This is how I am!
I am not going to change!
Take it or leave it!
My friend never really felt like the relationship between herself and her spouse was without hope until he screamed that in her face. She had to admit he has said it to her before. Using the same words more or less. She knows that he wants her to leave him, and eventually she probably will. From what she has shared with me I have come to finally fully realize the gravity of the situation that she is in.
It is not particularly pleasant to live with someone that can barely tolerate your presence. She says that it is very straining living with him. She can't talk to him about anything. If her words are positive he is flat, no respose or interest. If it is inquisitive it is an annoyance to him. Questions are not tolerated, because if she is asking a question then it only means that she was not listening well enough. If it is informational or the sharing of knowledge then that is either annoying or will induce anger because A, She doesn't know anything, or she is in his opinion trying to diminish him by making him feel uneducated. B, just annoyingly repeating what he already knows C, somehow wasting his time by having an interest in something that he is not interested in or D, Undermining her families success by not educating herself on the topic of his choice. Which by the way he has not researched either. He thinks that she should learn everything she can about his subject choice and then share the info with him. She should also be able to answer all the questions that he has about said topic fully and completely.
She says that she knows this sounds crazy but this is what it is like living with him. He isn't like this 100% of the time, probably just about 85% of the time. The other 15% of the time will sometimes lull her into a false sense of reality and then wham his personality will switch so fast that it will make her head spin. Usually there is some sort of trigger, and it will be something small like him making a wrong turn. Mostly it is something that she has done or failed to do that will set him off.
She has adapted to the situation and most of the time she takes it in stride. She is pretty good at holding her tongue but she has been known to make a snide remark now and again. To be continued....