Monday, August 30, 2004

Wound Up

Giving myself fifteen minutes to whip out a blog. I need to blog for my sanity. Hey it is cheaper than therapy, and the counselor doesn't give nearly as interesting or useful feedback. I feel tightly wound. I woke up at 7:30 am this morning, apparently I unconsciously turned off the alarm. This was not good the kids would have been about an hour late for school but oh no I had to lose my keys also. What a morning. I felt like a failure as a mother. Cristal did call to work on the mural but unfortunately I had to tell her I had a standing date with the laundry. Erin called and I made a lunch date with her for I thought next Tuesday. Then I remembered that tomorrow was Tuesday so now I'm wondering if it is tomorrow. Which won't work because I have the wee Nolens, I could take them with me but I think that Erin wants to visit a client afterwards and that would not be appropriate. I called Erin yesterday to volunteer because this is what I do whenever I'm feeling particularly self involved. I find that it helps to take the focus off Lydia's little world. I'm such a whiner, I've got a lot of good things going on. I am so blessed. I've got a really weird story for everyone, I may save it for Halloween. It's a bit bizarre, it involves Shawna also aka pig thief, and the law. Nothing to do with the pig incident. Did involve a phone call to the a homicide detective made by Lydia law abiding citizen extraordinaire. Your just going to have to be in suspense for that one. Posted my first eviction notice recently luckily it was not for one of my tenants. That's a story in itself, and will take more than the few minutes that I have for this hurried blog. These blogs of mine are doing nothing to benefit or improve society. About a dozen blogs back Dona asked about how to get little ones to stay in bed. I sleep with my two youngest (ages almost 10 months and 3 years) most of the time. When Kelly is here little Kel sleeps in his own bed but he still gets up sometimes, it is a minimal nuisance. So the answer is.. I don't have one. Big help I am. Thats all folks.

Cristals Invite

Cristal send me an email with the username you want on to use on blogger. I will sent up the account and send you the password. You can log in and then change password etc.. to whatever you want. Give me a choice of 2 or three user names you might like as there are millions of bloggers out there.

Send To

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Cristal, Katy, Weener Hotel, and Is Lydia Self Centered

So nice to hear from you Doris. I would actually leave the laundry and kids for any number of worthwhile causes at the moment. It would have to be a one afternoon protest though because Ranger is pretty particular about his milk. Allotted actual time for blogging tonight and then of course realized that there was so much more to do and so I stole some of my blog time for domestic duties. Will this horrific pile of laundry ever end? I would ask the magic eight ball but sadly it is missing in action. I hope that Cristal calls and wants to come over and finish the mural. It is almost done! Kelly better bring the digital camera home from work or I'll be forced to buy a really expensive one because the world must see Cristal's cool art. I talked with Cristal some more on Friday as she painted. We actually talked politics and we have remarkably similar view points and this really surprised me. I seemed to have had her pegged as more conservative. I don't know why. She thinks that we are the only two people in Texas that are not voting for shrub. Was also amused by my theory that shrub is suffering from a mental illness because that would explain everything. By the way B, please help me. Cristal's invites keep saying error. ??? I'm perplexed and confused and you are the blog goddess so help me oh wise one. I could just pick up the phone and beg you but that would be too normal. However if I must actually call you and ask for your assistance I am willing to do so. Glad to see Mish is working on a draft. I have really missed her. Posting your yummy eats on the blog Brandy! How dare you. I can see carbohydrates, touch them, smell them, and still have no desire but read about them and I give in. Dona, how is the wonder dog? Cristal is considering naming the baby Keegan but her husband Aaron really hates the name. He wants to name the baby Gunter Von something or other. I'm actually going out of town this weekend with the whole family. Camping. Pray for Cristal and her family we will be sharing a cabin with them. I hope we still all love each other at the end of the weekend. I'm sure I'll have a real interesting blog when we get back. Especially since Katy may be going with us and I am trying the kill her with kindness thing. I love Katy in a very cardinal way, but I have no special affection for her. There was a time that I loved her like my own but this time has passed. My feelings have changed largely due to her actions. I know that we should not base our feelings on the actions and attitudes of children and yet I have. I know that nothing would make Kelly happier than to have his daughter as a regular part of his life interacting with the rest of his family. I want to work towards this. This girl loathes me, she has expressed that she wishes that I were dead. Don't exactly know how to woo her. I'm not too anxious to either. I have been praying about this and no miracles as of yet. Actually initially I prayed that God would make the situation better and God did. I have very minimal contact with Katy and that has been very good for our family in general but I'm afraid not particularly good for Kelly. Probably not that great for Katy either as I think that we have a lot of good things to offer her. I completely spaced out and forgot to figure something out for Rebel my weener dog while we are gone. Can't very well leave him with anyone, most of the people that might actually be able to do it will be camping also. I considered taking him but I don't know that it's allowed and he also has mental problems (he's adopted what can I say) and will bite anyone that makes too quick a movement around me or the kids. Actually I find this kind of endearing but other people don't seem to appreciate it. I hope I can find him a a nice doggy hotel. There is a girl that works at PALS where I adopted the super weener I might ask her. I've counted all the I's in my blog. I may be a little bit self centered. Just a bit maybe.

Time and money...

Doris - at least you have an excuse - you work and are raising kids. I have no life and I still grossly neglect my blogging obligation. Brandy will be amazed that I am actually typing an actual blog, for the second time in one day. I've relied heavily on copying and pasting quotes I like, and the "blog this" button lately. It's not that I don't WANT to blog...It's not that I don't NEED to blog...It's just,'s LAZINESS, damn it ... I admit it!!
I see Mishy is lurking around the vicinity. It will be a pleasure to hear from her again!
Okay everyone - Doris brought up the economy in her comment. Another good reason not to vote the Republican ticket this year - the economy MUST improve so Doris can get another line and have access to the computer to blog more!! I think this should be a major campaign issue - Doris's right to blog is being infringed upon and as an American and a blogger, (albeit a lazy one), I won't stand for this!
BTW, Doris, you should "blog this" to the site you mentioned.
Just to keep you all updated on my ever-snoring life, I'm meeting Janelle and Cj and Kenzie in Salina tomorrow to spend 2 days with them. I will no doubt bore, regale you with all the details after my return.

I'll never catch up but it's fun trying...

I went back and read some of the past couple weeks...seems like mostly Brandy, Dona and stuff... I've been waaaaay out of touch, not reading or typing for awhile now! Welcome Doris... Life has been hectic, to say the least...

and of course I never finished this post...ages ago...but Lydia gave me a lil kick in the rear so I am going to post it...and write another...for when we get the darn thing up again.... :-)

and now, duh the blog is back up again and you all are posting away! I am going to post this and do another...soon... (she said with a straight face..)

Just because I like the name of his blog

The Ethical Werewolf

Lets get together and Vote - Talk abot a scene that could instill fear into white America>Moveon.orgs Newest Commercial

Talk about a scene that could instill fear into wimpy white America. Personally being a non wimpy white american this is a scene I hope to see enacted all over the country by people of all colors this November.

Doris...join the club and bloggers be aware....

Great to hear from you, D2! Was odd (not actually odd, but strange in a kharmic, metaphysical kind of way)that moments before you posted your blog, Brandy and I were on Yahoo Messenger discussing the fact that we are going to attend both national conventions some day. Of course, we also plotted to incite rioting, chaos, and general mayhem while we are there. Our motives can't be purely altruistic, or we wouldn't be us.
Must admit that I'd love to be in NYC right now, but alas I appear to have turned into an armchair activist. However, this is the election that should rile us to our senses, if any can.
On the cosmic connection note mentioned above, below is a clip of the conversation B and I were just having when you blogged:

Brandy : Doris Blogged
faeriequeene2000: Cool
faeriequeene2000: About time
Brandy : Well Time was what it was about
faeriequeene2000: er...I see that. And didn't read it first, really
Brandy : I believe slowly all our blogger brains are connecting at subatomic levels
Brandy : An amalgam of all our blog personalities might one day create the perfect woman
faeriequeene2000: Perfect by whose standards, though? She would be perfect to us, but men would hate her. But, then...who gives a damn?
Brandy : By our standards, of course, and men will love her because she will be unattainable and they always love what they can't have

So beware, (or be aware?), fellow bloggers...we are in the midst of a creation here, the likes of which the world has never seen! YEAHHHHH!!!

More Lazy Blogging

'i think many times of the things i don't know and i tell myself since i don't know can i ever really know what i don't and should i even try'.
'then i realize i'm the president and people will just tell me anyway'

"It is the duty of the patriot, to protect its country from its government." - Thomas Paine

"Think of how stupid the average person is,and then realize that half of 'em are stupider than that." George Carlin

"What ever hits the fan will not be distributed evenly"
- Aniline J. Squark

"Well behaved women seldom make history."

"A generation shaped by Vietnam must remember the lessons of Vietnam. When America uses force in the world, the cause must be just, the goal must be clear, and the victory must be overwhelming."-- G.W
(I'm still waiting for GW to tell me which of these points applies to the war in Iraq.)

"The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy: that is the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness."
-- John Kenneth Galbraith

A week in the life of food

Just before that special time each month my cravings get worse and I embark on insane food oddesseys. The fact that my husband prefers it nowadays when I don't cook allows for some extreme experimentation on my part. To start with this week because my body was craving sugar, I made the shortbread and then I ate the shortbread not a piece but all of it over a 3 day period. It kept calling out to me from it air tight container on the counter. This will be what we are serving at the Auction on the 7th

Brandy's Killer Shortbread - Warning to not attempt to eat without milk.

1 Cup Butter - Real Butter - No fake stuff allowed - Softened
1/2 Sugar - Granulated or powdered your choice
2 Cups Flour
1 capful each of Almond and vanilla extracts. (Or whatever flavor you want)
Extra granlated or colored party sugars for topping

Cream butter, sugar and flavoring until creamy, Add flour a little as a time until you form smooth dough.

Roll or pat dough to desired thickness on lightly floured surface.
Cut into desired shaped, Top with granulated or party sugars. Can also be iced after cooling

Cook at 350 for 20 minutes until set. Best eaten right out of the over when they are still falling apart. Cookies will harden overnight

Saturday Suprise Sandwich

On Those saturday afternoons when a plain sandwich just won't do.

Loaf of still warm from the oven french bread
Thin sliced Ham
Mozzerella and Provolone or other wonderful cheese
Artichoke Hearts
Green olives
Some type of italian vinegar based dressing
or other favorite dressing. I used Ceaser

Cut bread in half
Spread mayo
on one side of bread place mozzerella cheese
On other side place ham, perpperoni and other type of cheese
Broil until melted and crispy
Add all other ingredients
Smother with dressing and say Ahhhhhh.

Sunday Brunch Pizza
One large piece of Flatbread
spaghetti or pizza sauce
pepperoni, Tomatos, Portabella mushrooms, Artichoke hearts and Green onions
Mozzerella cheese, Chedder Colby Mix Cheese

Spread sauce over flatbread
Sprinkle Mushrooms, & Onions over sauce
Cover with heaping layer of Mozzerella Cheese
Spread pepperoni, chopped tomatos and artichoke hearts over cheese
Sprinkle light layer of Shredded Chedder/Colby Cheese

Bake at 450 for about 20 minutes till bubbly and melted

Spinkle Parmesean and crushed red peppers over top and serve

After eating pizza serve warm peanut butter cream brownies with milk and then nap.

C O M M O N�� S E N S E

C O M M O N�� S E N S E

Saturday, August 28, 2004 Nealz Nuze Today's Nuze Nealz Nuze Today's Nuze: "Today's Nuze" Some interesting reading that doesn't give either side a break. Even the "reading assignments" are well worthwhile.

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Mom Blog of the day - And you guys thought I was political

Thoughts From A Soccer Mom

You have the power - Please use it for good and not evil

In the 2000 presidential election women represented 52 percent of the electorate but as many as 22 million unmarried women did not vote that year,

It took a long hard fight for women to get the vote. Please don't give up your rights. We are the majority and we can make the world better and tell men what to do, all we have to do is seize that power and make use of it, in other words get your butt out there and vote.

If you haven't decided how to vote try this siteWorld's Smallest Political Quiz

And just becuase I was whizzing around the political sites this morning and ran into this article, I have to publish it. They Pry Them from Our Cold Dead Fingers by Sharon Harris:"Interesting look at Gun Conrol and School Busses.

If you haven't registered to vote yet you can do so online at JustVote's home page

In Answer to Lydias question I find all this stuff by looking at other peoples blogs. Other people who have much more time than I do to go scouring the web for such gems as the swift elves. I found the coincidence theory one at Blondesense which is still one of my personal favorite blogs.( See link on left)

As for children at the grocery store. The path to sanity is to first admit to yourself that you are the one who has given your children the option of running around and driving you crazy. They are just little kids and can not make these decisions by themselves unless you let them. The not buying them anything was a good start but you missed the beat them/and or torture them when you got home step. Remember punishment only needs to have three qualifications in order to be acceptable. #1: The kids must not like it, #2: It must be something useful #3: It can be completed in a reasonable amount of time, (I don't believe in grounding as that just punishes the parents). Unless of course you are just going to beat them, which can be fun but gets monotonous when done daily.

#1 is easy. Cleaning rooms, doing housework, gardening, writing "I will not leave mommy's side in a store ever again" 25-100 times. Mowing lawns, painting houses. Anything that will make yourlife easier or prettier through their hard labor. Taking things away accomplishes very little, hard labor is a much better way to achieve your purpose and it helps build a childs self esteem because they manage to complete a task they will need when they are older. This type of chore covers all three aspects of the punishment faze and will generally get them to respond especially if you manage to force them to do what ever it is until it is perfect and right. If they end up spending all evening on one task that is their choice. You can not cave or this punishment is meaningless and you might as well just beat them. And remember to be heartless. If they are cleaning the bathroom and forget to wipe the piss off that is running down the front of the toilet show them and make them do it same with streaks and spots on the glass. You don't have to be mean you can enjoy the punishment and use it as a teaching tool. Kids appreciate doing something correctly but few parents are will willing to be heartless enough to show them were they mess up. You just let it slide and soon you have an 18 year old who hasn't got a clue.

Other shopping tips I have learned.

give them each a quarter or a dollar depending on what you can afford Make sure they are wearing pants with pockets. Place money in pockets as you enter the store. Tell children that if they stay next to you and keep their hands in their pockets With the money in their hands the whole time you are in the store they can keep the money. Make sure you take away money when they disobey. You have enough kids for this to work because the little ones will get to keep their money and blaze and lindy won't want to lose it. You can also tell them that if they last through 5-10 trips without losing the money you will take them shopping just the two of you to spend what they have earned Or Kelly can which ever they choose. This way they set goals and the prize is just being with you how cheap is that.

When going grocery shopping and curing the "I wants" I used to do my grocery shopping at a store with a small ice cream parlor next door. Before we would enter the grocery store we would go to the ice cream store and get a hot dog and a small coke or cone. The 3 of us would split it so that we each got enough for it to be special but not a meal. Since they had already received treats on the way in and were feeling warm and loved and filled with ice cream or coke they rarely bothered me for anything else. BY giving it to them before we went in they knew what behavior was expected of them and I wasn't using it as a threat holding it over their heads and having to remind them of it continuously. I showed them by treating them before the store that I trusted that they would be honorable enough to act appropriately and because They knew that they did.

Other more extreme ways to cure the run arounds which are enjoyable but a little strange. Start singing rounds with your kids or make up family songs make it just so much fun to be with you that they go no where else.

When deciding that this is all to much trouble and you might as well let them run around what could it possibly hurt. Remember it was only 6 months or so ago since the last little girl (Age 12)was assaulted and molested at Target on a Saturday with 100s of people in the store that didn't even notice. Yes she was there with her parents but was allowed to walk around by herself. I'll bet she doesn't do that any more and the video on it can still be found online. Is this what you want in our childs future.

On to other things. If you would take pictures of Cristal's work and either scan them or bring them to me I will make her a web site for advertising her art. And promo her on my web stie at no charge until she starts becoming famous or at least supporting herself through her art. That way you have done something for her and if she continues to paint your house it just gives her more finished product to display on the website and in her portfolio. So I hereby absolve you of all guilt. Just help her get the pictures together and you have done your part. The encouragement you have given her Is worth so much more I am sure.

You may notice that this blog now has a search bar and a some google ads on it. I am trying this out and who knows it may even make money. Should it actually do so I will let you all know so we can work out a feasible way to split the money after it pays site fees for maintaining the site itself which I currently pay for. The fairest way so far that I have considered splitting the money is based on actual posts and word count of each writer. If you want to know your word count etc. edit your profile to show profile and it will show you totals. I figure this way the money would be split according to participation. So if you want more money, when, and if we start earning it "write more". Evil Bitch aren't I.

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

A Must Go To

MoOm The Museum of online museums. Very cool Site

The Seattle Times: Seattle's new library

The Seattle Times: Seattle's new library

OPened a few months ago. Had 28000 people show up for the library opening. Has some great photos and I understand why they all wanted to get inside. Gives me hope for the universe. All I can say is "I want one"



Release your books back into the Wild at Book Crossing

BookCrossing - Home - FREE YOUR BOOKS!

I just love this idea

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Breast Cancer Awareness | World's Largest Pink Ribbon

Breast Cancer Awareness | World's Largest Pink Ribbon: "World's Largest Pink Ribbon"

Brats Art and I Am Proud Of Lindy

Gee Brandy you could have just said, "I saw you at Walmart Lydia and your kids were acting like freaking brats." I was at Walmart on Sunday, no it might have been Saturday. In any case Lindy and Blaze kept running off in the store and it was incredibly frustrating. Did they get anything? I don't think that I bought them anything. Well if you count the crap for their lunch boxes then I guess I did. I try to avoid going shopping with all four of the children. Well mainly I try to avoid the Lindy and Blaze combo. It was an unavoidable trip, I needed diapers, dish soap, laundry detergent, also I thought Ranger needed new duds. In reality the sad fact of the matter is that I'm really behind on the laundry and forgot about half of the clothes that he owned. So he really did not need the clothes, as I discovered on Sunday evening when I did half of the laundry. On the verge of firing the cleaning girls so I'll need that number Brandy. They are being totally unreliable and I need dependable help. While I am grateful for their help I am paying them rather well and I need them to act sort of professional. Also I want to severe ties with them as they are our tenants and I don't think that this is going to work out. Unfortunately I think that they will be the first people that we will ever have to evict. I hope that this is not the case but it's beginning to look that way. They were Kelly's pick any way so I'll just blame him. I always pick great tenants. By the way I picked you Brandy, Kelly liked this lady that promised to paint the house. Some times I get my way. Kelly should not have left for two weeks! All this watching Cristal paint has made me want to paint. I not being an artist per say picked up some antique Gold and antique bronze paint. I had the notion that I would paint some wood picture frames that I have. Cristal gold leafed,and copper leafed, on the sun in the mural so I sort of got inspired by that. I am an impulsive artist so when I got home with the paint I suddenly decided to paint Kelly's office doors. I've done one of the French doors so far and I think that it looks pretty cool. I like it a lot but I have no idea what Kelly is going to think. He will probably say something like,"What have you been smoking?" Then I'll say, "If you don't like this just wait till you see what the house looks like next time you come back!" I'm starting to feel guilty about Cristal painting for me. She is also going to help me re do some cushions for these old wood chairs that I found. Initially I was thrilled with this but now I feel as if I may be taking advantage of her. She is way too sweet. I want to help her advertise and get some paying gigs but she is a big chicken! She's afraid people will think that she sucks. That's what I think anyway. So come over and look at Cristals art so I can tell her that she's awesome. Everyone that has ever seen the dolphins in Lindy's room thinks it's cool. Lindy has clouds on her ceiling! Cristal also painted a chalkboard on Lindy's wall. That was last year and I'm thinking that if I can get a mural a year eventually all my walls will be covered with Cristals art work. Okay next Thursday can we do the wing thing? I might bring Kelly if I can get a babysitter. Kelly's sister owes me at least one favor maybe I'll try and cash in my chips. This is amazing, little Kel got out of bed and he was sitting in my lap while I was typing and he read the word chips. This is too cool. I just asked him to read another word. He didn't do it but he is trying to make some of the letter sounds. I had no idea that he could recognize letters and words. He is only three, I am a proud Mommy. I didn't teach him this stuff. I just teach him how to find bugs and pick up trash. Lindy's dance teacher invited me to join Lindy's 3rd grade class and learn how to dance and i would do it if I thought that Lindy would not die of embarrassment and if I could get Kelly to watch the kids occasionally. Like that is ever gonna happen. I think that Lindy might enjoy it,she's that type of gal. She is secretly proud of me and I am so proud of her. I need to show that to her more.

Screaming babies and HIgh Carb Diets

I really respect Lydia and all those other Atkins Fiends out there capable of existing on a low carb diet. Everytime I think of a low carb diet my brain immediately screams make bread, make cookies and I always do. Spent 3 hours at Walmart Sunday. Les said he was beginning to wonder If I had left him for Walmart. I assured him that could not happen, but I do admit to using the time at Walmart as some low quality alone time. Pretty sad thought isn't it, but it was nice to meander through the whole store.

Walmart was not too bad that day, nobody was being incredibly rude and while there were far more loose children running around than I think is healthy there were fewer than normal. When did it become okay for children to run around stores without their parents. My children were never allowed to do such and it didn't matter that they were 12 etc... you stayed with me or you got nothing nothing nothing. And if you pissed me off in public there was always hell to pay when they got home. I don't understand the screaming and crying and sheer effontry of children now a days, not to mention the whining done by the parents. I am only 39 its not like I hail from the good old days but manners are something that should be taught from birth and they are not a negotiable item.

Les has been doing most of the shopping lately and while he does take requests I am more of a spur of the moment shopper. I like to see what I am buying, he likes to get out as quickly as possible. Needless to say it is much cheaper when he goes than I. I spent lots of money on additions to meals that I think are requirements. Expensive cheese, Fresh Spinach dip and bread all sorts of wonderful bread, Croissants and french rolls, flats breads and tortillas. OOOO nummy. I also purchased other things the hubby doesn't think about, Fruit and a bottle of green olives for when I am thinking of Dona and craving salt. A lg container of heavy whipping cream because you never know when you might need cream. On the way home
I stopped at the Texas Roadhouse because they have the most awesome rolls and bought a dozen right out of the oven. Like I needed more carbs.

To top it all off even though I bought all that good food I actually have no intention of cooking this week because I have good leftover chinese and spicy chicken and hamburger gravy and mashed potatoes. So its not like I needed the food. Today's lunch with Spicy chicken on top of Spinach Dip a huge chuck of fontina cheese and all of it nestled in a tiny Roadhouse roll made all the moeny worth it, that is not cooking that is just lunch. Damn shame I forgot the artichoke hearts, will have to put that on Les' list.

My problem is I live off cravings. Normal people only get this bad when they are pregnant but not me. And the cravings are very specific. Two weeks ago I spent 4 days eating nothing but Raisin Bran, Which Dona fondly refers to as Tick Bran and which Les won't eat at all. I try not to cook big meals because Les whines that I am trying to kill him. I make him fill his own plate and he can always put some back if he gets full, but no, he has to fill the plate eat the whole damn thing and then its my fault because I cooked it. I suppose there is a compliment in that somewhere.

So nowadays rather than fix meals I know he will love I just feed my cravings. Some days he still complains, Somedays he won't go near the food I cook and tends to eat much leaner on his own or not at all except for his Ice cream for dinner. Just to give you a rough idea. My late night snack yesterday was yet another of those rolls covered in cinnamon honey butter with extra honey. Chunks of Cantelope and Honey Do a few grapes followed by a cleansing course of Green Olives with pimento of course.
The good news is that by following this diet I have lost 24 pounds in the last year. Okay the diet and the half hour of dancing in front of the tv every morning to music videos made by children half my age. Some of them suprisingly good, now if I could just remember their names. Always was a bad groupie.

All you women who plan to live with us on the farm be warned. I cook all the time all sort of strange delicasies and general harty fare. I won't force you to eat but if the past holds true you won't have much choice. I make the type of food that calls to you from the kitchen with the subtle nuance of Eat Me, Eat Me Now.

I do not ever do dishes, but the kitchen must be clean in order for me to cook. YOu all get to work that one out

On that note I think I am going to make homemade Scottish Shortbread (With real butter and Cream of course for the auction in two weeks. Cut it into cute little diamond wedges wedges rolled so many times that it flakes off butter rich pieces as you try to pick it up and maybe they shoudl be dipped in Chocolate, Milk and white. or Maybe some more homemade carmel. Finally finished off the last jar.

Even Christmas is not safe from those evil swift guys

Hemingway Star: Santa Claus admits not in Cambodia on Christmas Eve

Fluff & Stuff

I want a mural too!!! Actually, we have a small building (15'x15') right out our back door (in ages gone by it was a "wash house") and we call it the "eBay" house. It is currently packed with crap so high you can't walk through it, but I am cleaning it this week, as I prepare to start doing eBay again, as soon as Brandy's box arrives. Anyway... I have planned on putting a mural on the side of this building since the day we moved in here (4-1/2 years ago). It's a stucco building and I want to do the whole side that faces the driveway to look like a stone cottage. Bought some stencils, drew out what I wanted, and everything. Needless to say, it hasn't even been started. I need a Cristal!!
I am still recovering from my weekend with the Heathens. House is a disaster and I'm too tired to care in the least.
Cj is coming next week for 4 days, as he starts school the week after and won't be able to make any trips to Grandpa & Nana's house for a while. Today is his sister's 1st birthday and he's excited about it, but bummed because he thought when she turned 1 she would magically be able to talk to him. Just got off the phone with Cj and his mom, and Janelle is a mess. Jaden McKenzie is still getting up 6-10 times a night and Janelle is exhausted and frazzled. I have no clue what to tell her, as I never had that problem. Any suggestions, anyone?
Well, my fluff is even more frivolous, but at least B can't yell at me for not blogging.

Monday, August 23, 2004

Frivolous Fluff

Deciding that sleep was overrated I intended to blog something substantial but was distracted however by the coincidences thing and read all the comments and followed the links and now it is almost my bedtime. How is that for a run on sentence? I watched Cristal paint for hours today and I wonder what she thinks of this infatuation that I have with her artistic ability. She makes it look so easy, I think that painting might require patience. Sadly I am lacking patience in that creative arena. Today was day three on the mural. Cristal thinks that it will be done on her next visit but I don't think so. This thing just keeps getting bigger and bigger and I love it. Went shopping with the kids this afternoon, pink ballet slippers for Lindy. A bag to keep her dance stuff in, actually it's just a large black purse. It has art pictures of dogs and is bejeweled with rhinestones and she thought it was great. I could not say no. Three bottles of hand sanitizer for Blaze, they ran out of it in his class and apparently this really freaked him out. It was of the utmost importance that we replenish the supply immediately. Got to love that kid. My big plan for tomorrow is to get my tire fixed. I noticed it was low on air and I found a nail in it. Well actually I didn't notice someone else noticed it and told me that I had a flat. It really didn't look flat to me so I of course did nothing about it and I intended to put air in it today but I did not. Pretty exciting life I lead. I bet everyone is jealous. I'm whooped, I am so tired that I don't even feel it anymore. I am making a great effort to find and maintain order in my home and is this ever a task. I'm figuring that eventually all these things will become habit and I'll be like the Mexican Martha Stewart. Except I'll be nicer and I won't do anything that will land me in the shit house. The low carb diet is on again, I'm determined to weigh in at 125 by my 30th birthday. This is a realistic goal I think. Can't think of anymore frivolous fluff to write about.

Sunday, August 22, 2004

Rigorous Intuition: The Coincidence Theorist's Guide to 9/11

Rigorous Intuition: The Coincidence Theorist's Guide to 9/11

An Amazing piece of work for all those who love conspiracy theories/ Have always thought everything was a little too neat where 9/11 was concerned. Worth reading for all the news stories attached if nothing else. Definately a story to make you think even if you don't believe.

I don't know why anything happens really but I do know that there is a God and that we are infinetly loved. I know that there are some anguishes that truly must be far worse than I could ever even imagine. I will try to never take my children for granted as I know that ultimately they do not belong to me in any way. In all ways they are God's. Thats my paragraph for the day.

Hi Doris, I want a Mural and other Bloggy News

Hi Doris this is Brandy- Goddess of the blog. Really just another nut job. As I tell everyone who joins us there are a few rules you have to follow.

You are not allowed to be politically correct - unless you really want too

You must agree with others on the blog in all things unless you really disagree and then you must voice your disagreement loudly and as obnoxiously as possible. Really you can't offend us we are all thick skinned lizards here. Be prepared for unasked for advice we are very good at that.

Okay so there really aren't any rules - write what you want when you want. We aspire to a paragraph a day, (which can be filled with news articles if you don't want to type) but none of us makes it. And some of us rarely write at all. Hint hint, You know who I am talking about.

Under Blog and computer Links on the left hand side you will find a link to the blog this button. Works great with Explorer and Okay with netscape although it has been very funky lately at least on my machine running netscape, supposed to be compatible with Mozzilla which I have but don't use. I probably need to download a newer version but I am patiently waiting until Dona does it to see if it blows up her machine. Not sure how it will work on WebTV but it will be a good thing to know so if you have any problems or complaints with the page while using webTv let me know and I will try and rearrange to suit.

Have fun and glad to have ya.

I am very jealous of Lydia I want a big mural on my wall. I have never had a problem with a Cristal with an I, and even if I had she would still be welcome to write. I resubmitted invites to all who were on the pending file, but so far Doris is the only one to join.

I have put up another 7 chapters or so of Jordon and hope to have it all up this week. Currently working on an actual book form of this story, Or should I say Dona is currently working on it. There are some very good points about being only involved in the creative side of the work, namely that I don't have to edit, format and other amazingly boring things.

I just have to think and write really long run on sentences which is for a fact something I am very good at and sometimes it not really certian where the punctuation should even be since I sometimes use the wrong words and we all know hoe well I spellll when I am typing quicly to catch some errant thougth streaming off my brain.

Speaking of the book format we are still looking for anyone who wants to do illustrations (Cristal) if you are interested feel free to read story and draw paint or whatever you want that you think would mesh with the work. Should we ever be actually published beyond what we pay for ourselves We will gladly share all funds.
We are hoping Donas sister will also participate with art work.

You all noticed the link to the Fower power Tote Bag I am sure and I want to remind everyone that if you have something to sell you are more than welcome to sell off this blog, somebody ought to make money off it. Post pics, post links, post payment buttons.

I am going to be reorganizing the cafe press site someday and hopefully putting up more artwork and doing more daily sale items.

As the presidential race comes closer and closer to a close. Thank God. You will notice that I will be putting up more and more of my radical leftist Propaganda, and to think I am a registered Rupublican. I think government is important so I welcome all discourse and if you and if you aren't a radical libertarian feel free to post propaganda for the radical right. Momma always said it is not polite to discuss religion or politics so I do my best to discuss both. My biggest personal concern is that everyone vote, don't care who you vote for but have enough respect for yourself and your country to participate.

Shhhhh! It's quiet in here!

Sunday a.m. and I was wide awake at 5 a.m.!! This should be an impossibility, but somehow it happened. Thought I should take the opportunity, while it's blissfully peaceful, to blog. Not that I have much to blog about - no plumber's cracks, no horrific news (thank God!), and no artistic creations. Just the 2 year old and the 3 year old for the weekend, which should pretty much say it all.
We are taking them home later today and staying for a bit to help their mother do some furniture rearranging and room swapping. With the little bit of sleep I've had, I'm sure I'll be in full Grumpy Crab mode by the middle of the day. Not to mention that once we get to their house the little ones will switch into full Brat mode and I'll be ready to scream. They have been here enough now that they are becoming accustomed to the rules at "Grandma & Grandpa's house" and are much easier to take while they are here than they were a few short months ago. However, the second their mother is in sight they turn back into the Demon children from Hell. At some point, I'm going to have to sit her down and explain this to her, hoping she will see that 1/2 the problems she has are due to the fact that she has no rules and she lets the children run her household. Like all of us, children do what works for them and whining, screaming, hitting, kicking, etc. gets them what they want from her, so I guess you can't blame the kids.
The sun has finally come up, so I think I'll go sit on the back porch with a cup of coffee and try to get into the "count my blessings" state of mind. (We'll see how long that lasts...)

Saturday, August 21, 2004

Twisted Brush Art Work on the day

Flower Power Tote Bag:

Friday, August 20, 2004

In A New York Minute, Everything Can Change

A few days ago I placed a call to the site supervisor for our storage property. A wonderful man who is in charge of building the storage facilities for our company. A kind man whom my husband and I had taken an instant liking to when we met him a little over a year as he was building our storage facility here in Corpus. It wasn't an important call more just to bullshit about the new construction going on next door to us and I needed the bosses email address to mail him some humorous marketing merchandise I made up.

L. Is one of those great no-nonsense sort of guys who works hard, laughs easily and is in general fun to have around. He can even carry on an intelligent conversation. This is a trait we strive to find in our friends which could be why we have so few. The Pride and Joy his life is his 2 daughters. The oldest of which was married a month ago on July 17th and graduated from college last May. The youngest I believe was about to start her 3rd year of college. Both were musicians and played in their school marching bands. He is always showing us pictures of them (most recently the wedding photos) and telling us stories about all the wonderful things they were doing in their lives. They were good girls and made their father proud. The love he has for them shows in every word he speaks about them. He is a great dad.

I figured something was wrong when he started talking, there was none of the humor usually found in his voice. And where I expected a friendly conversation shooting the breeze as they say. His next words were "Brandy, I am not in Texas. I lost both of my daughters today."

I was speechless, horrified, lost and in tears but he was drowning in them as he told me their story. The oldest and her new husband moved back to the hubbys home town to live while the daughter looked for a jobs and the boy joined his fathers business. The younger daughter was there helping her sister get settled into her new home. All 3 were driving to pick up the boys dad at the auto mechanics when their car was broadsided by a semi. All three died. I don't know who was at fault and it doesn't matter. Regardless of fault the tragedy for all involved is the same. Three lives at their beginning gone in a blink. His pride and joys gone instantly, along with the only son he would ever have. And the truck driver (even if it wasn't his fault) with the knowledge that if not for him they would not be dead to live with for the rest of his life.

When I talked to him he had just arrived at the Dallas airport and was still on his way to the small town where it happened. I was speechless. What do you say, how can you possibly express anything than means something to someone in this situation. I couldn't tell him it will get better. It wasn't going to. Having not yet arrived at the scene, the worst was yet to come. And After the scene he still had to go home to the house where they had lived and face their ghosts. I cried with him, I listened to him I told him we loved him and that if he needed us to do anything at all for him here just to let us know. For a women who always has something to say and has been told to shut up repeatedly and has given unasked for advice all her life. I had nothing, Death stops me cold.

I have very few social skills to begin with and over the phone none were apparent. Les says that he probably won't even remember talking to me and at least I didn't say anything really stupid but I wish I could have found something to say that would have eased his pain even the miniscule bit. I know in my heart that would not have been possible. Even God himself could not have managed to give him a reason that would justify taking his babies away.

After hanging up the phone I burst into tears and was grateful there were no customers. Les had said he was going to clean units on the lot so I locked up the office and went searching for him running around on the golf cart blubbering like an idiot looking for him to hold me. I couldn't find him. He had opted for a quick nap instead of cleaning in the sweltering heat. He found me when I came back in wanting to know what was wrong. I told him and we both cried and felt the horror of the nightmare our friend was going through.

We have discussed little else over the last few days, for some reason this has touched a very raw spot in both our hearts. It has only been a few weeks since we were waiting on pins and needles to find out if our daughter had cancer and we were spared. It is very much a but for the Grace of God go I. I didn't handle the mere specter of death very well how could I survive the real thing, how does anybody.

Our friend had to sit here at the airport waiting for a plane to even begin his journey then after arriving in Dallas there was a several hour drive all to get to the one spot in the world where his worst fears would be confirmed. Shock is probably the most comforting companion one could have at a time like this. That and self-delusion. I would not be able to believe the worst until I arrived and saw it. When they are little we follow them around picking them up when they fall, kiss their boo boos and send them on their way. When they are teens we follow them around and dragging them home (preferably humiliating them in public) when they are doing something that could hurt them. In these cases we are there close at hand to catch them when they fall. How much harder would it be to live with knowing you weren't there, you didn't get to say goodbye and that there was no amount of catching that could be of any help. Our children laugh at us for worrying, for staying up late and for being in tears when they arrive home at 4am and haven't called. They say we don't trust them, that we have raised them right and we shouldn't worry, that we should just go to sleep because they will always make it home.

They don't understand, they are immortal, but we the parents know that it only takes one split second, a blink of gods eye and they can be whisked away as if they never existed. It doesn't have to be their fault or our fault it just happens over and over again every day in every place that human being live, humans also die.

So how do you survive such a happening. I know that many people don't, That marriages are forged into steel or split asunder during these moments the same as the souls of the loved ones who lost their heart. I have always thought of funerals as annoying heartless things to some extent and believe that the main purpose they serve as practiced today is that of gnats. The people who come to funerals always have nice things to say but how much can it mean when you exist in a time warp of shock and you know in your heart that everything they say is in the end meaningless drivel meant to make themselves feel better. To make them feel as if they have helped or at least participated. This is not to say this is a wrong thing, and some people do gather comfort but I have always felt so fake when offering platitudes to people in mourning. It doesn't matter that they are heartfelt. They are still meaningless in the face of loss. But as gnats, as little annoyances that keep those in mourning annoyed with someone or something, I think in this way we keep people cleaving to life that might have otherwise given up. Maybe being an annoying biting little gnat is not a bad thing if it prevents further loss.

I am a big believer in God and I know that when we die we go onto a better place. Maybe not harps and angels but certainly another plain of existence. One where we understand so much that we can't as we inhabit these weak human forms so easily damaged. I have always thought of hell as a state of being, when you wake up on the other side and know the truth of the pettiness and angers you carried through life, because you lived in fear, of death, of life, of loss. of failure, of love.

To be true to my beliefs, I don't think people should cry at funerals I think they should be joyous feasts for the person who escaped this world, completed their trials and gets to move on to the next adventure. Telling his to someone who just lost their loved ones is generally considered cruel and heartless. Yet all the major religions of the world speak of paradise upon death for those who believe. How can one have faith and yet not practice in its truest sense. And even if you know they are going on to a better place, you still have to deal with the loss of speaking to them, of seeing them, of sharing this worlds joys with them. In the end they faithful don't cry for their loved ones they cry for themselves.

Going on after such a tragedy would be incredibly hard. Coming home to the same house doing the same job having the same life but with big empty spots, Giant holes time can't fill. I think I would have to move away and start over. I would hope my marriage would survive but I can't guarantee it. The best I can tell myself is that if I were to die I would want my family and friends to throw a party and then go on happily and finish their life. I would not want my travel to a new and distant realm to be reason for them to be unhappy. Even if all my beliefs are false and death is nothingness I still would not want them to destroy their lives. It seems as if that would diminish my memory and everything that I stand for. I can only hope that if something were to happen to my children that I would remember this thought and to go on and cherish their memory by being the person who raised them and loved them and continue on in this life as person at peace with the world around me.

I will probably never say these things to my friend. Did I mention my social skills are nil and my timing atrocious. I will be here if he needs me and my prayers and spirit will follow him as he starts this new journey. This Sunday both girls will be buried, this Sunday will be one of the hardest days of his life. The preparations over, the final curtain closed. I can only hope that by writing my thoughts here that they will travel to him in one of those mysterious ways and that the prayers and love that I am sending him will help ease his burden. So this Sunday I ask all of you to pray to whatever Gods you believe in for all the parents and loved ones everywhere who have lost someone dear. That their burden may be shouldered and that their life may go on with their souls intact whole and unbroken. That their memories be joyous and that they find after the pain has begun to fade that as long as their loved ones are in their heart they are not gone and that love blesses us all forever.

Bam! Groovy mural and Plumbers butt (no just plumbing)

Hello Doris it's always nice to have more bloggers here as some of us that shall remain nameless are too busy with living to blog on a semi regular basis. I am blogging by default tonight. I tried to go to bed at eight as all the kids were by some great miracle asleep but the phone kept ringing and I kept getting up as I was hoping that it was Kelly on the other end of the line. Today was suppose to be a blissfull art day. Cristal came over yesterday and painted a really big awesome sun on my living room wall and I just watched in awe as she painted. It was such a pleasure to watch the bold creation unfold. I also enjoyed talking with her and getting to know her better. I woke up this morning and was looking so forward to another day of watching Cristal paint in my house but my morning started out with a few fumbles and I allowed stress over trivial matters to rob me of another day of bliss. I woke up this morning and was feeling in rare form very proud of myself for my maternal accomplishments. Decided to drive by and check to make sure that one of the houses was ready for our new tenants. Goofy boy did not have his few simple tasks completed and I was annoyed by this. Goofy boy as in the same one involved in the roof mistake yet we still continue to trust him. Actually he's earned my divulging his name. His name is Rob. So as I'm pulling out of the driveway thinking about goofy Robs incompetence and paying no attention what so ever to anything else. Bam! Hit a parked truck as I was backing up. I got out to survey the damage and was greeted by the owner of the vehicles brother. I immediately offered my apologies and insurance info. I was about to head towards the casa as it was milk time for Ranger when the very pissed of Mexican father comes out and tells me that he wants to call the police. I told him that I saw no need but that this was fine. So the police come and issued me a citation for backing when unsafe and the truck I hit got a ticket for being parked illegally. This really did not please the father but it made me giggle (inside at least). I could tell the guy who's truck I hit was thinking thanks a lot Dad! His car got a little dent and he got ticketed too! Poor guy. It hadn't been but a few hours when my new tenants called to tell me that the city turned off their water due to a water leak that was our responsibility. Of course I'm not only seeing dollar signs but I am also stressing because our tenants have no water. So these are the things that I allowed to ruin my day. So Cristal came and added more life to my living room and I did not even get to enjoy it. Lindy's summer reading teacher came over to get the reading program back and she didn't even comment on the fact that a beautiful pregnant lady was painting a wild mural in my living room. Cristal and I thought this was bizarre. You just have to see this. Maybe I'll have a party to unveil this groovy art in my home. All this is trivial. New tenants had a relative that is a plumber and the bill was relatively painless. I met them at the house to write the plumber a check and some of their relatives were there and they all went crazy over the Ranger man's cool blue eyes. I don't know how I managed to give birth to such stunning children. It's a mystery.

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Hello Doris!!!

Welcome, Doris, to the wild, wacky, wonderful, and wise world of we wicked women. Okay - those are just things we all aspire to. Doris, we haven't chatted in a while, but I know you well enough to expect you to regale us with tales of your life. (No pressure - we would be happy with a "Hello!" from you.)
I have tried all week to blog my day at the zoo with Darrel Sunday, but every time I start, I get too damned depressed to finish. I'll get to it one of these days, but not tonight, as I happen to know Brandy is working on a sad and touching blog and I'm not sure I could take 2 sad blogs on the same night.
I have all 3 of the dreaded demons this weekend, so I'm apt to get drunk Sunday night, which generally means a lengthy and senseless blog.
Now - everyone say I great big "Hi!" to Doris! 1...2...3...HIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

PubliuBlog - Political Blog of The Day


Things you have to believe to support the Bush/Cheney ticket:

1. Saddam was a good guy when Reagan armed him, a bad guy when Bush's
daddy made war on him, a good guy when Cheney did business with him, and
a bad guy when Bush needed a "we can't find Bin Laden" diversion.

2. Trade with Cuba is wrong because the country is communist, but trade
with China and Vietnam is vital to a spirit of international harmony.

3. The United States should get out of the United Nations; our highest national priority is enforcing U.N. resolutions against Iraq.

4. A woman can't be trusted with decisions about her own body, but multi-national corporations can make decisions affecting all mankind without regulation.

5. Jesus loves you and shares your hatred of homosexuals and Hillary Clinton.

6. The best way to improve military morale is to praise the troops in
speeches while slashing veterans' benefits and combat pay.

7. If condoms are kept out of schools, adolescents won't have sex.

8. A good way to fight terrorism is to belittle our long-time allies
("that's old Europe") then expect their cooperation and money.

9. Providing health care to all Iraqis is sound policy. Providing
health care to all Americans is socialism.

10. Global warming and tobacco's link to cancer are junk science, but creationism should be taught in schools.

11. A President lying about an extramarital affair is an impeachable
offense. A President lying to enlist support for a war in which
thousands die is solid defense policy.

12. Government should limit itself to the powers named in the
Constitution, which include banning gay marriages and censoring the Internet.

13. The public has a right to know about Hillary's cattle trades, but
George Bush's driving record is none of our business, nor is Dick
Cheney's task force discussions with energy industry our business either.

14. Being a drug addict is a moral failing and a crime unless you're a
conservative radio host. Then it's an illness and you need our prayers for your recovery.

15. What Bill Clinton did in the 1960 s was of vital national interest,
but what Bush did in the 1980s is irrelevant.

Hairspray, Cristal, and Tenants From Outerspace

Not wanting to steal Dona's laziest blogger title I have decided to squeeze this blog in between children and laundry and various other titles,duties, tasks what have you. We women wear so many hats. Figuratively speaking, since I don't wear many actual hats though. They feel funny on my head, foreign and odd like those too tight braids that my mother would skillfully weave into my hair that left me looking Asian. I say that my hair style is what my husband favors but in reality it is my rebellion against the perfect do. Each night my mother required that I rolled my hair in pink foam curlers before I slept. Apparently she was not a fan of straight hair. There was always plenty of hairspray in my mother's house. I am very proud of the fact that hairspray is a biannual purchase in my home. I never run out but it does sort of thicken and evaporate or the children lose the nozzle to the spray.

I invited a friend to blog with us, sent her an invite and it she said there was an error and she couldn't get to our blog. Maybe I did something wrong. Okay Brandy her name is Cristal but since she spells it with an I you shouldn't have any bad luck with her. She is an artist, mother, and a very nice person. Example of her niceness. She continues to make an effort to be my friend even though I have declined many invitations to socialize.

Tenants from Outerspace. The boy is supposedly done with the roof. Kelly paid him over twice the agreed upon price because he needed the money. Hopefully he will take this money and pay the rent. The girl was growing on me. Though I shouldn't really be calling her the girl as she is just a few years younger than me and has a son Lindy's age. I paid her to get the paint off the floor at one of the houses and she asked if it was the one Kelly had shown them. I told her that I was surprised they did not take that one because it had more room and she then told me that she really liked the house but couldn't live next door to black people. I was pretty damn shocked when I heard that. I am glad that she did not share these sentiments with me before she signed the lease. Part of my new minimum criteria for tenants is that they must not be a prejudice asshole. This is probably a violation of the Fair Housing Act. The girl isn't an asshole, but she's definitely prejudice and I guess a lot of people are. Brandy might be prejudiced against people named Crystal. I might be prejudiced against people that keep birds in cages. I think that they are secretly mean, or secretly selfish. If I had wings I would not want to live in a cage. Does my Beta really care that he lives in a bowl in my living room rather than in his natural Beta habitat. I just don't know. Maybe he regards me as his captor. Maybe he think I'm God. I have a sore throat. I think that I have strep again.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

The Mother Blog of the day

There are some things that my mom forgot to mention about motherhood. She never talked about the sleep deprivation or the terrible sense of low-self-esteem that develops after your children tell you or infer that they hate you. The other thing she never mentioned was dealing with vomit.

Sunday, August 15, 2004

More "Hmmm.."s From The Laziest Blogger On The Block

The only good bureaucrat is one with a pistol at his head. Put it in his hand and it's good-by to the Bill of Rights. [H.L. Mencken]

"The government consists of a gang of men exactly like you and me. They have, taking one with another, no special talent for the business of government; they have only a talent for getting and holding office. Their principal device to that end is to search out groups who pant and pine for something they can't get and to promise to give it to them. Nine times out of ten that promise is worth nothing. The tenth time is made good by looting A to satisfy B. In other words, government is a broker in pillage, and every election is sort of an advance auction sale of stolen goods."

"I have little interest in streamlining government or in making it more efficient, for I mean to reduce its size. I do not undertake to promote welfare, for I propose to extend freedom. My aim is not to pass laws, but to repeal them. It is not to inaugurate new programs, but to cancel old ones that do violence to the Constitution or that have failed their purpose, or that impose on the people an unwarranted financial burden. I will not attempt to discover whether legislation is "needed" before I have first determined whether it is constitutionally permissible. And if I should later be attacked for neglecting my constituents "interests, " I shall reply that I was informed that their main interest is liberty and that in that cause I am doing the very best I can." [Barry Goldwater]

"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves money from the public treasure. From that moment on the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most money from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's great civilizations has been two hundred years. These nations have progressed through the following sequence: from bondage to spiritual faith, from spiritual faith to great courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependency, from dependency back to bondage."

Marijuana chemical may fight cancer - (United Press International)

Marijuana chemical may fight cancer - (United Press International): "Marijuana chemical may fight cancer"

The Official Site of the 2004 Summer Games - Wish I was there

ATHENS 2004 Olympic Games

Saturday, August 14, 2004

Quotes that make you go, "Hmmm..."

"Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword. It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind. And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded by patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader and gladly so. How do I know? For this is what I have done. And I am Caesar."

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."

"The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities."

Fascist ethics begin ... with the acknowledgment that it is not the individual who confers a meaning upon society, but it is, instead, the existence of a human society which determines the human character of the individual. According to Fascism, a true, a great spiritual life cannot take place unless the State has risen to a position of pre-eminence in the world of man. The curtailment of liberty thus becomes justified at once, and this need of rising the State to its rightful position.

Rants, Raves, and other Useful Information - A bit left of even me but I loved the quote

Rants, Raves, and other Useful Information: "America's at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards. - Claire Wolfe'"

Friday, August 13, 2004

Bet you wish we were still your tenants

Gee Lydia You and Kelly just get to have all the fun in Life. Sorry to hear about your roof. Boy was obviously young and stupid. Nice of Kelly to forgive the tenant maybe he is trying to get some good Karma going for the next time you have to forgive him. Leading by example as they say. BTW you don't have to have something to complain about to write we allow nonsense and happiness and as always we love your completely fictional worlds.

Migraines Suck Les and April both et them all the time. Anything with MSG will set them off which is ofcourse most of the food sold in S. Texas including just about every kind of soup and prepackaged meal plus all Chinese food sold in this town. Aprils biggest triggers besides MSG are Peanuts in any form and Shrimp. Les had to give up coffee and many other things but still gets them. Green Tea has caffeine and is the healthiest thing with it you can drink and did I mention it helps you lose weight and is recommended by cancer docs to rid your body of toxins. I know I put too much sugar but I like the taste of cotton candy and yes I have been known to eat sugar by the spoonful.

Martha sounds absolutely wonderful - Does she have a computer and would she want to blog. We need more people. I sent Erin an invite but I haven't heard from her ask if she got it next time you see her. Had another friend join but she hasn't written anything yet, Something about being in Hawaii for her 50th birthday that she deems more important than us. Imagine that something more important than our ramblings. Go figure.

Typical Friday at the Storage Unit. Its 8 o'clock and Stargate is on and I am eating and they set off alarms and lock keys in their units and other annoying habits. Don't they know that its my friday too or do they really just not care. I am voting for the latter. Spent lots of time with Miss Emmy this week and she is getting cuter all the time, she now giggles and clicks her tongue and talks a lot and we are working on finger snaps. Have neither bought nor done anything new so there is no excitement coming from this end. For all of you that have twisted Brush you need to go upgrade again they have a new space set out that is very cool.

And last but not Least Dona finally found another Dona on the web. We received a comment on her call to all donas. Sounds like a nice lady we are inviting her to blog to. If you want to visit her website it is.
You will have to copy and paste because blog this is not cooperating and I am too lazy to code.

speaking of code is my Froggo still alive out there. A ribbit occasionally would be cool.

Roof, Revelations, and Martha

Ordering a Pizza in 2008 could happen but I think it will be more like 2018. Just wait till you have to have your number tattooed to your body to obtain the basic necessities. Read the bible it's in revelations. On to more trivial matters. Roofs! Here's a sad story for you or funny depending how you look at it. I myself laughed about this one because I have a warped sense of humor. Our new tenant was supposed to finish putting felt on the roof after Kelly ended his day but he decided to cut out early also. Guess he figured he could wake up early and do it and Kelly would be none the wiser. Except for that pesky rain that took the ceiling of 1\3 of the house! Kelly didn't murder him for this. I suggested that he pay the boy by the hour for the work he had done and that he pay a professional to finish the job, the suggestion was considered but not taken. As Kelly put it the boy needs the money (probably to pay the rent!) Well we need competence but we aren't getting it. I've been quiet because I have no immediate complaints. Laundry is backed up but I don't really care and will get help with that soon. I'm feeling pretty wonderful at the moment re-energized and happy to be alive. I'm drinking caffeine again. I think that I should just succumb to that addiction. I had a horrible migraine headache yesterday. My eyes started freaking like some hallucinogenic flashback and it was pretty groovy until the throbbing evil pain started! I have these headaches occasionally. They are no fun, really cannot pin point the trigger. I'm thinking that it had something to do with the demolished house. I met a lovely woman yesterday and had probably the biggest Dejavu experience of my life. Grandad Hop called a week ago and asked if I would like some books that were his mothers. I said sure even though he described them like they were encyclopedia's and I thought to myself great just what I need more obsolete information. I said sure (that gracious thing again) and because I thought they might have some historical Nolen family value. Hop says that they are at his ex-wife Martha's house and that we will have to pick them up. I imagined Martha to be some grey haired old woman that might give us cookies or something like that. I'm placing Martha's age at about early seventies. Martha is fabulous! We knocked on her door and the first thing that I noticed was the tile around her door, it was lavender and they had cool suns on them. Her door had a stained glass phoenix on it. Martha did not have any cookies but she had some very cool art! Mexican clay pieces and a whole bunch of paintings with bright funky colors. Her hair was dark and her lipstick was perfect and she was just delightful. She might be about as far left as you can get. In the short hour I spent wit her I learned so much about her life and convictions and I honestly could have stayed their all day but the Ranger man was teething and not a happy camper. I just could not get over the feeling that I knew her somehow. She was sitting in a wicker chair talking and I was distracted by a Matisse print that was above her chair and here comes the Dejavu part. I imagined that the woman in the painting was her and I imagined that while traveling someone had come across this painting and made this remark to her. Well I interrupted the conversation by blurting out, Martha did you know that the woman in the painting looks exactly like you. She then told me the story about spending ten days in Paris and someone digging that print out of a bin and making that same remark. Really it was as if I saw all this unfold first hand and it was pretty magical. Martha is pretty magical, I don't quite know how she ever ended up married to old Hop Nolen. She told me they divorced for political reasons. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that the encyclopedia's were actually some classic literature by great authors. Martha also gave little Kel Noly a big paper bag full of children's books that were her grandchildrens who our now grown as well as an old violin. I can't wait to visit her again. She mentioned the two of us going to Paris. I swear I would abandon my children for a week for that. I noticed that one of the tiles on her porch was loose I may call and offer to fix it. Kelly said that I would love her but I thought that was just a figure of speech.

Quotes B and D Like

Old and very famous quote, but one that can never be repeated often enough (especially in the times we live...):
"All it takes for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing."
One of my favorites from t.v. (yes, I know - the evil t.v.) lately:
"The brightest light is invisible. It shines through your deeds and lightens the universe." - Dylan Hunt, Andromeda

Thursday, August 12, 2004


I am here to try to blog my way back into B's good graces. Unfortunately, I opened this window and my mind went blank. (Blanker than usual.) I can't think of a thing to say, so B told me to say nothing a lot. I contemplated filling the page with the word "nothing," but that just seemed way too obvious.
The way to a man's heart...I'm sure it works, but not sure why Darrel is still married to me, then. I haven't cooked enough to say so in 6 years and I've convinced him blow jobs are special and so should only be used for special ocassions so they don't lose their "Specialness." I think that is probably TMI.
Darrel begins his 3 day weekend off tomorrow and I am looking forward to 3 days of just him and I with no kids or grandkids. (Does this constitute a "special ocassion?")
The new computer will arrive tomorrow, so we will rip out the 2 old ones and install the new, and drive B crazy with 1,000 stupid questions.
We are thinking of going to the zoo on Sunday, of all things. Tried to think of something special to do - just the 2 of us - but something that wasn't a lot of work or effort and was relaxing. The zoo would normally thrill me, but the older I get the more I can't stand seeing all those beautiful animals caged and/or penned up. I want to run screaming through the zoo and release them all. Of course I know they are much happier where they are rather than roaming the streets of Wichita, Kansas, but it seems so unfair to see them behind those bars or windows, with all the silly humans oohing and ahing at them.
Lydia - do you think you could send those kids north? I'm finidng it hard to care enough about the house to clean it lately. Especially since every week or two the ankle lizards show up and destroy it all, anyway. Sort of seems like a waste of my time and limited energy to clean it. You have been very quiet the last two days, so I will assume you are either frazzled or things are going smoothly. Hope the wee one is feeling better. It's so heart breaking when they are sick and there's nothing you can do for them.
I am flying to Connecticut the end of September and am determined to lose 10-20 pounds before I go, as I will be seeing people I haven't seen in many years. They remember me as size 1 Dona and God knows those days are long gone, but size 8-10 Dona is NOT going with me. That said, I need HELP! I have no problem with what I eat during the day, but late at night, I definitely have a problem!! One of the main issues with my fibro and CFIDS is that I don't sleep. (Even when I sleep, but that's another blog...) As a general rule, I am up very late at night and I get cravings and I am the first to admit I have no will power. I try not to keep sweets and really bad things in the house, but can always manage to find something to cram in my mouth. (Stop it, Brandy - I know where you are going with this right now, and these cravings do not a "special ocassion" make.) Anyway, does anyone have any suggestions for things to do to curb these cravings? When I first got sick and they had no idea what was wrong with me, I literally spent 4 months in bed. Besides every antibiotic made, they put me on steroids for 4 months. I know this is some of the weight problem, as nothing I've tried the past 5 years has helped, so I know I will never be down to the weight and/or size I was before. I would just like to lose enough to be comfortable, which I haven't been in a long time.
Brandy told me to make up a story, so she would have something interesting to read when she got up. Even the fantasy life in my head is not functioning tonight. Let's see...I've rambled about blow-jobs, house cleaning, and my weight. HELP!!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Spend it all now before he forgets

Glad to know that my universal cure all for men works on people besides my husband. Momma always said the way to a mans heart is through his stomach. Now some people think this just means the cooking, but the head bobbing up and down over said stomach is a sure way to win his heart.

He has admitted he is an asshole and told you to spend money so do it. Get the door handles fixed and the doors also if you must but I think a couple of sets of handles would be easier and cheaper then the doors. If you want to know who to go to to get the AC fixed talk to Robert at Loas Auto and tell him Brandy sent you. This man has never failed me though he does groan when I call him as we never seem to have normal car problems. I don't know that they do ACs but I am sure he can put you in touch with someone reputable and once it is fixed why don't you sell the silly thing and get something better or at least more reliable.

Glad to hear the house is clean next time they are there try lying on the couch and having the kids fan you and feed you grapes while they clean. Give yourself that Cleopatra treatment. I have large Plam fronds if needed for fanning. You could hire some young boys but I dont think Kelly would be that understanding.

When we are old and lving on the farm we are going to keep a cadre of young boys to do our bidding. It will be a good thing they can earn their way through college by waiting on us hand and foot. Bringing us mint tea and feeding us frozen grapes while we sit in the sun a tan our wrinkles.

Rubbing our feet and cleaning our house, delivering our groceries and driving us to town when they take a way our licenses.

I want to dress up in Antique gowns full of flounces and lace and have a boy in wastecoat and tights carrying my parasol as I walk down main street. We will even buy them cloaks to spead over mud puddles so we don't get our feet wet.

I am telling you this could be fun.

Welcome To the New America - Coming soon to a World Near You - Sponsored by Shrub & his fear mongering cronies

Ordering a Pizza in 2008

Operator: "Thank you for calling Pizza Hut. May I have your national ID
Customer: "Hi, I'd like to place an order."

Operator: "I must have your NIDN first, sir?"

Customer: "My National ID Number, yeah, hold on, eh, it's

Operator: "Thank you, Mr. Sheehan. I see you live at 1742 Meadowland
and the phone number's 494-2366. Your office number over at Lincoln
Insurance is 745-2302 and your cell number's 266-2566. Email address is
sheehan@ which number are you calling from, sir?"

Customer: "Huh? I'm at home. Where d'ya get all this information?"

Operator: "We're wired into the HSS, sir."

Customer: "The HSS, what is that?"

Operator: "We're wired into the Homeland Security System, sir. This will
add only 15 seconds to your ordering time"

Customer: (Sighs) "Oh, well, I'd like to order a couple of your All-Meat
Special pizzas."

Operator: "I don't think that's a good idea, sir."

Customer: "Whaddya mean?"

Operator: "Sir, your medical records and commode sensors indicate
that you've got very high blood pressure and extremely high cholesterol.
Your National Health Care provider won't allow such an unhealthy choice."

Customer: "What?!?! What do you recommend, then?"

Operator: "You might try our low-fat Soybean Pizza I'm sure you'll
Like it."

Customer: "What makes you think I'd like something like that?"

Operator: "Well, you checked out 'Gourmet Soybean Recipes' from your
Local library last week, sir. That's why I made the suggestion."

Customer: "All right, all right. Give me two family-sized ones, then."

Operator: "That should be plenty for you, your wife and your four
kids, and your 2 dogs can finish the crusts, sir. Your total is $49.99."

Customer: "Lemme give you my credit card number."

Operator: "I'm sorry sir, but I'm afraid you'll have to pay in cash.
Your credit card balance is over its limit."

Customer: "I'll run over to the ATM and get some cash before your
gets here."

Operator: "That won't work either, sir. Your checking account's
Overdrawn also."

Customer: "Never mind! Just send the pizzas. I'll have the cash ready.
How long will it take?"

Operator: "We're running a little behind, sir. It'll be about 45
minutes, sir. If you're in a hurry you might want to pick 'em up while
you're out getting the cash, but then, carrying pizzas on a motorcycle can
be a little awkward."

Customer: "Wait! How do you know I ride a scooter?"

Operator: "It says here you're in arrears on your car payments, so
Your car got repo'ed. But your Harley's paid for and you just filled the
tank yesterday"

Customer: Well I'll be a "@#%/$@&?#!"

Operator: "I'd advise watching your language, sir. You've already
Got a July 4, 2006 conviction for cussing out a cop and another one I see
Here on September 5 for contempt at your hearing for cussing at a judge."
"Oh yes I see here that you just got out from a 90 day stay in the State
Correctional Facility. Is this your first pizza since your return to

Customer: (Speechless)

Operator: "Will there be anything else, sir?"

Customer: "Yes, I have a coupon for a free 2 liter of Coke".

Operator: "I'm sorry sir, but our ad's exclusionary clause prevents
Us from offering free soda to diabetics. The New Constitution prohibits

Thank you for calling Pizza Hut

Jordan and things...

Okay - I inserted the missing prologue into the Jordan blog. I think that totally fulfills any commitments made to blog each day, don't you? Somehow, I don't think B will agree that this act of contrition constitutes an actual blog.
I'm feeling much kinder today, so I apologize for picking on you the other night, Lydia. I think you're fantastic and I know everyone has to deal with their own garbage in their own way. If it's any consolation, venting at you helped curb my urge to Uzi most of my extended family. Also, always keep in my mind that I fully deserve the title of the Meanest and Bitchiest of us all. I have no doubt that in the near future Darrel and Brandy will be the only ones left in the world who will even speak to me. Darrel only because for some stange unknown reason, he loves me, and B only because she wishes to take over the throne of Bitchland someday.

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

So I get in the tub shave my legs. Baby is crying and Kelly is dealing with him. Nothing very empowering in my wardrobe. So I settle on something clean with no stains. Kids kept coming in and bothering me. Tried to do the make up thing but it ended up very minimal as I could not concentrate with the gut wrenching sound of the Ranger man crying. Kelly can sense that he's treading on thin ice. I think I actually sense fear. Then we did the tag team on the baby. I did not have the heart to leave the house with the Ranger man crying, I tried doing deep relaxation breathing but I was still feeling homicidal! I sat down next to Kelly and I'm sure he could feel a good tormenting coming on. So he says (and it was very sincere),"Lydia you married an asshole you are going to have to deal with it. I don't know how you stand me". I didn't laugh, I really wanted to but I held it in and kept a straight face. I then said, "I need a drink". Go to the store and I will allow you to live. Then he said he didn't know what to buy. Then I decided to go myself because it is not nice to force a recovering addict to buy alcohol. So I came back and Kelly was being oh so sweet because he was feeling lucky to still be breathing.So the next day the girls come over and clean the nasty house and they did a lovely job and they worked their asses off. We decided to go for a deeper level of clean right away so they will be back today for a few hours as well. Kelly comes home after tearing a roof off of one of the rent houses and the house is clean and dinner is ready. He is feeling awful, his body is cramping up because he did not stay hydrated so I go and get him some low carb gatorade and motrin. Kelly goes from near death to horny rather quickly and as I am not in the mood I just gave him some extra special attention and wouldn't you know it Brandy's theory about cooking and blow jobs is correct. The man is then deeply apologetic for all past transgressions and tells me I can spend all our money any way I like. Well thats the least he could do after he accidently called me Vicki Lynn yesterday. Thankfully not during the special attention. This is the evil ones name. I swear I heard myself growl. Not jealous just annoyed. Maybe he came home and was confused by the clean surroundings. So much to do today! No time for spell check! I'll live with my typos.

Monday, August 09, 2004

My life is dull, so I'll pick on Lydia

"I am afraid to go and just get it fixed because I might pay too much for unnecessary repairs and then Kelly would severely bitch at me and then I would cry and feel even more depressed." If he bitches at you, explain to him that had he cared enough to take care of this issue for you, he would have been able to prevent the "unnecessary repairs."
"Yes car handles are cheap, yes Les could help me put them on but Kelly said that I need to fix the sagging doors on the Truck or the handles are just going to break off again. That would be wasting money." Two comments - number one is a repeat of Brandy's comment - "waste the money." Secondly, have the sagging doors fixed, if you must. I lied - third comment - why does Kelly assume YOU need to get anything fixed?
Okay, I'm done picking on Lydia for today.

Go Lydia Go

Yes you should have said something about Katy so I am glad you did. Children don't learn that what they are doing is wrong unless someone bothers to tell them. Shame on Kelly for not doing so.

You can paint here anytime you can stand to be in the attic. Personally I would wait another month or two. We still need to do the wings date but I never know when kelly is home and when he isn't.

If your DSL is working why aren't you ever on Yahoo

Did you know that you could by 56.6 sets of door handles for 1700.00 waste the money

As for not having any balls, As Shirley would say "they are unnecessary equipment".

You have breast and they are bigger than any set of balls I have ever seen, What more do you need


I have a new plan for my life. I'm going to pretend that I really am a single mother. I'll have the perks of Kelly's income and I can use him for sex occasionally. Sounds like a good plan to me. Forget the not caring philosophy. This is the I really don't give a damn philosophy. Kelly and Katy stopped in during their date and Katy made fun of the way Lindy stuttered right in front of Kelly. He didn't say anything so I told her how rude it was to make fun of the way people speak. Maybe I should have just said nothing and explained to Lindy that Katy hates herself and likes to take it out on others. That kid can't be nice for 15 minutes, it is just not in her nature. So what's the new plan for my life going to be like. I have no idea. I have no clue, sounds just like my old life. I thought I might intrude upon Brandy and ask her if I could paint at her place but then I thought that by the time Kelly gets back it will be too late. I need a drink! I need two drinks! I might just take off for awhile. Go to a bar, a bookstore, anywhere! Sunday lunch with my hard of hearing (yet lovely) father in law is just not cutting it. I'm twenty-nine years old, yes I have four kids but I'm not freaking dead. I'm going to go downstairs. Shower. Put the outfit that makes me feel the best on. Make up. I'll go have a few drinks. Buy a book. Go grocery shopping. Maybe this is fantasyland. Maybe it will happen. Lets face it, Kelly has zero time for me and not much for the kids. I have lots of time for everyone but me. SELFISH Lydia has been born out of necessity.

Yippy skippy! No more vacant houses. Woo hoo! Husband has done all the dishes for three days in a row! My powers must be increasing. Can't get back into the groove of the boring low carb diet. Damn Stephanie Plum! She's always eating these high carb goodies and I'm easily influenced. I haven't cheated yet today, there may be hope for me yet. Was not able to bring myself to buy any new clothes either. What the heck is my problem? Am I as cheap as my husband? My bras are scary looking and not functioning very well. Just thought I'd share that with you. Tried to put on some make up before church but there was no time. Kelly actually fed the kids breakfast but they found other ways not to cooperate so I was left with just enough time to brush my teeth and brush my hair in the car. My hair is long and straight and not too bad if it has had the appropriate amount of brush strokes. Otherwise it is a scary ratty tangled mess. School is about to start. Where did the summer go? Did I go on any adventures? No I did not! I was about to rattle off some fantasy about my imaginary summer vacation but complaining is good too. There is something to be said for speaking your mind and not holding things back. I don't know what that is at the moment exactly. There are many things that I do not understand in the universe. I don't even know why I do the things that I do sometimes. Kelly walked into the office and said, "Your going to like this". He said that we could not use the roofing materials ($1700) worth that he had ordered because the roof did not have the right pitch and they were not returnable. He didn't seem to be too bothered by this. I found it sort of odd. I was glad that he was not beating himself up over it though or at least at that moment I was glad. Then I was home all day with miserable crying clingy still has a hard lump on his throat penicillin allergy baby. So I'm holding, loving and rocking my sad little man and I start thinking how proud I was of Kelly for not caring too much about his failure to investigate the roofing crap. Then I started thinking $1700 dollars that's a nice chunk of change. Then I started thinking about how he blows money all the time, wastes money. Not that I care but I do care because this is the same guy that lets me have it when the cell phone bill is two dollars and fifty cents over the norm because my lazy ass dialed directory assistance. So now I'm pretty pissed off. I was worn out from the Ranger man and I looked at Kelly and said I think you have multiple personalities. I think it's funny that you chastise me over miniscule amounts of money. No I don't think it's funny I think it is so sad. He humiliates me over a few bucks. Go figure. This is not about money. This is about being treated civily. DSL that's a sore subject! It works but the only reason we got DSL is because Kelly got a new lap top. I like it much better than dial up. Okay piss off #14364373. You can all lecture me about not doing things for myself holding things against Kelly bla bla bla later. Kelly is as we speak giving his sister a ride because she's getting the AC fixed on her truck! Here is the very sad deranged truth about the A/C on my truck and this is not an excuse. I am afraid to go and just get it fixed because I might pay too much for unnecessary repairs and then Kelly would severely bitch at me and then I would cry and feel even more depressed. Okay there it is. Stupid? I'm a chicken. I have no balls. Yes car handles are cheap, yes Les could help me put them on but Kelly said that I need to fix the sagging doors on the Truck or the handles are just going to break off again. That would be wasting money. I have no magical powers.

Doing my penance

Okay - here I am again to blog the mundane details of my life. Keegan returned to the vet's this a.m. This was supposed to happen last week, but the appointment got cancelled twice, due to my last minute trip to KC and then due to the vet's schedule. The vet has decided to wait 3 more weeks to perform the surgery to remove all the wires, cables, staples, and other assorted metal objects in Keegan's head and face. He is healing extremely well, but it has only been 6 weeks since the accident and we want to be sure the bones have all knitted strongly. On the down side, Keegan has become a fat barrel on this canned food! (At least he has an excuse, unlike me.)
My "company" of in-laws, stepchildren, and grandchildren did not appear yesterday, to which I can only say, "Thank God."
Have ordered a new computer, which should arrive by the end of the week and I'm quite excited. As is Brandy, since she has a pile of files saved to send me once I have sound. The new computer will be great, but then I won't have any excuse for not doing eBay again! Oh well - beats going and getting a "real job," I suppose.
Lydia, as B said, I had the same reaction to the Plum books when she handed them to me. I was visiting her in Corpus and politely put them in my trunk and forgot about them. A month or two later, when I had run out of things to read, I decided to pick one up, as it had to be better than the toilet paper wrappings I had been reading out of desperation. I, too, got hooked, and have since recommended them to others. I aspire to be Stephanie's grandmother when I get old(er). (Except I refuse to live with my daughter and her family under any conditions!)
We had a classic Kansas storm last night, with tornado force winds and I now have crap strung in every direction in the yard. This occurred at 2 this a.m., so I've had little sleep and Darrel has had none, as he is on call and had to go to the plant at 2 and won't be back until after 4 today. More storms expected tonight, so I doubt he'll get much sleep tonight, either. He keeps saying he doesn't mind, as it's $100.00 for the 1st hour and $45.00 an hour for every hour after, but I still say the money won't do him much good when he drops dead. Of course, I will have no trouble spending it, if he does drop.
It sounds like even with the errors those people were getting a better education than most people I know in this part of the country. At least their information was "close." I'm shocked at the number of people I meet here (my age and younger) who have no clue where any of the states are located. They know OK is south and NE is north and CO is west. Other than that, they haven't a clue. Darrel's sister's kids went to work in California and she thought it was "right after Colorado." I have to say that Darrel was just as bad when I met him, but since we started traveling, I've made him look at maps and atlases of the US and pointed out where things are.
Well, I think that's all my trivia for now. A gutter blew off and went through a window of the "eBay house" door, so I need to go pick up glass and see what I can do to keep the millions of barn swallows from flying inside! (Life in the country is soooooooo much fun!)

53 States and we wonder why nobody knows anything

iWon - News: "Students learned that Congress had two houses -- the Senate for Democrats and the House for Republicans; that the U.S. flag had not been updated to reflect the addition of Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico to the 'original' 50 states; that the federal 'administrative' branch oversees the Treasury Department; and that World War II occurred from 1938 to 1942."