who is white, testified the costumes worn by him and his wife - she was dressed as a policewoman - were meant only as a joke to show he was her prisoner. The party's host, Ellender's brother-in-law, was dressed as Buckwheat."

It was a halloween party and like it or not it is part of American History. Another case of political correctness gone too far. It may have been insentive and tacky but then a lot of halloween costumes fall into those categories

ACLU to Sue Over Pa. Evolution Debate

iWon News

While I am a firm believer in the seperation of church and state and even the the under god should be removed from the pledge, Teaching differing theorys to children is important. I think children should be given all the truths as we know it. It high school history calss we covered Evolution, Creation and little green men. Made for good discussions if nothing else.

Maureen Dowd: Rummy's lousy answer to a gutsy question

Maureen Dowd: Rummy's lousy answer to a gutsy question

The Washington Monthly - Very Good political blog

The Washington Monthly

e.thePeople : Article : SOCIAL SECURITY AROUND THE WORLD concrete data in the great Social Security privatization debate

e.thePeople : Article : SOCIAL SECURITY AROUND THE WORLD concrete data in the great Social Security privatization debate: "'Airy fairy theorizing is one thing, but how about some concrete data in the great Social Security privatization debate. In particular, how has Social Security privatization fared in other countries that have tried it? After all, the United States isn't the first country to think about doing this. Let's take a peek."

Sunday, December 12, 2004

They learn what you do, not what you say (Damn it!)

Just returned from a 5 day visit with my 4-1/2 year old grandson and 1-1/2 year old grandaughter. Amazing how I worry a million times more about things with them that I ever even thought about while raising my daughter, but then again, they are a million times more fun than my daughter is. (I love her death, but had I known how much fun being a grandparent was going to be, I would have skipped the being a parent part and gone straight to the grandparent part.)
This is my Stupid Nana story for this trip: Being the mindless idiots we are, Janelle (daughter) and I decided to run to Hobby Lobby to pick up a few things to make Christmas ornaments with the kids. She put McKenzie in a carriage and went one way and I took Cj with me and went another way, in an effort to save time and energy. Being 4-1/2, Cj was in especially good spirits about having Nana with him and was being a bit boisterous. Not bad - staying right with me, but skipping and singing and swinging all his limbs in different directions at the same time. (How do they do that?) This was fine until we proceeded down the aisle with fragile objects to left and right. I calmly but firmly lectured him on walking properly, keeping his arms at his side and slowing down before he broke something. He politely responded, "Okay, Nana" and continued on his way, his merriment still being expressed by legs and arms flailing about. I stopped, repeated said lecture with the added ending of, ". . . or we'll go sit in the van and wait for Mom and Kenz." These words were just passing my lips when I swung my right arm to the side (that damnable Italian "talking with my hands" thing!!) and knocked a small chest with 9 ceramic drawers in it to the concrete floor. As the sound of splintering ceramic was still reverberating through the store, Cj looked at me and said, "You have to pay for that now Nana. Mom says when I break something in the store I have to give them all my big monies (quarters for those of you who don't speak 4-1/2 year old) to pay for it."
I returned home tonight with a bag of broken ceramic that I paid $25.00 for. (Thank God it was on sale for 1/2 price or I'd be $50.00 poorer instead of $25.00.)

Canyou say Ucky

iWon News: "China will soon host the finals of the country's first beauty contest in which every contestant has gone under the knife.

Twenty 'man-made' beauties will parade their surgical nips and tucks next Saturday in the hope of taking home the country's first Miss Artificial Beauty crown."

I admit unless its for reconstruction I do not understand plastic surgery. It will be a cold day in hell before I was will to be cut for a man or perceived beauty. Its just nuts. I will grow old graceful with wrinkle and small breasts and no pain. Of course I don't believe in Beauty contests either

Harbin China Winter estival Pics from years past - These People do some awesome stuff with ice

R Todd King: China Photos 2003 - Northeast Winter

Snow and Ice Festival in Harbin, China

The Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival

If you have to be cold you might as well have something cool to look at.

Next Art Show Open House at Artwerks Corpus Christi

Just a reminder:

Next Saturday, December 18...
join us at ARTWERKS Gallery & Studios from 7pm to 11pm,
for our Holiday Art Market Open House Saturdays. We'll feature new & classic
works by the incredibly talented locals who graced the gallery throughout the year
plus some 'newbies' to the Corpus Christi art scene. And, of course, we'll
have food, spirits, great music and a few pretty people scattered around
for fun.

Join us at ARTWERKS Gallery & Studios - 4333 South Alameda (In Antiques Row across from HEB on Robert.) or call for more information: 361.980.9375

Hope to see you there!

Twas the Night Before Christmas! - (Politically Correct!)

'Twas the night before Christmas and Santa's a wreck.
How to live in a world that's politically correct?
His workers no longer would answer to Elves,
Vertically Challenged they were calling themselves.
And labor conditions at the north pole
Were alleged by the union to stifle the soul.
Four reindeer had vanished, without much propriety,
Released to the wilds by the Humane Society.
And equal employment had made it quite clear
That Santa had better not use just reindeer this year.
So Dancer and Donner, Comet and Cupid,
Were replaced with 4 pigs, and you know that looked stupid!
The runners had been removed from his sleigh;
The ruts were termed dangerous by the E.P.A.
And people had started to call for the cops
When they heard sled noises on their roof-tops.
Second-hand smoke from his pipe had his workers quite frightened.
His fur trimmed red suit was called Unenlightened.
And to show you the strangeness of life's ebbs and flows,
Rudolf was suing over unauthorized use of his nose
And had gone on Geraldo, in front of the nation,
Demanding millions in over-due compensation.
So, half of the reindeer were gone; and his wife,
Who suddenly said she'd enough of this life,
Joined a self-help group, packed, and left in a whiz,
Demanding from now on her title was Ms.
And as for the gifts, why, he'd ne'er had a notion
That making a choice could cause so much commotion.
Nothing of leather, nothing of fur,
Which meant nothing for him. And nothing for her.
Nothing that might be construed to pollute.
Nothing to aim. Nothing to shoot.
Nothing that clamored or made lots of noise.
Nothing for just girls. Or just for the boys.
Nothing that claimed to be gender specific.
Nothing that's warlike or non-pacific.
No candy or sweets, they were bad for the tooth.
Nothing that seemed to embellish a truth.
And fairy tales, while not yet forbidden,
Were like Ken and Barbie, better off hidden.
For they raised the hackles of those psychological
Who claimed the only good gift was one ecological.
No baseball, no football; someone could get hurt;
Besides, playing sports exposed kids to dirt.
Dolls were said to be sexist, and should be passe;
And Nintendo would rot your entire brain away.
So Santa just stood there, disheveled, perplexed;
He just could not figure out what to do next.
He tried to be merry, tried to be gay,
But you've got to be careful with that word today.
His sack was quite empty, limp to the ground;
Nothing fully acceptable was to be found.
Something special was needed, a gift that he might
Give to all without angering the left or the right.
A gift that would satisfy, with no indecision,
Each group of people, every religion;
Every ethnicity, every hue,
Everyone, everywhere, even you.
So here is that gift, it's priced beyond worth.
May you and your loved ones enjoy peace on earth.

Notice: This poem is copyright 1992 by Harvey Ehrlich.
Free to distribute without changes as long as this notice remains intact.

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Texas Roadhouse -

Texas Roadhouse - View Menu

Excellent Restaurant, I don't actually eat there because they are always too noisy and crownded and I am a hermit as previously discussed but the steak is great. The only bad part is they won't sell me uncooked filets so I have to buy my meat at the HEB here is Corpus which is Gross, but they do sell me Rolls by the dozen and they are to die for and always hot when I get there. Also the only place around here that does sweet potatoes baked and covered in marshmallows and caramel sauce. The only thing there I haven't liked is the fact that they leave the skins on the mashed potatoes. To me thats not homestyle thats just lazy. Mashed taters chould be smooth creamy and of course real.

This link goes to their menu but the whole site is nicely put together. 5 Stars

Eiffel Tower Opens Elevated Skating Rink

iWon News

I want to go

Friday, December 10, 2004

I can't stop laughing at this stupid joke...

A minister was completing a temperance sermon. With

great emphasis he said, "If I had all the beer in the
world, I'd take it and pour it into the river."

With even greater emphasis he said, "And if I had all
the wine in the
world, I'd take it and pour it into the river."

And then finally, shaking his fist in the air, he
said, "And if I had
all the whiskey in the world, I'd take it and pour it
into the river."

Sermon complete, he sat down.

The song leader stood very cautiously and announced
with a smile, nearly laughing, "For our closing song,
let us sing Hymn #365, "Shall We Gather at the River."

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Religion and Men - A dangerous Mix for women

iWon News: "STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Men all over the world distort the teachings of Islam and Christianity to justify abusing their wives and daughters, leading to thousands of 'honor' killings a year for which courts provide virtual impunity, experts say.

U.N. estimates show that more than 5,000 women are murdered every year in 'honor'-related violence, but the real number could be much higher, said experts at an international conference near Stockholm, which ended Wednesday."

Monday, December 06, 2004 - Web Portal - Web Portal

Great Site

Christmas Graphics, Gifts, Toys, Recipes and More - Just updated

Christmas Graphics, Gifts, Toys, Recipes and More

The Dragon's Lair Posters, Art Prints and More

The Dragon's Lair Posters, Art Prints and More

New Posters page up check out the new merchandise will be adding more links soon

Play in the sweepstakes so I can win a computer or you can someone should

Hey, I just signed up at, my favorite computer deals website, for a chance to win $100,000 cash or a $3,000 shopping spree! Now I need your help. If you sign up for the sweepstakes, not only do you get a chance to win $100 grand, but you give me 3 more chances to play. It takes a couple of seconds, and like I said, you might win some serious cash. Just click on the link below and fill out the basic info. You'll get a quick email that asks you to confirm your entry. Once you click that you're done. Click the link below to get started: Click Here

Lovely - But Stupid and of Course My shampoo (Pantene) has it Now I have to find a new one that doesn't

Shampoos may leave you stunned! : "As an antimicrobial agent, or biocide, MIT and related compounds kill harmful bacteria that like to grow near moisture or water and hence are often are found in personal care products, as well as in water-cooling system, however, the research has now revealed that even a 10-minute exposure at a high concentration was lethal to the nerve cells.

'This chemical is being used more and more extensively, yet there have been no neurotoxicity studies in humans to indicate what kind and at what level exposure is safe. I realize it's a big leap to suggest there may be a parallel between environmental exposure and the noticeably higher rates of diagnosed childhood
developmental disabilities, but I would caution that based on our data, there very well could be neurodevelopmental consequences from MIT."

Can You say Bong

More Americans Getting Hooked on Hookahs: "he practice of smoking tobacco through elaborate water pipes called hookahs emerged centuries ago, in the palaces and harems of the Middle East. But experts say hookahs are now almost as popular in Denver as they are in Damascus, with the current fad for water-pipe use growing among U.S. college students."

I didn't realize the use of water bongs and hookahs ever went out of favor among college students. And Yes Ma really I am just smoking tobacco in it.

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Stupid Videos

Stupid Videos

Click on MOst Watched and look at #1, 2, 5 & 6
There are other good ones but these are my faves



I am Oscar Wilde - Which Classic Writer are you

Oscar Wilde.
October 16, 1854 - November 30, 1900
"I know that when plays last too long,
spectators tire. My tragedy has lasted far too
long; its climax is over; its end is mean; and
I am quite conscious of the fact that when the
end does come I shall return as an unwelcome
visitant to a world that does not want
From a letter written from Reading Prison
You wit is unmatched by many and your talent goes
far beyond your days. You are good at what you
do, though you tend to over-analyse and can be
a bit longwinded. People love you for your
quick wit and often miss you when you are not
there to keep them entertained. You are enjoyed
my many and disliked by few and those that do
are probably just jealous. Never stop doing
what you do. Never change.

Which Classic Writer Are You? (With Pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

Some interesting teen pregnancy rates in those moral red states

It Affects You � Teen pregnancy has me seeing Red

Art Open House - Corpus Christi City Stroll

I have been doing so much lazy blogging lately, the blog this button is just too easy., that I haven't said much of anything else. and I know how much all of you out there in blogland prefer real writing to links. Okay so maybe only the 10 or 12 people that actually read the blog care but I like my delusions of grandeur so I am going to keep them.

Went to the K-Space Open house this afternoon. I go to support the arts but they never seem to have much different and the walk up the four flights of stairs to get there is a pain. Food was better than the last show but I didn't eat much. The Photographer they currently have is probably my favorite of their current artists and some of the other pieces were nice if a little skimpy in quantity. The ambiance is still unairconditioned art loft, but I love the atmosphere or maybe it is just the smell of the paints. Who knows, I will keep going, Corpus has so little that is Cultural and cool one must attend everything in hopes of keeping what is here alive.

Before the show we participated in the 1st downtown stroll. They did have a live band on an empty overgrown building pad and some of the architecture is wonderful. Unfortunately when walking in downtown Corpus Christi the architecture is the primary thing to see. The only two shops that existed and were open on the 8 block tour we took were Betty's Trash to Treasures which is an antique store complete with tons of stuff and antique store prices. Lots of cool things but nothing I really needed as I am trying not to buy more stuff to just sit on shelves as I don't have room for the stuff I have already. Its in boxes and I haven't seen it in years.

The second store we found was very cool and looked like a new addition to the downtown scene. It is called El Zocalo and they specialize in Cultural Gifts and Decor. You would think that a city that is mostly Hispanic would have more of this type of stuff and it is a shame they don't. They had the coolest paintings. I don't know the painters name but the prices were great $60.00 for a small canvas and 80 for the larger ones. They were a metamorphic style which means that they were one picture when looked at from a distance but made up of smaller pictures where you got closer. For example at first glance it was a normal rendition of the Mona Lisa and then you discover that her neck is really a cat etc. My favorite was called the Ascent. It was a picture of Christ's face but when you looked closer his face was made of his followers and different pictures of his death. Very awesome painting and if Les had not just paid bills or I hadn't bought a clutch and new Health Insurance I would have bought one. Still want to go back and buy one or if there is someone out there who loves me you can buy me one. The 60.00 version is perfectly fine. Even though I didn't have much money I wanted to support him so I did buy two little cute things for Aprils stocking spending a whopping $4.00. I hope he does well and stays around long enough for me to get back to him. The address is 427 Peoples street and even if you aren't going to buy me the painting you should go there and look and shop and help keep him open because we need stores open and selling in Corpus. Stores besides Walmart, that is.

Of course the city could do a lot to help in this area. Like picking up the trash, Fixing the sidewalks and putting real plants in the giant planters instead of watching the weeds grow beer cans and cigarette butts. I wasn't joking about there being only 2 stores either. There were some clubs and restaurants like the Water Street Fish Market, Bourbon Street and the Executive Surf Club which all smelled heavenly, but they need more stores and most of the ancient beautiful old buildings need major reconstruction/ The city could help get these wonderful building renovated by offering a special loan program that didn't have to be repaid for several years. It would be a very worthy investment in the future of Corpus Christi because if something isn't done soon most of these architectural wonders will have to be torn down. More empty overgrown building pads does not make for a more inviting downtown district.

Tried to buy an Xmas tree today and went to Home Depot and the Aforementioned evil Walmart. Both had horrible trees and not many. Looked like they had been mauled in a riot. Particularly the one standing upside down in the middle of the aisle. Needless to say I did not buy one and now must continue the search. Did find perfect trees at Staples and McArdle. The nicest trees I have seen in years but they wanted 150-200 a piece for them. I would rather do Charlie Brown for 24.95

Now that's a gingerbread house

Art Open House at K-Space Studios Corpus Christi, TX

Join the artists at their 2004 Open House - K-Space is located at 415 S Starr Street. Enter through the alley Gate. This is being Held today in Conjunction with the 1st Annual Downtown Christmas Stroll. Bring a canned Food Item, Music starts at 5PM. How the Grinch Stole Christmas will be playing at Flicks in the City Movie at 7:45PM

Okay Folks Corpus Christi is attempting something cultural and community oriented so lets get out there and support it. Because God knows, this town needs it

Townsfolk Face Fight Over Cats and Dogs

iWon News: "Animal lovers and lawmakers face a dog and cat fight over how many pets residents may own at the same time in the small Utah town of Provo, officials said on Wednesday.

The current law allows residents to own up to two dogs or two cats at the same time but not a dog and cat together."

What an incredibly Stupid Law

Saturday, December 04, 2004

JCPenney $50,000 Holiday Jackpot

JCPenney $50,000 Holiday Jackpot

If you win I want some

Treatment Fixes Spinal Injuries in Dogs "A technique that helps heal spinal injuries in dogs may lead the way to future methods of preventing paralysis in humans who've suffered spinal damage.

Purdue University researchers found that injection of a liquid polymer called polyethylene glycol (PEG) within 72 hours of spinal injury prevented serious spinal cord damage in the majority of 19 dogs that received the injection."

MSN bloggers try to foul up censorship tool | CNET

MSN bloggers try to foul up censorship tool | CNET "If you can't speak freely on a blog, what's the point of having one?' BoingBoing pointed out."

Bumper Sticker of the Day with Commentary

CarryaBigSticker Home Page -- Your source for liberal and progressive bumper stickers and fridge magnets

Black Box Voting: Ballot - Tampering in the 21st Century

Black Box Voting: Ballot - Tampering in the 21st Century

Help Save the Faerie Queens Christmas

Nobody wants my eBay shit, what am I to do?
Thought to get rich quick, but got the seller blues.
My priceless gems go unloved, not a single bid in sight,
These fools know not what they miss, this seller has a fright.

The PayPal balance dwindles, smaller every day.
At the rate it's going, even eBay fees I'll never pay.
So tell the little kiddies, alas, Christmas day is near.
If these bastards don't bid soon, only lumps of coal appear.

Shop Now
faeriequeene Showcase

Friday, December 03, 2004

Alice and - Independent Tech

Alice and - Independent Tech

Some cool toys and technology to browse

Very Awesome Pottery - Must look now - NO don't pass it up it is worth it. I promise


Many Abstinence Only Sex Ed Programs Promote Ignorance and Fear - Elites TV - Your Elite News Source

Many Abstinence Only Sex Ed Programs Promote Ignorance and Fear - Elites TV - Your Elite News Source: "Federally funded sex education programs that preach abstinence have been misleading and scaring children according to a congressional study. Yes, your tax dollars are going towards programs that say that 50 percent of all American teenage gay men are HIV positive or that touching somebody's genitals can get you pregnant. Another program says that abortion can lead to sterility and suicide. 13 different abstinence programs were studied which the Bush Administration is paying $170 million for in 2005. "

Another Fine lie paid for with your tax dollars and brought to you by the Bush adminsitration

'Master/slave' Most Politically Incorrect Phrase

iWon News: "The computer term 'master/slave,' which was banned as racially offensive by a Los Angeles County purchasing department, was named the most politically incorrect term of the year on Thursday."

More news brought to you by stupid people with too much time and no real life of their own. Can you tell I am not politically correct.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Maybe they really do love me

Lydia is alive, And hopefully she will finish that post soon so we can hear all of her exciting adventures. Remember to change the date when you are done or it will post as the draft date underneath everything. Even Dona tells me she is blogging this morning. I have been very busy trying to survive the last month between new clutches and Health Insurance we have been pretty strapped for money. Has given us a chance to clear out some of the food we have been avoiding in the pantry for the last year so I guess that is a good thing. Have eaten so much chocolate in the last week it caused my tongue to swell slightly on one side. Don't know why this happens. Does it if I eat too much pineapple too. So I am patiently biding my time until it goes away and then I am sending Les out for more.

Its nice having a husband willing to drive to the store at midnight just so I can have candy. The fact that I was pounding on the table chanting chocolate may have played a part. But he is still sweet.

Emily has her first case of congestion in her chest and of course all the grammys are paranoid. Okay so I am not that paranoid but it does bother me more than my kids being sick ever did. My kids had to be pretty much at deaths door and even then I was sure they would recover when they were little and surprisingly they did.

Emily can now sit up and is starting to move her walker we just bought these last week and we all have carpet so it is more difficult that the old linoleum . And the new walkers don't roll near as easy and not at all on carpet which is strange something about being a safety issue. She was getting bored rolling around on the floor so we just had to buy her something new. She is of course still adorable and there are more pics on her blog all the the time. The most recent being pictures of her turkey riding for Thanksgiving.

Rest of life is running smoothly. We survived the first at the storage lot even though we had an auction yesterday too. Sometimes I really wish I could bid as a Camaro was sold out of here yesterday for a whopping 230.00 and that was with a complete storage unit. Hell I could have made more than that on Ebay with the junk and paid for part of the car restoration. But I can't bid so it doesn't matter and I really didn't want to do Ebay anyway. Besides we already have enough projects we haven't completed.

Twisted Brush has a new updates with 3 new brush palettes. Click on the Pixarra link on the left to go download it. Haven't bought any other new software lately except for Games for Les. I did buy me a new wireless keyboard and mouse and webcam. They should arrive soon.

Have been working feverishly on the remake of The Dragon's Lair Site the last two weeks, everybody should go visit The Dragon's Lair Web Shop and More and tell me what you think. If there are any problems that show up on various browsers etc.. Have also started a new blog "Goodies for Young Dragons. Anyone who wants to be added to this one let me know. It is a collection of sites for kids to go with the new kids page at the Dragon's Lair

I'm not sure, but I think I'm still alive too...

To appease the Goddess of the Blog, I am here to ramble about nothing. We've been very busy lately with doctor and dental appointments (and where we live a visit to the doctor or dentist is an all day committment) and I've gotten back into doing eBay (Yukky). Other than that, there is not a lot new going on with us.
Every free moment I've had has been spent selfishly curled up with one of the many good books Brandy (the Goddess, or GB) has deemed me worthy of receiving. All these will eventually wend their way to Mishy's house, although I don't know how she finds time to read.
Winter has descended on Kansas this week. Suppose I shouldn't complain, since it is December, but the older I get the more I understand those who run to warmer climates in their dottering old age.
Going to visit daughter and grandbabies next Friday for the weekend, and then again Christmas weekend. I live with the original Scrooge, who hates Christmas and anything remotely related to the holiday season, so unless I go somewhere else, I don't even know 'tis the season.
Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving holiday. I feel about Thanksgiving the way Darrel feels about Christmas, which was one reason I didn't blog last week. No point in being a Turkey Day Scrooge and bringing everyone else down.
Brandy is partly to blame for my lack of blogging lately. The last 3 times I've gone to blog, I've gotten caught up in some sites she posted and meandered through them until I lost all interest in blogging, or had to leave for some reason. to the dentist to be tortured again today.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Paralyzed woman walks again after stem cell therapy

Paralyzed woman walks again after stem cell therapy: "A South Korean woman paralyzed for 20 years is walking again after scientists say they repaired her damaged spine using stem cells derived from umbilical cord blood."

I sincerely hope this turns out well and works for others. It would be a great things to make people walk again