Monday, May 31, 2004

the final week

Vince Pitelka (artist from Tennessee), is here..staying with me, during this workshop. He is pretty cool. Having a wonderful time, participants are 13 women....all cool. Then will be off to China on Friday with ten women in that group...Kind of a Mishy's girl-three-weeks-out....whatever. I took Aliya to karaoke at American Legion...just her and me, (met some friends there), she and I sang a couple songs together (Cold Day in July- Dixie Chicks and Game of Love-Michelle Branch) and got a GREAT reaction. Very fun. Then Leesie and I went to see Raising Helen. Kate Hudson is just SO CUTE. My oldest has graduated high school now...that's a big deal.....Life is marching onward...and it's good. I'll check in before I bon voyagee...

Saturday, May 29, 2004

Missing My Man

I went to the beach this evening about an hour before sunset. I watched my children play in the surf, I envied their tans and wished that I had a camera because the light was great. Everything looks so beautiful in the last light of the day. The soft glow glistening on my son's fair hair and he looked up at me with those blazing green eyes and asked if we could live at the beach. Blaze is a pretty cool kid but I'm kind of biased. I dipped Rangers little feet in the water. Kelly 1 wouldn't go anywhere near the water. Lindy found a sand dollar and was quite excited to have found a whole one. She thought that it was even more special that she found it when I showed her that it was still alive. She returned it to it's home on the sand bar. A girl after my own heart, so proud was I! Was enjoying myself so much on the beach until I suddenly remembered that I had a husband somewhere and then I started missing him immensely. When I spoke to him later on the phone I told him that I was missing him at the beach. To this he simply asked,"why?". I told him something lame like I love the beach and would like to have had him there with me because it would have been even better. I guess I'm not that eloquent when I'm put on the spot. I should have said because I love you and would like you near me. A missed opportunity to express my love for him.

Blog of the day - This one has potential

The Original Right

VanHelsing - Maybe I expected too much

Went to see Van Helsing on Wednesday. Have been waiting months for the movie to come out and then to go off pass restrictions so I could use movie coupons to go see it. It wasn't bad but I have become spoiled by movies that were better. This last year has seen several movies done with this type of atmosphere. The Old movie hype, bigger than real acting. The top three that come to mind for me are: League of extraordinary Gentlemen, HellBoy & Van Helsing. Of the 3 League is by far my favorite, everybody should watch it especially kids or maybe make it mandatory in School English. I loved Hellboy, but Van Helsing while good with spectacular sets, lots of action and atmosphere just left me saying they could have done it better. I understand that some of the corniness was put in to maintain the old line style and I admit seeing the cow tossed through the second story window of the farmhouse was cool. But seeing it standing up inside the house after the fight was over was too much and not remotely believable. Like the director desperate to make it funnier or something kept going one step over the line from good to just stupid. In its defense Beckinsale is gorgeous in her leather corset (I want that outfit & the body to wear it) The lady vampires were great and the morphs between looking like humans and harpies were beautifully done. They were probably my favorite part of the show. Over all it gets 3 1/2 Stars out of 5

Thursday, May 27, 2004

Blog of the day - A College Age Blog I Actually LIke

Rantings of a Deranged Whale

Wait til you see it grouted!

Cool, glad to hear I was inspiration, I am SURE LOVING this project! I put on the grout, black, last night and today (still haven't finished setting, cause I still have the outlet plate covers to paint and fire...that won't happen until after China...)

But, with, it is SO GORGEOUS...I'm impressed w/me.... LOL I know just how you feel Lydia...

I'm going to shoot more pics, before I leave...I promise!!!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Baby friend, artist, and capable of paying a bill!

Ah little ones... They grow so gradually before our very eyes that some times we hardly notice as they morphe into new versions of themselves. Until we look back upon a photo and note the changes. My little Ranger appears to me like a giant next to Emily Marie and he feels so heavy too! Just a wisp of a girl that one is. I watched April in that half awake post natal state and I started to wonder if she is as clue less as I was when I had Lindy. Brandy is her mother so odds are on no she isn't. Took a peek at Em's blog and don't I feel special. No thanks required but free babysitting is always welcome and appreciated. I haven't been any where with Kelly without Ranger since before he was born. I love Mishy's tile so much in fact that I was inspired to mosaic tile an old wood coffee table. The kids helped, even Kelly II helped by removing my tile pieces and strategically placing them in positions that were more aesthetically pleasing to his three year old artistic senses (already more finely tuned than my own). It came out awesome, do notice my novice tiling mistakes but all in all it's quite lovely. I wouldn't even care if every person that walked through the door exclaimed, "Oh my! That table is an abomination it ought to be burned". I would love it no less. Apparently my vanity spills over to my artistic creations because I keep looking at my refurbished piece thinking that I made this and it is so cool. I wish that I could find my cheesy twenty dollar takes bad pictures digital camera so that I could show the world how easily amused I am. Kelly forgot to pay the bill and I suffered without internet access for nearly twenty four hours. Such a travesty and injustice. I actually had to go and pay the bill myself. Please no one tell Kelly that I am capable of such things. He will truly be astounded by the feats that are within my capabilities. I tricked Kelly into frying an egg for himself last week and he also used the microwave by himself. What is happening to us! I blame it all on the Gay and Lesbian community. No I take that back I blame everything on Brandy. I have survived the first half of the two week stretch without Kelly. I have no one to bitch at me for the deplorable level of filth and am finding it harder to muck up children's stalls without such motivation. Also children are being purposely more gross than usual because as they say when the cats away the mice will play.

not Lazy, BUSY...

I think about you guys a lot, does that count? Sheesh, Mach 4 here, cleaning and getting ready for upcoming workshop with an artist from Tennessee. He is a good friend and will stay here with me. Roomie, Jill, moving in this week too. I will shoot more pics of my tile, it's almost all set now, going to grout and finish up with outlet plates and the last bits...I love it!

Now focusing on the prep for the workshop and visit, and then, a week from Friday...China!!!! Yikes!

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Friendships Part 1

Throughout my life I have had very few friends, there were many acquaintances but few true friends. There were the childhood friends - My best friend Michelle who lived next door, Harry across the street, I believe a girl named Debbie and one other whose name I can't recall. Michelle and I would play in the mud under the palm tree which ruled the yard where the house boundaries met the street. The tree provided shade in the summer and a place for us to sit on the curb in the middle of tree mess and open our crackerjack boxes to find the surprises inside. I have not seen this person in 30 years but we now share a sister I have never met from an affair my father had when I was young. The last I heard Michelle had AIDS. I don't know if she is even alive. But she was my first best friend.

Harry the boy across the street was my first love. During our early years this was he boy I played show me with and who gave me my first kiss when I was 5. I remember the show- me incident not by what I saw or happened but by the fact that my mother evil wench that she was made me take a nap instead of going swimming. Man was she cruel. My relationship with Harry was a soft sort of courtship who have with the boy next door - Completely innocent to the end there were hours of playing Risk and other board games on the ragged carpet of his bedroom floor. Of climbing orange trees and creating adventures in our minds. The others are only alive on the edges of my memories and I can not recall our times together. Except for the one time we all banded together and walked to the store to steal chocolate bars. For which we were of course caught and forced to return said chocolate with money and apology.

I remember a girl named Bobbie during my Barbie Years 2-3 grade we spent the night at eachothers houses admiring the collections of frilly doll accessories we had aquired.
And another girl named Tracy whose parents worked for the Airlines so she was always getting fancy gifts and lived in a plush looking apartment, but her parents were never there.

In Highschool there were various people I considered friend who I lost to time. I am positive my memories are happier than reality so I choose to live blind. Jr. High & High school friends always had motives. There were agendas and drama so little of it seems real.

there was Kris, and Kathy, and Libbey She was probably the closest friend I had in Jr.High.
I knew her for years before my parents let it slip that they thought her mother was a Lesbian and even at 12 I couldn't figure out what the big deal was. I had spent numerous night there and other than her mothers friend being a rather strict type of person it never once crossed my mind that they were sleeping together even though I knew they slept in the same bed. I don't think I was really a stupid child but it mattered so little in my life I never questioned it.

Kathy was the first woman I ever had a sexual experience with, it was peaceful and exciting all at the same time. Kris was a member of our church she shared my first concert with me. We went with a boy named Scott who was the dreamboat in my eyes. I was a lowly 12 and he was 15, the older man who I thought I could capture. I am sure he only went because my mother bought him a free ticket to the Eagles Concert. But I knew it was love.

I have had trouble with Crystals in my life- not sure why but had ended up on the wrong side of a few who at least said they were friend yet turned out to be one of those dramatic stab in the back sort of friends. I generally get rid of those when they show their true colors but sometimes they lie very well.

You are all being lazy out there in blogland

Sunday, May 23, 2004

I know its not politically correct, But , Oh Well, It is funny

Subject: FW: Bible study and the law

What one might term a classic...
Laura Schlessinger is a US radio personality, who dispenses advice to
people who call in to her Radio show. On her radio show recently, she said that,as an observant Orthodox Jew, homosexuality is an abomination, according to Leviticus 18:22 and cannot be condoned under Any circumstance.

The following response is an open letter to Dr. Laura, penned by a US
resident, which was posted on the Internet. It's funny, as well as
Dear Dr. Laura:
Thank you for doing so much to educate people regarding God's Law. I have learned a great deal from your show, and try to share that knowledge with as many people as I can. When someone tries to defend the homosexual lifestyle, for example, I simply remind them that Leviticus 18:22 clearly states it to be an abomination...End of debate. I do need some advice from you,
however, regarding some other elements of God's Laws and how to follow them.

1. Leviticus 25:44 states that I may possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighbouring nations. A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans, but not Canadians. Can you clarify? Why can't I own Canadians?
2. I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. In this day and age, what do you think would be a fair price for her?
3. I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is in her period of menstrual uncleanliness -Lev.15: 19-24. The problem is how do I tell? I have tried asking, but most women take offence.
4. When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it creates a pleasing odour for the Lord - Lev.1:9. The problem is, my neighbours. They claim the odour is not pleasing to them. Should I smite them?
5. I have a neighbours who insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2. clearly states he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself, or should I ask the police to do it?
6. A friend of mine feels that even though eating shellfish is an abomination - Lev. 11:10, it is a lesser abomination than homosexuality. I don't agree. Can you settle this? Are there 'degrees' of abomination?
7. Lev. 21:20 states that I may not approach the altar of God if I have a defect in my sight. I have to admit that I wear reading glasses. Does my vision have to be 20/20, or is there some wiggle-room here?
8. Most of my male friends get their hair trimmed, including the hair around their temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by Lev. 19:27. How should they die?
9. I know from Lev. 11:6-8 that touching the skin of a dead pig makes me unclean, but may I still play football if I wear gloves?
10. My uncle has a farm. He violates Lev.19:19 by planting two different crops in the same field, as does his wife by wearing garments made of two different kinds of thread cotton/polyester blend). He also tends to curse and blaspheme a lot. Is it really necessary that we go to all the trouble of getting the whole town together to stone them? Lev.24:10-16. Couldn't he just burn them to death at a private family affair, like we do with people who sleep with their in-laws? (Lev. 20:14)

I know you have studied these things extensively and thus enjoy considerable expertise in such matters, so I am confident you can help. Thank you again for reminding us that God's word is eternal and unchanging. Your adoring fan
Posted by: Cowsisfunny / 9:42 PM 0 comments

Saturday, May 22, 2004

A Star is Born

Emily Marie - The Minor Years

Friday, May 21, 2004

Gonna try to upload two in-progress pics of my kitchen backsplash mosaic...

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Food and Memories

My belly is very very full

Caved in and ate a comfort meal from my childhood. Creamed Chip Beef on toast. or SOS as they know it in the military. Incredibly fattening but Ohhhh So Good. Foods from my childhood are always the best and there are very few that I have ere made as well as my mother but I am gaining on her as I grow older. I find I do many things better as I grow older. Things like laundry, I don't see that I do anything different than I did when I was 18 but they come out cleaner and fresher not sure why Maybe its just the magic of old age. Thanksgiving dinner is another thing that does better with practice. Food makes it to the table all at the same time properly cooked. When I was younger it seemed so overwhelming. Cooking so many dishes with one oven. This is the miracle of Microwaves and better planning.

When I was a child my mother used to make candied apples with me . Real ones with the homemade cook on the stove type candy. They were incredible. I know they still sell the stuff to make them but my teeth would probably not appreciate it. Some things are better when enjoyed young.

She also made a mean fried SPAM Sandwich. Haven't eaten SPAM in years due to unwillingness to deal with the scorn of my family. Yes I do know what's in it but it still tasted good.

Holidays were always good, she worked and there were times a child could feel ignored but mostly it was childhood selfishness. My mother made sure every holiday was remembered. An avid Hallmark customer There was always a little something for small holidays like valentines. A card , A stuffed animal, Candy hearts in their signature pink box. Christmas cookies were cut with hundreds of different shapes from the cutter collection she amassed. Trays full of goodies at holiday open houses. Champagne and wine flowing, Good cheer all around. I grew to disdain her holiday flamboyancy, I yearned for the simple, the quiet, the less than 100 of her closest friend, but I marvel at her talents. The ability to create a party and actually have people enjoy it. I can't do it I am too locked into my private world to ever let that many people in. For all her faults and excess she brought to my life many experiences great and small that were magic in my mind.

Brunches at the Biltmore Eating shrimp omelets with mimosas staring at the old weathered Gold Leaf Ceiling Imagining the fortunes it must contain. The eyes of a 7 year old eating in the splendor of a mythic castle.

Tea at the Ritz. Tea in a fancy hotel in Boston. The greatest present my mother ever gave me was a 4 day trip to Boston. She had a conference and a hotel room with two beds. Located in Downtown Boston she spent her days in meeting while I spent mine wandering around the city a young mother of two on her own in the big city with no one to answer to. I may have been 21-22 at the time. It was a freeing experience. I love History and I feel the ghosts of the future and the past. Boston is thick with both and it was like walking through a haze watching all of its incarnations pass before me. Nights and time off were spent Eating in incredible restaurants, Visiting sites and in general just being together. I love my mother when we are alone. But she is very different people just as I am. There is the person she is today and the person she is with them, I like best the person she is with me.

Hey great recipe and cuuuuute belly the paint job...

I am tiling today, the backsplash in the kitchen is looking like it will be beeeyootiful. I have enough 4x4 green tile to do a pattern in full tiles, diamond shapes...across the bottom and strategically placed above... still designing as I set... FUN!

Chapter 8 is now up - Have fun reading

Jordon and his Adventures with G.O.D.

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

More Lydia Dribble

I feel so ignorant when it comes to this loan officer thing. I don't know what the heck I'm doing. Just hoping that someone will show me the ropes. Won't be Kelly, he's too busy and he doesn't even have the slightest inclination to. He was filling out a loan application for a refinance for us the other day and the man didn't even want to take the time to walk me through it. So I get a real lead today and go into the office and no one is there and my vast ability and experience qualifies me to read a credit report but that's about it. I preapproved my prospect easy enough it was a no brainer but then the realtor who is also a relative calls for some more info and I am like Du huh? Oh sure I can do that. (More later on why you really should not do this kind of business with relatives). In any case I could not do that because the lap top that they gave me was not equipped with the necessary program for the task or it could be that I am too much of computer illiterate monkey brain that I couldn't figure it out. (No offense to monkeys intended) Just in case any monkeys can read and are actually reading this. Not that I would presume that a reading monkey would be interested in my prose but then again you never know. The only thing about this business that interests me is making money and I'm really not that interested in money especially when I probably would be frowned upon for spending it the way I deem fit. So unmotivated I am. I want to make money for dancing naked with paint all over my body. Do you think I can get a grant for that? I read somewhere that an artist (in California I believe) received a fine arts related grant for her repertoire that included the smearing of chocolate sauce on her bare breasts. Eating naked, I could do that too. Cooking naked, too dangerous. I deep fried egg rolls topless. I'll never do that again. I should run a match making service...

Tom (not his real name) could be my first client.
Positive Qualities (in no particular order)

Sexy phone voice
Recent college grad
Full time job (makes good money)
New car
No debt
Good credit score
Handsome bank account balance
No kids
Will soon own his first home
3 bedroom 2 bath 2 car garage (in good neighborhood)

He's a catch ladies. Any takers? Melisa? April?

I could call it gold diggers or something equally as hideous. Actually I think that buying some sort of a warehouse and turning it into an studio\gallery would be so ultra cool. I ran it by Kelly and apparently the scheme was not hair brained enough for him because he didn't seem to get too excited he just said, " I don't think that there are enough artists here to support that." He said it very flat and monotone like. I don't know if I've mentioned this but I am my own most enthusiastic supporter. Kelly is gone for two weeks. I hope that the house is still standing when he returns. I will be doing some much needed cleaning momentarily that is unless I get distracted by something else.

Painted Belly Pictures
If you want to see them all click on the link above and dowload into your machine
Otherwise here is one of my faves

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Psychic Genius Predicts

Blaze May 19 3:05 am 8lbs 0 oz

Blog of the Day - Worth reading Love the link log also - She would fit right in

Greenfairy Blog: "I'm drunk.

Not very drunk though. You can tell by the spelling."

Teriyaki Chicken

Brandys New Famous Recipe - Easy and fast

Portion amounts depend on how many you want to feed - adjust accordingly

Melt Butter in Skillet toss in Chicken breast tenders.
I buy the big bags of them at the store
Skillet size and amount of chicken are negotiable
Make sure you have enough butter to brown all chicken well

Once browned chop into bite size pieces in the skillet with spatula

Pour in Teriyaki sauce from Buffalo Wild Wings Bar and Grill
(Best sauce I have ever found in 2 decades of searching)For those of you without one close by the link below will let you buy it off the web.
Buy Sauces

Pour in enough sauces to coat al the chicken and leave it a little drippy
Addition to sauce are Whatever you have on hand.
Tonight I used crushed pineapple, orange juice, honey and a little juice from my bottle of sliced ginger. Small amounts of each to taste

Other things that may be added are
Onions, Portabello Mushrooms, Red and yellow peppers,broccoli, Water Chestnuts
Sesame seeds and anything else you may like or nothing depending on your taste

Serve over rice or on buns with melted cheese

Exes and such

Lydia - You are not being immature, irrational, or insane. Requesting something for your own emotional well being is not unreasonable. And since when do we have to justify what we ask for? Darrel has 4 "exes," so I basically live in ex-wife hell. None of my exes live within 1600 miles of us. All of Darrel's live in the general vicinity, so I empathize with what you are going through. Two weeks ago Darrel's family had a small get together at a local park. I had to work all day (and night) so was unable to attend. I learned later his first wife was there all afternoon. I ranted, raved, screamed, and was a total bitch for 2 days. I know Darrel wants nothing to do with her - that wasn't the point. The point was I didn't like it, it was disrespectful to me, and I won't tolerate it happening again. It doesn't have to make sense to anyone else. How would Kelly feel if you made visits to your exes house? How would Kelly like it if you associated with people who had hurt him or been mean to him? Where the hell have all the knights in armor gone?? Gotta run to work. I know miss B will have lots of good advice for you! Good luck!

Is Lydia Hot or Not

Couldn't resist the title but of course she is hot, especially all dressed up and she has the best chest of all of us.:0)(Notice I was polite and didn't say tits) I think if you explained it the to Kelly the way you did to us he might be more likely to listen (It's not rational or logical or justifiable or mature, or even sane. This is just what I want and I feel that it should be respected because I deserve that much even if I make no sense) this made perfect sense to me.

I know for a fact that Kelly did call Les yesterday to get the number for Loas. We did not know for sure if they do ACs. Kelly may be wanting to go back to Mike just because it is the easier and known thing for him.

If you want to make Kelly feel good and still give you your own way then you need to explain to him that you are irrationally jealous and that you don't want him near her because it makes you feel less loved (Blah Blah Blah) Make sure you cry and hang on him and tell him how much you love him then launch into those sentences up at the top. This would feed his ego and while he may still think you are nuts it should at least make him reconsider it.

Other option is get in the Damn car and take it wherever you want. (This is the option I would recommend and choose) You have a check book, Do it yourself. If this is your truck take responsibility and just do it. Otherwise you will just keep having these arguments and a truck is not worth this much frustration.

As for irrational behavior - BTW what's wrong with referring to yourself in the 3rd person) Brandy does it all the time - seems to be a particular problem at doctors offices where she explains everything in the 3rd person. I admit the docs do think this is a little strange and one even brought it up but Hey maybe I wasn't Brandy at the time.

When I was 19, right before I became Pregnant with April we ran a Yum Yum Donuts in San Marcos California. There was this girl that waited counter for us after school. A beautiful girl very nice, polite, hardworker etc. Never did a thing to annoy me. Her mother was a flaky drugged out hair dresser, she was trying to stay away from, she had a boyfriend she was faithful to and she had the biggest tits of any little girl I have ever seen. (I am sure this is why les hired her, but then I am sure this is why most men did things for her which grown up I find sad) The only bad thing about her was her name. Her parents named her Gladys Olene Ogle. At any rate very nice pretty girl.

One day it was pouring rain and she had to catch a bus to go home and was going to be standing out in said rain waiting on the bus and had to walk a ways to get there. I was at home with Josh - Les was working with her by himself - My husband had the sheer audacity to loan this girl my umbrella - without asking me first. I reamed him up one side and down the other I cried I screamed I felt completely betrayed by this man who was supposed to love me. To this day 20 years later he still has not given anything of mine to anyone without asking 1st and will usually tell them just to ask me.

I don't know what came over me, ok maybe I do but I am not proud of it, I was only 19 so maybe that absolves some of it, And it is not like I have ever used an Umbrella in my life I own them because they are fun to play with but I prefer to get wet when it is raining. Which of course is his excuse for loaning it to her "It was raining and you'll never used the damned thing I believe where his exact words" Didn't matter took years to get over it. Now it just makes me realize I can be very petty and stupid. I realize the situations are not the same, but just wanted you to know you are not the only one on the blog capable of complete and utter irrationality. However I must say my husband has abided by my irrational don't ever give anything of mine to another person without my permission since then. He now uses it to rub it in and laugh at me. And really I wish he would give away some of my shit because I am tired of moving the crap.

I showed him your blog and told him what I was writing about and his comment this morning was "really honey I was just being nice I would much preferred to see her tits wet." Mennnnn

Monday, May 17, 2004

Fine Then Be Hot!

Do my wishes wants and desires need to be sensible and mature to be respected? (some would argue yes) I say no. That is the question of the day. We will explore this topic and the irrational behavior of this 29 year old woman\girl. This is where I will truly show my age or my ass <- (new favorite word). All you faithful readers of the blog will recall that Lydia's junky vehicle and the repair of said vehicle has been some what of an issue for her. Note to self, I know I've lost it because I've started referring to myself in the third person. My AC has been out of commission for quite some time. Approximately a year ago more or less my darling one had it repaired (it was quite costly) by his X's boyfriend who is a competent mechanic who works out of the garage of Kelly's X. I requested very politely that he not bring my truck back to him, I gave no reason why. Kelly then found some incompetent to screw my truck up and decided that having Mike (X's man) fix it again would be the best option. I then very politely but firmly said, " No, I am not comfortable with that". I suggested a place that B told me about. He did not argue. So today he comes home from a visit with Katy and announces that he will be bringing my truck to his X's house because Mike will be fixing it tomorrow. I said, "No". He said, "Yes!" I reinterated my original stance to no avail. There was some nanny nanny boo boo bla bla bla and then I just got really pissed off and said some crap that didn't even make sense. Here it is verbatim.

Kelly - I don't understand why Mike can't fix your car
Lydia - He's Vicki's boyfriend I don't want him too, I don't want my truck at her house.
Kelly - I dont get it.
Lydia - I don't do business with the devil it's not like your getting a discount pay someone else to do it.
Kelly - Mikes not the devil (looking puzzled)
Lydia - No but he sleeps with her! It's my truck please do not bring it to her house.
Kelly - Fine then be hot!
Lydia - I would rather! Kelly, don't you understand that I want to have no contact with her that I do not need to?
Still don't know that he won't try and go behind my back. I have drawn a line in the sand. Just for backround info. The evil one has done many mean and malicious things to my family which I have chosen for the most part to ignore keeping in mind that even though I have jokingly given her the dark title she is in reality a child of God. Naturally I don't want my vehicle at her abode. She's a negative force for me. It's not rational or logical or justifiable or mature, or even sane. This is just what I want and I feel that it should be respected because I deserve that much even if I make no sense. So there you have it folks, tune in next time to find out what the roaches that live in my car really think of me. I know that they are talking about me.
Mishy so glad to know that you are at least reading the blog. You are missed!

I have been duly chastised...

I know...having a life does not preclude the requirement for blogging...I just keep coming in to read and can't quite catch up, so I put it off...but I will catch up later...

Things are great here...having some fun painting and fixing up my house (removing wallpaper, planning some mosaic tiling on my kitchen backsplash)...I don't date anymore...I tell them to come help me paint!! Kitchen is pale purple with a darker purple trim, hallway will be some pale green...emerald or maybe slightly blue-green...pale....and thinking Aztec gold (pale) in the living room and rose/adobe in the front entryway (those are feng shui colors to invite good things into your home...) Kinda like the Mexican homes, and will be so classy here...I can see it already even though I've only got to the purple!!!!

Been singing still, some karaoke, and some just jamming with friends, very fun. As my mom told my sister...I am a man-magnet, and have many offers of dinner, breakfast, coffee etc...which I pick and choose among... Not trying to brag here, but it's fun
:-) I admit it!!! However, I have put on some weight, so I must be feeling better, I'm now about's all those cheeseburgers I have been craving... better keep up with the jogging ...

Okay, now I feel like I am blathering...but I will try to be better about input... I love this blog!

Its time for the Baby Pool

Since April is about to pop we have instituted that tried and true game of the past The Baby Pool. Step right up and gues the Day, Time and weight our new little urchin will burst forth upon the unsuspecting Universe. Official Due date is May 19th.

Entry fee is one dollar with all proceeds being paid to the winner.

Picks so far are:
Joshua - May 20th - 5PM - 6.9 OZ
Brandy - May 20th - 2AM - 7.0 OZ
April - May 21st - 2AM - 7.3 OZ
Les - May 26th - 2AM - 7.8 OZ
Michael - May 22nd - 2:23AM - 8lbs
Great Gram - May 21st - 3:54PM - 7.2 OZ
Chris - May 24th - 12PM - 10Lbs
Shirley - May 22nd - 2:15AM - 8.225OZ
Lydia - May 28th - 5:00 PM - 8.9ozs
MIchelle - May 29th - 5:15AM - 6.9OZ
Dona - May 24th - 3:30AM - 7.8OZ

Sunday, May 16, 2004

Some of my Favorite Nude Photography

Allan Teger's Bodyscape Gallery of Nude Fine Art Photography Looked for work by Grimes but couldn't find any on the web so I thought I would post one of my old faves.

American Civil Liberties Union

American Civil Liberties Union

Date with Lydia

Lydia already told you the specifics on what a wild and crazy group we were. A grand time was had by all. Lydia and I both looked wonderful all dressed up in our Cinderella clothes. Told Lydia she is the first true adult date I have ever had seeing as how I have been married since I wa a child. I primped more more my my date with Lydia than I have in recent history for anyone else, husband included. Les was the perfect gentleman catering to our whims and driving us wherever we wanted to go, and never complained once, Gotta love them sometimes.

New art studio "Artwerks" is very nice and Jeffrey was a doll,would love to set up my studio there but it is a tad pricey and as Les said being as open as it is I would probably offend someone throwing half naked covered in mud. As pretty and clean as the place is I am not sure they have totally thought through the idea of having a potter in the main room. And the weaver would probably not appreciate the dust created by hundreds of pounds of clay. Still if they would consider letting me set up in the back room it might be worth considering, going to talk to Jeffrey later this week about possiblities. The thought of paying the money has however inspired he hubby to consider harder about setting it up in my garage so hopefully soon I will be back in production one way or another. I can't wait.

As Lydia said it is always inspiring when seeing the prices on the art and going I can do that. The exceptions to this for me were the weaver who does beautiful work on a great big huge loom. Always wanted to try one but Iam sure I would end up trapped in the warp unable to extriate myself. Don't have the patience for that anyway. My favorite pieces were digitized, overlaid and transformed Nudes. The Pictures were fantastic and If was spending money as in if I had any to spend I would have taken the whole collection home. Clay Garden pavers were very cool nice think large square brick looking thinks with various impressions (The rake look as Lydia describes it) But 4000.00 for 16 of them was a bit out of my range and yes I could make them myself. Had a solid glass lamp I really wanted. Some of the other photography was nice Painting were mostly impressionistic and other than the one that we couldn't decide whether it was an armadillo road kill or a native caught in a red tide worldpool they didn't particularly float my boat. I am more of a realist in my painting taste. (Pedestrian of me I know)
Lamps were okay but I kept thinking the gauzy fabric would be a fire hazard. I didn't sample the wine, as Lydia mentioned Les and I are lightweights when it comes to drinking but the browies cakes and cookies all looked lovely and the brownie I sampled was very nummy. Overall A nice place and I will definately go back and visit even if I don't have a studio there. Corpus Christi Needs more places like it.

In case I ever had any real doubts (which I didn't) Lydia will make a fine addition the the old ladies at the farmhouse. Dona is going to eventually get annoyed at all the women I invite to grow old on her farm but she would love all of them. So it will be okay really just come on down. Lydia is not quite sure about believing in magic but my husband did affirm that I have my magical moments. If Lydia hangs around long enough I am sure she will discover that the magic is everywhere you just have to pay attention and use it.

Came home much later than I had planned and I didn't get any pictures for Darrel since we changed for the beach and Dennys. BTW Those shorts weren't too small they are made to be that short, thats the whole reason I bought them. Lydia also declared Les' tea evil due to sugar content. I guess not everybody likes their tea to taste like cotton candy like I do. Have to cut the Pau d'Arco with something.

Even after the large dinner at Dennys I too was handily played with by the hubby,
Maybe we should go out more often. As for your thoughts about Gay marriage I think you said it beautifully, and I agree with every word.

Tired now went to the beach this afternoon and I need to go to bed.
Thanks for the wonderful time Lydia and I am sure we will do it again. At least I hope so.

Date with Brandy (Lydia's version) / Congrats Melisa / Civil rights

I got home later than expected last night. Brandy and Les those wild things actually kept me out until half past the witching hour. Kelly was awake and ready to play with me which was such a nice surprise. I enjoyed it immensely even in my drunken state. Les the boy scout that he is got us to the show about half an hour early so we had no choice other than to have some libations before hand. Actually I had more than a few drinks those other two just had one. We arrived fashionably late and I drank a glass of white wine and wandered around eyeing the artistic expressions. Some were downright cool and others inspired me to become an artist because I want someone to pay me $500 dollars for a hunk of clay that I hit with a rake and spray painted gold. After sufficiently paying homage to all canvas, weaving, functional artsy lamps and clay we decided to head out. Stopped at Brandy and Les's to change into shorts. I borrowed a pair from Brandy. She first hands me these soft white velvet things that are about 2-3 sizes to small. I took one look in the mirror and said yeah right. She had another pair that my ass hung out of a little bit less so I wore those. I met B's cat who promptly bit me but I think that we are friends. B shared some photos of her farmhouse with me and made me cry as I'm an emotional drunk and the Rose garden was exquisitely lovely. We went to the park and did the swing thing. After which me went to Denny's (could we get anymore wild?). Returned home and had fun with Kelly. I slept like a baby. Today Kelly informed me that he made the kids popcorn for dinner, and I also noticed that everyone slept in their clothes. Got to love that man. I woke up so tired! I skipped Sunday school and hung out with the Ranger man in the nursery during church. Of course we did the traditional eating lunch with Grand dad. Came home and the kids played upstairs and Rangy Roo slept. Kelly tried to jump my bones but I just teased him a little bit and then took a nap.

Congratulations Melisa! My wish for you is that you are never financially dependent on any man and that you will do what you will when you want. No words of wisdom here :)

Gay marriages,here are my thoughts. I am never ashamed to admit that I am a Christian. My personal moral beliefs or anyone else's for that matter are so irrelevant on this subject for the simple fact that we live in a wonderfully free society and the right to be married is indeed a right and not some privilege for those with "conventional" relationships. (Note the major run on sentence)
Yes while it is true that we have a lot less freedom than we think we do. The premise that this great land was founded really rocks! I think that as long as one persons rights does not harmfully infringe upon the rights of others (ie physically harm, repress or kill them) than it's a go. I cannot believe that non heterosexuals have been discriminated for so long. I have some really far out ideas about marriage anyway. I think that a personal relationship
should not be defined or controlled by the government in any way. That's my two cents any way.

Chapter 7 is Up

Jordon and his Adventures with G.O.D. Remember if you don't want to scroll through previously read chapter you can click on edit and select find in page type in the chapter number (IE. Chpater 7) you are looking for and then click find. This will take you directly to the chapter you want to read.

Saturday, May 15, 2004


Ditto all the below!!! (I'm too tired to be witty and warm!)
(Can't wait to her the grad party stories!!)

Congratulations Melisa

Happy Happy Graduation. Today you are an official member of that
special minority of people actually capable of sticking it out to
obtain a piece of paper. A minority I don't belong to. I am very
proud of you. So Here's cheers the our newest and favorite official
computer programmer. Someday I hope to put you to work writing
programs for me. When I can afford you that is. Welcome to the rest
of your life I know you'll go far. Looked and looked for a frog graduating and Kermit was the best I could find.

Love Ya

Chapter 6 is up - Have fun reading

Jordon and his Adventures with G.O.D.

Go Yankees!

It's good to know that parts of my home region have not remained Puritanical idiots! B - you remember Cora, I'm sure. She lives in Mass. and has been living with her partner for about 4 years now. I'm sure she is celebrating the news. Why do self-proclaimed "Christians" (I say this because I have yet to find any who actually live as Christ taught, but rather by some warped interpretation of the Bible)think same sex marriages will damage families??? The kids I know from same sex marriages are more well-adjusted than any from heterosexual marriages I know (including my own kids).
We are making progress - all the parts for the faucet have been purchased. Now it will be interesting to see if it actually gets installed. I actually had the, "if it doesn't affect you it doesn't exist" talk the other day. Of course, because they all have marshmallow egos, I softened it with, "I know you can't help it - it's a male genetic thing and you're all that way." This may be why the next day he ran out and bought the parts - they all seem to hate being lumped together. (Gee - I think I lumped again!)
Wish I could go with you guys!! Sounds like great fun. I'm spending my weekend babysitting the seven year old, as Darrel is working all weekend and Tracy's "ex" took only the 2 little ones for the weekend. Which isn't too bad, since at least I can park him in front of the evil t.v. and nap. Not possible with the smaller ones.
Loved the husband shopping site. However, last floor should read, "This floor exists solely to prove that the perfect man does not exist."

LOL: Laughing Out Loud: Husband Sale

LOL: Laughing Out Loud: Husband Sale

Friday, May 14, 2004

If you are going to take control that means you don't get to blame me

Even if it is my fault,

Actually it is Dona and Mishy's fault as they are who I modeled myself after. I think Dona wins the Best Bitch Award which is why I want to be her when I grow up. Mishy wins the most capable of living in her own world and not being influenced by others. I was in awe of Mish for years and years. And you never know Kelly may find that he likes the new you even better because he won't have to worry about you so much if he thinks you are one tough broad who can take care of herself. Not that he has to worry about you now but in his mind I think you are still a little girl. How anyone who can survive 4 kids can be considered anything but tough is beyond me, but men are weird.

If he doubts your writing skills you can always let him read the blog. Better yet write him a sex story for a present. Those are always an easy way to get great sex. Can provide sample if you want one.

Lydia and I are going on a date - I asked her hubby for permission in the guise of I owe her for helping me with the baby shower (which is true) and of course he couldn't possibly tell another woman no. The Wife yes but anyone else never. Its funny how they are willing to look like jerks in front of the spouse but want other women to maintain a high opinion of them and believe me this character trait is not limited to Kelly. I have been using it against husbands for a long long time. Yes I am manipulative and possibly evil, but I am good at it and I smile so sweetly as I lead them down the garden path.

Wish the rest of you were going to be there then we could cause a major scene or get arrested but at least it would be an adventure.

We are going to the opening of a new art studio here in town. Her hubby is watching all the kids. Spent several hours tonight deciding what to wear. Lydia chose Dress up. Since my usual dress up is for funerals, (I don't get out much) Regular dress code for me is what Les refers to as my bag lady attire. General dress up I tend to lean towards Gothic Whore (which is acceptable for the art crowd right????)

After some quick repairs I settled on more of a princess whore style. Short dark purple velvet dress with pretty scalloped edges and off the shoulder sleeves. Shows off my favorite Barbarian style choker. Of course added to this is no bra, little panties and thigh black stockings with heels. Planning on wearing the tossed around in bed look for the hair. (something my hair naturally goes to, which accents both dress up and the bag lady styles)Probably won't wear the fancy long black gloves but then you never know. Les likes the gloves. Maybe I will just wear them after I get back home.

I have lots of these fancy little dresses but they usually only get worn on bed and breakfast dates with the husband where we of course spend more time in bed than at breakfast. They make the photo shoots look good. Not that most people get to see these photos. At least not people that know they are of me. Have lots of pretty masks too. I think I may be getting to old for these styles but I don't think I am going to let that stop me just yet.

Dona Tell Darrell if he will put in the faucet I will send him a picture if he wants. But faucet must be completed and verified by you.

Les is acting as chauffeur and chaperone. I have found that dressing in whore fashion
tends to be safer with him standing behind me as my bodyguard. Tomorrow he gets to guard two bodies which I am sure will make him smile. At least on the inside. He will of course be wearing his signature jeans and t-shirt.

Should you change your mind Lydia and decide to go for Jeans please let me know before I show up at the door otherwise I expect we will be the Belles of the ball at least in our minds which is all that counts.

Its nice to know that occasionally rational thought wins

Supreme Court Won't Block Gay Marriages: "BOSTON (AP) - The Supreme Court refused Friday to block Massachusetts from allowing gay marriages beginning Monday, removing the last legal impediment to what will be the nation's first state-sanctioned same-sex weddings."

It's all Brandy's fault!

This standing up for myself and trying to get some help around here sure is difficult. It is so much easier to just be miserable but being a bitch is kind of fun and I must admit that my confidence level has increased tremendously. Kelly is freaking out because he is not used to seeing this side of me and I hope that his love for me will not change. Like Brandy said though it would cost too much to replace me and he is El cheapo so he'll probably stick around. I caught him smiling at me today and that sure was a beautiful moment. I didn't even want to be around myself lately because I had been in such a miserable funk. Kelly stayed with Ranger and Kelly II today while I spent eight hours getting the last of my loan officer training. He kept talking about how much attention Ranger needed and that it was hard for him to do anything. I felt like welcoming him to my existence. He will get it eventually. My man is kind of slow but it will sink in hopefully. This morning Kelly said that I have an over inflated opinion of my own writing. He was trying to irritate me. I said, "Wait a minute!" I went and grabbed a pad of paper and told him that he was giving me great stuff to write about. That was sort of over the top but he got my drift. I love this man but I have truly created a monster. I have allowed him to control every aspect of my entire existence and have not bothered to have a life of my own. It's all Brandy's fault! I'm sure Kelly will start to blame her soon. I'll tell Kelly that it was one of his self help books that changed my life. He will love that.

Chapter 5 is up

Jordon and his Adventures with G.O.D. Redid the posts so that each chapter has its own post and now the chapter titles are bold and easier to find.

Thursday, May 13, 2004

A new idea in pacifiers

kidsdummies1.jpg (JPEG Image, 742x456 pixels)

Remind Kelly of what it would cost to replace you

Marshfield News Herald - Just what is mom worth? Study puts her homemaking services at $: "Just what is mom worth?
Study puts her homemaking services at $707,126 a year"

Hired Help

I read somewhere (about 10 years ago, so I'm sure this figure would be much higher in today's economy) that if the average "housewife" were paid for the things she does in the course of her day, she would earn $4-500.00 a week. This did not include anything involving raising children. Add in the cost of child care. Add in sick days, vacation, pension and medical benefits. Are we undervalued and underappreciated? You bet! If they had to pay us for what we do, our husband's would not only realize how "valuable" we are, they'd do a lot more for them selves! (Especially those husbands like mine - what his friends refer to as a "wedge-ass.")
I was telling B the other day a story about my beloved. We were driving down the road discussing some work that needed to be done on my car. I said, "Please call Mike (the mechanic) and make arrangements." He said, "It's not my car." I was shocked, as this was totally "un-Darrel-like" of him. I turned to him and said, "I don't think all those clothes I washed and ironed today and the dishes I washed were mine." He said, "You're right. I'll call Mike tomorrow." Of course, I too am a wuss at times. I haven't had a day off to speak of since the kids left and my house looks like WWIII was fought here. Had plans for yesterday, as it was the only day I was to have off this week. Really wanted to get things picked up, as although this disaster doesn't seem to affect Darrel at all, it is driving me crazy. Also planned to do the dreaded computer reformat that is a year past due. Unfortunately, Darrel had already made plans to take the day off and go load 600 plus feet of pipe at a friend's house and move it to our house. He, of course, asked for my help. I did say, "Sure. And you'll help me do dishes, laundry, and vacuum and iron when we're done, right?" Of course, I helped him and when we got done I did all that other stuff myself. I'm a bitch, I know, but B says it only means I'm evolving. I guess I have more evolution to go.

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Why Women Are Superior� -�

Why Women Are Superior� -�

stupid men jokes, jokes about men being stupid

stupid men jokes, jokes about men being stupid

Lydia Is A Wuss

Dona... About lesson number one. Why is that anyway? You do something once and it is forever your job. What is that about? I don't understand it and probably never will. With Kelly I think it is a matter of him living under the false pretense that I have absolutely no other purpose in life than to be his nanny, housekeeper, cook, secretary, maid, property manager, personal shopper,and errand girl. Some of these things make sense others do not. Some of these things I do because I enjoy doing them and others only because they are somehow construed as my job. I am trying to start delegating these tasks because I am realizing more and more how overwhelmed I am. This is a task in itself and so far I have not had much luck. The children are improving. The large child in the mans body is not. I am trying to start small. Kelly informed me that Ms. Iris (beautiful princess kitty) needed to be fed. I asked him to please feed her if he notices that she is out of food (this hardly takes more time than telling me her bowl is empty). I was expecting that this one would be easy enough. Of course nothing is ever easy with my hard headed man. He said no that the children and animals are my responsibility. When I asked why that was he said it was because that is all he could get me to do around here. Of course I waited until the next time he requested that I do something non child or animal related and I said, not my job! Then of course I did it anyway because I'm a wuss.

Auction Day

It was auction day here at the Old Storage Unit. Always an interesting time, I feel bad selling units that people have rented but there is not much you can do when they don't pay or respond to numerous letters. It is also a time of Storage Urban legends, Stories we here of the fantastical storage finds. The guy who paid a couple of hundred dollars for a unit filled with boxes only to discover a mint vintage Harley behind them all. (Les wants to find this one) Then there are the dead bodies found in trunk. The crying owners who show up to ask if they can have the ashes of their spouse and or pets even though someone else bought the unit. Have no clue if any of these actually happened. We do know that they found a rocket launcher in one in Dallas. They called homeland security. People tell us that the one thing they always seem to find is drug paraphenalia which is maybe the reason some of those people didn't pay for their stuff. I have only bought a couple in my life and that was before working for one. The best haul we ever made was a huge unit for 5.00. nobody wanted it because it was just too trashed and it certainly was that. Took 3 of us 8 hours to sort through what we were keeping and what we were throwing away. In the end though we made 1600 off the unit selling the stuff on eBay. So we were happy. But it does make you sad to think of why the people left the stuff in the first. Was there a divorce, A death? Why would you leave family pictures, your children's school mementos and 100 year old pieces of family history like letters and old religious items? I don't know but it is an interesting way to peek into other peoples lives even if a little sad.

Lydia reading your blogs is like looking into my own past and I feel for you in a lot of ways. Especially the time alone thing, although I will not get up at five for any reason short of a medical emergency I do get up at 7 while Les is usually still asleep to have an hour of peace with no one around. I spent years of my life being 20 pounds overweight and then some because I never took the time for me. When we lived in Anthony our shower was in the basement and I took to spending at least 2 hours there every morning. I would paint my nails, exercise read a book anything I wanted knowing that no one would come looking for me. It was heaven and over the course of 6 months I lost 20 pounds quit chewing on my fingernails and got over that 2 years of pre menopausal depression. I think women overlook time for themselves too much. We need it and it destroys us bit by bit if we don't have it. When we moved to Corpus I reversed completely put the 20 pounds back on and became again depressed. Finally I gave into my longing and started exercising again. There are only two forms of exercise that have ever worked for me, laying out in the sun for hours by myself. Don't know why it works but it does, maybe my body just decides it needs to look better in a swimsuit. The other is dancing to music. I am not a good dancer and I get bored with exercise videos but if I turn on the music video and do whatever exercise routine feels good at the time or just move in a random fashion I lose weight. The problem was who had time to lay out in the sun that much and I was way to self conscious to free dance in the living room with the husband and kids in the house. Luckily I got over it. I learned that if undress and turn on loud music and dance they all go in another room and ignore me until I am done and dressed again. Of course now that there are no kids at home I do occasionally get groped when doing this which is kinda fun to. I have now lost the 20 pounds I gained when I moved here and am working on losing another 38. I currently weigh 10 pounds more than I did when I had April and seeing as how she is old enough to have a baby of her own I can't exactly blame it on her. Made les promise before I started on this Odyssey that he would take me out dancing if I made it back down to 110. He agreed believing it would never happen. But I am determined and a few more years of morning dancing and I should be there.

Reading your blog about schooling I couldn't find a single good reason in there to keep your kids in school other than the fact that you are afraid you will fail them if you homeschool. I don't think that is even remotely possible. But reading about it made me realize all those reasons I did homeschool and as scary as it was I wouldn't trade it for the world. I think the biggest misconception people have about homeschool is that the teachers are the parents and therefore responsible for their children's learning. The idea behind homeschooling is that the children take responsibility for their own educations you merely provide the materials and experiences they desire to learn about. This is as simple as always being there to help them research their own answers, taking the to the library or museum. I always told my children that if they decided they did not want to learn and chose to grow up stupid that it would not hurt my paycheck or my life but it would hurt theirs. Even Mishys children who went back to school at Garys insistence gained more independence from home schooling than they ever would of at School and considering Jett her oldest at 18 made more than twice my salary last year running his own business I can't see where it hurt them. Josh my oldest who doesn't have a diploma of any sort and declared himself done at 17 makes 17 bucks an hour at 23 years of age doing repairs on electronic wheelchairs and he never had an electronics class in his life. Hell I still think electricity is magic, so I know he didn't get it from me.
Take the plunge you will find you have more time with them around than you do ferrying them everywhere and you will like them even more than you do now.

One of my favorite sites. Always good for a laugh

Official Darwin AwardsThe Darwin Awards salute the improvement of
the human genome by honoring those who accidentally
kill themselves in really stupid ways.

Vietnam Photos 16

Vietnam Photos 16

Look I can use the blog this button, I'm so proud of myself. A couple of old black and white pics of Paul Alfaro AKA Lydia's daddy are on this page.

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

You couldn't have said it better....

I think you said it just fine, Lydia....
"Something that might make him understand how difficult it is to care for four kids by myself and that while he's gone I am the only one that does anything for anyone around here and if I seem lazy, and expecting him to take over when he gets here it's only because I am physically and emotionally worn out. "

Brandy's Farmhouse in the middle of nowhere

Address Imagery View

See your house from space

Address Search Type in any address and you can see you house the same way the government does - from space when you don't even know they are looking.

Life Lessons

Life lessons I've learned over the last few days:
Never do anything for a man you don't intend to do for the rest of your life. If you do it once, it automatically become "your job."
Never set mouse traps and then forget where you set them. Tracking down the smell will drive you insane.
Drunks are like small children. You can't let them get away with anything, or you will be putting up with it forever. (Refer to lesson #1 if the drunk is a man.)
As soon as you say you will "never do that again," rest assured that you will be forced to do it again before you can take a breath. (In this case, lesson #1 applies to men, children, and grandchildren.)

Lydia - Explain to Kelly that the same sex parent or parent figure is the single most influential role model any chld has. Does he want the boys to grow up to be slobs? Does he want the girls to grow up thinking their roles in life are to be slaves (sometimes referred to as "mommies") to men?

Mishy and Melisa - Are you still out there?

Brandy - I need about 6 hours in front of a computer with you sitting next to me to write the most inane things we can think of. Right now that sounds like Nervana.

Domestic Blah

Feeling kind of blah at the moment. I am ready for the children's school year to be over so that we can have some adventures with out the time constraints of having children in two different schools on opposites sides of town. Home schooling while very admirable and also appealing to me doesn't seem to be a realistic possibility at the moment. It may be necessary in the future so I am going to investigate it. Blaze had a hell of a year (or rather his teacher did). Poor Blaze was bored out of his mind, and the right thing to do would have been to pull him out of school but I did not. I kept thinking that he would learn something there that I could not teach him. The only thing that he learned was that no one else in his class could learn as quick as him. The new things that he learned came from home. I hope that the Gifted school goes over a little better. I won't wait a whole school year to render the verdict on that one. All of the teachers there are educated in teaching gifted children and Blaze will be able to work at his own abilities. I am excited about this. Lindy wants to stick with the Fine Arts school and I don't even know why. My little artist had a terrible social year and it really affected her even academically. This little weasel (no offense to weasels) has been torturing Lindy all year. Probably because the little girl is a bully and she gets such dramatic responses out of Lindy. Kelly keeps reminding Lindy to pray for the little girl but honestly I am praying that the little girl just moves away. (and yes I know that someone else perhaps worse may take her place) All the advice I have offered Lindy, Kelly has been deemed inappropriate for a seven year old girl. I ran into the little girls mother at a school function and she seemed nice enough. Of course her daughter denies any negative behavior, naturally. On the education subject I've got another eight hour loan class on Friday. I hope that I can actually do something with this knowledge. Like make some money. Kelly may come home tomorrow night and of course he will complain about the laundry or something like that. I've decided that I am going to very calmly look him in the eye and say the following.
I haven't figured out what I'll say yet. Something that might make him understand how difficult it is to care for four kids by myself and that while he's gone I am the only one that does anything for anyone around here and if I seem lazy, and expecting him to take over when he gets here it's only because I am physically and emotionally worn out. Kelly is one of those people that cannot relax in a disorganized environment, poor guy! He knew I was a slob when he married me. Shame on him. It's not like he's Mr. Clean or anything. Rarely picks up his cups or dishes. Just leaves them there just like the kids. The kids are getting better, they are cleaning up their rooms and the family room on a regular basis, but if I let them make a mess, they will.

A critical Political

ADVOCARE (aka Blog Bloke) Technology, Mediation, Advocacy, News Commentary

Monday, May 10, 2004

Blog of the day

Homeschool News and Muse Nice to know we weren't the only crazy ones out there. Home Schooling is the only way to go. And I get to do it again with the grandbaby so mommy can go to work become a famous lawyer and afford to keep us in the lifestyle to which we would like to become accustomed.

Self Help

New system could be worse. I always like what I am comfortable with but sometimes change is good. I am committing myself to self improvement and not caring what anyone thinks of me. I am in control of my own emotions. What a concept. I have been reading one of Kelly's many self improvement books. He kept suggesting them and I would just laugh and say something like, "Well if they didn't work on you!" So are you living each day or are you living the same day over and over again? So today I am going to be spontaneous. Maybe I should clean something, that's spontaneous right? Oh no, I'm caring about the opinion of others (that is approval seeking). A big no no. I fail. Oh no that's a negative statement about myself. Okay so I am making fun of concepts that are apparently beyond me. So I like riding my emotional rollercoasters. At least I am rarely bored. I am going to stand up for myself more often (and that's not even in the book). I think that I am going to wake up at 5am each day that Kelly is here and run in the morning. If Ranger roo wakes up while I'm gone then Daddy can handle it. At least I will get some time alone and my ass might not look like jello. Brandy you are right blogger spell check stinks. They do not even have the word jello!

This is a perfect example of the title to Lydia's blog

Okay - after I posted the last blog I got a tab to "view blog" and was able to see the last few blogs in the old format. Blaze must have been talking about the people in charge of the new dashboard. He's apparently a psychic genius. However, this system still SUCKS!

Life is good - this new blog system SUCKS

Don't know if anyone else has this problem, but I was only able to read B's latest post. When clicking on any other previous post, I get a Yahoo page telling me that the URL can't be found. Okay Revolutionary Leader - where do we go to COMPLAIN?????????

Sunday, May 09, 2004

I hate the new Blogger dashboard

Lydia sounds like you had a great day, I guess there are advantages to 4 kids. Les and I had breakfast at Denny's with April. The wait was horrible the food was cold but the company was priceless and I couldn't have found a better way to waste a couple of hours if I tried. It was great having April all to ourselves for a little while without being at work. After work Les took me to the beach for my 1st annual dunking. Water was a bit nippy but I feel much restored after my commune with nature and I even looked good in the new bikini. Josh called and said he loved me I do miss the boy. Overall an excellent day

You all will notice soon that blogger has changed all sorts of stuff you can no longer see previous blogs while you are writing which is a pain. I don't understand why everybody has to mess with a good thing. Sometimes web developers have more time and talent than good sense. If you need help with anything just yell and I will try but I am still finding my way around. Looking for my Classic Settings button which no longer exists.

Worst thing that happened today I found a cool picture for Dona and the it didn't get mailed where it was supposed to and I erased it and now the website is down and I can't get there. Will try again tomorrow.

Some times the stupid people get to be in charge!

Lindy decided that she was going to make me breakfast this morning. I asked her what she was going to make me and she asked me what I wanted. I told her that I would really like some waffles. She said that she could make me waffles if I showed her how. So I did. Boy this kid is even messier than me, I love her. Then she gave me my mothers day gift which was a plastic plate that had one of her original drawings reproduced on it. I told her that it was really great and it is! She drew flowers, grass, clouds, a sun, a big heart and it says I love you. I want to hang it on the wall but Lindy would prefer that it be functional art. I ate my waffles on it. I thanked Blaze again for the plant he gave me on Friday. He said, "Happy Mother's Day, I don't know what kind of plant this is I know you are going to ask me that, all I know is that it I grew it in a milk carton." I guess he's got me figured out. Lindy told me that she wishes that Dad was here because he would give her money to take me to a spa and to go shopping. I told her that she could let me have some privacy while I took a bath and that would be even better than a spa. Apparently she wasn't going to buy that one. Lindy invited me to her own private spa where she rubbed every cruelty free foot product known to man onto my tootsies. I am a compulsive buyer of foot care products. If they are on sale, I will but them. Doesn't matter if I use them or not. Lindy had plenty of stuff to play around with. She even blew up the inflatable bath pillow(never actually used before) and put it under my head. Which was down right cool. The relaxation lasted a matter of minutes before the Ranger man wanted his milk. I laid in bed with my wet hair and nursed him to sleep. Lindy noticed that I was also falling asleep and offered to watch the boys while I slept. Sounded good to me. I took a snooze for about 30 minutes and when I awoke every one was still alive. Lindy then announced that she was going to be the mother today to give me the day off. The boys didn't really listen to Lindy but she wasn't doing much worse than me. At one point Lindy was singing a silly song that she made up about Blaze. Blaze asked if, "I could make Lindy not in charge anymore because she's acting stupid." I said,"No this will be good practice for"(I was about to say something witty). Blaze interrupted and said,"For when I grow up because some times the stupid people get to be in charge!" Happy Mom's day every body.

Mothers and other creatures

B - Love the Creatures In My Head Site. If I had any artist ability at all, these are what I would draw!
Happy MD all you great ladies!!!

Happy Mother's Day

Saturday, May 08, 2004

Musical cards anyone

Say It! Talking Cards
They are rude and crude but sometimes a picture really is worth a thousand words and at they aren't so sentimental they make me gag. Large selection of songs to go with your pictures and they have normal stuff to this is just the freaks page. I was looking for Mothers day cards and had to go find something without dancing flowers and babies

For some reason this site Spoke to me

the Creatures in my Head. / Daily illustrations by Andrew Bell

Spell Checking

Don't base your vocabulary of Bloggers spell Check it is the worst I have ever seen. It doesn't even contain the word "Blog"

Friday, May 07, 2004

Jordon and his Adventures with G.O.D.

Jordon and his Adventures with G.O.D.

Chapters 3 & 4 are now posted. To keep the pages straight I am just adding to the first blog so scroll down if you have already read the previous chapters

I am immature, unorganized, and lazy but I'm fun!

Read this on the t-shirt of a cute little fat kid today. Pretty much describes me. After consulting spell check on a regular basis I have come to the great realization that a plethora of words that are part of my ordinary vocabulary do not even exist in the English language.

Gee I was really expecting the Shameful behaviors to be sexual and maybe with pictures

Thats not shameful behavior Lydia, That is standing up for yourself. While I admit it is not a partucularly good fuzzy for mothers day it was still a good thing for you to confront her. I am a big fan of confrontation for people with problems.
You should never just wash it under the rug tough that is the more peacceful solution. Ignoring problems doesn't make them go a away or get better and by not confronting her you are just enabling her delusions which is not good for her either.

Confronting her will not make the problems go away but she will most likly quit calling you and if you are consistant enough it may even force her to take another look at herself and get some help.

The closest story I have to this was my grandfather. He was a drunk the whole family knew he was a drunk but of course it wasn't polite to talk about it and you should have seen the griping out I got when I told the kids that their grandfather was a drunk but we love him anyway. I thought my mother would faint. Instead she just whined at me for saying those things to small children. Where as I think it is easier even for small children to deal with people who have problems if they have some understanding of what those problems are. Its that honesty with you children thing. always did get me into trouble.

After my grandmother inherited some money and retired with him to AZ his drinking became more pronounced I think he felt pushed aside in some manner because now he wasn't the one with the purse strings. He had always been a good provider but his life had it's own miseries and I can understand why he became a drunk though I think it started with the Manhattens after work socially and degraded from there. Both of them were sexually frustrated and from another era and this one did not make sense. He began to get worse and would start calling people in the family and screaming and yelling at them for whatever perceived wrongs they had committed . One time after I had filed bankruptcy I was yelled at for a good hour because I had not asked for money. (Had this strange Idea I should do things on my own, have gotten over this so people pleaase feel free to donate money) I had even managed to save the house they had loaned me the money for and keep it out of the bankruptcy. I thought I had done pretty good. I got upset, cried, felt guilty the whole nine yards everytime this would happen, my mother just got more upset but then I think he had more buttons to push with her and called her more frequently. I tried talking the family into an intervention etc... no it was not possible it was not polite yayaya. After a while I realized that I was letting his problem control me and I had to stop. The next time he called I argued back which accomplished nothing as arguing with a drunk is a waste of time. Finally I did the best thing I could. I told him that unless he was going to be civil I was going to hang up the phone. He ranted - I told him that I love him but that I was not going to talk to him any more when he was drunk, he ranted - I hung up - He called back I told him to call me when he was sober and that I loved him and hung up. The madder he got the calmer I became and the less it bothered me.

You can't change your mother but you shouldn't lie for her either. Not to her and not to yourself. When she calls after hours, smile and say mother you have to call during the day. I love you but because we have 4 kids here I can't have you calling at this hour so why don't you call me tomorrow and hang up. If she starts lying and ranting tell her that if she is not prepared to be truthful and talk civilliy then you will have to hang up and then do it. Suggest she go for counseling and that you will be glad to take her. Do it with a smile realizing that while you can not fix her you can stop the control she has over your life and emotions and trust me reading your rants she stills has lots of buttons you let her push. You can love people without letting their problems into your life. The most likely thing that will happen if you follow these tips is that she will quit calling until she is ready to be sane and when that happens you will be there for her.

Riley is doing great as is April I am guessing it is going to be closer to June before she delivers she is preferring that it be today, but we all understand that. I will try and get chapter 3 up today, wasn't sure anyone was reading it.
Talk at you all later but go perform mornign torture on body

Thursday, May 06, 2004

Strange & Weird Things

Learned this one at the vet yesterday
If your dog has eaten a box of staples or Christmas ornaments (you have a stupid dog) and you need to get the glass safely out of its system the secret you need is "The Cottonball Effect" Take cotton balls which must be real cotton not the synthetic puffs. Rip in half and Dip in cream or gravy, feed to dog. 2-4 for a small dog up to 5-7 for a large dog. Yes they will eat them, people says they seem to think they are special treats. (Mind you this is the same animal that ate glass so its not like they have taste) Anyway the cotton gathers up the glass in the intestines and delivers safely out the other end without the need for surgery. Sounds a little odd but does make sense and it was in the Vets newsletter so I am guessing it actually works.

DO you really like perfume? You may not after reading this.

civet or civet cat,any of a large group of mostly nocturnal mammals of the Old World family Viverridae (civet family), which also includes the mongoose. Civets are not true cats, but the civet family is related to the cat family (Felidae). Most civets have catlike bodies, long tails, and weasellike faces. Their fur may be gray or brown, and may be marked in various patterns.

All civets have scent-producing glands, located in a double pouch near the genitals. The fatty yellow secretion of these glands has a distinctive musky odor used for territorial marking. Commercially, this substance is known as civet and is used as a perfume fixative. Civet can be removed from captive animals every 14 to 20 days. And guess what they produce more when pissed off. Now isn't this the job you want to have and isn't what you really want to wear. Haven't worn any perfume other than natural oils for years and now I know why.

A second note on this:
SARS link: China culls civet cats
Civets are considered a delicacy in wild game restaurants in southern China.

The announcement Monday came after researchers at Hong Kong University said they found similarities between a virus found in the cats and in a suspected SARS patient in the southern Chinese province

I am feeling really sorry for the cats about now. Maybe SARS was payback for squeezing their genital glands and eating them while wearing them as perfume.

last and least disgusting
Did you know that when you sneeze your entire body shuts down? Heart, brain the works. But a sneeze is hardest on the eyes. You automatically close your eyes when you sneeze because a particularly hard sneeze could pop that eyeball right out.

Okay I am done with the educational stuff for today and I want to know more about this Shameful behavior of LYdias. Are there Pictures??????????????????????

Shameful Behavior

I was thinking about going to talk to a counselor but since I have free venting and insight right at my finger tips, why bother? In the spirit of the upcoming holiday celebrating the mother I offer the following. The phone rang and any time the phone rings after 10 pm around here it usually means a wrong number or my mother. I actually answer the phone with Hi Mom if it is after midnight. There are certain people in life that tend to bring out the worst in us and for me unfortunately that would be my mother, God rest her soul. No she's not dead, that was wistful thinking. Just kidding. My mother whom I love is a compulsive liar and a kleptomaniac. These are not insults, just stating the facts. Strange but true. On her last visit she made off with various different items and I was only slightly annoyed as I have grown somewhat accustomed to her odd quirks if you can call them that. She is getting worse with age and is truly beyond help. Until the last five years or so she resisted the temptation of relieving family members of their belongings but after speaking with my brother and his wife, anyone is fair game now. This is not the shameful behavior that I mention in the title. The shameful behavior is my own. A few months ago My mother had a moment of guilt perhaps and called to say that she found a few pieces of my jewelry in a ziploc bag in her purse. She alluded that one of the kids stuck it in there. I said nothing as she is my mother and I have never accomplished anything by confronting her in the past. Didn't really give it too much thought until she called me tonight. She casually mentioned that she needed to send it back to me. It would have gone no farther than that but she had to press the issue. She said that she really must have a talk with my daughter for putting those things in her purse. That Lindy really should not be allowed to get away with perusing through my things, as I permit her to do. I just lost it! I felt like she was trying to blame my daughter for something and I couldn't tolerate it any longer. I told her that I didn't care how it got in her purse and that she could keep it. I told her that it really pissed me off that she was blaming Lindy for something that she knows that she did not do. Then she said, "Well, I've thought about it Lydia and I am not going to visit you this year because I don't like the way that you treat me". Here comes the shameful behavior part. Lydia the disrespectful breaking one of the ten commandments daughter said, "Good, because I'm not going to play any of your mind fuck games anymore!" Then I said good bye and hung up. Mom called back dumped guilt about how she asked me a medical question last week and I did not bother to find the answer for her. Then I said I love you good bye and hung up. Then she called back and asked for my ex-husbands new phone number. I lied and said I couldn't find it. She likes to call him and have a sympathetic ear when ever she wants to complain about what an evil bad person I am. So there's an early mothers day warm fuzzy for you.
Brandy your sugar baby is in luck I wasted all of my negative energy today and have lots of positive healing vibes to send in his direction. Right now I am picturing him completely healed. Speaking of babies... How is April?

On the subject of revenge, haven't seen the movie yet so these are just some Lydia ramblings. I believe in the natural laws of the universe. I'm not God and am not issuing any sentences. I can throw no stones. I think death some times is too good for some people. Could I under the right circumstances take a life? I would like to think so. I would protect those I love. I would protect myself. Everything comes full circle eventually, including tithes, acts of kindness. God gives back to me what I give to others. Simple philosophy really.

Really strange and really cute in a 20 something boy sort of way

How To Draw a Dragon

If you are wanting something really strange visit the strongbad email files. Being a dragon this one is of course my favorite but if you like this one you can get a list of the others at the end of the show. You will need a flash player installed to run this and you will need sound to enjoy it. This is the url for the the main menu after you are done with Dragon Email Main Menu

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Interesting day Sort of

Took Riley (my baby sugar glider) to the vet he fell the other day and had a coke glass land on top of him hurt his leg I thought he broke it but the doc thinks it was just nerve damage and that he will be fine in a few weeks. He is still climbing to the top of the cabinet in the bathroom and was flying around the room quite well at the vets office today. I really like this guy but he does not usually do gliders and I need to find someone here with more experience so they snip his little balls off. Aren't I mean. Riley was quite riled at the vets. He is not real thrilled with being up during the day as it is and unknown people and bright lights were not a good combo.

Went on our anniversary date tonight and saw Man on Fire very good movie. Didn't realize it was a real story until the end.

Lately we have been discussing the value of revenge. Being mostly a pacifist I made my husband promise long ago that he would not take retaliation on any one if someone hurt me because I don't really believe in it but then again watching the movie tonight I have to admit everyone of them deserved to die. So I am kinda tossed on the subject. I have no real problem with the idea of killing someone and would not hesitate to defend myself or shoot someone that broke into my house. I would empty the clip make sure they were really dead and become a crying fearful woman on the witness stand if they charged me with something. But I like to think that I would not go after revenge after the moment had passed. I think this makes me somewhat of a hypocrite. Its the Buddhist in me. I believe in forgiveness and in gods ultimate judgment. Les says he has no problem with Gods judgment he would just send them to it a bit sooner.

So which is the better way to act? Is it better to rid the world of scum because you can or does scum serve a purpose? It would be impossible to know good without evil. So does evil serve the purpose of teaching us a lesson of what not to be and do. Are the people who commit true evils really god's angels in disguise helping us along life's path towards being a better race of humans. Do the ones we love die so that we might learn a lesson from it and maybe pass it along to someone else. And if I truly believe in God and life after death does the killing of innocents really matter as they are merely ascending at a more rapid rate than the rest of us. Maybe it is a blessing to be murdered and released, if so do we really have the right to seek revenge on our own terms.

It too late for much more deep thought.

PS - Lydia you should know that he selling of undergarments is now illegal in several states and on eBay - mainly because the items going for the most money were little girl panties. Kinda cruel actually single moms could afford new clothes for their kids a lot easier when they could sell the old panties for 100.00 bucks a pop.

Lydia - the used undergarments has been done! When B and I first started doing eBay there were pages and pages of them. I always wanted to meet someone who would actually pay for dirty underwear. I could have charged them extra for the pairs I've had "accidents" in over the years!

It's a bird ! It's a plane! It's not spam poetry!


Health Supplements
Rebuild your credit
Send unsuspecting people to high pressure sales pitch
Free ten minute phone cards
I'll teach you my real estate secrets
Personal real estate mentor
Biweekly mortgage website

I need to post the web address for that one. You will laugh your asses off! It is so filled with typos. It's a joke. I think that I'm going to tell Kelly that I need $1000 to invest in my new business. Selling tampon art on eBay. No, I think cat crap would be better. Ramen noodle mosaics! Used women's shoes ( I will advertise them as having foot odor). Previously worn underclothing, laundered or un laundered at an extra charge.

You take your life in your own hands, and what happens? A terrible thing:no one to blame. -Erica Jong, writer (1942- )

The Sappy but Cute Inspirational E-mail of the Day - I like the children's one best

1) No matter how hard you try, you can't baptize cats.
2) When your Mom is mad at your Dad, don't let her brush your hair.
3) If your sister hits you, don't hit her back. They always catch the second person.
4) Never ask your 3-year old brother to hold a tomato.
5) You can't trust dogs to watch your food.
6) Don't sneeze when someone is cutting your hair.
7) Never hold a Dust-Buster and a cat at the same time.
8) You can't hide a piece of broccoli in a glass of milk.
9) Don't wear polka-dot underwear under white shorts.
10) The best place to be when you're sad is Grandpa's lap.

1) Raising teenagers is like nailing Jell-O to a tree.
2) Wrinkles don't hurt.
3) Families are like fudge...mostly sweet, with a few nuts.
4) Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut that held its ground.
5) Laughing is good exercise. It's like jogging on the inside.
6) Middle age is when you choose your cereal for the fiber, not the toy.

1) Growing up is mandatory; growing old is optional.
2) Forget the health food. I need all the preservatives I can get.
3) When you fall down, you wonder what else you can do while you're down there.
4) You're getting old when you get the same sensation from a rocking chair that you once got from a roller coaster.
5) It's frustrating when you know all the answers but nobody bothers to ask you the questions.
6) Time may be a great healer, but it's a lousy beautician.
7) Wisdom comes with age, but sometimes age comes alone.

I've Fallen And I Don't Want To Get Up!

Ahhhhhhhhh! The blessed sound of nothing....Daughter and 2 grandkids left this a.m. after being here a week. God, I love them, but have become too damn selfish in my old age to enjoy them after 3 days. And too exhausted! Went to work when they left and didn't get home until 11:30 tonight. Have given hubby token sex and sent him off to slumber and am now enjoying my second glass of wine, in an attempt to counteract the massive amounts of caffeine I imbibed in all day to stay upright and smiling at customers. Lest you think I"m a total drunk, the doctor tells me that while large amounts of alcohol aren't good for the fibro, red wine at night will help with the insomnia that is a large part of fibromyalgia and CFIDS (Chronic Fatigue Immune Dificiency Syndrome). I feel any time a doctor gives you permission to do something, it must be okay. (Okay - I don't really believe this, but it sounds good when I want a glass of wine.)
Okay - going to try to touch all bases I have missed while occupied trying to keep hyper 4 year old, spoiled rotten 8 month old, and anal retentive 29 year old happy. Sex - this is one area I can't complain about. While we have other "issues" at times, I am married to the horniest man in the world and sex is one subject you will never hear me complain about. Eleven years together and we have sex more nights than not. Most I enjoy - the others I just do the noises Brandy talked about. Darrel even occasionally takes on the stereotypical woman's role, when I am horny and he is not (which is not often) and lays there and lets me have my fun. (I think he was a woman once.)
Men and what they care about - I think it's universal - If it doesn't affect them, it either doesn't matter or just totally doesn't exist. In some cases this is a good thing - Darrel doesn't care if the house is clean or if there is food in the house. So, it doesn't matter if I clean or cook. (Unfortunately, the universal female "guilt" gene still works, so even though I know he really doesn't care, I am compelled to feel like I HAVE to take care of these things anyway.) Of course, most the time the "it doesn't affect me so it doesn't matter" attitude is a problem. When Derek was still at home he and his dad built a shop and it was their pride and joy. I would get so mad when I'd clean the whole house and then they would tramp through the house making a mess. After much bitching and complaining with no change, I waited until they had spent an entire Saturday cleaning and organizing their beloved shop. On Monday, while they were at work and school, I went out and "disorganized" the entire shop, being sure to drop lots of things on the floor and mess up every work counter they had. The affect wasn't long lasting, but the pooint was made. (And it felt good to give free rein to my childish impulses of mess making.)
Mishy - it's good to hear you are having fun and you are officially invited to the surprise birthday party I am throwing Darrel May 21st. (You all are, for that matter.) Carol is closing the bar and we are having a "private party." There will be karaoke and we will make Mishy the star attraction. Some of Darrel's old high school buddies are getting a stripper to surprise him with, so you may have to naked karaoke to earn that title.
Also, Mish - I am mailing you a box of books on Friday. At least that's the plan. I"ve had the box packed for weeks and really have intended to send it sooner, but life keeps getting in the way. Okay - I actually have a memory like a sieve and keep forgetting. I'll IM you Friday if I actually get it mailed.
Lydia - My daughter and her family just moved to Fort Riley in Junction City, so I'll be there lots! Let me know when you go.
I think that's it, except B - I did go to the G Spot link, as I always do what you tell me to do . . . eventually.

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

The Blog of the Day

The G Spot Make sure you read April 28th

Smooth legs and Captain Hooks cats

I am glad that Mishy is having a life. I wish that I could sing. Well I can sing but then the dogs start to howl and that is a bit annoying. I'm drinking a glass of wine at the moment. I have not been sleeping well lately. I cannot seem to relax. I know that what ever phase in life this is that I am going through this too shall pass. I'm looking forward to soaking in my jet tub after the kids are in bed. I will shave my legs and put on lotion and you never know this could be my lucky night. I haven't been writing in my personal journal lately. Thats all right though I enjoy the feed back. Dona, my brother lives near Junction City. If I ever get that way which I'm very optimistic that I will. I would love to meet up with you. I feel like I know you a little already. I wish that Melisa would write something. I'm wondering how those kitties are doing. Every day on the way to drop my daughter at school I see a Mama cat sitting on a porch with her babies and I always think of Melisa. Also I drive past a street named Melisa each day. My father just got two black and grey tiger striped cats. He says they are very wild and all they do is hiss at him and cry. They are eight weeks old. He still has not seen the doctor about his thumb, he says that he has an apt. On Friday. I asked him to call me and let me know if he'll be needing a hook or not. (Like Captain Hook) He like myself has a some
what warped sense of humor.

Glad you two are blogging, and always nice to read the others....sorry I have not been typing too much...busy busy with karaokeing, and classes and cleaning... I have been reading though...I feel a lot of empathy for Lydia...and I remember when I came to the realization that Gary didn't care about anything until it directly affected him. Then, I used to try to figure out how to orchestrate things to 'affect' him, so he'd see it....never worked very well. But I am probably not much help at the moment, I am torn between missing him, and being glad I am out from under his thumb...

Monday, May 03, 2004

Door Handle Dilemma\Kelly's Freaky Car Habits\Lydia Is Still In A Foul Mood!

Kelly and I went to a junk yard and no luck on the handles. Then we went to an auto parts store (I waited in the truck with the kids). When he came out he said that they could order them and that they were only fifteen bucks each. Asked him if he ordered them. Of course he did not. Guess he wants to wait till he gets back next time to order them if he gets around to it. The second he leaves I will order them and hopefully they will come in pretty quickly and I can get Les to help me do the install. Thank you Les! Kelly offered to buy me a new car today and in the same breath reminded me how financially smart it would be to drive this one into the ground. I told him that I was ok with driving the Yukon for a while but that I would have to have door handles and an AC. Kelly made some comment about how he never has cared what he drives around in. I almost laughed out loud. I drove an old 87 Mercury Sable, the AC never worked (since I bought it used). The door handles promptly fell off. It was ugly but it ran great. I got in an accident (someone hit me). Their insurance gave me $1200 and I just kept driving until one day the water pump broke and the mechanic that did the repair told me he knew a little old lady who had a pretty decent car for sale. It was a 90 Chevy Lumina,cold AC very pretty, clean and everything worked for $1200. I bugged Kelly for a month until he bought it for me. It probably would have sold sooner but the old gal had no phone. There was a sign on the car window that said knock on door. I practicaly felt like a princess driving around this 12 year old car(I even washed it). I had the car for less than a couple of months when for some stupid reason Kelly took the Lumina to work one week. Well on the way to work Kelly hit a cow on the highway with my car. He did not even bother to stop for the animal. I was very traumatized by the incident. I was glad Kelly was not hurt but I was so angry that he did not stop for the creature. Kelly pounded out the door so it would open and close but basically it was totaled. Still drivable unfortunately. Before a years time some young punk drove into Kelly and finished off the car. Kelly then convinced me that even though I really didn't feel comfortable driving a truck that I should take the Yukon because big vehicles are so safe. He would just buy any old truck to get him from point A
to point B. Sounded good to me. I was very surprised when he bought the truck that he has now. He's kind of freaky with it too. He never allows me to drive it, we rarely go anywhere in it. I don't even have a set of keys to it. So if he loses his I guess he is screwed. It would be very chivalrous of him if he would offer to loan me his truck until mine is in working order. That is not likely to happen. Kelly probably has thought about it and really he would like to do that but he probably thinks that the kids would get it dirty or something and that could very well happen. Right now I am fantasizing that Kelly is not working on one of the houses but shopping for my Mother's day gift. He is at clay time right now glazing the childrens handprints which they made me as a surprise. After that he is going to go to half price books to find a cook book for the special recipe he is going to cook up. If he has time tomorrow before he leaves he is going to Objects D Art to buy me a special piece of silver jewelry. Something with a cat on it. He is smiling and he is so thrilled with himself because he knows how surprised I will be. He loves to surprise me!. Kelly loves to see me smile. I think that I am going to start making up nice things and visualizing them. Kelly is a big believer in the power of positive thinking.