Wisdom, Common Sense & Outright Lies
Have a Question, Complaint or just want to Bitch, Become a guest blogger and we will tell you how we feel. Whether you like it or not. Or just read our daily collection of the meanderings of many minds.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
On a more positive note
I will be having my hair dyed tomorrow with my best friend. Along with an awesome dinner at a new resturaunt the two of us have never been to, followed by shopping at my most favorite mall.
I can't tell you how much I have been looking forward to this. I probably won't get any sleep tonight because I am so excited to have a girl day of pampering! :)
I guess no one also told me that when you are preggers everything is intensified. Such as: missing something, hunger, sadness, anger, etc. It's all 10 times stronger than normal.
I miss my cat to death lately and the other night I cried myself to sleep about it because I was so sad. She will always be my first baby.
I was so hungry to the point of I felt dizzy (even though I had just eaten 2 1/2 hours earlier) and of course I got bitchy! Like, "I need to eat some effin food now or I am going to kill someone!"
I miss my home (Vermont) so much! I miss the green mountains, the hippie people, the small town, and the relaxed and free feeling of being there. I also cried about this too.
I thought when you reach the second trimester you are suppose to feel energized and happier (less moody). Where has that gone? Oh and where is my damn glow? I don't have a glow. I now have the face of a teenager due to the pimples and uneven/oily skin tone.
Being pregnant for me is horrible.
Saturday, April 09, 2011
I must be crazy. WHY WHY WHY did I agree to move back to phoenix. MOM hated being near all her family and I know and understand her reasons why so why do I say SURE lets move there. I am so looking forward to being close to my dad and my brother. I just love Amber so thats not a problem. But some people there really get on my last nerve.
Wednesday, April 06, 2011
Tuesday, April 05, 2011
Asperger's Syndrome in Adults
He has most of the symptoms, but then again it could just be asshole syndrome. Asperger's Syndrome in Adults
tales from the crypt
Monday, April 04, 2011
The Times They Are A-Changin'
Whew! What a crazy last week it has been! So the boyfriend has officially moved in. And it has been chaos ever since. I knew it was going to be difficult having a new addition to my studio apartment (actually two new additions which would include his lab mix: Guinness), but I honestly didn't forsee it being this hard. First off, let me tell you that I have lived on my own for almost 5 years now. My own place, my own things, my own quirks, my own rules, and my own time. I was definately "set in my ways" so to speak. That has all changed within the last 4 days. My world has been turned upside down. I now have to deal with the fact that their is a clumsy stoned ADHD man who lives with me now. Who is the father of my unborn child. And even though I freakin love him to death, he is driving me crazy at this point! A list of arguments we had this weekend: Friday Night (Date Night): I took him to the Phoenix SUNS game. I sold two extra tickets that I had for 80 bucks. My tickets. I sold them so I earned the money. Well he automatically said, "Well I guess I know who is paying for dinner." Um nooooo. I didn't just make this money so I could spend it on our dinner tonight Mister! And so he ended up paying for dinner and was upset about it. Saturday morning: It's around 9:30am I believe and all is quiet in the house until the boyfriend says loudly while standing over my bed, "Are you sleeping?" "Yes I am sleeping." "Well are you going to get up? Whatcha doing?" "You just have no consideration do you?" I say grumpily "Why should I?" Upon that answer I get up immediately from the bed furious and rush into the bathroom to take a shower. I get dressed and as I walk out the door I tell him, "I'm leaving." "Where are you going?" "To my mom's" "Well I can leave too." "You do that!" I said with my voice slightly raised As I am about to back out of my parking space he sarcastically waves his hand goodbye at me and smiles. I in return, flip him off and speed off out of the parking lot. Of course we have gotten over both these arguments already. But these little arguments are tremendously draining for me at this point. Ugh... How much longer can I put up with this!?