Friday, December 30, 2011


  I was going to compose a Drafts Medley will all of my depressing unfinished drafts but the new blogger is far too complicated and it causes my Attention Deficit Disorder to act up. (New for me because I have not blogged on a regular basis for at least a year) I cleaned out the garage yesterday at least as much as was mine to clean, I didn't dare touch Kelly's boxes of miscellaneous crap. I feel accomplished, I am pretty stoked about finding my Jack La Lane Juicer. I juiced for dinner last night. It was pretty awesome. I lost and gained back 35 pounds last year which I find ridiculous. I hope to do better this year. Found a bunch of pre-fat pictures of me in the garage, why didn't anyone tell me how stinking cute I was. I also found a lot of memories and for the most part I welcomed them with open arms. I found the raspberry glass beaded necklace that I got for my birthday eight, or five or four or, I can't remember how many years ago from April and B. They took me to Johhnny Carrinos for lunch. I am thinking that after K cleans his crap up in the garage I would like to get a long table and start some more of my creative messes in there. I should bead again. L went nutso and hacked her hair off with one of the twenty pairs of scissors that I found in the garage. My SIL spent at least a couple of hours disguising the damage. I'm going to try to photo her and get a facebook picture up today but don't hold your breathe.

Chiweenie AKA Daisy

 She's mostly weenie but there is some Chihuahua in there some where. She is a complete and total nut. I found her running in the middle of a busy road last Spring. I opened my car door for her and she hopped right in. I put an ad out, signs etc, and no one claimed her. In case her previous family sees this and suddenly remembers how entertaining she was and decides that they finally miss her and want her back. This is not your dog this. This is my dog! You can't have her, we have prepaid legal!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Peanut is a dilute red Dachshund. He's a very handsome boy. We adopted him from PALS, the same place that we adopted Rebel from. He was just a pup, only a few months old. He's a good model, he just stood there and let me photograph him.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I almost got shanked at Gamestop

 No not really but I thought it was a catchy title. I dropped L and her love off at Gamestop, it seemed like everyone there was in line. Ranger and I went to Super Walmart to spend a gift card that he received for his birthday. He bought the game of Life and some 1/2 off X-mas fizzies for bath time. When we got back to Gamestop the kids were still in line so Ranger played some video games. There ws a little girl there playing with him, a little younger than Ranger. I'm going to guesstimate that she was about 6. She is apparently a poor sport because she felt the need to slap and push my son for having more gaming skills than her. He didn't do anything back to her and I was so proud. He did however come to mama to take care of it. I told him how proud I was of him but he clearly was not satisfied with my praise. I located the child's mother and father and very nicely told them what there child had done. They actually seemed amused and said oh that is just how she is. To that I responded, you know that might become a problem for her. Then the dad just repeated the word might like it was a challenge. Yeah I should of just walked away but instead I said. (BECAUSE I AM NOTHING IF NOT IMMATURE) Well then just start saving up that money for bail, and I had a big stupid grin on my face when I said it. Then the mother gets flustered and says well I'm sorry my kid's not white. WHAT?? REALLY?? That was her come back,so I just muttered your a racist and walked off. This really happened this isn't a stupid story that I made up for entertainment. Why the heck would anyone let there kid hit someone because they are a poor sport. Those people need to be sterilized.

L Ray Smith

I was looking at the comments on this blog, it was a quick trip down memory lane. I find it extremely interesting that people are still commenting on Brandy's L Ray Smith link six years later. For real peeps, someone commented on December 12, religion sure does get people riled up. Just why is that? So that's my topic for January, feel free to take any direction you want with that one.

I asked my father why he does not write anymore and he says that it is because he has recorded all he wishes to. He says that he has written about what has troubled him and he has written about what has brought him joy and that there is just nothing left. I found that extremely saddening and I do not wish that to become the case for me so I resolve to record my lukewarm mediocrity in all it's glory,

  I have a giant sock monkey in my living room for Yang which I have not mustered enough motivation to send. Even after receiving a lovely box of Gifts from her for the Winter Solstice. In fact I could not even summon enough motivation to express my gratitude. The box made my day probably my week and yet I could not bring myself to call my loved one or even to answer an email. I have been feeling quite scroogish this Holiday Season and I am surprised I even got around to putting up a tree. I briefly entertained the notion that I might find some some celebration that excluded a tree but quickly realized that anything else would probably be more elaborate and time consuming.

 People with large extended families may find them bothersome at times but right now I really wish I had even some family besides the one that dwells inside my home. I feel like an orphan here. My daughter has outgrown me and the boys don't particularly care to do anything worthwhile with me outside of the house. My husband is absent half the time, and when he is home he is hunting, shooting and hiding in his office concocting his next real estate project. We have no relationship to speak of, he took his yearly vacation during hunting season without consulting me and even though I arranged some time off to accompany him to the hunting camp I was discouraged from going (being that It was the start of the season and I would be taking up space that an actual hunter might need). I had been told previously that I was always welcome there but I suppose that only applied to the non hunting season. Sigh....
  You can't make people love you, or laugh at your jokes.

  Some pretty horrible stuff has happened here lately but I don't know that it is blog appropriate since it involves someone that is not me and truthfully I am not dying to share even though I probably need to.
  2011 likes it's predecessor 2010 sucked balls. Well not entirely, I have fallen in love with my job well actually with photography in general. I finally bought a decent camera but haven't quite learned how to use it yet. I will share some of my photos eventually.