Tuesday, December 30, 2003

The Lair of the Crab of Ineffable Wisdom - a load of stuff by Joel Veitch that will probably crush your will to live

The Lair of the Crab of Ineffable Wisdom - a load of stuff by Joel Veitch that will probably crush your will to live

Truly a strange site. I am sure it does better with sound but it is full of completely demented little videos and games. A must see for those who prefer things just a little off. Under "Shit is Good" There are many little videos I admit to looking at Poke the cracb, Dead dog and the Touretteaphone. Don't forget to check out the Guru, known for his insightful knowledge of the universe.

The Freewheelin' Reader

The Freewheelin' Reader Interesting place, not a whole lot written but links to other cool sites. Mainly putting them in because I managed to waste a good part of an hour here with the games sections. 60 seconds of Madness, Fly Guy and Gyroball are all fun though I suck bigtime at Gyroball. The one word site mentioned is also interesting. Didn't get to hear the bug sounds because I don't have speakers on this computer, anyway:0)

Monday, December 29, 2003

Comments and colors

Well now everybody can leave comments but I still have to change the colors

How to avoid writing

It is amazing, I love to write but yet I will go out of my way to avoid it. Classic methods of avoidance are: Spider Solitaire (hopelessly addicted to this one) Poppit (When the cards start blurring) Reading other blogs. Did this for several hours today but didn't run across any that jumped out and said share me with the world.

My specialty is starting things not finishing them. That doll Mishy is talking about below, She carved it. We made a mold and we even poured a few molds but I don't know that an actual doll was ever created. Leesie who the doll was modeled after is now 14 and beautiful beyond belief. Hard to believe all those years have passed beyond. My kids are all grown up and Mishys are well on their way.

Without Michelle, I would not have discovered homeschooling or been even remotely brave enough to attempt it. I certainly would not have eaten near as much good food (as in organic and chemical free) Now I can't imagine life any other way. Also would have never learned pottery or had any faith in my artistic capabilities. Without Michelle my life would have been very different, much more corporate and not near as happy.

Michelle is my mother nature, the recycle queen and probably the most honest person I know.

Dona on the other hand shares one of my two remaining braincells. Without her I would never have survived the hormonal onset of Menopause. (Otherwise know as 2 years of acute depression where you hate your husband and Kids, Yes it was a fun time) She proved to me that I wasn't the only crazy person in the world because obviously she is just as nutty as me. She is my writing partner and wrote a book with me(yet to be published, But we do have framed rejections.) (Okay I lied they aren't framed but they are in a drawer somewhere.)

These women are my best friends and life would be miserable without them. I know that even if I didn't find the time to talk to them for years on end they would still be the same and we would be forever friends.

I was told once that friends help you move your house. Best friends Help you move the body. These two could be counted on to move the body at any moment anywhere with just a single phone call and I would do the same for them.

Sunday, December 28, 2003

My child is fourteen years old today. She is a beauty, graceful, intelligent, charming. Teenager still...annoying at times, irritable, nasty to her little sis. I remember when I was huge with her, at Christmas, she was born ten days after her due date, and I tend to gain a lot (45 lbs with her). I was pretty uncomfortable, but very confident (second home birth, third child)...and I was fairly sure she was a girl, since in the womb she was WAY more active (like trying to break out, it felt like, sometimes)....and I remember Brandy waited til she was about what, a week old or so? Brandy came over to see newborn Elyse (Leesie) and said to me (as she had said in the past, but until then I completely refused, 'I am a POTTER, not a DOLLMAKER'...LOL) "Let's do an original porcelain doll!" I was like "OKAY!" And, being the wizards that we are, she and Les and I did it. Thanks B, for being here for me, for so long!

Saturday, December 27, 2003

Geez, it's warmer there than here! I am freeeezing with my thin blood, having real 'winter' here for a change. Okay, it's only 50F out there, but the wind chill takes it down to 44! Brrrrrrrr! I have kids for a few days here, so that's always fun. My life is soooo bizarre nowadays...still settling into a new 'routine'.

Want to make a fat doll

Cool site I tripped across. All you other bloggers may know it already but if not it is definately worth the visit. At least if you are into slightly demented web sites. Under Writings Avon Lady Hell was certainly interesting. Looks like they too an old Marys Worth cartoon and added new story line. Rated A - Under Misc Goodies - The Fat Dollmaker is an online paperdoll set of a fat chick. Very interesting and nice selection of trashy clothes to choose. Quizzes are also very cute. Nice site not quite finished but definately not run of the mill.

Isn't "official" Christmas over??? Hubby and his family are doing the "Christmas dinner" thing today. I've had enough! I"m spending today with my sister, going to the movies to see the last Lord Of The Rings movie. Elves, fairies, princes, hobbits, dwarfs, wizards, princesses, and Ents. True holiday fare!
Brandy keeps reminding me to blog and it seems I always forget to do it when I have a good rant going. After yesterday's chaos I just wanted to scream, "Enough! I'm only one person and I'm damned TIRED! Leave me alone!!" Today I'm grateful I got to give one of the kids and 3 of the grandkids a day out in the country to run around in the fresh air and be the little heathens kids are supposed to be. So maybe sometimes it's a good thing I forget to blog!
Seems today I can't even whine about how Mishy and Brandy get to be warm all day while I freeze my butt off just going to the car. In the 60s today with glorious sunshine and no 40 mph winds for a change. Suppose it's not the ideal day to plop my ass inside a movie theatre for 3-1/2 hours, since real winter is supposed to arrive here in Kansas in the next day or two, but since sister works all the time, I have to take advantage of any time she can get away to go to the movies with me.
I'll blog some later when I return, stuffed to the brim with buttered popcorn and peanut M & M's and complaining about how fat I am but my mind aswim with visions of a land of fantasy and hobbit homes I"d like to live in. (I'm short enough, I could do it!

Thursday, December 25, 2003

Christmas is Over, Hurray

Christmas, That special time of year when everybody spends more than they have to buy people things they don't need. Don't get me wrong I like the holiday. When else do you have an excuse to put a fresh cut tree in your house and smell fresh pine for weeks on end. It gives you a great excuse to play with all the toys in the store but in the end most of the time it still seems like you end up spending too much money on things people don't need. My mother kept calling this year asking what we wanted for Christmas and I gave her my standard answer of "I already have a storage room full of shit I can't fit in my house how could I possibly need anything more". Finally I said computer parts and she sent cash because she has no clue what parts to buy, which is fine, and greatly appreciated, but in the end the computer I have works fine and I really didn't need anything to make me happy. We use Christmas to buy people things to make sure they will Keep loving us and isn't that sad. I would just like to say here and now that even though I like presents as much as the next guy I really don't need anything and I wish people would just spend the money on themselves or their immediate family rather than go into debt buying things I don't need.

Even with the kids we spend too much on things they don't need causing them to believe from birth that they are entitled to greater and greater amount of goodies every year. What a crock and it is so self defeating because those kids grow up and try to do the same thing for their children and it doesn't take too long before you have multiple generations all filing bankruptcy because they bought too many things they can't sell for 1.00 at yard sales 6 months later when they are tired of it.

Okay I admit it I am guilty of doing the same mainly because I feel guilty if I don't buy lots of things people don't need. I have toned down considerably and the husband and I fill our stockings with mundane everyday items that we need. (This is a depressing practice (picking out your own Christmas stuff defeats the purpose of presents but it does cut down on the yard sale items.) I don't put things on credit, limit spending on my children to 100.00 each and 10 - 20 each for anyone else I buy for. And the list I buy for has shrunk considerably in the past few years.

When I have the pottery studio up and working I just make things for people which I personally find much more satisfying overall. I am not particularly religious but I think we have lost all concept of what this holiday is supposed to be. I would be perfectly happy with good food, good friends and my family. What more does a person really need in life.

When we get really old or the husbands all die, Dona, Mishy and I have decided that we are going to go around town dressed in our fancy old fashioned cloaks, With ratted out hair filled with feathers and shells and leave presents at houses we know really need them. When we are done we will toddle our witchy old bodies home and drink mulled cider spiced with rum and remember the joys of Christmas past.

Then we would truly be Christmas spirits

PS . Best Christmas this year was a box of refrigerator poetry words. Very cool, available at barns and Noble and yes my hubby dearest bought them after I specifically requested it. Now he can know which personality I am using by reading the days poem on the fridge. That way he will know when to hide :0)

Christmas 2003 haiku

dryer tumbling
purple candles burn down low
turmoil emotions

house very quiet
children absent one more day
stockings await joy

choc'late soothes Mishy
yahoos distract, kill some time
holiday, yeah, right

Geez, what is with that HUGE title...Im learning...

I wrote that before midnight here, but it came up after midnight on the blog, guess it's Tx time? Anyway...it's Christmas morning here. First time in over 17 years that I have awakened and not had to play Santa. The universe has always tossed me some odd curveballs in life, I guess this one is no different. I try to read the signs that are given to me, and take the path I am shown, usually it seems to lead to success in the important ways, like happiness, contentment, fulfillment, but sometimes it takes awhile to get there, through the..uh..obstacles. And I suppose that sometimes the happiness or contentment is fleeting, or illusive. One foot in front of the other, try to enjoy life moment by moment. A quote I really like by Alice Walker- "Look closely at the present you are constructing. It should look like the future you dream of."

Christmas eve, have a whoopie ding day

Okay, so I decide to help others today, and delivered a care package of food to a family less fortunate. that felt good. Something to try to get the spirit of the season. I also did *all* of my Christmas shopping (as in, I did NOT get out and do ANY before today). That doesn't mean much, a trip to Trader Joe's to buy dinner, goodies and some stocking stuffers....and a trip to Walgreen's for more stocking stuffers.... now, hope I can find the stockings. I am just NOT in the holiday swing this year...needless to say. Being Jewish, and being in the life-situation I have been dealt, I can get away with it this year. I do have a couple poinsettias, a small live tree, cash for my kids, and the stocking action. And dinner (ham, potatoes, salad etc)....so I will pass Xmas muster I guess. I am working on a very cool teapot, and some other clay objects that might be moneymakers...and...got a paypal pmt for classes and tools, that was fun. Happy Christmas eve.

Wednesday, December 24, 2003

Twas the day before christmas
and all through our storage
not a creature was moving
It was so boring

The stockings were hung
the shopping all done
Nothing left to do
but close up and have fun

May your packages be many
and your returns be few
If you have no place to put it
I have storage spaces just for you

Merry Christmas to all
And to all a good night
Can't wait until tommorrow
My house will be a sight

Cooking and Baking
Roast Beast and Pies
Paper and boxes strewn all around

Neither floor nor empty belly in this house will be found

Ah....Grandmotherhood! Nothing is as heart filling or as heart breaking. Your new addition will transform your heart in ways you never thought possible. Which, of course, means it wil also have the potential of breaking it in ways you never thought possible. But, if there's was ever anyone in the world who SHOULD be a grandmother, it's you Earth Goddess! And the other personalities will come in handy! What a lucky kid - several grandmas in one!
Well, here it is Christmas Eve and not a drop of "Christmas Spirit" in sight. I try to have it all year long, so do you think
it's okay if I don't have it right now? If I want to pretend this is just another day, do you think it matters in the larger scheme of things? Do I get a black mark on my universal kharma? Geez...even asking those questions is bringing me down more!
Think I'll go soak in the tub and think happy thoughts

Tuesday, December 23, 2003

The saddest part of my daughter getting pregnant was that she did not come to us first. I know she didn't want to dissappoint us but it is not like we haven't dealt with other mishaps in her growing stages. In not wanting to hurt us she hurt us even more by not trusting us. She was worried about her father being upset and the rest of the family thinking she was a failure and none of those ideas are real. As my husband says she has been watching way too much bad tv and not remembering who her family really is. We will stand by her in this as we have everything else in her life. I can only hope that she doesn't regret this child and that she does not give up on her dreams of college. That would be the saddest thing I can see happening and we will do whatever it takes to see that she has the support she needs to complete her dreams rather than giving up on them. A baby I can live with but her giving up hope I can't. At least now I have an excuse to shop in the toy department again and to buy fun toys.

Children are great joys but having them to early is hard hard work. I became pregnant with my son at 15, I had all the usual excuses divorced parents, disfunctional family life and I still survived and prospered. Now I am not sure whether that was a good example or a bad one. In some ways I think I made it look too easy but she doesn't realize all the things I gave up to raise children properly. I tried telling her while she was growing up, stressing how important it was to have a life of her own before she settled down to marriage and children. Of all the things I missed becoming a parent at 16, never having a chance to find out who I really was is what I miss most. Once you have children and a husband you live for them, at least if you are doing it right and God knows I tried to do it right. I have a happy marriage, my husband and I both gave up good jobs and started our own businesses so that we could homeschool and give our kids the time they needed from us. Its like Julia Roberts in Runaway bride where she doesn't know how she really likes her eggs. Unless you take time to live on your own and become a real person you wake up at 35 and realize you don't know anything about yourself. You know what things your kids and husbands like but you have spent so much time catering to other people you have no idea what you like or want from life and after 18 years or raising a child most of the time you are too tired to really care.

Okay, so I hope I have this right. I just type into this Post box, and it will appear, with a date, I am assuming. The universe is pretty unbelievable to me at this point in life. I figure in about 2 years I might have some sense of perspective again, but right now? I am not sure what sort of dream/nightmare world is mine. Sometimes it's very sweet and lovely, and others it is gray and lonely. Last night, my good friend's son (18) was in a car accident with some friends. He wasn't driving (he lost his license prior). His best friend was killed and the other 2 boys seriously injured, and 2 girls and friend's son, all minor injuries. Horrible way to learn a lesson, he is having a very hard time handling it as is my friend. I cried with her on the phone today and wondered, for the umpteenth zillionth time in the past five months, what the heck the universe needs me to focus on and learn, so I can move into a happier time. I am ready!

Anyways, There I am waiting for this to be over, watching bad movies in the waiting room of a clinic I never hoped to see with my daughter and the nex moment, I am going to be a grandmother. Now this is not such a bad thing other than the fact that I have volunteered to babysit for free for the next 8 years while she gets her law degree and her masters. We are a family of homeschoolers so I don't even get to send the kid to school. I don't mind babysitting but she just moved out and this was the first year in the last 22 that the hubby and I were childless. I was thinking more about things like wild afternoon sex than Diapers and bottlefeeding. I like babies and I would much rather a pregnancy than say a major crime and jail time but I still find it sad that she will not get to truly have a life of her own with out children and concerns for a little while.

She was warned that the women in my family get pregnant looking at boys wrong and she still didn't listen. I told her just to concentrate on school and ignore boys and she didn't listen. The obsession teenage girls have with boys astounds me. I remember it well having become pregnant at 15 because of it. But looking back now at the ripe old age of 39 I have to wonder if it isn't a cruel joke played by God or he just knew that if he did not program our teenage years to be crazy rutting with stupid boys who aren't even worth having sex with then the species would not survive at all. I wouldn't trade my children or my life and I love them all but teenagers don't understand what they are giving up by allowing themselves to become pregnant or how many years of bad sex they have ahead of them. I have to give my daughter some credit she was on the pill and trying not to become pregnant but she is now a living statistic and as much as I dislike the religious right in their severe rightest leanings, It is true that the only real way to avoid pregnancy is not to have sex...........

Merry Christmas to all and welcome to our new blog. Now there will be three different crazy women writing and not just me. If you have comments please send all email to
blog@dragonpass.com and we may respond.

This last week has been a doozy. Last Tuesday morning I was sitting in a clinic with my daughter (who aspires to a jusgeship ) and seeing as she is almost 20 years old I can't tell her what to do anymore. She was positive she was 10-12 weeks along.

Ahhhhh, The best laid plans of mice and little girls. She returned to the waiting room in tears after her ultrasound. Much to her surprise she was 18 weeks along. So there I am waiting. Be back in a bit