Thursday, June 28, 2007

Thursday, June 21, 2007

New Hobby

I didn't find any diamonds in Arkansas but I did find Caddo Indian artifacts in a plowed field. I'm hooked on early man now. So if anyone knows of a good place to dig that is not too expensive or far away please share.


Missing: Large Lake in Southern Chile

Saturday, June 16, 2007

When Women Whine - Its usually about MEN

Husband didn't do anything unusual this morning just his normal stupid self

faeriequeene2000: do you guys do breakfast and if so what? i eat things like cheese or hot dogs and veggies, so tell me what you guys want
faeriequeene2000: some days all they have to do is breathe

Dragonlady: Before his sister stayed with us a yea and a 1/2 ago he used to open the store take the first shower etc.

Dragonlady: Cereal toast cheese
Dragonlady: omelettes
Dragonlady: I am not that picky

faeriequeene2000: ha ha ha
Dragonlady: and I dont usually eat it until closer to lunch
faeriequeene2000: - the thought of me cooking an omelette. that is too funny for words

Dragonlady: So we had a talk long ago about how I would like him to start taking the first shower again so I would have morning time to exercise or whatever cause I am a really sucky morning person

faeriequeene2000: and did the talk go well?

Dragonlady: Of course he kept sleeping later and later every day and now I take the first shower every single fucking day because he can't drag his lazy ass into it before 9:30 and I can't last beyond 9:15 since someone actually has to be ready to open at 10

Dragonlady: I do know how to cook
Dragonlady: do not require assistance

Dragonlady: So this morning its 9am I am in the middle of exercising and he comes inside cause it was too hot out to smoke
Dragonlady: I playfully put out that he can take the first shower since he gave me a whatever to my question of whether he came in for the shower or just the cool and he said either way
Dragonlady: SO I said you can take the first shower and I will go back to exercising.
Dragonlady: And he promptly got that look on his face and slammed the microwave putting up his coffee and gave off this stupid bitch I hate you aura I said never mind and went and took the shower because its just easier and I hate that about me - And I hate that he lets me

it gets you no where but i understand. did it for years with my ex

Dragonlady: and it just gets added to list of crappy things he does when he knows I hate them
Dragonlady: I have figured it out if I complain or make him promise it wont happen again it is a sure way to guarantee it does

faeriequeene2000: stopped going to visit my own mother because it was easier than putting up with his mood and his pouting for a week afterward. i was a total idiot.

Dragonlady: Swore on hands and knees not to move me to Texas and especially not to Corpus - Only reason I stayed a the time- He forgets the conversion even took place which wouldn't matter except that I thought at the time he was actually sincere
faeriequeene2000: they are only sincere in the moment. the next moment it means nothing or didn't exist
Dragonlady: I hate morning sex all I get now is morning sex and I don't dare say another word or it will be no sex at all for me which isn't far from the case now anyway.

faeriequeene2000: I'm sure in that moment in time he was sincere

Dragonlady: then there's the morning which wouldn't be so bad but he also naps from 4-6 every day

faeriequeene2000: so you nap from 6-8 or from 2-4.

Dragonlady: so he gets start the latest and quit the earliest and I have tried giving him the 3-4 break which I have even making it 2-4 but then he just sleeps until 6 and I get nothing
Dragonlady: 4-6 would be nice cause I could play with clay and stuff knowing that I don't have to shower and go back to work and morning before showers are nice for the same reasons
Dragonlady: and then there is the music which he has to have playing continuously whether he is here or not
Dragonlady: We have had many talks about this too and it doesn't matter he doesn't think doesn't remember blah blah blah
Dragonlady: I don't care if its on low when he is actually listening to it

But he will turn it on and then leave
Dragonlady: or go outside
Dragonlady: wha the fuck is the point

faeriequeene2000: and do you immediately shut it off when he leaves?
Dragonlady: I moved my computer out of the office and into the living room because I cant stand listening to his games but he wont wear headphones which is why I sit in the garbage

Dragonlady: Sometimes

Dragonlady: usually by then I am fairly acclimated and don't notice
Dragonlady: its early mornings that it bothers me most
Dragonlady: and play mindless games

faeriequeene2000: it's called courtesy and i doubt at his age you are going to get him to change.

Dragonlady: of course he doesn't realize that mindless game has cost me $300 in the last two months
Dragonlady: i would rather have sex
Dragonlady: Okay done ranting

faeriequeene2000: which i have no doubt you wouldn't care at all about if the other things were okay
faeriequeene2000: not the sex - i mean you wouldn't care about the game
faeriequeene2000: you know what i mean

Dragonlady: as I said nothing special and he kept doing the "whats wrong" but it wasn't worth the pout

faeriequeene2000: you can rant anytime. good to know i'm not the only ranter.

Dragonlady: The game is pretty addictive and I do have a compulsive personality when it comes to puzzles

faeriequeene2000: mine has just been a useless pile of shit for months and it's because he's sick and that should make it okay but it doesn't.

Dragonlady: Mine is always sick always has headaches muscle ache and pains I would have to be dying to be noticed in this house

faeriequeene2000: darrel has never been sick, which makes this that much harder to deal with. there was the useless mangled hand for 2 months, then right into the massive sinus infection. it's been a long 5 months and i'm tired.
faeriequeene2000: and i have to go mow. started to at 10:00 and never did and it's only getting hotter and hotter out.

Dragonlady: the fact that he is over weight eats 5000 calories a week in sugar and goes through a carton of cigs is surely not affecting his health at all
Dragonlady: Have fun mowing with I was there
Dragonlady: I would mow for you
Dragonlady: Do you have relish and mustard and ketchup

Friday, June 15, 2007

fostering kittens

Well...had a stray get knocked up by a neighborhood ruffian cat...she was too young and appears to have bailed on her we are forced to try to nurse these little'ns (like 3 days old now I guess....sigh)....I looked up a couple sites, and we got some kitten formula, going shopping for baby bottles in a bit here. One looked pretty far gone but hopefully we have revived him enough to try to hang on. One of my homeschool mom's had put in her name for one earlier, so when she came today, I asked her if she wanted it NOW, with the understanding it required 24 hour nursing for awhile.... She told me her husband grew up in a they ended up taking one and may even take a second, if theirs seems lonely. Meanwhile we have four here and have got them eating from eye droppers...but need to get the bottle thing going cause they are HONGRY! I will get some pics in a's some poor images of mama and the original six (runt died the second day)

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Holy Crap, Blog Man!

After multiple tries and Brandy spending endless hours walking me through the simplest things you can imagine, I have found my way back to the blog. Yippppppppppppeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Now....if I could only think of something to blog........................

Thursday, June 07, 2007

to blog or not to blog

as with everything else in my life the question of whether or not I take time to blog depends entirly on how lazy I really am and since I haven't blogged since October you can guess I am pretty damn lazy and there are so many things I was supposed to blog about beside my laziness and my current addiction to Paint buckets on this is an evil game destined to drive one mad and has taken me longer to become competant at than any other game in my life not to mention costing me more than both of my trips to vegas combined.

SO since you dont wan to hear about my addiction i will go onto the rest of the story.

Starting in October - For my Birthday I dragged my husband to the Hoover Inn for a night of wild sex, a stroll down Corpus Christi's pathetic business district preview of the Snopes Knife shop at the grand opening a drink at a bar whose name I can't remember and Dinner at Katz 21.

the knives were cool, the hotel was interesting it was the oldest operating motel in corpus and had been redone by the family. It was very pleasant in its recently redecorated rooms which the hubs couldn't smoke in which meant we spent a lot of time onthe front porch. Much better for families than sex.
Unfortunately though I did like them they are no longer open guess I should have done the review sooner. And no there was no wild sex, but at least I wasn't on the rag like last year when we went to the ocean house which is very romantic and one of corpus' few bed and breakfasts.

Diner at Katz 21 was 5 star and considering my company paid for it down right dreamy.

The best steak and lobster I have had in decades, perfect service, sedate, classy atmosphere and quiet. I loved it and will definately go back.

Then there was thanksgiving and we forgot to play Alice's restaurant for the first time in 20 years(we should be flogged) If you don't know what this is then you are sadly uneducated and you should run out and buy the CD now.

Christmas was spent in Harlingen with and christmas dinner was Johnny Corrinos best christmas dinner I have ever cooked.

This year for Christmas I gave all my family the privilidge of donating money to a drug addict to help her turn her life around. Obviously she didn't really want to because then she promptly stole from our business so we would fire her and she could qulaify for food stamps. Next year I am donating fruit trees to impoverished countries. But lost money not withstanding it was fun to watch . People amaze me at how they can take oppotnities and destroy them and then want to be victoms. Grow up get a job and suffer witht he rest of us.

February was Las Vegas always a good time. Exspecially since hte company pays and my boss picks great places for dinner. I have good boss. Did I mention he pays

then came March when my oldest child got married. Being the wonderful child he is we stayed in a beach house in hawaii. The plane trip sucked the milk was 7.50 a gallon and the wedding was beautiful. the house was beautiful but he submarine and whale watching and other tourist goodies were wonderful. A grand time was had by all and hopefully they will last forever. My new daughter certainly is a cutie.

Home again finally after traveling more in two months than I generally do in a decade.

In May my daughter received he first of her many anticipated degrees - We couldn't be prouder if we tried and My granddaughter emily turned 3 and looks really good in her pink cowboy boots.

The next major thing in my life is the wedding of my youngest in January. Looking forward to a good time

well thats it my life in a nutshell. Boring and spectacular at the same time.
Hopefull I will blog something more substantial soon but no guarantees cause I have to go play paint buckets now

Okay lydia I blogged, And Dona, tag your it