Wisdom, Common Sense & Outright Lies
Have a Question, Complaint or just want to Bitch, Become a guest blogger and we will tell you how we feel. Whether you like it or not. Or just read our daily collection of the meanderings of many minds.
Monday, January 31, 2005
Sunday, January 30, 2005
Well I've almost officially quit the dreaded book distributor job. I got rather behind schedule due to the children taking turns being ill, and decided that I'm just going to try to make a few bucks working from home. I'll put the boys in mothers day out so that I'll have some occasional child less time but I really do not enjoy being away from them for 7 or eight hours at a time. If it were not for the fact that CCISD teachers stole a thousand dollars worth of books from me than this would have been my best check yet. Shame on them,( I guess they thought that I deserved it since I chose to stay home with my sick kids rather than deliver their stupid fucking books on time!)How dare I make them wait a week for their books which they had not paid for yet! I have to give my whole check to the publisher so we will be square but it will be worth it to be done with it. This job was so much physical labor and their really were not enough hours in the day. So Brandy look forward to me picking your brain about e-bay. Hooray! Free at last. Still have a mess of books to organize and return in my garage. Well my boss does not really know that I'm done yet, I told her I
I'd linger a bit longer but the thieving teacher thing really irked me so I'm saying adios to this gig. Cristal is happy about my flushing the job, now we can play together. We tried to watch a video last night, can't remember the name of it. It was a love story about a hot musician and a girl who carves his last name on her forehead. I missed a lot of it because there was a lot of low talking and the wee ones were running around screaming and having a blast. Our children really enjoy eachothers company. I tried moving near the speaker but the closer I got to it the closer the kidlets got to me. Stay tuned for the following rants.
Tolerance and Diversity
My husband's porn
Crazy neighbor
Addicted to eBay
Thursday, January 27, 2005
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
Now Open
Walmart, a mile from my house. To celebrate their opening day, they bought a round of newspapers for the entire neighborhood (I saw them on my walk and when I got back to my driveway and there was one there, I knew...I don't have a subscription).....there is a full page ad, announcing their opening. I think I can *feel* the property value rising, I need to do the b'ruptcy/refi thing SOON!
Operation Military Pride, supporting deployed military members worldwide
Operation Military Pride, supporting deployed military members worldwide
It has finally happened someone we know is being sent away in the military. We have been praying for 2 years now that he would avoid it but no such luck. Now we will begin the process of care packages.
In the fine tradition of military boys he leaves behind a pregnant young wife and lots of friends.
If you would like to send care packages or help support the troops then this site will help you get started.
CBS News | Violent Drawings Land Boys In Jail | January 26, 2005�08:30:06
CBS News | Violent Drawings Land Boys In Jail | January 26, 2005�08:30:06: "The boys' parents said they thought the children should be punished by the school and families, not the legal system.
The parents are right, it is them that should be punished by the legal system. The kids are only 9 & 10 and last I knew while I find this behavior dispicable art is generally considered free speech.
The Bush administration is probably thinking this could be a test case so that they can start arresting all the people that draw mean pictures of Bush
Sunday, January 23, 2005
MSNBC - Online Auctions Front Page -Auction Fraud stories - Some good info for Buyers
MSNBC - Online Auctions Front Page: "EBay, PayPal and the Fufu fiasco
For dozens of antique collectors whose beds, tables and chairs from China are locked in a shipping container in Long Beach, Calif., the crate neatly symbolizes the risks of the global Internet economy."
Site Build It! - Auctions
An interesting view of Ebay, depressing as it is. Overall the product they are selling seems to be fairly good and reasonable even at 299.00. Wether you buy the product or not this page contains a lot of good information about how to build a succesful website, the various skills needed and techniques involved. Worth a look for anyone interested in opening a new web site.
Site Build It! - Auctions
Thursday, January 20, 2005
Progress, such as it is...
Have I mentioned that I hate this game? Latest is, the attorneys and the judge had a conference call yesterday afternoon, and 'vacated' Friday's trial, with the understanding that both parties were in agreement and that a final paper can be drawn up next week when my attorney's assistant returns from her vacation. We will then both peruse the document, tweak it in, and sign off. Deadline was set for February 18th. I assume it will be final before then, an early birthday present. This is all good news...it's almost over.
But then, Mr Lowe annoyed me again today, but it was kind of amusing too, in an irritating sort of way. I mean, he had annoyed me earlier too...but...well...I guess I will just tell the story....
Last weekend was Gary's weekend (mind you, "weekend" for Mishy is Saturday morning til Sunday evening)....but Leesie mentioned, before the weekend, that Gary was wanting to switch weekends for the NAMM show which he attends in Anaheim every January...she didn't say any details (like, which weekend was NAMM or which direction it would be switched, or what exactly he was switching for...the kids seem fine on their own over there most of the time...) I replied that we might go up north...to visit with Steffin's daughter in Payson...but I had to work Saturday, so wasn't sure if that would happen or not. So, during the week I asked Aliya if Gary had gone to NAMM last weekend, answer was no, it was this weekend upcoming. Today, Leesie called and said that they were going to California, with Gary, this weekend. I was a bit perturbed, being told at the last minute, but not begrudging of them going to have a fun weekend. Not a word from Gary. Til today. Email (!) asking if it was okay...for them to go this weekend, saying he knew I'd talked to Elyse. I wrote him back, not really nice, chiding him for not communicating himself....I mean, come on...he actually emailed back (first time EVER that I can recall, that he has actually replied to a response email to me)....
said he didn't know if he was GOING to NAMM since he JUST found out from his lawyer today that we weren't going to court tomorrow.
DUH.... I knew last week! Okay, so it wasn't for sure til yesterday, but Leesie said "well, Dad said he called your lawyer three times and he never called back!" And I said, "why is he calling *my* lawyer?" She said..."well, he called some lawyer." I told her his lawyer has the reputation of not calling back...and...now in retrospect, I'm wondering why the hell I am having this conversation with my fifteen year old daughter!!
Anyway...I told him that I am fine with switching weekends, and I am glad they can go have a fun time, apparently they are going to Disneyland for one day. And that I am happy to have my kids anytime they condescend to stay with me, for however long they want to. I didn't tell him the other thought I had for him...just two words... THANK YOU!!!
My mom had three- It's about time.
Tuesday, January 18, 2005
Canadian HOckey A real Mans Sport
iWon News: "A Canadian man, upset that his 9-year-old son was benched during a hockey game, allegedly choked the team's coach in a fit of rage, Toronto police said on Monday."
Thursday, January 13, 2005
Intuition or Logical Deduction?
I don't know, but I predicted that we would not be going to court, and indeed, it would appear that we are hammering out an 'agreement', and will avoid that headache and expense at least. Very very soon I will be divorced....
Sunday, January 09, 2005
Ode To The Missing Mommy Dragon (For B & J)
Josh is there, Josh is there! For us the Dragon does not care.
With her wee little man she'll frolic and play, tease and taunt.
Alas, we poor souls, our hopes and dreams she'll merely haunt.
But that's okay - we love her still, she'll be back to fill the bill.
She's allowed to have her fun, visiting with her prodigal son.
For us the week will drag and creep, no doubt we'll weep.
For Dragon tho', the days will fly, soon she'll have to say goodbye.
Goodbye to Joshy, sweet and dear, quite a doll from what we hear.
Then Dragon sad, forlorn, she'll be-come back to us and make merry.
We'll laugh, we'll joke, your tears to dry, we'll give it the blogger try.
For you, our Dragon dear, you might even see more blogs appear.
Friday, January 07, 2005
I've Been Diagnosed!
This explains so much about my life!
AAADD: Age Activated Attention Deficit Disorder.
This is how it manifests:
I decide to wash my car.
As I start toward the garage, I notice that there is mail on the hall table.
I decide to go through the mail before I wash the car.
I lay my car keys down on the table, put the junk mail in the trash can under the table, and notice that the trash can is full.
So, I decide to put the bills back on the table and take out the trash first.
But then I think, since I'm going to be near the mailbox when I take out the trash anyway, I may as well pay the bills first.
I take my checkbook off the table, and see that there is only one check left.
My extra checks are in my desk in the study, so I go to my desk where I find the can of Coke that I had been drinking.
I'm going to look for my checks,but first but I need to push the Coke aside so that I don't accidentally knock it over. I see that the Coke is getting warm, and I decide I should put it in the refrigerator to keep it cold.
As I head toward the kitchen with the coke, a vase of flowers on the counter catches my eye-they need to be watered.
I set the Coke down on the counter, and I discover my reading glasses that I've been searching for all morning.
I decide I better put them back on my desk, but first I'm going to water the flowers.
I set the glasses back down on the counter, fill a container with water and suddenly I spot the TV remote. Someone left it on the kitchen table.
I realize that tonight when we go to watch TV, I will be looking for the remote, but I won't remember that it's on the kitchen table, so I decide to put it back in the den where it belongs, but first I'll water the flowers.
I splash some water on the flowers, but most of it spills on the floor.
So, I set the remote back down on the table, get some towels and wipe up the spill.
Then I head down the hall trying to remember what I was planning to do.
At the end of the day: the car isn't washed, the bills aren't paid, there is a warm can of Coke sitting on the counter, the flowers aren't watered, there is still only one check in my checkbook, I can't find the remote, I can't find my glasses, and I don't remember what I did with the car keys.
Then when I try to figure out why nothing got done today, I'm really baffled because I know I was busy all day long, and I'm really tired.
I realize this is a serious problem, and I'll try to get some help for it, but first I'll check my e-mail.
Do me a favor, will you? Forward this message to everyone you know, because I don't remember to whom it has been sent.
Don't laugh -- if this isn't you yet, your day is coming!
Right on, Mish!
So glad to see someone else with the courage to say they hate Christmas! B and I have decided when we are old and live together we are reviving all the original pagan customs and rituals for that time of year. And since historians have claimed 3 or 4 other dates as the actual birth date of Jesus, we have picked the latest April 7th date as the day we are actually going to celebrate it.
Okay - started this blog over a week ago and never finished. (Much like everything else in my life.) We were hit by the big ice storm some of you may have seen on the weather. Lost electricity on Tuesday about 5 p.m. and didn't get it back until late last night, at which point it continued to flicker off and on through the night. We seem to be maintaining this a.m. Ten, (or even as recently as 2), years ago, this would have seemed like a great adventure to me. As I see 50 just over the horizon, it is no longer fun. Remember - we live in the middle of nowhere (some refer to it as "God's Country" - I say let God live here then!) so no electricity also means no running water. No shower, no laundry, no dishes, no toilet flushing, and no watering of 6 cows and 2 calves, 7 cats (we've adopted more recently), 2 chickens, 2 ducks, and 1 dog. Chopping stock tanks several times a day, hoping it gets above freezing soon so at least they'll get the run-off from the ice on the barn when it melts. Everything in both fridge/freezers and the stand up freezer now rotten and having to be thrown out, not to mention the mess they made. And of course now that we do have electricity, all drains (bath, sinks, toilet, washer, etc. are frozen solid. I didn't even have company and help in my misery and struggle to keep the animals hydrated, as poor Darrel went to work Tuesday a.m. and until 2 a.m. this morning had only been home for 3 hours and slept 1-1/2 hours. He's currently sleeping the sleep of the dead. And on ...and on... and on.... Okay - I now officially hate country life. Last year this went on for a week, suppose I should be thankful it was only 3 days this time. And yes, I know - I have thought about all the people devastated by the tsunami and how I should quit my complaining.
Have some lovely pictures of the ice, though, which I intend to share with all you warm weather bloggers, if I can just remember how to!!! (Yes, Brandy - I haven't a single brain cell left.)
Amidst all the madness, I did see one of the most beautiful sights I've ever seen. Late Wednesday night I went outside for something and accidently shut the flashlight off and happened to look up. Any of you who have ever been really out in the country know how breathtaking the night sky is when it's clear. It's one of things I've always loved about being out here. This night it was indescribable. The sky was so full of stars it lit the ground and reflected off all the ice everywhere. Took my breath away and will be my one and only treasured memory of this "adventure." If I hadn't believed in the world of fairies before, I do now.
Will post the pics (sorry - no night time ones!) when B has time to remind me how stupid I am!
Wednesday, January 05, 2005
Believe it or not, it *is* going to happen
The Lowes are going to be divorced...soon....we have a court date for January 21. Last order said Gary wanted to schedule appointments to spend beaucoup bucks on Dr Glassman (custody evaluator) again, to try to hash out a custody/access deal, he was not willing to entertain my offer (which was VERY reasonable). So, my attorney called me a week before Thanksgiving and said to call Dr G and schedule an appointment right away. I called the next day and Dr G's secretary told me that they would wait for Gary to call as they wanted us to come in together, and that it would probably happen after Thanksgiving. So...here it is now, January 5, and I get an email...Gary has a counter offer! Or, he needs to schedule an appoinment with Dr G. IMMEDIATELY....like the order says.... I have to laugh...WHO WAITED TIL NOW?????? If this thing was brought to court, what would the judge think of Gary's timeliness, or lack there-of? At any rate, he countered with a miniscule compromise to me, and I responded, so it looks like the negotiations for the FINALIZATION of this divorce are in progress...a year and a half later...and as I predicted, I don't think it will be going to court, other than for the stamp of approval. I had already decided to compromise, in the interests of *not* forcing it in front of the judge, and only because I have communicated with my daughters and I know their wishes. Sure will be nice to get it over with....
Tuesday, January 04, 2005
Gifts my parents have given me
My 40th year so far has been one of gifts. Gifts of insight into my life, my past and perhaps my future. Emily was blessed with Christmas snow, a small miracle but one I helped bring. Now if I could just bring money. I told my daughter it was a charm that she needed to bless her life. In thinking of charms I realized once again what a charmed life I have led. From my pony for my fifth birthday to the happiness I carry today, it has indeed been a charmed life.
At times when telling people the story of my life I receive their pity for my hardships. The sudden intake of breathe and subtle disapproval that emanates in regard to my many indiscretions. Looking back I know that my sins were small in the scheme of the world, fantasies enlarged by an imaginative young mind. I have long since paid my fines. I could have traveled very different paths than I have, Pregnant at 12, 3 fathers, 2 mothers, various half, full and step siblings from variety of sources. Pregnant again at 15. Married at 17. Dropped out of high school. Everything I chose was wrong. Every path I strode down was the hard one or maybe it was the easy one, I come closer to this belief on a daily basis.
The truth is I have taken something from all these experiences and they changed me and taught me and guarded me throughout my life. These people,some misguided, some mean spirited and some lost, all loved, shaped me into an honorable soul.
Most kids receive gifts from their parents of intelligence and family. For a child of divorce that becomes plural on the family very quickly. So many people you are expected to interact with on a family level. Can be downright daunting or exhillerating. There were times in my life when I wished my parents hadn't divorced. As an adult I am amazed they stayed married as long as they did. They were never suited for each other I interrupted their lives. My mother, pregnant at 16, promising art student, scholarships to attend Berkeley. My father 18, graduating wanting to go off to college. He wanted to be a teacher or a policeman, he would have been good at either. He became a bricklayer and she became a mom. It was short and bittersweet, my mother would not have lasted in my fathers world she wanted more. He wanted outdoors, family, horses and rodeos. She wanted Saks, a job, nicer homes and cars, independent life without beer and cigarettes. To this day she is fanatic about smokes.
From my father I received my love of the outdoors, my ability to walk into old mines and houses without fear. To climb mountains, talk to horses, cats and birds. My father is the nature God of my life. He taught me to shoot a gun. We watched as he and my uncles cleaned doves pulling the feathers and dropping them into the stream the children were playing in. Bloody feathers swirling around our ankles. One with nature and understanding the role of death. It was accepted, it was dealt with, it was eaten. I rode with my father in JC Rodeo parades, He in his Vaquero leathers and wide brimmed hat. I still have the leather shirt he wore and the wide brimmed sombrero he wore on his head. Definitely a charmed life.
All of my fathers taught me honor. My true fathers gift was that of absolute certainty and a willingness to shoulder the burdens of the world or at least make himself suffer for them. His weaknesses are wine women and smoke. What else should I have expected from a nature God. He has in large part molded the red neck woman - part time drama queen side of my nature and, to you Sai, I Say Thank Ye
From my mother, I learned so much it is hard to imagine much less contemplate the vast space in my life she occupies. For three decades I sought her approval and fought against her very way of life, suddenly I find myself missing the pomp and circumstance she brings to everyday life. From my mother I learned independence, how to survive alone and that nothing can stop me unless I let it. From her I learned that if you make bad choices, you can choose differently and much to her dismay I am sure, I learned how to stand up for my beliefs in the face of all dissagreement. Strangely enough I learned this by standing up to her, I am sure that wasn't what she had planned. I am thankful that she insisted I learn manners and that she exposed me to the finer things in life no matter how pretentious I may think they sometimes are. I am greatful that I was taught manners and how to behave properly in all situations. From her I also received my love of reading. She always supplied my habit, and not just with books appropriate for my age. She let me read anything. She taught me to cook, and cook well, with fine ingredients. She taught me to serve gratiously when needed. She taught me sales and customer service. Usually by me having to sell some idea to her. Early on I hated her for not spending enough time with me and for letting me be alone too much of my childhood. Then I ran away thinking that that is the only way I could be free. , Only to discover how much I miss her and that moving away isn't the best way to find more time alone with her. Okay, so I am a slow learner. I am grateful she made me do things I hated such as writing spelling words ten times each every night, going to private schools which I thought were hell. In the end I became a good speller not that you could tell by reading these blogs, I never said she made me a good typist. And that school that I hated so much became my favorite as the years went by and what I would model a school after if I were to open one. Most of all she taught me that no matter how fractured a relationship, or what has happened in the past, family is everything and she has always been there for me.
If it hadn't been for having such a disfunctional family I would have never known what to avoid when raising my own kids. So I am grateful for every disfunctional minute.
My Stepmother Heidi was my first best friend and the parent who most helped me get through my teenage years. Only 18 when my father married her I am amazed we ever became friends and that she didn't just hate me for the rotten snot I was at times. The earliest evil child memory I have with her was when she picked us up for a weekend and we went to Kmart to pick up some stuff. I made it out of the car and went on a viscious spree of how Kmart was for lower class people and that I would never shop in a place like that. Those of you who knbow me as the yardsale and auction queen should be laughing hard about now. To her I credit my ability to move away and actually raise a family of 4 on 600-800 dollars a month. Alas I will never be as frugal or as committed to saving for every eventuality but she was an exceptional role model for both. She was the one who listened to all my teenage angst, who I went to when I hated everyone else. She was the one who was there when Joshua was born and who took care of me in so many ways. She even forgave me for making her a grandmother at 26. One of the greatest things she taught me was that housework really isn't that important and that being everything to everyone will drive you crazy. She was the perfectionist housekeeper, She did everything for everyone and we all let her for which we shold be dutifully flogged. She has literally worked herself into a painful midlife, showing how much doing everything can cost when you don't expect it. In the last few years our relationship has come and gone depending on the problems she has had in her own life. Some days I miss her terribly and everyday I wish she could feel well again, and have time for her own life instead of caring for everybody elses. I want her know that in the end I am thankful she married my father, I wouldn't be who I am without her.
Jim Douthit my First stepfather. The man who walked into my life at 8 years of age when I was already an intelligent, stubborn and willful child. He tried to be there for me but wasn't always able. He walks a very different path than I. He is the one person I know who has always done everything right. Good grades, good college, good job. everything proper and in its place. To him I credit more than he would imagine.
Things like good dental care. He refused to ever allow candy into our house and I have to admit my brother had like 21 cavities when first taken to the dentist and Jim was a dental fanatic. I hated him for the no candy and no pop rules and then promptly forced those same rules onto my children. Because of him my children learned to say yes maam and yes sir. I also credit him with my ability to give exceptionally longwinded lectures on any subject. Lectures that children remember for years after they spoken. He also taught me how to play chess. It had to have been hard for him walking into our family , My mother and I are some of the most willful women I know and we never made it easier. He brought us great family vacations and that true leave it to beaver feel around the house. I liked that but wasn't ready to accept it when he was there. We have never understood eachother and I doubt we ever will but I wish him the best and know that if I ever needed anything he would be there for me. Though he would expect a properly written thankyou note afterwards. I wish for him to find happiness and maybe to find himself, looking back he always lived on the fringe of our life. Never seeming to know quite what to do or how to respond and always afraid of what wasn't proper or right. He has been immensly helpful to Joshua and a good father to my brother. Someday maybe we will connect and find a way to communicate successfully but I doubt it.
James Tolman or Poppy as he is more commonly referred to is my current stepfather. I thank him for bringing my mother happiness. I was 16 and already out of the house by the time he married my mother and I don't have a lot of cute anecdotes about him but I can say he is a good man whom we all love and respect. His greatest gift to me is his acceptance. He accepted all of us with our flaws and has helped to hold together the family. Not perfect by any means and a sincere avoidance policy on conflict he has none the less lasted 25 years in our family and that is the record. Not sure how, but he has always made me feel special and for some reaon I think deep inside he actually likes the part of me that fought with my mother and who insisted I do my own thing or maybe he is just glad we aren't living with him or letting him raise our children. He has been an excellent grandfather to my children and husband to my mother what more can a girl want.
I want to thank you all for being there when I needed you and for loving me when I was an evil, ungrateful child. I thank God everyday that he brought such a wonderful and varied cast of chracters for me to model my life upon.
You done good, it wasn't what you expected but it has been good. I love you all and because of your gifts my life has truly been charmed.
Monday, January 03, 2005
Happy New Year - Things I am thankful for
I am thankful that I am not pregnant and living in Thailand
There are at least 150,000 pregnant women in tsunami-hit areas who may face complications, including trauma-induced miscarriage, and need urgent medical and nutritional support, said the U.N. population agency (UNFPA).
'Over 50,000 women within the affected communities will give birth in the next three months,' said UNFPA in a statement.
'The damage to health facilities and loss of basic delivery care supplies has jeopardized their chances to deliver under clean and safe circumstances,' it said.
The UNFPA was supplying $3 million for basic maternity and hygiene kits for women, which will include soap for washing hands, a piece of plastic sheeting to lay on the ground, a clean razor blade for cutting the umbilical cord, a piece of string for tying it, and a cloth to wrap the baby in."
Definately not a good time - My prayers go out to all of them
I am Thankful that even in the path of death, Life dreams on
A Boy Named Tsunami
I am Thankful for Activist Judges - Especialy ones who protect me from Bush
"Rehnquist Defends 'Activist Judges"
I am thankful I live in a country where the trash gets picked up and that I was no where near TImes Square last night
"Fifty tons of confetti later, Bloomberg thanks sanitation crew":
I am thankful I live in a country that is still going where no man has gone before
"Kennedy Space Center soon will have the missing piece it needs to assemble a space shuttle for launch this spring.":
I am thankful I am not Anna Nicole Smith
Anna Nicole Smith Stripped Of $88 Million Fortune:
I am Thankful that I live in a world where miracles happen daily
KRT Wire | 01/01/2005 | Human rabies survivor returns home a month early:
Sunday, January 02, 2005
Happy New Years This one is from Dona and boy do I understand it
Twas' The Month After Christmas
Twas' the month after Christmas and all through the house
Nothing would fit me, not even a blouse.
The cookies I'd nibbled, the eggnog I'd taste.
All the holiday parties had gone to my waist.
When I got on the scales there arose such a number!
When I walked to the store (less a walk than a lumber).
I'd remember the marvelous meals I'd prepared,
The gravies and sauces and beef nicely rared,
The wine and the rum balls, the bread and the cheese
And the way I'd never said, " No thank you, please."
As I dressed myself in my husband's old shirt
And prepared once again to do battle with ! dirt
I said to myself, as I only can
" You can't spend a winter disguised as a man! "
So away with the last of the sour cream dip,
Get rid of the fruit cake, every crac ker and chip
Every last bit of food that I like must be banished
Til' all the additional ounces have vanished.
I won't have a cookie, not even a lick.
I'll want only to chew on a long celery stick.
I won't have hot biscuits, or corn bread, or pie,
I'll munch on a carrot and quietly cry.
I'm hungry, I'm lonesome, and life is a bore
But isn't that what January is for ?
Unable to giggle, no longer a riot.
Happy New Year to all and to all a good diet !