Sunday, September 30, 2007

Meet The Presleys

Elvis & Priscilla

The Presleys saying hello. Please excuse Elvis' appearance. He really is a hound dog.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Familiar Dreams

He was my roommate, tall and dark. I knew him from somewhere. I knew him intimately but I could not tel you from where. It was dark outside, and my surroundings were unfamiliar, I struggle to recall them. It is so vague now. I remember the interior of our apartment. The walls were very plain and undecorated not unlike my own. It takes me years to hang just a few pictures. I felt as though I wanted to stay there with him,, as though he were part of my soul but then I remembered Kelly and my love for him and I somehow wished that I could be two people and be two places at one time. I remembered the children, my children and would not wish to be only half there for them. I made my intentions clear to him whatever they were and how that did hurt and it hurt more when he called for me and I would hear his voice. He would yearn for me and pretend that he could not find me only because I was lost. He found me walking outside with a group in the forest and said were you lost my love, I was searching for you. It is so easy to get lost here.
Another dream or a fragment of the same dream I am in the apartment I see a cast iron bed. I see a baby bed, but for what baby. I did not know. I brought more belongings into the apartment. I remember it being filled with animals or creatures, I do not know what kid. There was a dark colored cat and he was mine. He seemed displeased he said the sounds that the ants were making was a great irritation to him. So I searched the apartment and finding no ants I reported my findings to the cat. The cat said that they were outside the front door so I wandered the apartment building which apparently was really a hotel but I did not know this until just then. I walked the halls sprinkling salt everywhere hunting for the ants. As i was sprinkling the salt i thought to myself how odd it was that I was sprinkling salt. Don't ant's like sugar? I wasn't sure why I was doing this I did it just the same. I walked into a ballroom and sprinkled the salt and suddenly the room was filled with people. I asked them where the ants were. They did not answer me. Then I could her e the ants making there ant sounds, I could here them walking. I found a great number of them hiding in a corner down the hall from our room. I called the man from the last dream to get the poison. He was taking to long and I turned around to get it myself he had blocked the hall with giant piles of laundry. I was not pleased about this. I complained to someone, an employee of the hotel. It was promptly removed. Then I remembered filling the hotel room with various bits of furniture. Things that were mine apparently I was intending to stay.
Dream 3 I was driving the yukon in a parking lot in Mexico, I was having a hard time steering. There were children playing in the lot. They did not move fast enough for me. I ran over the legs of a child. I hopped out of the care to help the child and my car was still moving, only now it had morphed into a snap on truck , van thing. It made lazy circles in the parking lot til it gently crashed into a building and flipped over. Ranger was inside, andI rushed to get him out. He seemed only frightened and not hurt. Then I went back to the other child, his father was there. A small man. No one was mad at me, I called an ambulance. Then I felt a selfish fear but I will name it here. I will not name my true fears in public forum and this is a true fear. I will tell Yang later.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Laparascopic Nephrectomy (In case anyone is curious)

Not for Yang

Vengeful charm
Prepared Story
Scary logic
Watch your masquerade undone spirit

Mag poetry for Yang

Make haste poison villain
Come bosom friend
Perchance love could bestow this
Speak always fortune
Never deceive bawdy woman
She warrants my mortal self
Measure nothing fair dream lover
Drunk maidens jest

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I Miss Mag Poetry

You think having surgery and donating a body part means you can quit writing me poems??? Get with it!

I really feel too well to have had an organ removed from my body. I am in a bit of discomfort but it seems so minimal compared with the joy that I feel. My mother asked me if I would do it again, if I had it to do all over. Without a doubt!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

The Queene That Ate The Kingdom

Today Ying returns to the loving arms of her family and companions. To celebrate, Her Royal Obeseness has proclaimed it Frozen-Lemon-Yogurt-With-Bits-of-Lemon-Cake-WITH-Dark-Chocolate-Chips-Sprinkled-In Day.
(Ying, I'm pretty sure the overalls thing ain't happening!)

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Her Highness Is a Fat Ass

Today the Royal crane and forklift were called in to assist the Queene in rising from bed, so We are happy to announce that Ying has been released from the hospital and the land can once again breathe easy and return to its normal diet. That would be lots of veggies for Her Highness and scraps for the peasants. At least that was the plan. Then the Royal Lizard made home made meatballs. And the crane was called back in...........

Friday, September 21, 2007

Fat Royalty Proclamation

In Our benevolence and unbounding affection for Our E.F., we declare today watermelon and Special Dark chocolate chip day. We will roll out of the Royal Bed tomorrow with a new announcement.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Official Popcorn Day

As our dearheart, Ying, is only into her first full day of recovery after slaying the Kidney Dragon, We have declared today official Popcorn With Organic Butter And Sea Salt Day.
(She better get well fast, or the Queene is going to weigh 300 lb.)

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Queene Decrees Lemon Day

In honor of our lovely warrior elf princess Ying, and her most recent act of bravery and charity, We decree today official Frozen Lemon Yogurt With Bits of Lemon Cake Day.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Back at you, Ying!

I don't expect you'll be online tomorrow (and if you are, ring the nurse's station, cause you need more meds!) but thought I'd drop you a line JUST IN CASE, and since you said you can't access Messenger or your email from the I am!
I love you too and now shut the damn computer off, take a pill, and get some rest!!

A note for Yang

Hello love, messenger and yahoo email are blocked from the hospital's computers. I can still blog though. Surgery is at 7:30 am tomorrow ( I think). I don't have to spend the night in the hospital tonight. After everything is done here today I get to go back to the hotel and come back tomorrow. I had a wierd night, I kept waking up and I had many dreams. In one of them I was traveling with Kelly looking for a place to stay, I found a motel. After we paid I realized the place was a total dive. So I went to the clerk who remindly me greatly of teh grim reaper and he said too bad you paid you'll stay. Then I said give me my freakin money back and grim said okay. Then I followed him into the doorway of the lobby but I did not enter because I looked before I entered and it was very darkand there was some demon like thing with glowing eyes inside. I too0k a step back and said, " I don't think so!". Then I stumbled backward and wokeup. I can't remember the rest, I think I dreamt that I was having the surgery or I was already having it.
Deb made me a colorful blanket, she crocheted it with her own hands. It is stinking freazing in here and it is keeping me warm. I am wearing my labradorite necklace. Kelly discouraged me from wearing jewelry to the hospital. So I took off everything but the necklace. I am also wearing our Dona and Lydia bracelet's. I may get a chance to go and look at a house this evening. I love you! I love you! I love you! Kelly has the call list, so he'll call as soon as I'm out of surgery.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

This Goat's Life

The funniest, saddest, wittiest blog in the world. And who knew a goat would write better than I ever hoped to? I think Belle deserve a Pulitzer. Or at least a hand full of cookies. Warning - this blog is addictive!

This Goat's Life

Bean's Contributions To The Blog

Bean anxiously awaiting Darrel's arrival home from work. Silly me - I thought she was MY dog!

If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you;
that is the principal difference between a dog and a man.
- Mark Twain

Dogs love their friends & bite their enemies. Quite unlike people, who are incapable of pure love and always have to mix love & hate.
- Anonymous

The average dog is a nicer person than the average person.
- Andy Rooney

A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.
- Josh Billings

There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face.
- Ben Williams

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


I'm sneaking a quick blog. Mom will be here tomorrow and I have accomplished virtually nothing and here I am procrastinating again. I filled up the tub with hot water and watched as the water coursed through the jets and suddenly I felt afraid. I wondered if my mother would even show tomorrow. Maybe she'll call with a good excuse. Then all at once I had a lot of child hood feelings and memories come back. Unwelcome feelings, I started thinking about all those times I would wait for, she said she would come when she never did. I thought about standing in my grandmothers dirt yard holding onto the chain link fence and just staring down the block waiting sometimes for days and my Uncles would tell me to come inside, that she was not coming. I would say yes she is, she said she was. Then they would say she is a liar and I would say no she's not. She would always have some sort of excuse when she finally showed, and I was never mad that she never came when she said she would.
I woke up this morning to the sound an imagined ringing phone. It was almost 5 am, I called my mother to make sure she was up and traveling towards LAX. Her flight leaves at 6:30. Now I am slightly concerned that she still had not left the house. Now if I was a betting person I would bet that she missed that planr but I am not going to call her because I don't really wnt to know that right now,Most likely she will call me at 2pm when I am waiting at the airport like an idiot. She's a little last minute and irresposible, the missing of planes is something that is commen practice for her. I know I need to not be so hard on her.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Niki in the Garden

Niki in the Garden

Monday, September 10, 2007

My thoughts today.

I feel loved today, I feel encouraged. I feel like there is good in the world. A lot of good, more good than anything else. I am thrilled to be alive.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

iWon News - Father: Missing Student Was in Car Wreck

iWon News - Father: Missing Student Was in Car Wreck

A Map Of The World Of Stephen King

For any of you who have read much from the King of Horror. I don't know if it's interesting or pathetic that I got all the jokes, as I've read all the books.

salem_lot_lg.jpg (JPEG Image, 1147x768 pixels)

Friday, September 07, 2007

Vote on what I wear to my daughters wedding

I am taking votes on the following outfits

#1 Velvet Moonbeam Dress - New Age & Spiritual Gifts at Pyramid Collection

#2Scarlet Baroque Dress - New Age & Spiritual Gifts at Pyramid Collection

#3 Just has to toss it in
Faerie Nymph Dress - New Age & Spiritual Gifts at Pyramid Collection

Pink Chocolate Dress - New Age & Spiritual Gifts at Pyramid Collection

Burgundy Beaded Cami - New Age & Spiritual Gifts at Pyramid Collection

Black Rose Tracery Dress - New Age & Spiritual Gifts at Pyramid Collection

This top
Gossamer Garden Top - New Age & Spiritual Gifts at Pyramid Collection

maybe this skirt
Crimson Sequined Skirt - New Age & Spiritual Gifts at Pyramid Collection

or this one
Microsuede Skirt - New Age & Spiritual Gifts at Pyramid Collection

Hurry! Class sizes are limited! Enroll Him NOW!!

Fall Classes for Men at

By Monday, Sept 10, 2007


Class 1
How to Fill Up the Ice Cube Trays--Step by Step, with Slide Presentation.
Meets 4 weeks, Monday and Wednesday for 2 hours beginning at 7:00 PM.
Class 2
The Toilet Paper Roll--Does It Change Itself?
Round Table Discussion.
Meets 2 weeks, Saturday 12:00 for 2 hours.
Class 3
Is It Possible To Urinate Using The Technique Of Lifting The Seat and Avoiding The Floor, Walls and Nearby Bathtub?--Group Practice.
Meets 4 weeks, Saturday 10:00 PM for 2 hours.
Class 4
Fundamental Differences Between The Laundry Hamper and The Floor--Pictures and Explanatory Graphics.
Meets Saturdays at 2:00 PM for 3 weeks.
Class 5
Dinner Dishes--Can They Levitate and Fly Into The Kitchen Sink?
Examples on Video.
Meets 4 weeks, Tuesday and Thursday for 2 hours beginning
at 7:00 PM
Class 6
Loss Of Identity--Losing The Remote To Your Significant Other.
Help Line Support and Support Groups.
Meets 4 Weeks, Friday and Sunday 7:00 PM
Class 7
Learning How To Find Things--Starting With Looking In The Right Places And Not Turning The House Upside Down While Screaming.
Open Forum.
Monday at 8:00 PM, 2 hours.
Class 8
Health Watch--Bringing Her Flowers Is Not Harmful To Your Health.
Graphics and Audio Tapes.
Three nights; Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 7:00 PM for 2 hours.
Class 9
Real Men Ask For Directions When Lost--Real Life Testimonials.
Tuesdays at 6:00 PM Location to be determined.
Class 10
Is It Genetically Impossible To Sit Quietly While She Parallel Parks?
Driving Simulations.
4 weeks, Saturday's noon, 2 hours.
Class 11
Learning to Live--Basic Differences Between Mother and Wife.
Online Classes and role-playing.
Tuesdays at 7:00 PM, location to be determined
Class 12
How to be the Ideal Shopping Companion
Relaxation Exercises, Meditation and Breathing Techniques.
Meets 4 weeks, Tuesday and Thursday for 2 hours beginning at 7:00 PM.
Class 13
How to Fight Cerebral Atrophy--Remembering Birthdays, Anniversaries and Other Important Dates and Calling When You're Going To Be Late.
Cerebral Shock Therapy Sessions and Full Lobotomies Offered.
Three nights; Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 7:00 PM for 2 hours.
Class 14
The Stove/Oven--What It Is and How It Is Used.
Live Demonstration.
Tuesdays at 6:00 PM, location to be determined.
Upon completion of any of the above courses, diplomas will be issued t
o the survivors.

cool catalog and site

The Pyramid Collection

Great clothes...lots of cool other stuff...fairies, dragons...not too pricey

Thursday, September 06, 2007



Surgery is on for the 19th and Introspection Is So Not My Thing

The kidney saga has drug on for longer than a year now, mainly due to my kidney stone and removal surgeries. So if anyone is thinking about donating a kidney please don't think that it is as long a process as it was for me. Most of the time it is just a matter of months and not over a freaking year.

My father made me cry tonight, and yes even though he is not the man that donated the actual sperm that gave me half my genetic material for once in my life I will fully admit that he is the only real father I have ever known. Not always a perfect father but my father none the less. That's a whole nother (is nother a word) it is now. Don't you just love how I am always saying that's a whole nother blog but never actually getting to that other blog. Sort of just telling half the story. Some day...

In fact I have tears in my eyes now as I right this. Even though as I was growing up I really thought my father was a bit of a hard ass,in general, he is not good with confrontation or imposing his will upon me. Unlike my mother (nother blog there too). In fact most of the time when he has directly confronted or questioned my actions on something he has generally been prodded by my mother. She's quite the puppet master or he is just her fool, perhaps a bit of both.

My mother says, "Your father has something he wants to say to you." Then she hands him the phone and you can tell that he is very hesitant to say his piece but he does so anyway. Basically he is adamantly opposed to my donating my kidney. He worries about me he says. He begins asking questions like the kind of questions that you think one would ask sooner (like lets say a year ago when I first announced all this) I found myself justifying myself to him. I told him not to worry and to have faith in God. It was a sad conversation. I felt like a disobedient child. He said he really wished I wouldn't. I was slightly offended that he would even say this to me especially now. He could have said all this back when there was even the slightest chance that I might change my mind. I was intending for this to be some sobby heart tugging bit but honestly I'm not feeling that deep at the moment.

Yang sent me some new magnets, one of them said,"Introspection is so not my thing".

Sometimes I just don't give a flip.

I am tired and cranky and have so much to do before my mother arrives but I am going to lay down and procrastinate because I have discovered that is the one thing that I excel at. Don't think you can unthrown me because you cannot. No one can delay anything more than me. Not even the inevitavble.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Oxford House

This is what my monster house aspires to become.

I Love My Ass


There is a new study about women and how they feel about their asses,
the results were pretty interesting:

30% of women think their ass is too fat............
10% of women think their ass is too skinny......

The remaining 60% say they don't care, they love him, he's a good man,
and they wouldn't trade him for the world.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Alchemy Works Seeds & Herbs - The Raw Materials of Magick

Alchemy Works Seeds & Herbs - The Raw Materials of Magick

A nice collection unusual seeds and herbs