I was going to compose a Drafts Medley will all of my depressing unfinished drafts but the new blogger is far too complicated and it causes my Attention Deficit Disorder to act up. (New for me because I have not blogged on a regular basis for at least a year) I cleaned out the garage yesterday at least as much as was mine to clean, I didn't dare touch Kelly's boxes of miscellaneous crap. I feel accomplished, I am pretty stoked about finding my Jack La Lane Juicer. I juiced for dinner last night. It was pretty awesome. I lost and gained back 35 pounds last year which I find ridiculous. I hope to do better this year. Found a bunch of pre-fat pictures of me in the garage, why didn't anyone tell me how stinking cute I was. I also found a lot of memories and for the most part I welcomed them with open arms. I found the raspberry glass beaded necklace that I got for my birthday eight, or five or four or, I can't remember how many years ago from April and B. They took me to Johhnny Carrinos for lunch. I am thinking that after K cleans his crap up in the garage I would like to get a long table and start some more of my creative messes in there. I should bead again. L went nutso and hacked her hair off with one of the twenty pairs of scissors that I found in the garage. My SIL spent at least a couple of hours disguising the damage. I'm going to try to photo her and get a facebook picture up today but don't hold your breathe.