Wisdom, Common Sense & Outright Lies
Have a Question, Complaint or just want to Bitch, Become a guest blogger and we will tell you how we feel. Whether you like it or not. Or just read our daily collection of the meanderings of many minds.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Quote of the day!
It is currently just an idea rolling around my head like a frenzied marble on crack with a mobile meth lab in the trunk and some Texas State Troopers chasing it with the crew from "Cops" on board."
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Gods - MOre Poetry This one unfinished from the drafts file- Feel Free to add verses
Once upon a mountain top
on a foggy moonlit night
Lost, alone and deep in thought
I met a God that couldn't talk
Standing there in gilded robes
His lips sealed to a tree
I had questions yet to ask
But he was no help to me
Travelling on my twisted path
needing answers, I could not hear
I met a God who couldn't walk
His feet were trapped within the rock
This God Could speak
The same old words
I'd heard them all before
A never changing tune
Words of hate and punishment
That stranded those who believe
I rushed on, my heart closed
to blandishments such as these
Stumbling on the hilltop path
Lost within my pain
I saw a valley far below
I ran down, escaping hatreds sounds
Tripping in my haste
Escaping what could not be
I fell upon what I thought was a log
It was a God who could not see
He touched, and felt and groped in
vain. With hands of sand and unforgiving
grasp, he knew me naught.
Tired from my ardous walk
My mind held tight in fear
I gave up finding my God that
Though I felt he was near
Bad Christmas Poetry from the Drafts File
Twas the day before christmas
and all through our storage
not a creature was moving
It was so boring
The stockings were hung
the shopping all done
Nothing left to do
but close up and have fun
Merry Christmas to all
May your packages be many
and your returns be few
If you have no place to put it all
then I have storage spaces just for you :0)
A draft posted as is, from July 2004
No longer on a rampage. Kelly is off shore once again. I held him tightly before he left so early this morning while it was still dark. I miss him when he is gone but not the way I miss him when he's here. Here is the jist of it. He has no time for me and I have no time for me and he has no time to help me have time for me. I am not so demanding, I would like nothing more than to have some time to do something that I enjoyed without having to take all the children or even some of the children with me. When I said that Kelly just did not get it, I meant that he really does not realize what is important in life. Kelly never stops to smell the proverbial roses. Doesn't relax for long enough to enjoy anything whatsoever. We camped on the beach a few years ago and while it was lovely to sleep near the ocean what I remember the most was Kelly cursing and fighting with a tarp and the tent. Kelly needs to chill out! I love this man so much and it tears me apart to see him this way (ocassionally it pisses me off also). Kelly can't teach me organization and I can't teach him relaxation. I would like to though and I would do it so lovingly. Last night at dinner he used my age against me he said something to the effect that I'd been no where and done nothing. Which if he would have thought about it for a moment he would have realized that I've lived and loved and learned quite a bit for my not quite thirty years. I'm going to be thirty soon. Where did the last ten years of my life go.
It seems like such a short time ago I was in Deutschland boarding a plane to Texas. I was just twenty and I wanted to be an independent woman. I was running away from the boy that I was married to. Eric did not want to play house with me. He did not want to talk to me while I bathed. He liked to play video games. He liked to go out with his friends. He liked filthy clubs thick with smoke and noise. He did not believe in God. He was thrilled that I enlisted in the airforce. I think he thought that he would leave the army and depend on me. He didn't have a clue that what I was up to. So I got on the plane looking and feeling very Europian after my two years abroad. No longer a short chubby girl, I had grown a few inches and lost more than a few pounds. I was seated as luck would have it after an old airforce colonel near retirement. He told me that he envied me as my life and career had essentially just begun. The old dude got teary eyed but all his sentiment basically just annoyed me as I was as immature and un appreciative. At least at that moment I was. Towards the end of the what seemed to be endless flight I began to feel ill. I thought that I was airsick. I exited the airplane and made my way to the USO room. I had expected that their would be someone their to greet me but I was the only one there. I called my parents on the phone as I had not spoken to them in perhaps a few months. They were happy to hear from me. An army specialist by the name of Jessica arrived soon after and we struck up a conversation. Soon we were at the hotel bar having a drink with a couple of guys stationed at Lackland. Eventually about a half a dozen other recruits filtered in. A
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Kids, Husbands, Dogs, and Other Aliens....
Gee - your lives all seem so full. Maybe not full of good things all the time, but still full. We spent our holiday weekend at Fort Riley, and had an overall good time, but was one of those times when I felt split and divided. Cj needed my full and undivided, as did Keegan and Darrel. So, I ended up feeling as if I gave NO ONE what they needed and deserved. (Okay - this is the old Italian/Irish/Catholic upbringing rearing its ugly head, but sometimes even when I know that's what is happening, I still can't keep it at bay.)
B - good luck with your newest "project" - you're the best with these sort of situation and I sometimes just shake my head and marvel at your patience. I'm a bitch, as I could never do the things you do. My first question would be,"Are they both working?" Waitressing, pumping gas, anything.
I've decided to make this the longest draft in blog history. Maybe someday I'll finish it and actually make it a real post. Worked today and tonight, but it was my last day. The bar officially closed (permanently - at least under my sister's ownership) at 11:00 tonight. Am relieved, but now will scramble to find some way to earn my "mad money."
This one is from July of 2004 - The only notations I have to make about this draft are 1.) I seem to have come a very long way in beating the "Italian/Irish/Catholic upbringing" about the head until it's too sore to rear said ugly head very often. Which is simply a way to say I've moved forward on my path to becoming the crankiest, meanest, bitchiest, most selfish old lady alive. 2.) So much for grand dreams of making this the longest draft in blog history. I'll have to aspire to something less grand. 3.) I've now taken care of all my drafts, B - do I get a gold star??
It rises from the ice and snow to devour the world...
Well, Mish has put us all to blogger shame lately, so I thought I'd better blog before I forgot how. Sounds like your life is progressing nicely, Mish. Have you named the pup yet? When I saw his pic, I immediately thought, "Rufus." Don't ask me why - he just looked like a Rufus to me.
B has been too busy lately with her new duties and I haven't had her to rant, rave, and general bitch to. Yes, I know that's what the blog is for, but that immediate response is sometimes needed. You know - those "You go girl!" or "You're absolutely right - the whole world is full of assholes." Or better yet, I really miss the infamous, "Grow up you big whiney baby and quit thinking the entire universe should revolve around you." Those are my favorites.
This is from January of this year. Obviously Mishy's life is still on the track to Happyville, and I'm sure she's named her puppy by now. Brandy's comments have only grown in support/sarcasm/wisdom/belligerence and I still love them all.
Lazy Person's Yummy Cake
1 German Chocolate cake mix in a box
1 can sweetened condensed milk
1 jar caramel or butterscotch ice cream topping
Container of cool whip
Pkg. of Heath Bar crushed candy topping
Bake cake as directed on box (in 9"x13" pan). Immediately upon removing from oven, take wooden spoon and use end to poke tons of holes in the cake. (No - don't use the "spoon" end!) Pour canned milk all over and let sit for a few minutes to let it soak into the cake. Pour ice cream topping over whole cake. Let it cool, top with cool whip and candy pieces.
This is the basic recipe, but of course personal modifications are encouraged. I want hot fudge ice cream topping instead of caramel or butterscotch, and since I hate Heath bars, chocolate chips and coconut on top.
For Brandy
(1) 3oz. package cream cheese
1/4 cup mayo
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper
1/4 cup finely chopped green or sweet red pepper
1/4 cup finely chopped celery
1/4 cup sweet pickle relish
(2) tablespoons minced fresh parsley
(8) hard-boiled eggs, chopped
Beat cream cheese, mayo, salt & pepper until smooth. Add pepper, celery, relish, & parsley. Fold in eggs and refridgerate. Makes 3 cups.
Update to the story that I am not done with and actually posted
Aramanna and Justin are doing way better than could be expected. In spite of all they must witness and endure. They are still managing to be happy little people. Their mommy does not have much to do with me these days. Unless she is in desperately need of something that she cannnot get from some other entity. She's not comfortable around me anymore. She doesn't like to be reminded by me that she must feed her children and not leave them alone or invite crackheads off the street to live with her.
Wet Rainy Yuck - But at least it is warm
Went to the movies last night and saw "The Day after Tomorrow"
Great movie 4 Stars - Good Cast Etc.. Reminded me of Kansas and Oklahoma
for some reason. Could have been the snow and Ice. Was expecting it
to be cold when we left the theater but it was still a nice warm balmy
Corpus Christi night for which I was grateful.
I don't really worry about things like dramatic climate shifts any more than I
worry about terrorists. I know it can happen and I do my share to help the environment.
I am a big fan organic food and prefer to live without chemicals. Even have a job that does not require commuting by me or the hubby. I don't own and SUV and seldom travel anywhere without a car full of people at least when I am traveling any distance. But the truth of the matter is that I am a big believer that when my time comes, it comes, and it just isn't worth worrying about.
That is part of the reason I don't understand everybody willing to give up so many rights because of terrorists. I am not willing to give up anything And I will never believe something is true just because the government says so. that's just stupid.
I am a big fan of America but not a big fan of government especially not the government
we have today. Even though we have no one to blame but ourselves. Iraq war aside there are many many things wrong with our world today. We have become great believers in laws for the sake of having them. Doesn't matter if they are just. Doesn't matter if the punishment is appropriate for the crime if its against the law well it just is.
And even if it is a stupid law people still belly up to the bar and practice it.
Some of the laws I think are stupid are: The drugs laws: Okay not all of them
I think if you are caught driving drunk or stoned they can just shoot you since you are placing other people in Jeopardy. But if you are sitting at home smoking a joint I don't really care. I certainly don't think I should pay for you to be in jail over it. Or your children's foster care or your wife's welfare because you smoked a joint and got caught.
Laws today seem to be formed to help police and government organizations make money. And besides catching drug users is easy, catching real criminals is much more difficult. When I was young I never knew anybody that had been in jail - Now the odds are about 1 in 6 that if you live in America you will be in jail at some point. This is just wrong. And it is costing us a fortune. Not to mention that it means nothing. Being in jail used to be a social stigma but when the people who have been there out number those who haven't it is tough to care.
I will grant that drugs are bad for you but then so are cigarettes and alcohol.
And while I have met many mean drunks I have never known a mean pot head. I suppose
it is possible but not real likely unless you get in the way of the brownies.
Police enforcement has an incentive to bust drug users they get to take their money,
their homes and they don't even have to prove you were breaking the law. Cops in LA and Phoenix are driving Corvettes and cameros. I don't think this is right. If they are going to continue the drug war they need to take the financial incentive away from the police. If they are going to confiscate money and property then all funds and property confiscated should be used directly towards health care and health care only. Rehab hospitals have waiting lists because they lack facilities and money. This is just wrong.
And then the police whine about being shot at. If I were the police I would worry about that to. I would love to see the statistics from 30 years ago before the drug war and the three strikes laws and other draconian do nothing measures. It seems to me that people no longer have an incentive not to shoot cops if they are doing something wrong. Lets face it if you are going to jail for the rest of your life even if you don't shoot the cop then then you have an incentive to shoot them and stay out of jail. Zero tolerance = Zero Intelligence.
Remember our founding fathers stated "It is better if every guilty man go free than one innocent man go to jail" Or my personal favorite God and old age get everybody in the end. Todays motto seems to be arrest everyone that can't be brainwashed. As long as it is a law it doesn't matter if it makes sense people should just get in law and follow the government blindly. Now I admit I live a pretty boring life and the one speeding ticket is the big thing on my record, but that doesn't mean I agree with everything they do. I am a defense lawyer's dream because I believe in Jury Nullification. (For those you who don't know what this is read your constitution, (It basically means that you the jury have the right to decide whatever you want. It doesn't matter what the judge says or the law, if you think the law is bad find the person inncoent.) If enough people would practice this the laws might change.) Or at least there would be more justice involved in our court system. If you really want out of jury duty ask the judge if this is correct while you are being questioned. They hate it when you bring it up.
I also don't like the government invading personal lives. I don't care who someone sleeps with or who they marry. I would prefer contractual joining to the state having any say in the matter.
And then there are the sex offender laws. DO you know if you are caught peeing in public you in some states you will then have to register as a sex offender for the rest of your life. Like this helps anyone. I don't want to know who the people peeing on the sidewalk are. I don't even want to know which men are sleeping with 15 year olds, I don't care. 15 year old girl and boys are quite capable of deciding whjo they are going to sleep with. Registered sex offender laws and pedophile laws should concentrate on who hurt children and abuses very young children say under 10. A hundred years a go we were marrying off our 12 year olds and many of you out there probably have grand parents that were married at 14 or at 12 and having children by 14. The worst of the punishments should be reserved for those people who kill our children rather than an across the bored no matter what law. It may be horrible to have your child molested but having them killed because the laws have become draconian is worse. Average Time to die now in child molestation cases is 4 hours. In times before the crazy laws were introduced they generally left them somewhere still alive. Sex is just not worth dying over particularly when the person dying is your child. These types of laws are a last ditch effort to protect an innocence that doesn't exist.
This was an unfinished draft originally written on 6/25/04 - publishing it now to gt it out of the drafts folder - strangely enough I think I still agree with mostof it
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Not done with this but may never finish or publish it.
This was from June 2004- I'll update the story later
I am going to take a deep breathe and then it's one long run on sentence for everyone
to decode. This is not another faux transvestite story. I really don't know where to begin and since that is the case I will begin somewhere totally unrelated to the actual point and get there eventually. When my Aunt Lindy passed away my grandmother gave us her horses but before them I really never had a pet that wasn't a gold fish. I enjoyed watching my fish swim around in little circles in their tank. I stared at them and studied them and knew every mark and color on their little fish bodies. I named each one acording to it's personality. This is what you do when you are 11 years old and do not have many friends and your uptight mother will not let you have a cat. Atleast this is what I did. I spent a sick amount of time in my room for a variety of different sins that I had committed. Goldfish do not last forever so I would periodically find myself at the pet store in search of a new friend. I would always take great care in the selection of my goldfish. The one that I would pick would always be special, somehow different from the others. It would be the speckled one when the rest were solid colors or it would have a black head and gold body. On one particular fish finding mission I spotted him and he was perfect! I made the guy chase him all around the tank I wouldn't let him give up even after he tried to convince me not to get my fish because he had only one eye. He caught my one eyed fish. "Are you sure that you do not want different fish?", he asked. That was a stupid question what could be better than a fish with one eye? My mother often says that Lydia always picks the one eyed fish.
It was Blaze's first day of pre-k when I met Julie and her two children Justin and Aramana. I noticed that she would bring Aramana to school on the city bus and she seemed to always be arriving late. Some times I would see them walking and in late August it is still pretty hot here. I am not really a terribly outgoing person but I left my phone number with Blaze and Aramana's teacher for Julie and offered to bring Aramanna to school. Soon after this I was bringing Aramanna to school early for lunch because her mother needed her to eat lunch at school as it was free and she was not doing well financially. Half the time I would just bring her to my house and she would eat with my kids.
Just by looking at Julie you can tell that something is not quite right. I have never been one to regard someone solely by appearance but in the the case of Julie just a glance would tell you that something was not quite right. Her eyes moved constantly, darting back and forth and at first it was a bit distracting. I don't know that any of this is relevant really. I want to make a long story short but at the same time I want to make a long story long. Okay do over.
Aramanna is a beautiful blond wisp of a girl with a face full of freckles and a little dent on the tip of her tiny six year old nose. She is cheerful, outgoing and a lot fun. Aramanna has had a rough start in life. She was born to a mentally ill mother who was and still is poorly equipped to function in society let alone raise Aramanna and her younger brother. She is often neglected and unsupervised. My mother says that I always go for the one eyed fish but honestly if it were not for Justin and Aramanna I would have nothing to do with Julie. I had a rough time last week. I do alot of little things for Julie's children, drive them to their Dr's appointments. Check up on their mother and make sure that she is feeding them and that they have their basic needs met. I could be writing a book here which is certainly not what I intend to do. I could never be a social worker. I would probably cry myself to sleep each night. This is going no where! This is how I feel. I am really pissed off at Julie because she is failing her children. She has the means to provide them with everything that they need and yet she does not. It was rough last week going into their home and seeing the place crawling with roaches, I swear they were like ants. Things have to be pretty fucking scary to gross me out being that I am the self proclaimed worst house keeper. I'm the person that actually has roaches living in my truck. ( I just think of them as pets) There was not even any food for the children in Julie's house. Kelly is always ragging on me whenever I vent to him about Julie or my mother for that matter. He'll say something like, "Lydia why do you expect mentally ill people to act normal". Maybe I'm mad at myself for not realizing sooner that Julie cannot handle the responsibility of herself much less the lives of two little ones. She clings to them so that she can give herself a reason to wake up in the morning but what exactly are they getting out of all of this. Not three meals a day. Not encouragement. Not adequate supervision. She teaches them her dillusional beliefs. She tells them not to trust anyone and that the world only wants to beat them down and that people are out to get them. If I sound pretty angry it is because I am. Because more than anything I wanted to see this woman beat the odds and raise her children to be happy healthy human beings. I know that nothing I can do will make a difference in this familys life. I am praying for Julie and her children, I imagine at some point I may have to call Child Protective Services. I do not want to do this and I will not if I can possibly help it.
I'm An Unbalanced Load, Myself
Okay - I'm revising the previous post, as I hadn't read Lydia's posts before blogging. (This can be blamed on Brandy, since I sent her the little prayer below and she told me to blog it and I always immediately do whatever B tells me to do.)
Anyway, after reading Lydia's blog, I think she should DEFINITELY pray for strength. Going to wash and change my pants now...
Today's Meditative Moment . . .
I pray for Wisdom to understand my man;
Love to forgive him;
And Patience for his moods;
Because, Lord, if I pray for Strength,
I'll beat him to death.
Mental Episode
I feel a mental episode about to come on. I guess I'll just enjoy it, and hope that Kelly and the children come through it unscathed. Things that I want to say but don't say, or say in such a non confrontational way that I get no where.
Lydia's fantasy
Lydia- Put down that (expletive) broom, don't you touch that (same expletive) broom
How is your sweeping all sorts of shit (shit is not really a bad word) into the garage helping me. Are you a (expletive) idiot? Why on earth would anyone with two brain cells to rub together think that sweeping all the dirt from the house into the garage would be a good idea? Can you answer me? Are there like little filth faerie's that come and sweep and bag up all your dirt?
Kelly- No, I'm stupid
Lydia- If you are going to be stupid and sweep all sorts of shit into the garage you need to use a dust pan and clean it up.
Kelly- I'm sorry that I'm stupid
Lydia- That would explain why you have failed to notice that every time our broken washer leaks that there is a puddle of mud in front of it. Speaking of the washer, would you like me to call someone to repair it or should I buy a new one.
Kelly- Buy a new one honey!
Lydia- I appreciate you sweeping the floor, could you please use a dust pan and throw the dirt in the trash. Piling it all in front of the washer is not a good idea, it just gets tracked back into the house. (This is the way I remember this exchange but I may not have said please)
Kelly- Putting it in the garge would be fine except for you have all kinds of stuff in the garage that is not organized.
Lydia- When the washer leaks it gets muddy
Kelly- The washer doesn't leak.
Lydia- (speaking very slowly and clearly) Look Kelly the floor is wet and the water is coming from the washer.
Kelly- That only happens when you put in an unbalanced load. You need to be more careful when you put laundry in. You need to pay attention.
I swear, I am not making this idiotic exchange up just to make Dona pee in her pants. This kind of stuff happens all the time.
Monday, August 22, 2005
Advice for a woman about to file for a divorce
Even though you may want to hire someone to break his legs, don't do it! This may potentially cause him to miss work and perhaps jeopardize his earning potential. Remain calm, refrain from saying what a no good piece of crap he is in front of your children. Be civil to him (nice if you can be). Don't inform him of your every move! Let some stranger or someone he hates serve him a pile of papers that will take him by surprise. Sure he won't be nearly as surprised as you were when you found out about his infidelity and all the his other shockingly nasty little life changing surprises but, it's the best you can do at the moment. Take everything you can, he will. If there is something that he is particularly fond of such as a boat or big man toy I suggest you take that and hide it in a friends garage. Not to be spiteful or anything but you WILL need it as a bargaining chip at a later date. You can include any items of value in this category. Now what you put on paper and what you actually do are two different things. I would never advocate keeping a man's children from him if he is a good father but on paper it is important that you give him as little visitation with the children as possible. You can share the children with him all you care to, but it is so important that you are not too liberal with the visitation in the decree. DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT sign anything stating that you will remain in the county, or state. Who knows where life will take you and you don't need him dictating where you will live. Get a court order for him to pay for the childrens education 100%. This includes, home school curriculum, private school tuition, etc. including but not limited to their college education. He can afford it. Make him pay! Don't tell him anything of a personal nature, your employment plans etc. Speak only about the children. You can take or leave these pearls of wisdom but I guarantee you that you will not regret doing any of these things. I got this very same advice which I very promptly ignored and now in retrospect I can see the wisdom in some of it.
I was about to press the delete button on this draft but decided to post it instead.
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Why Is the Cow Sacred? --Hindu dharma Aghanya -- Beliefnet.com
Why Is the Cow Sacred? --Hindu dharma Aghanya -- Beliefnet.com: "Why Is the Cow Sacred?"
Just incase you were wondering how the cow became sacred. Lets just say bad translation has done wonders for saving the local beef from slaughter.
Sacred Cow Burgers: An Illustrated Political Parody and Satire Site
Sacred Cow Burgers: An Illustrated Political Parody and Satire Site
Obviously a republican but still funny even if I don't agree and you gotta love the site name
Saturday, August 20, 2005
New Scientist - International News, Ideas, Innovation
New Scientist - International News, Ideas, Innovation
You have to buy a subscription to read some of the stories but it is cheap and the Last word section and gifts are certainly worth looking at and they are free
Friday, August 19, 2005
I May Never Blog Again....
I'm crushed by intimidation and trepidation. Brandy's epic blog - I haven't seen her type that much since working on Jordan. Lydia's blogs make my day. I can't live up to the standards you guys set - I'm cracking under the pressure . . . Want to blog about how much I want to take my 30 year old daughter over my knee and give her the spanking I should have given her 20 years ago, but you two leave me speechless. Or typeless??
Thursday, August 18, 2005
A Long overdue general Blog update
Yes those members who never write are alive and doing well. I thought I was going to have more time to write after April started her new job and I am not babysitting anymore. Wrong again, Time is like money there is never enough. Okay, so I admit I waste a lot but a girl needs her downtime and good books are fuel for the mind. So for the last few months I haven't done much more than post the news and comment on others.
Thanks to Lydia for continuing to provide the best material for the blog, Really we love your rants and wish you would write more. And Marilyn is a wonderful addition to the blog I think she should use the blog to insult the world in general whenever she wants. Mishy gets the award for best spin off with her pottery studio blog, Her custom made restoration tiles are being considered for a job at the white house complex. Very cool - too bad she doesn't get to go and install them herself.
During the last several months we have glanced over many interesting and sometimes disturbing issues though at this moment I can't think of any of them except the men shooting floor sealant into the bodies for curves and well there was that woman selling her fat, Donas daughter and customers my fixation on weird news Mishys family and pottery and Lydia oh Lydia the savior of the blog. You know I am serious about Marilyn she could even get her own column in the real world you never know. Someone ought to since I don't bother to take the time to do it, Become a rich and famous sarcastic mean column lady it could be fun.
I have updated some links but haven't had time to add more to the permanent rolls. If any of you ever get bored feel free to go down the links list on the left and let me know if any are no longer working or if they are out of date. And then I will remove them. I will catch up someday I hope. And maybe I will even get to the giant pile of eBay crap I need to sell all that money sitting in a huge pile in my living room and I don't even bother to do it. Very scary, I think I was more burned out than I thought.
occasionally we get comments and email to the blog and I thought I would share some of them for those of you who do not sift the blog daily for such things. I don't sift either I have them mailed directly to me not that this always help because most are anonymous and some I have no clue what they are even talking about.
For Example:
The blog that has received the most comment is the link for the modest swimwear.
Wisdom of the Ages - Women, Young and Old: Wholesome Wear Introduction: "WholesomeWear Introduction I suppose there is a Christian market for this somewhere but I sure feel sorry for the kids forced to wear them. Wouldn't it be easier just to gouge out the eyes of men and go naked. I am certain it would be more comfortable."
This is the original blog and the link takes you to all the comments:
Apparently most are upset at being ogled and are supporting their right to wear ugly swimsuits. And I wholeheartedly agree they can wear anything they want and I would fight to the death for their right to do so however as Jennifer suggested in the comments A t-Short and shorts would probably be safer. But one anonymous person said they had worn them and they are comfortable. Comfortable they may be but they are still ugly and I would still prefer to be naked. Why doesn't anybody fight to the death for my right to wear nothing???? At any rate wear what you want, if ogling is however the problem I do have some easy foolproof methods to help prevent wayward stares. #1 Get fat - I promise they won't ogle you near as much. I admit that my pot belly hangs of the top of my two piece but I can safely wear it without being bother except for the relentless and for those you go to step #2 bring along a man- you know those big hairy brutish beings who are supposed to live to guard and protect us. Mine has been teasingly referred to as a Teddy bear with rabies. But he only bites when I tell him too. #3 Get a life and quit worry about who is looking at you they don't matter you aren't' going t o talk to them and will most likely never see them again so who cares.
On to other mail
Wendy said " If you're looking for bridal shower games, you can find some at Diva Girl Parties and Stuff." Unfortunately she did not leave an address so I guess its back to google for the party games.
Guest Blogger was looking for ideas
Just out browsing for people who like listening as much as they like visiting. It is a beautiful day in Christ but how Murphy's law can affect so many of them I do not know. It has been a joyful life in my 40's but something is missing. I have left everybody in my life for a life with me and I am bored as heck. Any ideas? Thanx
Does anybody here have any? My only suggestion is to read JOrdon see link to the left guaranteed to make you laugh
Joe Zada is someone touched by our own unique blend of marriage and child bashing and I think we actually helped him and his wife stay together. Just in case you all thought your bitching wasn't being helpful.
Even though I was searching the internet for something that got nothing to do with your blog (Searching for laying tile common mistakes), but I read your blog about three times throughout the day. Just last night I had an argument with my wife (have three kids) and "splitting" was one of the somewhat an option, it was on my mind.
I read your blog, again, and I think life is much bigger than splitting. My tolerance level need to be higher. I love my kids too, and I know my wife can not handle life pressures on here own. We just have to keep riding that life train together, at least it is not always bumpy.
good luck to Joe and his wife. Remember sometimes even bumpy can be fun when viewed after the children grow up and leave home. Before then just remember the two most important pieces of wisdom we can offer you. "If you do what you are thinking , they will arrest you" and That psychological torture of your children builds character and strong minds.
Anonymous our most frequent writer has made another request
not sure which pics he is talking about but I am sure it was something obscene
Lydia discovered that sloth has its own rewards
If I lose weight. Get a degree and find happiness it will only add 6 years to my life. What a crock!
Anonymous Again with a public service message
Please be very careful about the military support sites you choose to associate with, there are many out there who are NOT legitimate and not in good standing. It's a good idea to always ask for their nonprofit status/501(c), and to check with the BBB and Attorney General's office to make sure that the organization is legitimate and actually helping the troops instead of using it as an excuse to profit off the generosity and kindness of others whose only intention is to help. I would suggest checking this one out.
The most frustrating email comment is
this guy is my hero
Come on anonymous its not like blogger tells me which blog you are commenting on because I have no clue who your hero is and I have looked for at least a good half hour and can't find the article your comment is attached to. Wish blogger would give some type of reference back.
Patty our longest standing reader (as all the others have fallen down by now liked Donas 10 stupid questions
I enjoyed your Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions. I think on that last one they're asking if you missed the bus. Maybe!
And amazingly enough anonymous even read Jordan (Mine and Dona's book see link to the left) and liked it.
wasn't quite sure about what I was reading nor where it came from nor how I came about it is funny though the names in it are some of well names I have used....Grabbed my eye no doubt! Just makes me want to say wouldn't life be so easy if we could all just be nice and enjoy what good things we can do for each other without asking!!! GOD does work in mysterious ways....
Stoic mom discovered she was in fact famous at least in our world
HEY! A link to my blog. Wow! I must be famous.
Lydia gets political
Unbelievably stupid. We have more families involved with CPS than ever. Which means more kids in Foster care. A shortage of suitable homes for these children and we want to what? Not allow people that are gay or bisexual to be foster parents. Even though, (from what I've read) they are the ones that take the children that no one else wants. The HIV positive babies. The crack babies that are born addicted. What are we thinking? I'm thinking that it's enough already. Why are we allowing people to be discriminated against right in front of our faces and we aren't saying a damn thing. Yeah they can work and vote, but they can't be married (legally anyway) or be a foster parent.
Anonymous apparently lives in Australia and also write. In answer to your question and anybody else's question use whatever you want on this blog just provide a link and don't take Jordon or the poetry, you can take the childhood if you want though good memories are meant to be shared.
I am trying to write stories about my childhood in the country in Australia and how fresh the food was. I came across your page in my search to see what other people had done to get ideas. I like your comments and memories of your mother and food. Its good that it not all 'sweety'. If you don't mind I will use-not what you have written but some of the !flavour of your story. Thanks and God bless. E.
Okay that's it for the mail bag on to other things. Please note that once I start selling on eBay again or doing anything besides storage work I will be listing the items for sale on the blog also any of the rest of you can feel free to do so also it is a tool let it help you.
The Drafts folder is getting rather large and some of them have some important things to say so please note that you have two weeks to finish them and get them posted or I will delete them your choice or I might just start publishing them at random creating a time warp to various spots in our evolutionary jog through the blog.
that's all folks and I am sure it was enough - I have blogged, Life is complete and my mailbox is much emptier
Whats up with this
iWon News: "Former employees of a state-run oilfield in north China are jumping through a strange hoop to get their jobs back -- they are filing for divorce.
China's state-run giants, once the heart of the planned economy, have cast off millions of employees since the launch of market reforms two decades ago.
But the Huabei Oilfield Co., based in Renqiu, Hebei province, Friday issued a new policy saying divorced laid-off employees could return to work, the Chinese news Web site www.sina.com.cn said Wednesday, citing an article by the local Yanzhao Metropolitan News.
'Following these rules, laid-off employees just have to have a divorce certificate and they are qualified for re-employment,' former oilfield worker Wang Ying was quoted as saying."
If only I could get a real job antogonizing people and making sarcastic remarks. I think I'm rather good at it. Not every one has that certain flair. I finally recognize my true talent. Stupid bad tasteless joke of the day. What do you call it when a man tells his wife that he caught a sexually transmitted disease from a hotel toilet seat? Actually a good friend of mine made that one up after her cheating husband claimed to be the virgin Mary of venereal diseases. That one was too good not to share.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Stupid people of the day
The Cincinnati Post - Thousands show up for computer sale: "People trampled, beaten with a folding chair. A woman urinating on herself. The police called, then themselves calling for backup. All to get a bargain.
The stampede erupted Tuesday when a crowd estimated at 5,500 showed up at the Richmond International Raceway to purchase 1,000 used Apple iBook laptop computers. The Henrico County school system was selling 1,000 of the 4-year-old computers to county residents for $50. New iBooks cost between $999 and $1,299."
Corpus Christi Film Society-Promoting Independent Film in Corpus Christi
Corpus Christi Film Society-Promoting Independent Film in Corpus Christi
Doing a local show tonight and have a film festival in November sounds kinda fun
U-Stor Self Storage Auction Information - All Three Corpus Christi Locations
U-Stor Self Storage Auction Information
Auctions are on Aug 29, starting at 10:30AM
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
The Continuing Adventures Of Super Customer Service Lady Lydia!
The continuing sit-com starring our own Miss
We pick up where we left off, with a reply from our beloved but befuddled disgruntled customer, who appears to have no sense of humor at all. (For refresher of previous episode, refer to earlier blog post.)
Buyer Who Never Laughs: I hope you think you're funny. It is you who owes me an apology for posting negative feedback. I have done nothing wrong or untrue. I posted positive feedback, unless your "personalities" are all color blind. I posted true information; you did not. Also, I did go to the post office and was informed that third class mail in UNINSURABLE. The package was very clearly stamped third class, and the post office refused to allow me to file a claim. You may very well have given the $1.30 to the post office in Waldron, but they didn't insure the package. I figured mutual
withdrawal was an easy compromise with which we could both be happy and simply walk away and not deal with each other ever again.
Nonetheless, if you are unwilling to withdraw the feedback, I hope you are willing to start shopping for plane tickets to come to Texas, because I am fully prepared to file a lawsuit against you for breach of contract for failing to insure the package (or at least use a shipping rate that is insurable), seeking damages, legal expenses and a judicial injuction ordering the removal of the negative feedback. It will be filed in the District Court of Harris County, Texas, which has jurisdiction because it was an internet sale (if you want, I can file it in federal court). You will be required to appear, and if you do not, a judgment by default will be issued. At that
point, if you fail to pay damages for breach of contract and legal fees, the State of Kansas and Harper County allow me to file a lien against your property.
So, you can either agree to withdraw the feedback, or you can get ready to spend a lot of money fighting this in court. It's up to you.
And by the way, I'm not a madame.
Happy Customer Service Reply:
Dear Sweetcheeks, (um I mean Mr. Freeman)
I hope that you are having a fantabulous day! My apologies for mistaking you for a Madame. I thought that surely only a women could be so bitchy. I am so tickled to hear that you enjoyed reading my email as much as I enjoyed writing it. Sadly, you will no longer be dealing with my client, Faeriequeene. She has simply washed her hands of this matter and I have been employed to act in her stead. I have all the time in the world to answer your questions and emails and will be delighted to do so!
Please mail me any correspondence or legal documents that you find necessary. Please be aware that any attempts that you make to communicate with Faeriequeene will only be forwarded to, and answered by, me. I am delighted to inform you that Faeriequeene will not be withdrawing her feedback under any circumstances. There was nothing untrue about thefeedback left for you Mr. Freeman. While you did leave feedback with the little plus sign and green color, most ebayers, whether they choose to or not, can read.Positive feedback rating - "Not pkd very well; cplofbrkn pcs; did refund some money; prbly wldnt buyagn" Buyer:usafbugleboy Just in case you're not getting it yet, "prbly wldnt buy agn" equals bad feedback bugleboy! My client refunded you for the two plates broken in transit, even though those items that were damaged by the post office were covered by postal insurance and she was not required to do so.
She also gave you a partial refund on your shipping cost. Personally, I think that you are being a whiney candy ass baby and I would not have given you anything. Her feedback was 100% honest and warranted. I have attached a scanned photo of the original post office insurance receipt for your purchase. Again,please feel
free to contact me at any time if there is anything further that you require. Good luck in your future endeavors!
Hugs!, Marilyn
Happy Customer Service
"Help with those customers that evolution has left behind"
Freakazoid Ebay Buyer:I guess you missed the part where I mentioned I was willing to withdraw my feedback as well. I will draw
up the legal pleadings this next week. When considering $300 or so for airfare, $100 for a hotel,food expenses and, of course, legal expenses, $400+ seems like a heavy price to pay just to keep some negative feedback. This is on top of the fact that
you will lose the suit and be ordered to pay my court costs as well. So tell me, is it worth it to you lose that much money over some Ebay feedback for a $5.00 item?
Before replying to the above email, Lydia and I had an unrelated conversation concerning my inability to make decisions anymore, including the ongoing internal debate I had been having for 2 hours over whether to have waffles or pancakes for breakfast. This apparently inspired the following reply that Lydia wrote. (Okay, I can't speak to what insires Lydia - you'll have to talk to her about that.)
Happy Customer Service Reply:
My Dearest Noel,
Pancakes sound great! I know they have a lot of carbohydrates but it's really worth it. You just need to remember to use real butter, margarine is just not the same. Lawsuit smawsuit, I'm a lover not a fighter, but if you persist.... I'll be forced to mention your name in my womens's prayer circle. You know those old gal's - they love to talk and before too long all the guys in the men's fellowship will have Noel Freeman on their list too and you really don't want to be on too many lists at one time because then you will have to be prepared for all the positive changes that will
occur in your life. Thanks be to God. Remember, if you are in AA, don't drink the red stuff it's Morgan David, the yellow stuff is safe because it's just white grape
juice. The important thing to remember is that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God and everyone is not out to get you Noel. We all must live with the consequences of our actions. But really, frozen waffles would be okay too. I know they are not as good as homemade, but I like them. They are pretty good, people really shouldn't discriminate against them because they are a convenience food. Not that waffles really take a long time to cook. It's just that there is the whole having to clean the mixing bowl and waffle iron. I like to put vanilla in my batter, you should try it some time. If you need some tin foil to line your hat I'll be glad to send you some free of charge. Please contact me if you are in need of anything what so ever, I live to serve.
Peace out brother,
Happy Customer Service
"Longhorns rule Aggies drool"
Monday, August 15, 2005
I've changed my mind!
I have always said that I would like to be cremated but after reading about the green option that would suit me just fine. I would like to recycle myself. The thought of being enbalmed and stuck into an impermeable metal box just sickens me but I would love to decay in the soil. It's almost romantic. Told my husband about all of this and he thinks that I'm a wacko nut job and that it's a waste of land. I said it was eco friendly. The highlight of my week has been taking my children to their swim lessons. The lowlite of my week was watching someone I love emotionally deteriorate before my eyes due to her husbands infidelity. Big bad evil terrible shit, it sucks too see someone that you love hurting and not be able to do a damn thing about it. Part of me wanted to go kick his sorry ass myself for hurting my beautiful friend. She's recovering, I don't think that I said or did the right things and I hope that our friendship remains the same. Why can't men just keep it in their pants. I'm going to try my best to treat him the same as ever. I have always really liked him and thought that he was a great person. Yeah.. Yeah... I know we are all human and all that moment of weakness crap blah blah blah. It's just that she adored this man and he shattered her. Men are pigs! Thankfully I have had my hatemail campaign to give me some comic relief, and my very own caveman has been on the very best of behavior- so all is well in the casa de Nolen. I think that I'm allergic to punctuation. I'm an okay speller though. Not a good speller but a decent one.
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Lydia's On The Case - Petty & Annoying Buyers Beware
I'm pleased to announce I have recently employed the services of a professional hate mail responder. I'm so thrilled with the results, that I had to share with everyone. Below you will find emails from a particularly obnoxious eBay customer (believe me, it's not the worst one I've ever had, but a pain in the ass nonetheless) and the amazingly appropriate and scathing responses composed by the one and only Miss Lydia. (The talent and potential I see in this girl is boundless!) There is more "background" story and many more emails previous to the events to unfold below, but are irrelevant since I'm only posting this so everyone can enjoy Lydia's bent and twisted wit as much as I have.
Buyer: Not to be rude, but the items inside the package didnot appear to be packed very well, and the inner boxwas just flopping around inside the outer box. The plates that were broken wer wrapped inside a very thinlayer of bubble wrap that was mostly flat and sandwiched between the two other bundles. Based on my experience, I would venture to say the breakage happened when the item was initially packed.
Response, composed by Miss L:
Dear Usafbuglebutt,
I hope that you are enjoying your lovely plates ebay item #7339305670. It is unfortunate that the post office was careless with your purchase as great care was taken in the packaging of your items. Please contact me and I will send you proof that the items were insured as you have stated that you have not kept the required shipping number. I would like to help you in any way that I can. I was saddened to read on the feedback that you left that you will not be buying from this seller again. They may quite possibly go broke losing your ten dollars worth of business. If
you do, however, decide to purchase from them again can you please wait until after December 31,2005 as this seller has met her quota of annal retentive psycho freaks for this year. Thank you for your cooperation! I have also read the feedback that you left for another seller regarding shipping insurance or lack there of. I believe that you are suffering from shipjipaphobia, the unreasonable fear that people are
pocketing your shipping insurance money and not insuring your purchases. You can get help for this! You are not alone. Have a nice day!
Best wishes, Marilyn
Happy Customer Service
"Dealing with the unbalanced so you don't have to!"
A later email from same buyer: While I was honest in what I posted, I still felt it should nto drag your score down, and thus I posted POSITIVE feedback for you. The negative feedback you posted against me is entirely unwarranted. I am asking that you contact Ebay and ask your feedback to be withdrawn. If you do so, I will withdraw mine and leave you a positive feedback with no comments. I believe that is fair.
Response: After reading your very sincere and heartfelt request that my client withdraw their feedback, my client, faeriequeene, has decided that she would really
like that. The only obstacle that prevents this from occurring is that unfortunately her other personalities are not in agreement with this particular course of action. I have spoken with them on several occasions about this conflict. They have however, as a compromise, decided to allow faeriequeene to withdraw her feedback only if you agree with, and only after you do, the following: 1) Send faeriequeene her plates back as a gift - well packaged and insured via registered mail. 2) Arrange for the men in black to come and use the mind eraser device on her so that she will have no memory of you. Please hurry - this offer is only good for a limited amount of time.
Too late. They've changed their minds again. They are very generously offering you, free of charge, a bit of friendly advice - next time you request the withdrawal of negative feedback, it would be more effective if it is accompanied by an apology. Have a nice day!
Best Wishes,
Happy Customer Service
"Dealing with ebay morons since 2001."
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
So You want to be published and see you name in a book but don't know how to write. Here's your chance
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Woo Hoo! I've got mail!
Please forward all customer service requests to
HappyCustomerService@yahoo.com care of Marilyn Monroe
Please include whether you would like your response to be proffessional appropriate and cordial or whether you would like me to employ artistic license.
Monday, August 08, 2005
Love that movie, Mishy!
Everyone MUST go take a look at the movie on the link Mish posted. It's great, but now I want one of every print from it!!!!
Lydia....You've Got Mail!
Lydia - Am in need of your services and of course lost your email! Sharpen that tongue, hone that wit! I've got an eBay Idiot all revved up and awaiting a reply!
The Art of Enchantment, faeries, mermaids,angels, fantasy
A wonderful art-site with awesome cards and they use tree free paper too!
I would hate to think what the church would say...
about my wish to become a purple glaze on a vase or dinnerware set....Just fire me up!
Sunday, August 07, 2005
If you have lots of money to waste turn yourself into diamonds for family and friends
LifeGem prices settings
Hubby says he can see the rich old lady with diamond rings on all her fingers going "this is my third husband Frank"
And the churches opinion - Not that I care
Church warns against alternative burials
Posted by: Honey on Friday, February 18, 2005 - 11:01 AM
Events, Gatherings & Rituals "Grieving and remembering requires rituals and concrete places," said conference president, Cardinal Karl Lehmann. "Foregoing structured mourning and remembering of the dead makes it harder to come to terms with the loss."
"Green funerals": His concerns refer to the increasing changes to burial traditions that have taken place across Germany in recent years, and specifically the trend towards anonymous burial -- burying urns containing ashes in unmarked parts of cemeteries without headstones -- as well as "green burial," the increasingly popular new-age way of laying the dead to rest often described as a more ecological choice.
These alternative ways of dealing with the dead also include scattering ashes in what are known as "peaceful forests." According to the church, the practice is a throwback to a pagan, pre-Christian age -- and therefore firmly frowned upon.
I think they just want to keep getting paid for their cemetary plots and preacher services. Last I knew God made the Earth and I don't need a priest to talk to him
USATODAY.com - Moving on from life, naturally
USATODAY.com - Moving on from life, naturally
Having just watched 6 Feet I want my family to know that if they decide to bury me this is the kind of funeral I would approve of. I don't want an autopsy and I really don't care how I died I have no desire to keep CSI people employed so they can find the truth. I would be dead what more truth do they need. I don't want to be embalmed and if I do get my wish of a green funeral I would prefre a forest or woodlands location. Northern Califonia has always been nice, but any nature preserve would do.
Cute little penguin game to take out your frustrations
pinguin.swf (application/x-shockwave-flash Object)
My best score so far is 288
Saturday, August 06, 2005
Another Stupid Man - Just when you think they can't get any dumber
iWon News: "A business executive was sentenced on Thursday to seven years in prison for sexually assaulting a sleeping woman seated next to him on a Delta Air Lines flight from Dallas to Boston.
A statement from the U.S. Attorney for Massachusetts said that on April 5, Deepak Jahagirdar, 55, laid a blanket over the 22-year-old woman who was returning from a vacation, unfastened her seat belt, unbuttoned her pants and assaulted her by touching her genitals.
'The woman immediately pulled Jahagirdar's hand from her pants and fled to the rear of the aircraft where she reported the assault to the flight crew,' it said."
New Artwerks Art & Fashion show
Please join us Saturday, August 13, 2005
for the artists' reception for
"Passion For Fashion"
(See Postcard Attachment)
We will feature new fashion-themed works by artists Jeffrey L. Linthicum, Robert Cockrell, Stephanie Parr, Jim Caldwell, Cande' Aguilar & more...
PLUS... we'll celebrate the opening of our newest gallery addition... MORGANE H. .... a trendy boutique featuring clothing, shoes and accessories by hyp new fashionistas like Faryl Robin, Joie, Velvet, Moss Mills, Three Dots, Ella Moss, Custo, Sweetees and many many more!
Opening Reception:
Saturday, August 13 - 7pm-11pm - Fashion Show @ 8pm
Show continues through September 10
Hope to see you there!
Jeffrey Linthicum
ARTWERKS Gallery & Studios
Corpus Christi, TX 78412
"Beautiful Things For Cool People"
Friday, August 05, 2005
The New Birds and the Bees: The mystery is gone... How was I born?
The little boy asks his father--Daddy, how was I born? Dad responds, Ah my son, I guess one day you will need to find out anyway! Well, you see, your Mom and I first got together in a chat room on AOL. Then I set up a date via e-mail with your mom and we met at a cyber-cafe. We sneaked into a secluded room, where your mother agreed to a download from my hard drive. As son as I was uploaded, we discovered that neither one of us had used a fire wall, and since it was too late to hit the delete button, nine months later a blessed little popup appeared and said: You've got male!
Thursday, August 04, 2005
American Jury Institute/Fully Informed Jury Association: Home
American Jury Institute/Fully Informed Jury Association: Home: "As I am sure you know, the highest and best function of the jury is not, as many think, to dispense punishment to fellow citizens guilty of breaking the law, but rather to protect fellow citizens from tyrannical prosecutions and bad laws imposed by a power-hungry government.
Juries protect society from dangerous individuals and also protect individuals from dangerous government. Jurors have a duty and responsibility to render a just verdict."
Needles to say I have Jury Duty and while I think it is the most powerful thing any American can participate in I think that more people need to know that members of the jury can vote for justice and completely ignore the law. Something that unfortunately judges don't bother to tell you even if it is your constitutional right. The court thinks the juries are idiots to be fed pablum and to act how they are told and as you can see reading these sights that was not what our original founders had in mind at all. So Be happy you get jury duty and if the case is over a silly law find the defendent innocent. It can be fun
Jurors' Handbook: Citizens Guide to Jury Duty - If you are going to be a juror you need to read this
Jurors' Handbook: Citizens Guide to Jury Duty: "In a Constitutional system of justice, such as ours, there is a judicial body with more power than Congress, the President, or even the Supreme Court. Yes, the trial jury protected under our Constitution has more power than all these government officials. This is because it has the final veto power over all 'acts of the legislature' that may come to be called 'laws'.
In fact, the power of jury nullification predates our Constitution. In November of 1734, a printer named John Peter Zenger was arrested for seditious libel against his Majesty's government. At that time, a law of the Colony of New York forbid any publication without prior government approval. Freedom of the press was not enjoyed by the early colonialists! Zenger, however, defied this censorship and published articles strongly critical of New York colonial rule.
When brought to trial in August of 1735, Zenger admitted publishing the offending articles, but argued that the truth of the facts stated justified their publication. The judge instructed the jury that truth is not justification for libel. Rather, truth makes the libel more vicious, for public unrest is more likely to follow true, rather than false claims of bad governance. And since the defendant had admitted to the 'fact' of publication, only a question of 'law' remained.
Then, as now, the judge said the 'issue of law' was for the court to determine, and he instructed the jury to find the defendant guilty. It took only ten minutes for the jury to disregard the judge's instructions on the law and find Zenger NOT GUILTY.
That is the power of the jury at work; the power to decide the issues of law under which the defendant is charged, as well as the facts. In our system of checks and balances, the jury is our final check, the people's last safegard against unjust law and tyranny."
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Stupid Lawsuit of the day
Caller.com: Texas/mexico News: "Relatives of seven people who died in the nation's deadliest immigrant smuggling attempt have sued the maker of a trailer, a trucking company and the driver."
I can see sueing the driver but the rest is totally bogus
Another Step Towards Freedom For all
S.C. Rules for Lesbian Couple in Bias Dispute With Country Club: "A private club violates California’s law prohibiting discrimination by businesses if it fails to extend to members’ registered domestic partners the same privileges it grants to spouses, the California Supreme Court unanimously ruled yesterday.
While the granting of special privileges to married couples by businesses is consistent with longstanding public policy, Justice Carlos Moreno wrote for the court, the Domestic Partner Rights and Responsibilities Act of 2003—operative Jan. 1 of this year—requires that those privileges extend to domestic partners who have registered with the state."
CBS News | Report: A Blog Born Every Second | August 3, 2005�08:00:09
CBS News | Report: A Blog Born Every Second | August 3, 2005�08:00:09: "The blogosphere may be a baby, but it is booming, Web trackers say.
Although the concept of 'blogging' didn't exist a decade ago, today the number of blogs doubles every five months. And a new blog is created almost every second — that's more than 80,000 every day, according to the blog tracking group"
Monday, August 01, 2005
Crazy in Texas
Here's the more on that~ Yes I have been directed by the voice of God. Never in any grand way. Directions and comfort mostly and on rare occasions. Never once felt that this was odd or scary. Hearing my brothers voice, entirely different experience. Scary mostly because I had a schizophrenic Aunt that died in her early thirties and hearing her sisters voice was how it started for her. So that added a little twist I suppose.
The voices in my head are insulted that you think they might be crazy.
They are with me all the time and usually I consider them the voice of God, they are even responsible for me getting this wonderful hubby that I have. Okay so maybe I am crazy or at least maybe the voices are crazy as they act completely independent of my thought so I will not be held responsible for anything they say or force me to do.
However you were probably just exhausted