Friday, July 31, 2009

The philosophy of Dotty or Expect Assholes

I may have blogged about this already or once upon a time. Cristal's moms guide to a happy life was to expect assholes, then when ever so often a kind soul appeared it would be a pleasant surprise. I myself tried this philosophy and I have to tell you it really doesn't work. If you expect assholes, you'll get assholes and the word will get around and pretty soon all the assholes within a 100 mile radius will be showing up to share their life with you. I ditched her method and went with my own which was expect people to act human but most of them just kept acting like assholes. So I rationalized that if I expected assholes then at least I would know they were coming. I would get what I was expecting and that could atleast be gratifying. So I went to work today and expected the assholes to show up and didn't find a one. My coworkers were helpful, little children waved at me from the back seats of cars. I saw a mother bird on top of a car feeding her baby. I noticed that the color blue is even more lovely than it was a month ago. Then I came home and found my husband in bed, no one had eaten all day. Apparently he had gotten up once to read and call me because it was an emergency because he needed ice and drinks. This was at 10 am, yeah the man waited til 2 o'clock rather than go to the store himself. I am reluctant to do any bitching in light of recent evil Ying events but I just couldn't let the failure to feed the 5 year old breakfast or lunch slide. I said hey if you don't want to feed Roo just ask L to and she will do it. His shitty little remark was, don't you all take care of each other when I'm gone. Translation, don't expect me to do anything ever. Normally when K is gone if I am at work Lindy will feed the boys.


Yesterday even though work was the last place I wanted to be, it was not all that bad. I even felt happy as I anticipated seeing Kelly. I was counting the hours, I was actually excited and I thought to myself how long it had been since I had felt that way. I was in the shower when he got home, Lindy came in to tell me that he was home and also to mentally prepare me that he was irritated with us. Apparently he discovered the thermostat was set at 79 and he has decided that this is too cold. He decided this without informing us so it may have just been that since the house was relatively clean he needed something to bitch about. We are now allowed to keep the AC at a tropical 82. He didn't say hello or even give me a hug when he got home so of course I felt pretty much like shit. I thought that after the hard week that I had and the fact that he had been gone a couple weeks I would have got something. I just felt like crying so I went to a meeting which really didn't help much. He was asleep when I got home, I tried to force him to hold me but it felt like what it was, forced. So I went to my side of the bed and sobbed for a few hours and then fell asleep. I am turning into a miserable person. This probably isn't going to work and it is not that I don't want to leave because believe me living with someone that is incapable of loving you is the most fucked up thing in the world. It's really that I lack the courage to do so. I feel better when he is gone. Less lonely even if that is possible.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Remind me to never go to work at 6 am after getting off at 1:30 am, this shit just sucks. I am too damn old for this. Slept like crap last night and maybe 10 minutes late because I am waiting for my clothes to dry. I dozed off with a song in my head and I woke up and it was still there. Actually it is just the tune now which is only slightly better than when it included the lyrics. I messaged Kelly last night before I started my shift. I am counting the hours until I see him. Allen left a message for me on my voicemail, it was informative and apologetic and ended with an I love you Lydia. Nice... Another coke addict that loves me. At least the feeling is not mutual.Got 5 minutes to get dressed and to work, hope my clothes are dry,

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

When I write this shit I am honestly just purging and really don't want any feedback or much feedback anyway. You wouldn't want me to start censoring myself would you?When reading my writing please remind yourself that this is Ying's version of reality and not absolute truth. I sometimes tend to omit my own shortcomings. I am not ready to examine my life just yet. God, I can't wait for K to get home. I am lonely as hell. Also haven't had sex in a month which is a new personal record for me. Now this is hard to admit for me but one reason that I have such a strong connection with K is because I didn't really enjoy sex before him. Not that he knocks my socks off these days but it is a bond of sorts. If he quits shagging me altogether than this is definately not going to work because there is only so long I can go without physical contact. I'm an animal that way I know. Like I said, very hormone driven and I'm 34 which is the female equivalent of about a 17 year old boy. I am attracted to him and I do love him even if it is a screwed up kind of love. I do think things can get better, and I am just going to keep thinking that until the moment one of us leaves.I think he's made it pretty clear that it isn't going to be him.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Altered Burger Story

Linnea cut her Science class, rather than be forced to witness the other students dissect
live frogs, which was her favorite amphibian. She had been excused from the
assignment but was still required to remain in the room while the senseless violence
took place. She found refuge at the local artist cafe where her family were regulars.
Linnea just sat there pretending to study the menu, even though she had decided
what she was going to eat long before she even glanced down at the words
accompanied by the clearly staged pictures of the entrees. She thought that it was
funny how the items on the menu always looked so perfect and cheerful in the
pictures but upon presentation they always tended to disappoint, never able to
fulfill her expectations. Actually she knew what she was going to order before she
had even taken her seat at the table. It was quite possible that what she was going
to order was decided years in advance.
While she pretended to scrutinize the menu she would listen to the conversations of
the people around her. Which for the most part she found to be completely
ridiculous, so much so that at times it was impossible for her not to laugh out loud.
It was so hard for her to stifle her urge to laugh that on some occasions she would
just give in to her inner laughing demon and giggle hysterically for no apparent
reason. People often seemed startled by this behavior and stopped and stared for a
moment but then quickly tried to ignore her, probably not wanting to seem rude.
Linnea never worried about being rude, although she would often regret some of
her attention drawing actions. She certainly never gave lady like behavior any
serious consideration. It is important to note that her intention was never to be
purposely obnoxious.
Her attention was diverted from the perfectly boring although rather loud
conversation going on between two elderly gentlemen by the sound of the
cafe door swinging open. She watched as what was in her opinion one very
striking young man walked into the cafe. She was distracted by him enough
to temporarily abandon her eaves dropping ritual. For the entire time that he was
waiting to be seated Linnea's attention was completely focused on him. At first she
tried to act as if she was not looking directly at him but rather something near him,
her gaze always drifting back to his person and she would draw in little details
about him.
He was tall, and she liked tall. His skin was milky white with just a slight undertone of
green, and seemed too pale for his dark hair and eyes. His eyes were so dark green
almost black that she could not distinguish where the pupils were. She found that to be
very unusual, and to say that she was drawn to the unusual would be something of and
understatement. He was not handsome really, but simply memorable.
To her it seemed like hours that she stared at him but it was only for but a few minutes.
If he noticed that he had caught her eye he acted completely oblivious to it. It might have had
something to do with the fact that he did not enter the restaurant alone. Linnea completely disregarded
the girl on his arm as unimportant. She paid no mind to the presence of the girl as if she were just a
person that happened to walk through the door at the same time. Even when they were seated together
at a table near hers Linnea somehow managed to convince herself that he was alone and as she
continued to stare at her menu the cogs and wheels in her little mind started spinning, trying to concoct
some subtle way to get his attention.

The waitress returned with her large iced tea, very ready to take Linnea's order as she

had declined to give it twice already. She was just about to order her usual and by usual I

mean that this was the only thing that she had ever and possibly would ever order. She

was very particular when it came to food, but not terribly adventurous. She meant to

order her usual but something else popped into her mind and out of her mouth instead.

"I'll have what he is having," she said, as she turned around in her seat and pointed very

directly at her striking young man, who still did not notice her.

To that the waitress replied, in a rather fed up tone, "But he hasn't ordered yet." "Well

then," said Linnea, "Will you find out what he's going to have because that's what I

want?" Not exactly subtle, but subtle was not something that she did well or even

something that she was capable of pulling off.

Without hesitation the waitress scurried to his table, partly because she was a people

pleaser but mostly because even though her day had been busy it had not been

particularly eventful. When she got to his table she could have just taken his order, as

this is what he was expecting, but craving the bit of drama that might come about the

waitress asked, "Excuse me, sir. That young women sitting alone," and she put the

emphasis on the word alone, "at that table, would like to know what you'll be ordering,

as she intends to order the same thing."To this he replied, "Well, I'll let her know when she comes

over here and sits down next to me." The girl in his company said, "Really Carter! Must you do that here?"

"Do what?” asked Carter.

"Do what you're doing."

"What am I doing?"

"You know what you're doing! You are bringing home victims for your experiments.

"Who said anything about bringing her home? I am going to dissect her in the parking


This was apparently a little more drama than the waitress was prepared to witness. She

walked away embarrassed and took an order from another table in her section before

returning to Linnea and informing her that he was having a hamburger. Which oddly

enough was Linnea's usual fare. Linnea sank into her chair and day dreamed that the

intriguing young man had invited her to sit with him as she waited for her meal.

When the waitress plopped her plate in front of Linnea she was disappointed as ever.

That was harsh Yang

In my own defense I didn't know he was an addict at the time. I had no business in any case. Yeah I know that my missing him is my desire to be loved in general bla bla bla. Thanks for pointing out the obvious. As for the not so obvious, this is going to sound like a cop out but blame it on my mental illness. Maybe, I stay because I think that someday he will wake up and decide that he loves me. Maybe, I stay because I think that someday I won't need anyone to love me. I'm working on it.

Right Down The Line

I can't concentrate on the fiction, I can't concentrate on anything really. So even though I said I wouldn't here is some more of my emotional vomit.
I heard a song on the radio yesterday and it brought tears to my eyes, it was the song that he left on my voicemail. So I might not be doing as well as I thought I was. Thanks a lot for ruining a beautiful song you prick. A couple days ago I told someone that I was completely over him and I don't know if that is true or not. I know that I have had moments when I wished that he would call. Just so I could hear his voice for one second. I know that is pretty sick. I am pretty sick. I wonder where he is and what he is doing but then at the same time I know, he's doing the same thing he's always done. I know that when you love someone that you are supposed to love them as they are and I can't love him in his present condition, and honestly I don't think that he will ever change. He has no desire to to be anything other than what he is. It's been a few weeks since he has tried to call. I don't think that I will hear from him again and that will help. He'll fade some more and I'll forget. I know that everyone is probably thinking get the fuck over it already. I know that is what I keep saying to myself and I thought that I had gotten over it and then I heard that fucking song. I wonder how many times he's used that fucking song to get to someone. Probably more than a few, I should find this funny. I'm an idiot.

Saturday, July 25, 2009


Attention anyone and everyone out there that loves or even remotely cares for Lydia, call me today after 2:15 PM. I have some serious shit going down and I need you to be the voice of reason. It is shocking and down right unprintable, but it's real it's serious and I think it qualifies as an emergency. (PS This is not an intro to a piece of fiction)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Get To It!

Ying - I have been reading (and yes, doing some editing) on your drafts. Good stuff in there. Finish, finish, finish, and finish......

Genetics or Channeling?

This Goat's Life


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Request for Ying

In desperate need of entertainment. Please post Altered Hamburger story.
Thank you!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Creative Writing 101 For Ying

Two women, having tea at a street side cafe. One young, one old.

Go for it.....

Death of a Friend

Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, 'Common Sense', who has been with
us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was, since his birth records were
long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape. He will be remembered as having cultivated
such valuable lessons as:

Knowing when to come in out of the rain; why the early bird gets the worm; Life isn't
always fair; and maybe it was my fault.

Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than you can
earn) and reliable strategies (adults, not children, are in charge).

His health began to deteriorate rapidly when well-intentioned but overbearing
regulations were set in place. Reports of a 6-year-old boy charged with sexual
harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouth wash
after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened
his condition.

Common Sense lost ground when parents attacked teachers for doing the job that they
themselves had failed to do in disciplining their unruly children.

It declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to
administer sun lotion or an Aspirin to a student; but could not inform parents when
a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion.

Common Sense lost the will to live as the churches became businesses; and criminals
received better treatment than their victims.

Common Sense took a beating when you couldn't defend yourself from a burglar in
your own home and the burglar could sue you for assault.

Common Sense finally gave up the will to live, after a woman failed to realize that
a steaming cup of coffee was hot. She spilled a little in her lap, and was promptly
awarded a huge settlement...

Common Sense was preceded in death, by his parents, Truth and Trust. His wife,
Discretion, his daughter, Responsibility, his son, Reason.

He is survived by his 4 stepbrothers; I Know My Rights; I Want It Now; Someone
Else Is To Blame; I'm A Victim.

Not many attended his funeral because so few realized he was gone.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I think maybe the reason that I stopped writing for so long was because I was not in a positive place and I had nothing to inspire me sufficiently. I don't really like writing about this crap, but I am not the best at talking about it and I guess that this is cheaper than therapy. Let's try something new. Fiction.. So I am waiting for my a writing assignment until then you won't hear a peep out of me.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Every morning I wake up and ask God for help and then I tell myself that I can make it through today. The pile of shit in my life just keeps piling higher and higher. I'm not going to be able to start school next month because now I have to pay Kelly back for all my medical expenses. I called my manager today and said I could return on the 19th. Realistically I don't think that I can work, go to school and take care of the kids. Especially when he is gone over 50% of the time and not available very much when he is here. I'm more than a little disappointed. Not the end of the world, but I have patiently waited so long and now this. I couldn't very well argue with him about it. I keep getting these pregnancy related hormonal surges and they are no fun at all. It is not just the crying or wanting to cry, I actually feel like I have a hole in my chest. It's a feeling that lasts all of 5 seconds but it is the shittiest feeling in the entire world. I might sound a bit melodramatic but I am not exaggerating, it is real and it is scary. A few nights ago I was so scared by this that I scooted close to Kelly in bed and he actually cringed away from me. Then I just felt worse. You know when people say well it can't get any worse. That's a damn lie, it can always get worse. Which reminds me, honesty is so damn overrated. What the hell have I gained by telling the truth? Nothing, not a damn thing. Next time I need a good lie and I can't think of one I will just call Yang or B, I am sure they can supply me with one.

Love By Any Other Name...

I can think of several definitions/explanations of love that I like better. Some even come from that infamous Book...
Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.
I John 3:18

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.
1 Corinthians 13:1-13

Does it mean if you aren't doing or receiving these things, you aren't loved or do not love? Me thinketh not - me thinketh it means these are the things true love aspires to be.

That will end our sermon for today - please feel free to deposit in the plate as it is passed around.

Hey You Get Out Of My MIND

I was going to erase my last post and I still might. At the moment I am satisfied with changing the title and removing one line. Even though I have been advised not to read the demons messages, I still do. I am flawed some how in this regard. I don't say his name or even think his name anymore, my thoughts drift to him from time to time but this is unconscious and something that I cannot help. I try purposely not to think about him.
I was watching some stupid cartoon and a character was defining the definition of true love. The one person that chooses you above all others and that you would trust with your life. I don't trust him with my life, I trust him with considerably less than my life. I have no trust or faith in him period. I don't believe that he loves me, and if he does I don't know if it really makes any difference at this point. I haven't spoken to him or responded but if I could say one thing to him it would be this. Grow up, Clean up, get your act together and get on with your life. I am not going to rescue you from you, it doesn't work that way. Whatever feelings or emotions that I had for you were negated by your choosing the drug over me, over your children, over your own sanity. So quit calling me, writing me, thinking about me because you are only prolonging your own misery. Get help.
Okay so maybe that was more than one thing. I am feeling better than I have in a few days. K is acting human and I think that my emotions are evening out, I am stressing less over my visits to the doctor and kind of just dealing with things as they come at me. I am about to go to the grocery store to buy a few things to cook a kick ass brunch for the family

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Last night was very bad. I haven't seen much of Kelly in days he is doing everything he can to stay away from the house. Well last night I sat in his office, which is pretty much a typical Ying thing to do. This is my trying to interract with him and he just rambles on about whatever the new thing he has to be pissed off about is and I sit there as long as I can or until he gets tired of hearing himself and kicks me out of his office. This has passed for a relationship for at least the last 6 years. I notice there is a bill for around 400 on his desk from the city and I pick it up and explain to him it is because one year they accidentally homesteaded two properties. He insisted that this was not a bill but rather a reduction in our taxes. It took me a few minutes to convince him otherwise. He was then pretty pissed and said he wouldn't pay it. I said okay but then they will just put a lien on that property. He was pissed as hell and I told him that even though the city was at fault that it is our responsibility to read what the tax assessor sends us each year. He was yelling and acting like a God damn baby. So I told him that he might want to talk to his sponsor about this or better yet get a sponsor. Then he announces that he has been sober for more than 25 years. I don't know what possessed me but I informed him that he was not SOBER just a dry drunk and that he was the most angry miserable person that I know.

He then pointed out that I had no right to say anything in light of my recent actions and current situation. He did not put it so eloquently and he does have a point. The conversation digressed to he may never forgive me, but he's not leaving and if I would have talked to him about this before I would have been right(I pointed out that I have and he just yelled at me for it and shifted the blame to me) but now I am just a cheating bitch bla bla bla. Well he didn't say cheating bitch but that is what he meant. He says that he is not leaving, and that I could leave but I have NOTHING so I might as well stay and get an education and a good job before I leave. He also says he has no plans on changing anything. In fact he plans on spending even less time with me than before.

So I guess I'm leaving, I don't know exactly how I'll do it but an exit is certain. I guess if I fully accept the fact that it's over I may be able to hang out and do what I need to do. I should have left a long time ago. I guess the best thing to do would be to act like nothing is wrong and try to win his trust back, convince him to sell a house and then take half the money and run. I am so fucking tired of being in this non relationship. The funniest part of all this is that Kelly believes that all assets belong to him. Won't he be in for a shock, I at least need a very good lawyer.
Kelly doesn't give a damn about me, he just wanted me so he could have the kids and a so called "FAMILY".

STUPID Vampire Dreams

I can't sleep. It took me nearly all day to remember fragments of the dream I had last night.
I was walking with a man, I don't know who he is and suddenly he collapses onto the ground and he tells me that he can't go on like this. So I give him my wrist and he sucks my vein threw my skin like it's a straw and I am not apalled by this. I offer him my other wrist. This part is a hoot, I see a very tall man dressed as a women and he stumbles across a coven of vampires. I think that they are chasing the man that I was walking with. I vaguely remember the ocean and a large house near the beach.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Ying's Quote DuJour

This one is an orginal.

"I have a soft spot in my head for assholes and crackheads"

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Wisdom from 1000 life's lessons or how to stay alive forever

RULE #993

Life will disappoint you, profoundly, and life will surprise and thrill you, that's life.

You might think, "Duh", but failure to understand that simple truth leads to unhappiness, depression, suicide, crime, hate, addiction.... etc.

Pin Cushion

I feel like a damn pin cushion, my entire left arm is black and blue. I keep telling the jerks that my other arm is better but they have an aversion to poking my right arm apparently. Next time I think that I will tell them please, please the left arm and maybe then they will use the right. I'll try it, it could work. Just so that no one worries about me, I am doing OK. I am not particularly excited about life right now but I think I'll get there eventually. I'm a little weepy here and there. I gave Mike the inside scoop with all the gory details so if anyone wants details I'm sure he'll share. I purged and now I don't want to talk about it anymore. ( but I'll probably be crypticly be writing about it for quite some time)
Kelly has been demanding that I clean the house pretty much all day. Finally I said hey listen, I feel like shit and I'm not going to do anything and you standing over me griping is going to make me want to clean even less. He pretty much gave up at that point. This is my last day off I swear, I am actually going to be a productive human being tommorrow. Maybe..

Sally's song Lyrics Nightmare Before Christmas Tim Burton

I sense there's something in the wind
That feels like tragedy's at hand
And though I'd like to stand by him
Can't shake this feeling that I have
The worst is just around the bend

And does he notice my feelings for him?
And will he see how much he means to me?
I think it's not to be

What will become of my dear friend?
Where will his actions lead us then?
Although I'd like to join the crowd
In their enthusiastic cloud
Try as I may, it doesn't last

And will we ever end up together?
No, I think not, it's never to become
For I am not the one

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Goodbye Belle

I deleted my last post because it was vile and incriminating. if you didn't get a chance to read it, oh well. You didn't miss much. I suppose Yang didn't tell me about Belle because she did not want to add to the misery that I was experiencing, I found out yesterday. She was a great writer and I counted her among my friends. I will miss you Belle, your witticisms and clever remarks.

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Lyrics Du Jour

Because Of You

I will not make the same mistakes that you did
I will not let myself cause my heart so much misery
I will not break the way you did
You fell so hard
I've learned the hard way, to never let it get that far

Because of you
I will never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side
So I don't get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust
Not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you
I am afraid

I lose my way
And it's not too long before you point it out
I cannot cry
Because I know that's weakness in your eyes
I'm forced to fake, a smile, a laugh
Every day of my life
My heart can't possibly break
When it wasn't even whole to start with

Because of you
I will never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side
So I don't get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust
Not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you
I am afraid

I watched you die
I heard you cry
Every night in your sleep
I was so young
You should have known better than to lean on me
You never thought of anyone else
You just saw your pain
And now I cry
In the middle of the night
For the same damn thing

Because of you
I will never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side
So I don't get hurt
Because of you
I tried my hardest just to forget everything
Because of you
I don't know how to let anyone else in
Because of you
I'm ashamed of my life because it's empty
Because of you
I am afraid

Because of you
Because of you

Songwriters: Hodges, David Hall; Moody, Ben; Clarkson, Kelly Brianne

Dreaming again

Nothing that I would actually want to have in my mind but I am dreaming again none the less. These dreams are weird even for me. The dream starts out and I am living in or in the process of moving from our old house on Wilshire and the place is a freaking wreck, there are clothes everywhere and every dish in the house is dirty. I get someone to come and help me and instead of washing the dishes they just pack everything up dirty and it really annoyed me. Then the house on Wilshire becomes the house that I grew up in mostly and I am preparing for the arrival of my twins, a boy and a girl. I want to put them next to each other but my mother wants them to be apart, I listen to my mother. I have no idea why. Then we pack the car up and Roo is in the backseat in a car seat he is about 3 years younger than he is now. The lady that was helping me is sitting in the front seat and her little girl is sitting beside Roo. Roo gets one of her stuffed animals and begins to chew on it. The little girl is not happy about this so I hand her one of his stuffed animals and tell her that she can chew on his if she wants to. She pretends like she is but does not really. The stuffed animal was a big bird, and I don't think that Roo has ever had on in real life. Then we are in California, and we are walking beside some jetty's and I see a grey seal with big innocent eyes. I point out the seal to the kids and everyone oohs and awes. Then the seal turns into half a man and pulls out a big spiked club and threatens to fucking kill us. I manage to pull Roo away but then the ladies dumb kid kept going next to him. I kept telling her to get her kid and she would make these half hearted attempts. I don't know if this next part became before the psycho seal dude or after but we spent a great deal of time just walking through traffic. Couldn't really decipher much of a message out of the dream except for that sometimes beings that appear to be innocent really are not. They are just waiting for you to get close enough to club you to death.