Saturday, July 23, 2011

My baby is all grown up

My youngest daughter turned eighteen yesterday. She went out at midnight, to buy cigarettes and porn...and was headed to a strip club "for her lapdance" last night after work. I am so proud of her.

I really am, she is an amazing grown up woman and beautiful. I have not seen much of her since she is working and going to school, but in passing she seems happy and I am happy for her. Even this last breakup (a few days before her birthday...whattaguy)...she did not seem all that upset (and the guy was okay, but honestly, neither am I). Just remember, when the current recipient of their attention is no longer appealing, we are still their mommy and they will come running to us for advice and a shoulder.

I have been trying to keep my head above water here, we ran another groupon earlier this month and have been swamped with calls and beginning students (oh joy). God Bless em, but wow I am wiped! I keep telling people it's like having a tiger by the tail, don't let go or it will eat you alive!

Monday, July 18, 2011

My daughter recently acquired a young man and she is more frequently than not in his company. He is funny, empathetic, and not bad looking and in general I do not object to him. Other than the fact that he is like all 17 year old males mostly raging hormones.
Before the boy arrived on the scene L was all Harbor Playhouse, homework and naps (but mostly naps). Since it is summer and there is no homework she has become very educated on him.Recently I have noticed that I've been lonely to the extreme, even if L is being angsty she is at the very least, a companion. I never realized just how much I rely on her for company. K is K , and I have come to accept the fact that he is not and very well never will be there to break up my solitude. He is either physically unavailable or mentally absent. It's all that he is capable of and I have stopped asking him to be more than what he is. I do my own thing. He savors his alone time and can more often than not be found hiding in his office.
I have to say the job is really helping but it is rather fast paced and there is no time to really connect with anyone and I am notoriously shitty at making friends. I have put forth some effort in the acquisition of a new friend, not a lot but I have tried (kinda, a little bit). I think that I am just too damn weird for most people.

Saturday, July 02, 2011

Drafts Medley

It's been nearly a month and no one seems to have anything to say so as long as nothing is going to be said I might as well write about unimportant matters. Kelly hasn't done anything to piss me off lately, the girl is driving me less nuts. Partly due to the fact that she has her first real boyfriend and has been relatively absent. My job is going well, it's mostly a joy. Kelly mentions that he thinks I should be looking for realestate and by looking he means that I should devote my entire being to finding something else for him to buy. It seems that he would rather I do that than have a job that I enjoy. Personal satisfaction is relatively underrated.