Wisdom, Common Sense & Outright Lies
Have a Question, Complaint or just want to Bitch, Become a guest blogger and we will tell you how we feel. Whether you like it or not. Or just read our daily collection of the meanderings of many minds.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Send in the clowns
Some of you have heard some of this saga already, so bear with me.
Wednesday March 19th:
As some of you know, my son in law was sent to Afghanistan last week. Okay, this meant lots of extra stuff going on here with daughter and grandkids, etc. but that's okay. But, in the midst of it all, I got sick. Trudged through. Then last Thursday I had a doe ram another one, causing the rammed do to kid early. Beautiful twin Purebred Kiko buckling and doeling, brown with wattles. Stayed up day and night to try to convince them to live, but they both died Saturday. Not sleeping for 2 days didn't help the sickness and I kept getting worse. Went to the doctor yesterday - I have bronchitis and possibly a touch of pneumonia. Okay, no problem - get meds, get well.
Tuesday I noticed a first time expectant Boer doe acting odd. She didn't look ready to kid, but definitely was not acting her normal self. Darrel came home that night and noticed this doe's dam was running every other goat away from the expecting doe. (This dam and daughter are totally inseperable.) So, we knew something was up and penned both does up. Thinking all would be well till a.m., I downed good drugs and crashed. Hubby got up to twins - a dead doeling and a live buckling. However, this new mom obviously had no clue and wasn't letting the kid nurse. Hubby had to go off to work, but I thought no problem - this doe has always been the sweetest "lap" goat on the place. Ha!
She wouldn't let me get my hands on her!! I have spent all morning back and forth watching. Never did see the kid nurse, but noticed that one side of her bag is full, full, and the other "deflated" so obviously he is nursing. She let me touch her just long enough to discover the full side is "crusted" over. Okay - I'm going to clean the teat and milk that side out. Again - Ha!
Chasing her around the pen (did it not occur to you, Dona, to just get some grain in a bucket??), I ran head on into a panel we had horizontally over the hut to keep goats from jumping on top of it and out of the pen. Knocked myself out cold. Woke up with my face covered in blood. (Head wounds always bleed like you are going to die.) I now have a nice gaping gash across my forehead and a huge "goose egg." (very attractive!) NOW I think, "Get some grain, stupid!" Doe caught, side milked out, all is well.
A little later, I hear fire trucks racing down our road - Someone was burning pasture and it got out of control. The field directly across the road in front of my house is ablaze! OH LORD! The fire has SURROUNDED US!! There are about 5 fire departments here. This is SCARY! Okay - fire out. At one point there were flames higher than me in the ditch in front of our house. Never want to go through that again!! But, the air was unbreathable here and needless to say all the animals and I were breathing it in. (I'm sure this will be a great help with the bronchitis.)
Darrel came home for a while (due to the fire), looked at my nice swollen black and blue gash on my head and said, "All you need is bolts in your neck and you'd look like Frankenstein." Such a dear.
Thursday March 20th:
Ha ha ha. It just gets better and better. Guess what I just did?? Yep - ran into the same damned panel!!!!!! At least I wasn't actually "running" and it hit just above the current gash/goose egg. Then I accidently let the 6 New Zealand does into the buck pen. Six "no human hands will ever touch me" does, four "AH! WOMEN!!!" bucks, and me, running around a corral. The whole time me yelling, "NO! Don't you mount that doe!!" like the bucks are going to listen. Luckily husband has built a bunch of "catch pen" type gates and areas and I was able to round them up without any breeding happening. I live in a circus!! Ha ha! At this point I can only laugh and stay inside before I mess something else up! Ha ha. I have to quit laughing before the men in the white coats show up!!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Dear CC,
Can I call you Jerk? Your note made me laugh yesterday. I know it was not meant to be humorous but I could not stifle my giggles when I saw you parked outside my house waiting for a response and I'm glad you didn't linger any longer because I was about to call my whacko neighbor across the street and have him ask you what the hell you were doing. I have a couple of questions for you. Question #1 Are you a moron? I have always considered you to be a somewhat eloquent writer (that was the way you won my heart). I was easily impressed at the time. That letter was pathetic, if it was suppose to pull at my heart strings you really failed in your mission. Helpful hint for your future, if you are trying to beg and whine and illicit sympathy it would be better not to use"take it or leave it",as your closing remark. This doesn't quite jive with the pitiful message you are trying to convey. A better closing statement would have been, please, please, please, I know I have been an asshole to you but I am working on myself. Who cares if it is not true it would have been more convincing. Then I would have only found the letter sad and not sad in a funny way. That's just me though, I tend not to fully appreciate demands from those who are begging favors I am not inclined to grant. But thanks for the funny, I do appreciate funny. Question number #2 Do you have any memory what so ever? Wasn't it you who was threatening me just a few months ago. I am not inclined to feel sorry for you. I have always been more than kind to you. I have treated you lovingly and with respect, and you have paid me back with malice. Even when people that I love have told me what ill intentioned snake you were, I always gave you the benefit of the doubt. You sure did throw the God word around, don't think I didn't see through that one. I resent that you label your failure to uphold your responsibilities as "our differences". This has nothing to do with me. You choose your own actions and now you are dealing with the consequences. I do not feel sorry for you. Be a man, and grow up.
Short Stories
I wrote as I lay in bed last night, the way I have not written in years. It's as if Yang by the simple act of bombarding me with all this good reading had WD-40'ed the little rusted tin wheel that that the hamster in my head runs on. I don't hear it squeaking anymore. It could be that he just stopped pissing on it or maybe he got himself a new wheel. The other one corroded as it was from years of urine. He's a fucking lazy hamster he couldn't be bothered to stop running long enough to do his business neatly and discreetly in the corner. Maybe he didn't want to lose his momentum.
Yang declared the "F word" the word of the day, I agreed it must be, I seemed to be using it a lot. My head is filled with tales and I know the beginnings and the endings and what come between the two and I want to write them down and share them. They have been waiting to come out and serve a purpose. They have been in my head so long just mucking up my clarity They wan t to come out and play, I just keep telling them no, that the weather is bad and that they have not finished their chores. I keep making excuses and they are getting restless and making my head throb. They are suppose to be picking up their toys but they are writing on the walls.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Happy Saint Patrick's Day!
What the hell are you pinching me for?
I am wearing green!
No your not.
Yes I am .
My underwear is green.
No it's not, let me see.
Your a perve.
Just as I suspected, no underwear.
Well I am under a fucking green blanket.
I've let go of those things that I have clung to and found them stuck to my pants like lint. It's my static that attracts it. I never had to try. I just had to be. I am done manipulating the natural course. It's not very effective,because it all ends the same way, you wind up in the same location.
Destination, destiny
I am jumping for joy,
I am living
I am breathing
I am opening my mind
Ying's philosophy du 'jour
Okay I'm crying uncle. The universe wins, I get it God. You are the almighty and I am an insignificant little ant. I would not be lying if I said that I get everything that I personally ask God for. By personally I mean any selfish little detail that I invite into my life appears but only in such a way that would make me question why it was I requested it in the first place. Ha, I guess the jokes on me. No God is not too busy to grant my small selfish requests you must remember that God is God, omnipotent and all powerful. I asked God why it is that hurt and suffering is allowed since I am sure that millions are praying for the end of it and to that God answered that this is a free will issue. (Generally being God, God tends to stays out of issues involving free will.) So war involves collective free will, I get it. That's my Godspiel for today.
Somebody buy me this calender!
Check out Eric's plane a day blog.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Creative Writing 101
As far as the technical mechanics of the written English language L probably has got it down at least as well as I. That isn't saying much but it is a start for an 11 year old. She has to take the writing part of the TAKS test next year and it is apparent that she is not going to learn how to write in school. Technically yes but in order to score well they expect a bit more. She is having a problem with finding her writing voice, she is way to critical of herself. She has asked for my assistance, why I do not know. I have never had a problem with writing, my writing is not often good but I don't seem to have a problem with that. I am fine with my vague mediocrity. I have read some of her writing and it is not bad, she is just not a comfortable writer. So this summer we are going to work on our writing together. I may post some of our assignments here so stay tuned.
Saturday, March 01, 2008
dreams again
My horoscope said that my dreams are nothing more than subliminal crap. I always want to put meaning behind them, where there should be none. I have been dreaming consistently. If I doze for but a moment it is the beginning of a new dream or, the continuation of a familiar one.
I dreamt I was driving in the dark and I could see nothing. I could not see the road or the car in which I drove. I could not even see my foot as I struggled to reach the breaks. I was driving blind literally. I don't know why I felt I needed to stop but I became nervous when I discovered that I could not. Then it was falling, floating, but anxious to hit bottom and bottom was the ocean. I felt as if I had fallen off a cliff. I then realized that I was in the back of a camper or travel trailer. I thought to myself there is no escape but drowning. I had no desire to expire in that fashion. I opened a small window and water came in, warm water. I closed the window immediately. I found a larger window, I felt air outside as I lifted the window it had not sunk yet. I escaped into a warm salty ocean. Beside the sinking camper was a sinking boat and a women was clinging to it, we discocered the water was shallow, we clung to the mast while we thought about what we would do. She told me that a hurricane had passed. We swam to shore, an island. Everyone we knew was there but they did not know us. I went upstairs to a party and saw DW but he had no time for me. This frustrated me greatly. I don't know if I was trying to realize that it was a dream but I remember thinking how out of character this was for him. He did not listen to my story and I found as I tried to recount it that it became something else entirely. A story in which I was the hero. He seemed annoyed by this, he seemed almost not to know me.
I went outside and it was celebration, fireworks in the sky , beautiful and awesome. I felt like a child seeing them for the first time. It felt like Disneyland. I tried to find the womans husband but when I spoke to him he could care less. I found her and we went back to her house, there was no electricity there. When we got there we realized that there were people sleeping in her bed. She said this is my house but you may sleep here to them. The bed was very large and she was about to sleep beside them inviting me to do the same. I said I would sleep in the living room and stand watch. For what I do not know I did feel safe.
The next part of the dream- The woman that I met in the wer is old but I am still young and she lives with servants and family that are over protective of her. She is not all there anymore and the people around her do not seem to like me but we are still friends.