Wisdom, Common Sense & Outright Lies
Have a Question, Complaint or just want to Bitch, Become a guest blogger and we will tell you how we feel. Whether you like it or not. Or just read our daily collection of the meanderings of many minds.
Friday, June 30, 2006
Cell Phone Junkie Alert
iWon News: "
Mobile phone users warned of lightning strike risk"
Yes Virginia sticking a metal phone to your ear in a thunderstorm is a stupid thing to do. Like Duh
Just to be fair we have a totally whacked man arguing for the other side
Subtitle: Or How Men Are So Stupid They Shoot Themselves In The Foot, Even On Their Own Sites
Twenty One Indicators of Systemic Discrimination Against Men: "CHILD CUSTODY: Women receive custody of 92% of the children of divorce and illegitimacy, and men only 4%. "
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
This woman is really really whacked but it is funny reading
If y ou are a woman that is but she goes just a tad far and even if some of it is true I still can't see getting rid of men completely. Who would do the dishes or laundry or kill bugs and pick up heavy stuff. Thats what we keep them for right????
A Man Hating tirade
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Lydia's Dreams Are Much Better Than Mine!
FaerieQueene: lydia dreams of screwing russell crowe and i woke this a.m. from a dream i was in a public place picking my nose vigorously (both nostrils at the same time digging away) and couldn't stop. everyone was staring at me. not sure what that means except don't pick your nose in public
Brandy: I hate to admit I am laughing I have never experienced that particular dream before but that sounds like a blog
FaerieQueene: i can't blame you for laughing. i must say it's the first picking my nose dream i can remember having.
Brandy: And you do owe us a blog it has been a while
Brandy: Are you having allergies
Brandy: BEen around too may children
FaerieQueene: yes, but not bad. any children is too many children
FaerieQueene: it wouldn't have been so bad if russell crowe was picking my nose.
Brandy: I can understand that but his fingers are probably a little big for your nose
Brandy: HAve you ever noticed that other fingers just aren't fit for your nose
Brandy: Might be painful
FaerieQueene: well the way i was going at it in my dream the nostrils would have been enlarged enough to handle a sand shovel
FaerieQueene: i'm pretty sure we're made that way so we don't go around picking each other's noses
Brandy: NOt like picking nits thats okay
FaerieQueene: i'll blog if i can just copy and paste this conversation.
BURNING MAN AT 20 / Impossible dream: Pick the nose on 23-foot head / It was a disgusting idea that seemed so simple -- but so far these artists are stumped
FaerieQueene: nits are different. if i have live creatures crawling around on me I don't care WHO picks them
Brandy: I don't care what you blog but someday you have to do a real one
Daily Times - Site Edition
FaerieQueene: gee whiz - i was dreaming about art and didn't even know it
Brandy: Wait til you read the second one
FaerieQueene: and i'm a medical genius and didn't know that either
Brandy: You can copy and paste as long as you put links to those articles
FaerieQueene: no wonder i have chronic fatigue immune deficiency syndrome - i haven't eaten enough boogers in my life time
Dream Moods: Your Dream Symbol Interpretation
Brandy: They cover all the possibilities except picking
FaerieQueene: well damn.
Brandy: Nose
* Instinctive knowledge. It reflects great powers of imagination and creativity, but also difficult relations with a partner.
FreakyDreams.com Dream Analyzer
FaerieQueene: "A clogged nose signifies hidden opposition,..." The hidden opposition must be a immense, the way I was digging.
Brandy: This one offers no new interps but I like their opening flash
Brandy: ITs darrells children
Brandy: They are out to get you
FaerieQueene: well duh! I didn't need a dream to tell me that.
Dream of the Month Club - a Member's Story
Brandy: Hubby is leaving me for the bank
FaerieQueene: okay - so my soul wants me to do something about my nose. or maybe it just wants me to dig all the shit out of my life and throw it away. bye hubby!
Brandy: Or maybe it just wants you to kick it out of your worry and annoy pile to the i really don't care pile
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Girl Sues MySpace Over Sexual Assault, $30M Lawsuit Says Web Site Didn't Protect Her From Another Member - CBS News
Girl Sues MySpace Over Sexual Assault, $30M Lawsuit Says Web Site Didn't Protect Her From Another Member - CBS News: "Girl Sues MySpace Over Sexual Assault
$30M Lawsuit Says Web Site Didn't Protect Her From Another Member"
A 14-year-old girl who says she was sexually assaulted by another user of MySpace.com sued the social networking Web site Monday, claiming it does not take sufficient steps to protect underage members.
The girl says a 19-year-old man lied in his profile about being a senior on a football team to gain her trust and phone number.
I find it sad that this stuff happened but its not myspace's fault it is the fault of the parents and the girl for allowing a 14 year old on myspace or to use a computer where it can not be monitored by parents. What the hell was a 14 year looking for a high school senior anyways. And why did her mother permit this to happen. I admit parents can't know everything their child does but some common sense is certainly required.
And 30 million dollars I am sorry but no matter how bad the sex was there is no way asking my space for 30 million is justified. If she is already out there hunting down senior football players she will probably be preggers in a year anyway and like a lot of them, on welfare, so I suppose this might be a way for her to support her future stupidity. But it is still wrong and sounds like a setup to me.
And what security measures should they take - Should they go to the house and personally screen every user for truth, run expensive background checks on millions of users. Or maybe refuse to let people on unless they are 18 and have some form of ID like a credit card to verify it. Like the silly children wouldn't lie and steal mom's credit card, they already do it to join sex sites. You just can't expect an online site to care much less be responsible. Expecting truth in a personal profile on some silly site like myspace is ludicrous to begin with.
And while I don't really believe men should get away with assault I am all for castration of rapists and I don't think it should matter what we wear or how we the fact is, that is does, because all men at heart are pigs and smart women realize this going in and don't set themselves up for a casual rape. I am constantly amazed at the amount of people who are willing to meet people they met over the web in non-public places where shit like this can happen. I can see internet dating as something taken slow - in public and with background checks and never for 14 year old girls.
Are you all just stupid or what.
Maybe I am just paranoid.
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Teen Once Falsely Accused Is Charged - Forbes.com
Teen Once Falsely Accused Is Charged - Forbes.com: "Eight years after he was wrongly accused as the nation's youngest murder suspect that led to a $2 million settlement with the city of Chicago, the teenager is facing a new charge as an adult in a double shooting in a south suburb.
Dragonlady: Don't miss the part where the kid made 2million off the city
Dragonlady: Is he dumb or what
faeriequeene2000: apparently he didn't invest his money wisely
Dragonlady: NO shit HE could have done anything with his life
Dragonlady: college new house new town
faeriequeene2000: "but the poor child didn't have a chance ......."
Dragonlady: Parents obviously weren't real swift
faeriequeene2000: of course those guns you buy in the alley can get pretty expensive. two million just doesn't go as far as it used to
Dragonlady: True I suppose
Dragonlady: I guess we should feel sorry for him
faeriequeene2000: well from the sounds of the quote from the lawyer at the bottom we are supposed to. now he'll probably sue because this is all the cops' fault cause he was so fucked up from the first arrest
Dragonlady: Thats the answer I am sure
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Texas proving yet again they are kneejerk idiots
Teacher's Topless Pics Cause Stir, Texas Art Teacher Dismissed For Online Photos Unapologetic - CBS News: "Teacher's Topless Pics Cause Stir
Texas Art Teacher Dismissed For Online Photos Unapologetic"
And I don't particularly likehte idea of firing someone for something on someone elses website particularly art.
And be honest if a pair of artistic tits are the worst thing your highschoolers sees you are doing good
Monday, June 12, 2006
Its a dogs life
A nice lady in the recycle group gave me a little fish tank for Lindy, she offered me a kitten also which I declined. Even though I really wanted to put a couple in my pocket and take them home. They were so adorable! I resisted the urge, thankfully. Kelly would not have been very appreciative of my new treasures. As I was standing in her yard talking to her, a beautiful black and red standard size Dachshund bounded out. I'll take him home I said. Then about a week later she brought him to my house and now he is part of our family. His name is Bruiser and he and Lindy are the best of friends. He worships her, she leads the parade and he follows. They are inseperable, except for when he hangs out with me and Rebs when Lindy is at her Dads. He is not particularly well behaved or disciplined, and has several bad habits but we will work with him and give him the love and attention he deserves. It is funny to watch Rebel try and discipline Bruiser, for disobeying me. Mainly because Rebel is quite a bit smaller than him. When Lindy is gone Bruiser sleeps with Rebel in his bed near my own. When Kelly leaves for work Rebel takes Kelly's spot on the bed. Rebel has figure out how to jump off the bed when he detects Kelly. Rebel really does not shed so the only evidence is the little warm spot on the bed.
Kelly probably knows that Rebel is doing this but as long as Rebel pretends to respect his wishes he is ok with it. They have a pretty good relationship.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Russell Crowe is a good lay.
I hope B starts that adult blog soon. Last night I dreamt that I was doing it in a public park with Russell Crowe. Had no idea I was even attracted to Russell Crowe, but based upon my experience with him last night, I would definately say that I have the hots for him. It was pretty spectacular until the part where my drunk sister in law walked by with her girlfriends and started scolding me for cheating on Kelly. I thought for sure she would let it slide seeing how it was Russell and all but she didn't care. Well then we just told her we were just pretending, to play a joke on her and she seemed to buy that. Which seemed to confirm what I've been suspecting all along, the woman is not all that bright. After that I went to France but did not really enjoy the experience because I didn't realize I was dreaming and spent the whole time buying all you people stupid souvenirs. I got this really great book with photos of trees in it for B. If you didn't know this already B, you really appreciate old trees. Or at least the dream Lydia thinks that you do.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Texas State Aquarium - Corpus Christi, Texas
Support Science and fun buy yourself a membership to the Aquarium. Too poor to buy the check out the link on the very bottom and sign up every month to win a free membership.
Texas State Aquarium - Corpus Christi, Texas
Monday, June 05, 2006
God helps Those who help themselves
iWon News: "A man shouting that God would keep him safe was mauled to death by a lioness in Kiev zoo after he crept into the animal's enclosure, a zoo official said on Monday.
'The man shouted 'God will save me, if he exists', lowered himself by a rope into the enclosure, took his shoes off and went up to the lions,' the official said.
'A lioness went straight for him, knocked him down and severed his carotid artery.'
The incident, Sunday evening when the zoo was packed with visitors, was the first of its kind at the attraction. Lions and tigers are kept in an 'animal island' protected by thick concrete blocks.
Here they go again - Aiming for the Bubba Vote
Every year I find it amazing that the religious bubbas of the world can be aroused enough over something as silly as gay marriage to vote for a Republican president. Beings Bubbas of course they fail to realize that Corporate America the real constuency of the Republican party screws them over even worse than the rest of us. They don't care about your working conditions, your environement,the health or education of your children or your lives. But Damn they do share the bigotry. So I guess thats as good a reason as any to vote for the current batch of spineless mindless and I wish powerless Republicans.
iWon News - Senate to Tackle Gay Marriage Ban: "President Bush and congressional Republicans are aiming the political spotlight this week on efforts to ban gay marriage, with events at both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue - all for a constitutional amendment with scant chance of passage but wide appeal among social conservatives.
'Ages of experience have taught us that the commitment of a husband and wife to love and to serve one another promotes the welfare of children and the stability of society,' Bush said in his weekly radio address. 'Government, by recognizing and protecting marriage, serves the interests of all.'
The president was to make further remarks Monday in favor of the amendment as the Senate opened three days of debate."
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Things I don't understand in tthe world
The Iranian Stand on Nuclear weapons
Most of the world is against nulclear power and weapons in all their form. A-Z Anti-Nuclear, Etc., Web Sites Americans host die ins and have died in nuclear accidents. CHernobyl remains a reminder of arragance and stupidity. why would any people support a government in their race to nuclear arms or power. IRIB PERSIAN NEWS PAGE I don't think they understand what they are truly fighting for. Do they want a landscape poisoned by nuclear waste. Birth defects or God forbid a meltdown. Its not a matter of national pride it is a matter of organized stupidity. There are alternatives there are new power sources SPend the government money on solar on wind farms become something greater don't fight for the right to become part of the nuclear wasteland.
angel-stardust.Com featuring - Another Fantastic Light Bulb Joke for your Astrology Sign
angel-stardust.Com featuring - Another Fantastic Light Bulb Joke for your Astrology Sign: "How many members of your sign does it take to change a light bulb? "
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Good O'l Dad and UNO Brow Tragedy
At the ripe old age of 48 Kelly Nolen has announced his retirement from assemblement of children's toys. He will now be paying the assembly fee. This comes to a shock for many who have grown accustomed to his frugal nature. In news off another kind, Mommy was awoken by her sobbing 9 year old who wanted her to fix the eyebrow that she had inadvertantly shaved off in an attempt to look beautiful. The nine year old had apparently gotten the idea after earlier that day she witnessed the Asian pedicure girl suggest to Mommy that she shave off her eyebrows and have them tattooed on. To that ridiculous suggestion Mommy just laughed and asked "So you think that my eyebrows are so ugly that I ought to shave them off and paint on some fake ones?" "Well, I'll pass." Mommy commented that she should have probably used this as some sort of learning opportunity lecture thing for her daughter. If Mommy would only have done this than the single eyebrow tragedy may have been prevented.
Friday, June 02, 2006
I swallowed a spider today
I quess I got in his way
While sucking the hose
Cause the water rose
He felt funny on the tongue
as the water started to run
I spit him out
With a little shout
He decided not to stay
Thursday, June 01, 2006
For A Friend Of Mine =)
We all are butterflies, taking flight for the first time, An overwhelming feeling, A crazy sensation, All by ourselves in this big world, All alone. When I finally set free from these walls, Who knows what I will do? Will I be able to make it all alone? I will return, but this time for fun, And I will know what its like, To take flight, all alone.