Friday, November 30, 2007

Today's Quote a.k.a. Lazy Blogging

"It is said that whosoever the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad. In fact, whosoever the gods wish to destroy, they first hand the equivalent of a stick with a fizzing fuse and Acme Dynamite Company written on the side. It's more interesting, and doesn't take so long."

I have no idea where this quote originated. I stole it from someone's sig file and they did not name who actually said it. Maybe it was an original by them, I don't know. I just know I like it!

I thought fanatical Christians were bad but these poeple are most definately the biggest dumbasses around

Can they possibly believe that Allah is truly as stupid and petty as they are. Or that a mere human is powerful enought to insult him over naming of a teddy bear. I will agree that God is great but these people are truly dumbasses.

iWon News - Calls in Sudan for Execution of Briton

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Quote Du Jour ( an original!)

" It's interesting to know what others think of you. Not that it makes one bit of damn difference either way but interesting none the less. "

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


P.S. You might be a Redneck if . . .
you quote Larry The Cable Guy.

My Quote of the Day

"Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm."
Larry The Cable Guy

Monday, November 26, 2007

International Ying Day

Today was my dearheart's birthday, which she tried to enforce a No Celebrating rule on, but since when have I ever followed any rules?

In my effort to keep the party animal inside her alive, she was to receive the following today:


Along with a $30.00 gift certificate to have the margarita glasses engraved, so they match the ones she and I have here in Kansas. (It keeps me from toting them back and forth when traveling!)
However, I'm an ass and forgot about the holiday, so your gifts should arrive tomorrow, Missy Ying. So..........Happy Birthday regardless of what you thought you could make me not do! I've loved you through all the birthdays over the millenium!

Pie Maker

I wanted the Pie maker to come and touch Rebel and bring him back to life. Lindy and I decided that we would leave mischief, my sister in laws demon devil cat in the vicinity so she could meet her maker. He could also ressurect my produce while he was at it. I could in good conscience trade life for life. My ethics does not preclude me from such undertakings. He could also bake me a strawberry pie and his girlfriend could slip some of the herbal happy elixir into it. Damn. Why can't that man be real?

Sunday, November 25, 2007



Eva Longoria and Micheal Vick

No the title has nothing to do with the actual blog. Just trying to drum up a larger reader base!

More dreaming

I got up in the middle of the night to go to the liquor store but when I got there I decided that I needed nothing. A young man gave me his card, I looked at it and put it in my pocket. Then for some reason I was giving the boy a ride somewhere in a very bad part of the city. Not recognizably this city. Some other darker larger city. Maybe not in the US. We are driving down streets looking for something, I hear my name called by a child, it sounds like Justin or Aramanna. I try yo turn around and go back but I cannot find where it was coming from. My window is rolled down, I am driving in the Yukon. We pass a club and some guys come out they say something unintelligible. Then one of them throws something int o the car it hits my face. I pick the unknown object up and cannot decide if I am going to run him down or throw it back. I hesitate to do both. The guy that throws it disappears just as I have got up the nerve to throw it back. I end up throwing it at 2 men that come out of the club holding a toddler. I apologize, it is getting later and later in the evening. I tell the young man who I am riding with that I cannot take him home, he needs to find his own way. I have to get home before 5:00, that is when Kelly leaves for work. Then we park the car and he walks off towards a group of partying people. I see Julie and her kids leaving a carnival, I ask them for help finding my car. They do not seem to want to help me. I am in a large open park near some kind of government building, a large library maybe. I do not know. I walk up concrete stairs and a man takes my hand, not forcefully; lovingly. I have never seen this man before. He is has dark features and is handsome. I pull away from him slowly, not really wanting to pull away but because that 9is what you do when a strange man approaches you. The sun is coming up I still cannot find my car and then it occurs to me that I don't even own the Yukon anymore so I start looking for the van, and I immediately find it. Recognizing it by the stickers on the back. It is off some how, a fuzzy copy of what it should be. This is the part when I normally realize that I am dreaming but oddly this time I have decided differently. I decide that I must be dead, I fly as I usually do in dreams over the park. Bouncing from structure to structure until I decide that this place could not be beautiful enough to be heaven so I must be dreaming. I then decided to go find the handsome man so I could go have sex with him. I touched him for a moment and then he was gone and when I woke up I was very dissatisfied!

The Ethnic Reindeer

My cool item of the day!

Vintage Huichol Beaded Deer Head w/ Removables MUST C! - (eBay item 220175887768 end time Nov-30-07 13:23:43 PST)

Annual Blog Facts

I am a very lazy blogmeister. But even being lazy you would be amazed at the amount of traffic a website can get. If you had the perfect product or the perfect thought you could be either rich or influence an entire world. Below are some basic statistic for the dragonpass website and the blog.

Weekly average: 5,229 pages sent. This is actual pages seen by people in their finished form

Monthly average: 22,525 pages sent.
Most active month March 2006 : 34,564 pages sent.

Most active month March 2006 : 34,564 pages sent.

Daily average: 490 pages sent.

Even the entended Ying Yang love fest is unable to account for them all. Remember people clicking on ads helps pay for this webspace so if an ad look interesting by all means click them. And I will work on getting new ones. Buying never hurts either.

Evenings are better than mornings -
Work Hours (8:00am-4:59pm) 363,215
After Hours (5:00pm-7:59am) 715,259
Those really high numbers are totals for page requests since the web site migrated to its current host in 2005

Some Sites that refer people to our pages - We should visit and return the favor
plus the usual suspects, Google, aol, MSN Yahoo etc..

The top 10 searches that lead people to our pages

Search Query Number of requests
1. l ray smith 2,381
2. see your house from space 1,132
3. wholesome wear 644
4. l.ray smith 218
5. room makers 197
6. uss lexington 190
7. old angzine 162
8. lies 146
9. post secrets 139
10. stupid videos 130
11. see house from space 126

Operating Sysatems used can vary
The majority of users are on XP
Windows XP 109,098

Windows 3.1 1
There is still one hold out - can you even imagine trying ot access the internet on Windows 3.1 - talk about a snooze

Macintosh 4,498

Unix 1,764

We even have smart people who have enough sense not to get out of their lazy boy just to read us.

WebTV 21

the number one page requested IS?
/blogs/lives/lives.htm 18,503 2.92%

Emilys blog is second and the Corpus Directory is 3rd

So next time you are feeling alone remember that you are sharing your life with 1000s of people you don't know and will never meet. Kinda cool. Use your power wisely grasshopper.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

I want to end life as an orgasm!

The most unfair thing about life is the way it ends. I mean, lifes is
tough. It takes up a lot of your time. What do you get at the end of it? A Death! What's that, a bonus? I think the life cycle is all backwards. You should die first, get it out of the way. Then you live in an old age home. You get kicked out when you're too young, you get a gold watch, you go to work. You work forty years until you're young enough to enjoy your retirement. You do drugs, alcohol, you party, you get ready for high school. You go to grade school, you become a kid, you play, you have no responsibilities, you become a little baby, you go back into the womb, you spend your last nine months floating...and you finish off as an orgasm.
George Carlin

My favorite quote for today . . .

"I think God gives us children so death won't come as such a disappointment."
Two And A Half Men

Quote for the day

"Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways - Chardonnay in one hand - chocolate in the other - body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "WOO HOO, What a Ride!"

DailyOM - Nurturing Mind Body & Spirit

DailyOM - Nurturing Mind Body & Spirit

Friday, November 23, 2007

For Rebs & Digger

Bless you, my little ones at the bridge,
Dance and play as you wait for me.
Roll in the grass and nibble fine fruits,
Grow to your finest as you wait for me.
For God's kind hand will nuture and love you,
The angels will play as you wait for me.
And when I come we'll dance and play,
Wait for the day and wait for me.

Evil Skips A Generation

Ying has a theory that evil skips a generation (MOST of the time). I am beginning to believe she is correct.
My grandmother was full Irish and I swear a Celtic mischief gnome. She loved to laugh and was quite the prankster, at anyone's expense. My mother attempted to attain sainthood in her short life. Anyone who knows me knows I'm evil through and through. My grandaughter, at four, can already outdo me in the evil department.
Which leaves my daughter, Janelle, in between. I thought she might be demon seed when she was younger, but I was too quick to judge.
Yesterday she spent the morning preparing traditional Thanksgiving dinner and had her new tenants over for the big meal, as they just moved here from Hawaii and have no family here. They had an early meal, done by noon, so Janelle and her family could then go spend the afternoon at the Salvation Army cooking, serving, cleaning, etc. for those less fortunate.
My husband got a convenience store burrito last night for Thanksgiving when we had to go to town to pick something up. I'm evil in more ways than one.

I miss Rebs.

Yesterday was hard. Usually after Kelly gets up Rebel runs down stairs and and jumps in bed with me, gets under the covers and snuggles up to me or under me. He never did mind being laid on. I do not hear the sound of his little nails clicking against the slate floor. I am no longer the leader of any parade. Where I went he followed, or tried to follow the best he could. When I would work on a house at night by myself he would go with me. When I went to show houses most of the time I took him along. If I sat down he would be on my lap. If I laid down on the couch he would be on me. When he rode in the car with me he would ride in my lap. Kelly always told us not to do this but we never listened. He was fiercely loyal. If anyone ever did try to attack me, I know at least my ankles would be safe. He bit my ex-husband for no particular reason. I hear dogs barking in the distance. I miss him, my brother becoming.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

For Rebel

Funeral Blues

Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,

Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,

Silence the pianos and with muffled drum

Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.

Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead

Scribbling on the sky the message He is Dead.

Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,

Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.

He was my North, my South, my East and West,

My working week and my Sunday rest,

My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;

I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong

.The stars are not wanted now; put out every one,

Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun,

Pour away the ocean and sweep up the woods;

For nothing now can ever come to any good.

-- W.H. Auden

Full Beaver Moon - November 24, 2007 - Red Letter Day - The Old Farmer's Almanac

All hail the Full Beaver Moon! Get your traps out and ready!

Full Beaver Moon - November 24, 2007 - Red Letter Day - The Old Farmer's Almanac

Mountain Rose Herbs | Bulk organic herbs, spices, teas & essential oils

Mountain Rose Herbs | Bulk organic herbs, spices, teas & essential oils

Click to Give @ The Breast Cancer Site

I know I have posted this before, but just a reminder. You can click every day and all you do is click and you help someone get a free mammogram. You can help save a woman's life with a click of the mouse that doesn't cost you anything.

Click to Give @ The Breast Cancer Site

Morning Musings

Too darn early to expect the world to interact with me, and too darn cold to go out and seek entertainment with the goats. Winter has finally arrived here on the Plains and I find I'm not dreading it as much as I normally do. I'm even sort of hoping the forecast for later, which predicts some snow, is accurate. I have young goats that have never seen snow and it will be fun to watch how they react. Of course this also means that my doe who was supposed to kid yesterday is simply waiting for the absolute worst possible moment, weatherwise, to have those babies. It's part of the Goat Code of Honor, I guess. I'm sure I'll be out there in blowing snow and rain, temps well below zero tonight, with flashlight in hand, fretting over this first time mom!

I'm so excited that there's a very very good chance I'm going to see Ying in January. I was pretty sure I wasn't going to be able to last until she could make it back. When Janelle said she would plan her trip to San Antonio around my "birthing" schedule so I could tag along to see Ying, I jumped at the chance.

Sun is finally up enough I can see to what I'm doing out there. Time to encourage my doe to push, push, push and get it over with in the daylight!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

X-rated mag Poetry

Just add one large Margarita a straw and the Anais Ninmag poetry kit.

Stranger Experience

Live Fantasy
Immense electric sensuality
Dangerous exhilaration
Varacious thirst
Unfatomable restlessness
Breathe, penetrate
Joy flesh
Emptied essence climax
Veiled secret
Clever remembering


Yippy! Yang is coming to visit ME! ME! ME! I was beginning to think the ME show was not going to have a very interesting first season. I can't wait to see her. She is hitching a ride with her daughter who is visiting her best friend in SA and thinks that it is so cool that they have bestfriends in the same area. Janelle is the sweetest thing. I'm drinking a Margarita and Yang is coming to visit me, could it get any better. Well yeah if I was drinking out of my monogrammed stainless steel Margarita glass that Yang bought me. I need to remind her to bring them with her. We can use them while the kids sleep. Hopefully Kelly will be able to trade days with someone so he can babysit so Yang and I can have quality time together.

Monday, November 19, 2007


Dona : Sagittarius There is an open energy coming from deep within you today, and it will create the perfect conditions for a heart to heart with anyone you're interested in helping -- including yourself. You are starting to see yourself in a very compassionate light right now, and this is what is necessary to make a real change. Your positive energy is contagious, and will help many people see the bright side of things, no matter how dark their mood might be today.

Lydia: I swear our horoscope is one day off. I was helping Jennifer yesterday wasn't I?

Lydia : Okay I guess that really couldn't be considered helping.

Dona: I know. apparently every horoscope is for the day before

Dona: which I think means it's not very helpful

Lydia: Isn't that odd.

Dona: or psychic

Lydia: well that would just mean that I will know what I will do the next day not that I would do what I should do on the next day the day before

Lydia : I do have tendency to muck things up

Dona: Queen of the Muckers here myself

Dona: your Me show is my preferred entertainment.

Lydia: Well I will be sure to do a lot of selfish blogs starting with my dream last night

Lydia: Want to hear it?I'll blog it later.

Lydia : I went to this house in the country it was down a dirt road, not unlike yours.I traveled their with a young man, "willingly" I might add , and when I got there we started painting the house.The young mans relatives lived there and they seemed friendly enough.

Dona: how nice of you to paint their house

Lydia: and even though this house was out in the middle of nowhere the view from every window was spectacular, It looked an awefull lot like Austria, that is where they filmed the sound of music,I think.

Lydia: Or at least that is what the tour guide said. Anyhow I kept looking out the windows thinking to myself how lovely all of it was and how sad that there was no one there to appreciate it with me. Then now this is the silly part of the dream, a famous band showed up and even though they are so famous I had no clue who they were.

Dona Mason: LOL

Lydia : and one of the band members immediately kissed me!

Dona : the Famous No Names

Lydia: It was a great kiss but It meant relatively little to me, I just took the kiss and went right about my painting or whatever it was that I was doing. Well later that night the band was partying outside, they had made a fire. It was very cold outside. I kept looking out the window and I was sort of envious I think.The fire smelled lovely. The one that kissed me came in and said that they were going into town and asked if would I like to come.I immediately went and got a sweater out of the closet and I was just about to leave when the young mans father was about to say something to me, I thought he was going to say that I shouldn't run off with musicians, seeing as his son had brought me here, but he did not say that though. ( and as an aside the thing with the son was a purely platonic thing)

Lydia : Anyway he said that the band was well bread, intelligent etc and that they wouldn't appreciate my my bubble headedness, well he didn't use those exact words but he said something along those lines. I thought that odd but I just became upset and said, you don't know me. He did manage to stall me enough so that the band had left without me. I was minimally disappointed. Apparently there had been a reason for their visit they dropped off a shitload of marijuana.

Lydia: and by the way a shitload is quite a lot more than a few pounds but less than a ton

Dona: thank you. always wondered about that

Lydia: I am going to finish my dream even though Hal is messaging me. I know he is alive and that is really all I care about.

Lydia: back to the dream

Dona: unless it's someone else using his yahoo i.d, but go ahead

Lydia: shut up, I am always worried that he will get his head chopped off be Al Quaeda

Dona: oh geez. Finish the dream, quit checking on Hal and finish the dream.

Lydia : Anyway the old guy said that if I did not do this drug runner gig for him and then go away he would kill me. I was trying to figure out how to escape and still painting the walls all these wild marbled colors.Anyway I was getting more terrified by the minute.So i was walking down the hall and the old father dude asked me what was wrong. I told him that I was so scared and then he held me for a second, then he let me go and said that it was not good to show emotion or affection. I asked him if I could go to the post office to mail my suitcase back to my parents before I disappeared and he said fine.The next thing I know I had stole a rickety truck that hardly ran and I was making a get away. Guess who was in the car with me?

Dona: who?

Lydia : Burt Reynolds and about 35 years ago I found him quite hot.

Lydia : The end

Dona : OH LOLOL Was he old and decrepit like now or like 35 years ago

Lydia : I didn't even eat Jalapenos before bed

Dona: which, by the way, were you even alive 35 years ago??

Lydia: No he was the old Burt. didn't say 25 well, I meant 25!

Dona: I am so envious of your dreams. I do not remember any of them,

Lydia: What does my dream mean? That I need to get my house painted and have sex and smoke some,and I want to run off with a band? That I can kiss and forget?

Dona: and live where there are great views

Lydia: The view was awesome

Dona: what does the band, the pot, etc. represent? The fun you feel you are or have missed in life. The wild side of you. The old man - your conscience that keeps you from having fun but also soothes you, the painting - your artistic side that you are currently not expressing enough: dirt road and shack of a house - ME!!

Lydia: the dirt road was suspiciously like yours

Dona : maybe the road to me leads to great "views" damn, I'm good today.

Lydia: You are good all the time. You are a fantastic participant in the ME show.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Me Show

Ranger does the cutest thing, or it was cute about 1000 times ago and it still is when he comes up with new material. It is called "The Me Show". It's a one man show performed entirely by Ranger, there is singing dancing, impersonations, and a variety fantastical Ranger related performances. The main point of the me show is not to entertain the audience but t o entertain Ranger. He has been known to perform with no spectators.
I have decided to take Rangers show on the road. I at the very least strive to steal his theme.
My life is now "The Me Show" All Lydia, all the time. I guess every ones life is really their own personal me show. Every time my Me show isn't going so well I decide to do something for others to take the focus off of "ME" and get some perspective.
That is not working so well lately, because even though helping others reminds me of my gratitude for life, and health, etc it is not providing me with some basic things that my current me show is missing. Basically what my me show has been missing is ME in the starring role. Those of you who do not like the me show do not have to watch but you will be forced to read about it in the blog. So far the show is not very exciting. I put on makeup just to go to the grocery store and that was the highlight of my day. Either that or I sang really loud in church just to hear my own voice, with wanton disregard for people with ears. Who's to say God doesn't love my voice as well as lets say someone that can carry a tune.

Church was decent for a change today, I connected with Allen which I usually don't. I am going to give him a chance to wow me. Today he said or asked rather, "dreams, do you still have dreams?" I do, I do, I do. I actually looked at everyone when he was speaking and I thought how stinking miserable it must be to be talking to this dead crowd. They hardly looked conscious. Their eyes were glazed. Today I decided that I won't make fun of him next time he tries t o talk to me and I will quit telling people that he is the love child of Olive Oil and Charlie Brown. I am going to try to get to know him as a person. I think he is going to stick around. Maybe I should tell him my plans to start a cult. The cult of ME! Shelter Makeover

We can help Peewee's win a shelter makeover valued up to one mililon dollars. ( and they dont kill the animals there lydia =). All we have to do is log on to and pick Peewee's as our shelter of choice. Then, you can join the zootoo community where you can rate and review products and services.There is so much we can do to help them win. Peewees gets a point for every reviwe, rating, video, and picture uploaded which increases the chances of winning. If you have any questions you can call 1-877-580-7387. Even if you dont want to join at least go vote and give Peewees a helping hand.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


And I received three new books in the mail today, which I DID order on Amazon and did NOT go to the lie-berry for.

The Master Plan

Dear Lil Kel's Mommy,

You have totally ignored the obvious. You have met this vixen. Do you not see the master plan? She assumes if I have more money, I will buy her more stuff. Or she can bilk me out of money by making me pay for her discarded crap that I bought in the first place. Or charge me for candy. Or while I'm on I can order great stuff for her.

She just did not think of all the things you mentioned yet. She is only four, after all. But no doubt should I raise your objections, she will have a snappy answer for each and every one. In fact, I think she has a great deal in common with you..............

LIl Kel's Mama says poo poo to the library

Dear Ms. Kenzie and Ms. Yang,

There are several problems that we have with the library. The first being that the books that we seem to NEED are not part of our library's collection or they have been checked out by someone else that keeps them too damn long. The other is that Lil Kel's mother is an airhead and can never get them back on time. She has been known to lose books for months at a time and then end up paying full cover price for books she could get on ebay for around a buck. If Kenzie's Nana takes into account the gas and time that it will take to and from the library she may find that buying that paperback on Amazon really is a better deal. Not to mention that she will get her very own crisp clean copy of the book. She can sell it on ebay afterwards, and recoup some cash or she could donate it to a charity and take it off her taxes. Okay Kenz is right, you really don't need to buy books but you don't really need to buy food either. There are plenty of trash bins that you could pick your lunch out of. I know it is not the same thing!
Respectfully, Lil Kel's Mommy

To Lil Kel From Kenzie Via Yang

Dear Mr. Lil Kel,
This was not directed to you, but I felt I should share it, as it is a similiar, yet different, take on the "are books a need or a want" issue.
This morning I was conversing with Ms. Jaden McKenzie Leann Marr (apparently having the most names make you the most right, or at least makes you think you are) and when I inquired as to her plans for the day, she informed me that she was going to the "lie-berry" to get some books. We then discussed how books are absolutely one of the greatest things in the world. She concurs, however, she had this to say on the issue:
"Nana, you buy books. That is not smart. Books just suck all your money out of you. You should go to the lie-berry and get some and read them and then take them back. Then you have more money to buy stuff."
So, I think the final answer is that yes, books are a need. However, they are not a need that you should spend money on. (Unless of course, it is an extra very special book that you want to have, to hold, and to read time and time again!)

Tag Team

I was getting slammed into the ground by my opponent. Sure he was a tenth of my size but he was relentless and I was ready to call Uncle. I desperately reached out for my tag team partner but as my hand was about to touch his he slapped it away and criticized me for not being able to handle it myself. He's an odd sort of tag team partner. He did buy these snazzy costumes though. If I would have given it any thought, I may have picked someone else. He just eats popcorn and watches me get my ass kicked. Sometimes he even roots for the other guy. He isn't very impressed by my wrestling skills, his are so much better.
Next time I think I need help I'll just slap myself.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Rebuttal To Lil Kel - And Blaze Can Listen In, Too

1.) Bravo, Blaze. You are correct. I need those goats to make money to buy food and clothing. Or I might need them to slaughter and eat, or milk and use that for food.
2.) I miss your mother so much that if I don't visit her soon I may die. That's a need.
3.) Yep! Yep! Books are almost as important as air!
4.) Is there some other kind of chocolate besides dark? And I'm old so I need LOTS of antioxidants.
Thank you both for your help with these matters. I will have a new list tomorrow.
Ms. Yang

DEAR YANG BY LIL KEL (peanut gallery comments by Blaze)

Actually need them, or just want them. A lot.1.) More goats.2.) A plane ticket to go visit you and the rest of your family.3.) More books.4.) More chocolate.

Dear Ms. Yang,
GOATS- Lil Kel says....
Do you need goats to live, or to stay healthy and warm? NO
You just want those goats you don't need them.

Blaze says.... You can make money with more goats and you need money to live. So you need those goats, or could possibly need them.

TICKET- Lil Kel says that is a want

Blaze concurs

BOOKS- Lil Kel says... You can't live without books! That's a need!

Blaze concurs

CHOCOLATE- Lil Kel says, you just want it!

Blaze asks... What kind of chocolate? Dark?
That's a need because it has lots of anti-oxidents and is good for you.

When a Fruit Cups Goes Bad

It goes really really bad. It started so innocently there it was A Del Monte tropical medley, luscious pineapple, Mango, and papaya sitting snuggly in their extra light juice. Originally it was bought for the benefit of my babies. And they did get the first serving but then this odd raving for cake over took me and let me tell you when a fruit cup goes bad its very very good.

Its nothing like the fruit cake grandma used to make.
This is a little two person cake and made with basics and leftover laying around the fridge. As always my measurements aren't exact and you can substitute as you wish.

In a cereal sized bowl Pour about 1 cup of Bisquick I used the fat free version. add sugar to taste and Pour and mix in enough milk to make it the consistency of thick cake batter.

Using a 1 1/2 pint Pyrex dish I spooned most of the fruit (1/4 - 1/2 cup) onto the bottom of the pan saving the juice. Next put 2 Tlbs of butter sliced thinly. Spoon a little bit of the batter over the fruit not bunches just something for the brown sugar to bubbly through.

Then sprinkle 1/4 cup or so of brown sugar smooth over the top. Pour half the juice over the brown sugar. sprinkle lightly with cinnamon. Pour in half the bowl of batter.
Slice a 1/4 of an apple into tiny pieces and sprinkle over the batter and then sprinkle some raisins. Cover with more brown sugar and another sprinkle more cinnamon. Pour over rest of juice and another Tlbs of sliced butter. Pour in remaining batter.

Cook at 350 for 30-40 minutes until a knife comes out clean.
Let cool for 5-10 minutes. Turn upside down on to a plate.
If you want frosting you can find an old can of frosting you can melt in the microwave and pour over as I did or you can melt cream cheese or even just mix milk and powdered sugar or some other frosting mix of your choice.

Drizzle over the top and eat warm

Ice cream would probably be good too.

Dear Lil Kel

I really think I need the following, but I am having trouble determining if I actually need them, or just want them. A lot.

1.) More goats.
2.) A plane ticket to go visit you and the rest of your family.
3.) More books.
4.) More chocolate.

That's it for now. I have more, but let's start there.

Ask Lil Kel about your wants and needs!

Lil Kel has graciously agreed to help Yang and anyone else needing assitance to determine if their desires are WANTS or NEEDS. So write in and ask him, he'll answer your questions for you. Please keep them PG.

Lil Kel Can Be My Teacher

Please have Lil Kel come and teach me what he learns about wants/needs. I have never learned that lesson. I think I need everything I want. I'm pretty sure this is one area of my personal development that is stunted and never grew out of its 4 year old stage. Being aware of this, you would think I'd just learn to control the impulses to acquire whatever it is I think I need. there's another area of my personal growth that never matured.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Wants and needs/ Want to cheat on your wife?

Lil Kel is learning the difference between wants and needs in first grade social studies. I've had a shit day with the kids and I would like a dirty Martini with green olives. That is a definate want. I wouldn't call it a need, I am not going to die or become ill if I don't have one tonight or ever for that matter.

Brandy claims that we have 1500 or so readers but I somehow find that doubtful. If there are any men out there that are married to an impossible bitch and would like to get some loving on the side. I have a full proof plan for how you can do this and get away with it. This will work especially well if you have a drinking problem or drink enough for your wife or girlfriend to become slightly annoyed. AA is your answer!You can claim to go to meetings and if you don't show up no one is going to ruin your alibi. You can create fake new friends and you won't even have to identify them (wouldn't want to blow their anonymity). Just try not to doll yourself up too much before you go out that may raise a little suspicion. But if you do want to get dressed up a bit, and she happens to notice,just get all offended and say, "What's wrong I can't dress well to feel good about myself!" Of course this will probably only work if your wife is relatively dense.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Cartoon Du Jour

YouTube - Dove Onslaught

YouTube - Dove Onslaught

If its sunday its politics

Other than mere glimpses at the the major stories during he week I pretty much shun all types of news and commercial blurbs. But Sundays are politics. The full line up of Meet he press (I generally like the round table better than the guests - I love the lively discussion.) then the last have hour of Stephanoloupos, (No clue if that is spelled correctly) He is always the most civil of the news shows that i watch. Always dapper smiling and friendly. Even the heated discussions are carried out in the most polite of fashions. Gives one hope for manners in the world.
Then there is The McLaughlin group my favorite for their knock down drag out style while using only proper

The most interesting line up was pat robertson, and Juliani. Could be lethal for both of them
But fun to watch, Juliani wont win anyway

It is still in flux and I am not yet capable of predicting the outcome. I cant see Hillary making it or Obama. Obama is just too young he may be a serious contender in 8 years and I can kinda see him making it big at some point but I don't think this time will be it . Its too hard to imagine Bill as the first lady. And in the end I just don't see America going into he booth or voting for wither a woman or a black man although anything is possible with Diebold machines as the current presidency shows. My pick for who would actually be the best for the country right now on the democratic side Is Bill Richardson. He has a good mix of minority and a forever good tan also has lots of experience in the middle east. He has also done an excellent job for New Mexico. SO he gets my vote. But the most likely I see for is John Edwards winning the nomination. On the republican side I can see Huckabee for the long shot. Although not believing in Evolutions is not a good thing to bring up in debates because it makes you look stupid to the 90% of the country that does. God and science work together not apart. To me its a given God did it the science is figuring out how he did it. There is nothing wrong with understanding the world we live in or believing that a God strong enough to create a universe is capable of understanding that if things don't change and adapt to their environment they die.

Mitt Romney certainly has a good choice and most people do understand that we do all believe in the same god and the fact that the Mormon Bible contains myths is no different than the many myths the standard bible also contains. Myths aren't truly bad its the God that counts and the stories all preach the same message for most of its intrinsic parts, To believe in God and take care of your families. These core value are the same in both religions and most of the people know it. That the Mormon church is run like a business could be a good thing. Maybe thats something we need in our government in some areas.

And those two are the only 2 I can see having a chance at all. But the race is yet young maybe someone who fights for the little guy and is upstanding and full of integrity will come along and sweep us off our feet.

And if you just want to laugh at our candidates click the link below for a fine collection of political cartoons

Cagle's Web Log!

Lydia made me blog

Saturday, November 10, 2007

TREE HUT (Kick ass body butter!)

I am normally not a product pusher but Dona gave me two tubs of this stuff and it is great!!

Ying is selfish!

Yang made the comment that I have not blogged about our adventures. You would think that I would immediately run to the computer and start blogging away as that is my typical behavior when anything even remotely exciting transpires. As if there were ever any doubt, I am a damn selfish person. I don't always like to share. I do subscribe to the love is a shiny penny philosophy (give it away and you'll have so many). I just want to hoard the details of our visit. They are mine damn it!

Dear Yang,

The only thing wrong with our visit was that it was too short. I must admit that as excited as I was to see you again, I worried that I would some how fail to provide enough entertaining moments for you. I should not have worried, I do not think that there was a dull moment.

I ran to her and threw my arms around her, yes everyone was looking at us. It could have been that they were thinking that we were loony, but I would like to think that it was a heart warming scene and they just wished that someone would greet them like that.

The wonderful thing about hugging her is that no one lets go first.

We laughed, we walked arm and arm.

We gazed at the stars.

We drank a little, and ate a little too much.

I met her family and they are lovely each and every one of them. Yang's grandchildren are possibly not children at all but adults with very small bodies and a fantastic sense of humor. Those kids were funny and so loving. Janelle is doing a fabulous job with them.

Friday, November 09, 2007

Lydia's Zensational Philosophy

Today I am practicing Lydia's approach to life. I'm determined it's going to be a good day. I refuse to even start listing the things I have to get done. I am just going to start down the list and tackle them one at a time until my list has disappeared.
Besides, this weekend is the last time I have to go away for 4 weeks and I'm doing the dance of hermit joy over that fact. We are going to pick up two does Darrel bought months ago but we have been waiting until they are bred to go get them. It feels like I've been in my pick up going somewhere for months. Oh - I have!
I miss Lydia more than ever now. You would think having her for a little while would appease me, but it has only made it worse.
My son-in-law is going to Afghanistan and that sucks. My heart breaks for my grandkids. They adore their Dad and won't take this well.
I have stopped taking Chantix and stopped smoking. I had lost all the weight I planned on losing, but am sure I put some back on while Lydia was here. We ate great food that's bad for you. And drank the best Tequila ever made. It was all well worth putting pounds back on. I do miss the dreams from the Chantix though. They were kick ass and my night life has gone back to be being dull, flat, and boring. I really enjoy virtual reality dreaming and will have to look for some food I can eat before bed that will kick things up a notch.
I have baby goats due in 11 days and can't wait. Only wish they had come along while Lydia was here. Although she was blessed and got to witness the birth of twin goats while we were at my friend's house. (Sometimes the Universe really does listen when you ask for something.)

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Bean's Words Of Wisdom

Handle every situation like a dog.

If you can't eat it or hump it.
Piss on it and walk away.

I wake up in the morning and I'm thrilled to be sucking air. Life is good, Iam always waking up thinking that today will be a good day. I could be dillusional, but it works for me. Sometimes it is a good day, some times it's a great day.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Did you know?

The camera adds 10 pounds (to your breasts).

Recipe For A Perfect Week

1.) Get the love of your life, and other 1/2 of your soul, to come and visit you.

2.) Cook great foods up ahead of time.

3.) Buy the most kick-ass tequila ever made.

4.) Let the Universe send you "dream" perfect fall weather.

5.) Have the sweetest, kindest, most generous (not to mention sexy and funny) husband in the world, who immediately falls madly in love with the love of your life, too.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

I'm Going To Commit a Felony

I do not want Lydia to leave. I will not let Lydia leave.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Two Of My Favorite Things...........

I love goats.......almost as much as I love Lydia.