Truth be told there were dozens of different reasons why she chose to disassociate herself with a certain individual but chose the momentary one. Because how really do you describe being talked down to, and being unnappreciated, and working with people that were unnappreciated and inflexible. So it was the final straw so to speak when she posted a Gif of Mindy eating a steak. The offended party is only human after all. It was not funny and she offered no apology. If she had then the offended Vegan would have certainly caved in. It is good for everyone to have the tiniest bit of an ego. She was not Gandhi or Mother Theresa. She was a regular human being, imperfect and loving.
She was not selfless, she was not a saint. She cusses, She gets angry, she loves, she is only human and as much as she tried to disconnect herself from so many human emotions in the end she was just a human animal like so many others.