Wednesday, June 30, 2004

3D Blowout Distraction Style - Free Trial

You only get one hour of free play so it can't become addicting - Unless of course you buy it. Cool Game Like a cross between tetris, super breakout and asteroids in 3D
3D Blowout Distraction Style - Reviews and free downloads at

Don't flog Brandy...

Don't flog Brandy... I happen to know she'll probably like it. Too bad about the date, as I was hoping to live vicariously through you all. Keegan says, "Thank you, Lydia" for the kind thoughts. He certainly isn't himself, but then I suppose I wouldn't be either if one side of my face was crushed. Rascals, the cat, is still holding his vigil at the back door and escorts Keegan around the yard whenever we go out. It is quite odd, but heart warming to see. The ten pound cat and the 100 pound dog strolling around together. Although I am a dog person, I understand perfectly about the smell. Keegan is getting a bath tomorrow, in hopes of "toning down" the odor for our 4-1/2 hour trip in the car to Junction City. And the smell is one of the reasons I said, "Absolutely no more dogs" after we had Digger put to sleep. It's also why the cat (Mama Kitty - ain't THAT original??) we've had in the house for years now lives in Darrel's shop. This might sound mean, but to be perfectly honest, she's much happier there, as she is not a "people cat." Hates everyone except Darrel. The eye on the side of Keegan's face that was crushed is giving him some trouble - it will be a while before we know if he will lose sight in it. But, after watching him and Rascals the last couple of days, I've decided if he does lose his sight we will just get him a seeing-eye cat.

Horrible News - Wing Date Cancelled

Due to the fact that tomorrow is the first, Something you would think I looked at before making this date. I have to cancel the wings date or at least April & I can't go. I have 418 payments due tomorrow and approx 200 of them will show up.

While I would be willing to leave Les all alone to deal with the insanity himself - I am guessing a few customers would be dead by the time I returned and he would punish me severely.

I am soooooo sorry. Considered next week but April is haveing 4 badly impacted wisdom teeth surgically removed and says she doubt wings will be on her list. When will Kelly be in town next Lydia, I am good pretty much anytime but the first. I can still meet ya after 6 for pool if you want.

You may all flog me later.


Cats and Dogs

It was nice to read about Keegan and the cat. Not sure if I spelled his name right I have a lousy memory. It was very sweet, I meant to wish him well on his recovery but I have been way to self absorbed and not giving each blog or dog proper attention. Keegan is fortunate to be so loved and cared for. There are so many human beings in the world that do not live as well as the animals in our lives. This is sad but a true and unfortunate fact of life. I never was much of a Dog person, it may have been the way that they smelled (like dogs). No way to describe the scent that even the cleanest most well groomed pooches posses. That doggy odor. My family had dogs. I never wanted one myself. While we were working on the home that we live in (a major fixer upper). I noticed a large red furry pup roaming the streets. I found his home and they said that they just let him run loose and that they did not want him. So I took him home and having no fence and not wanting to tie him to a tree I brought him inside. After about six weeks I realized that I was not capable of house training him and my son was not getting over his unreasonable fear of the animal so I decided that we would keep him on a chain in the back yard for a month or so until the house was finished or until I could find Truck a good home. Well the month was more like three months and boy was he happy when he finally was able to run free in a giant back yard. However Blaze would not so much as go near the back door. We had a repair person who had done work for us before over to fix a plumbing problem and he fell in love with Truck and said that he would love a dog like him. I said take him and love him he is yours! I never really bonded with Truck and I thought that this pretty much proved that I was not a dog person. Kelly and his father kept saying get a little dog for the kids, Blaze will like a little dog. I said no way! No dogs! Never! Then a terrible thing happened. My cats came up missing and I did everything short of hiring a private investigator to find them. I considered the PI but then thought that anyone I called would think that I was insane and would not take any of my theories seriously which if you are interested Melisa is that some deranged person probably one of my neighbors did something with them. After searching for them for a month nearly each day at Animal control I wondered into the PALS shelter which is next door. Hoping maybe they might be there. The girl said we have several wonderful cats here would you like to take one home. "No", I said. I want to find my cats. Then I don't know why I did this but I asked if they had a little dog that was not a puppy that was house
trained and liked kids. They said that they had two dogs like that. They had just got one of them today. He was a dachshund, they rescued from animal control. Ick, Weenie Dog, annoying little yapper I thought to myself but I went to look at him just to be polite. They apologized for his condition as they had just got him. He was ugly, he was scratched and too thin and was covered with ticks. He looked up at me with those big brown eyes and coughed. He was definitely a Nolen. His name is Rebel now and he sleeps under the covers and hogs the bed and goes with me wherever I can take him. He is our protector if anyone ever tries to attack my ankles I'm safe. Blaze is not afraid of him but does not care for him either. He doesn't like the way he smells. Blaze really is not a dog person. We brought Rebel with us when we picked out Iris a Calico cat our newest family member. They get along famously, while Rebel is generally annoying towards her (that's how he expresses his affection)Iris tolerates him well. She has never hissed at him once which I find odd. She also doesn't complain when the kid's squeeze her. Yes, Melisa my lovely girl and you share the same birthday and in a few years she may even be as tall as you. Looking forward to seeing you people at the Wings place. Interesting fact: Rum and Diet coke = 0 net effective carbs. This is a good thing as I am currently under going a butt reduction.

Dona Mason-Reneau - Are you out there?

In "googling" myself, I ran across someone with the exact same name as mine. I find this very odd, since as you can see, I don't spell my first name the "usual" way and I hyphenate my maiden and married names. So, Brandy has told me to blog this search for myself. Dona - are you there? Dona - are you me? Dona - are you from a parallel universe?

Today Will Be A Good Day!

It's raining here and the sun is shining! I love when that happens, but the birds are twittering and chattering like they are confused. But, it sounds like a happy sort of confusion, which I totally relate to. Seems that's how I spend most days lately. Confused, but with that idiot grin on my face that makes people wonder if I have received a hard blow to the head recently or have access to some to drug they can't get.
I love the eight ball story, Lydia. Brought back a memory from about 20 years ago when I took my mom to dinner at her favorite Chinese restaraunt. It had been one of those terrible days when everything had gone wrong for me (at work and at home) and I just wanted to escape for a while. Dinner was great - wonderful food and Mom and I had gotten to the point in our lives when we were friends more than anything and there was no one else I'd rather go spend a couple of hours with, beguiling her with my tales of woe and how my life sucked. Then the fortune cookies came. Mine was empty. I'm sure I had never seen my mother laugh so hard.
Going to Junction City Friday for the weekend, to visit daughter and grandkids. Since I have to work tomorrow from open to close, that means today I get to do all the "getting ready" shit that is involved whenever we both go away. This of course, involves making sure the ducks, chickens, and cows, are set to be left alone for 3 days, getting all the mowing done, packing my clothes (and HIS!!!), and 100 other "little things" that have to be seen to before leaving. This is why I hate going anywhere these days. This seems to be another thing that I have somehow managed to make "my job" over the years. Keegan, the wonder dog, will be going with us, since he needs "doctoring" twice a day and we can't leave him outside on his own, for fear of what he'll try to chew or eat. I'm sure he's in enough pain that his usual favorite chewing items (limbs and bark) are of no interest to him, but that nice soft cow poop all over the pastures seems to be appealing to him. (So gross!)

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Happy Birthday Melisa!~

I feel old today. The nice thing that I did for myself was rub a pumice stone on my feet. I feel like my mother. I use to watch her do this very same thing and I would think to myself what the heck is that woman doing. Now I know. Lindy enjoyed her microscope all day long. She found an assortment of interesting specimens to examine. I feel like a piece of silly putty. You can press me on newspaper, you can stretch me, you can roll me into a ball and bounce me on the ground. When your done you can keep me in a little plastic egg. I picked up Katy's magic eight ball and asked it if I would ever have a life again and it said,"that it cannot be determined now." Well thanks a whole bunch you crappy eightball toy. That wasn't the answer I was looking for.

The Naked Ovary

The Naked Ovary

A Googling We Go

Every once in a while when a person gets really really bored they go googling. Googleing is when you put your name in the google search engine and see just how popoular you are. Being really bored I did this for our blog.
When you Put in just Wisdom of the Ages you get 928,000 entries under google. No I am not going to list them all but I have put in a few that are reasonably interesting. Needless to say our blog is not in the top 20. For that matter I haven't found it yet at all.

However if you put in Wisdom of the Ages, Women We are number 1,

These three are places with wise quotes and on some you can add your own.

#4 On Google
Wisdom of the Ages

Educatinal Wisdom of the ages


Happy Birthday to Melisa

Today she is ????? And here is cheers to her programming ability I tried to get the word comments to change to something else for hours and hours the other day when I was messing witht the template. Took her les than 5 minutes. She is my programming Goddess. and before you tell me your not please consider that you are the only female pregrammer I know so If I want to name you Goddess I can - So there. Have a great day

To Melisa

Happy Birthday To You, Happy Birthday To You.
I wish you were turning twenty-two.
As I can't think of anything to rhyme with 24 or 25,
Which Brandy says you are!

Sorry about the kitties...and a very late Happy Birthday from me to April...I have been playing catchup here still, the studio has been hopping and I have been doing the usual karaoke, taxiing my girls around, teaching my classes and trying to be a real business-type-person with the studio, not to mention dealing with divorce-stuff. Most everything is going pretty well, with a few bumps in the road, to be expected I guess. All in all, I think my attitude was much bettered by getting some world-perspective. China was a really important trip in my life in many ways. Looking forward to a trip up to Nebraska to see my family and a side trip to Arkansas to see sister with her new baby, Cameron, who is now 7 weeks or so.

Read them all, Very creative person

Banana Slug

Chapter 12 is up

Jordon and his Adventures with G.O.D.: "Chapter 12 - Really Old Popsicles"

I, too, am sorry to hear about your kittens, Melisa. I am not a dog or cat person. I am a dog AND cat person. Have always had both in my life and love them equally. Keegan came home yesterday and is greatly enjoying his life as an invalid. He has always been a strictly outside dog, so being allowed to stay in the house all the time seems like a big treat. Since too much bone was crushed to completely reconstruct the side of his face, besides all the wires and staples in his mouth and head, he has a couple of large holes that go from his mouth into his sinus cavity. This is the main concern right now (the worry of infection) so every time he eats we have to clean the main holes with saline solution and a syringe. He handles it like a trooper. Since there is so much bone missing, it's a "wait and see" situation as to if these holes will ever close up. The vet says if not, he has no clue what we'll do. I'm being optimistic and operating under the assumption they will heal somehow. We have 4 cats, 3 of them are "barn cats" and one of the barn cats, Rascals, is actually a cat my sister had for years and we adopted him when she moved to town and we moved to the country. While none of the other cats dare come out around Keegan, Rascals and Keegan are the best of buddies and actually chase each other around the place, and roll around together like 2 little kids. This is odd, since Rascals was about 10 years old and Keegan was about 1 year old when they met, so it's not like they grew up together. Anyway, Rascal hasn't left Keegan's side every time we've gone out and he spent last night sleeping on the back porch, waiting for Keegan to come out. Both things have never happened before. I am always awed at animal's natural instincts and empathy. We could learn a lot from them.
Sorry to hear you've had such a bad week, Lydia. The birthday party sounds like fun, though, and I'm sure you'll have a blast. How old is your daughter going to be? I never had birthday parties either, mainly because my birthday is 10 days before Christmas and my youngest sister's is 3 days before Christmas. We generally got a pizza and told "your Christmas and birthday presents are coming together." I did the same thing and over-compensated for all my daughter's birthdays. Now she makes birthdays a national holiday for her family and friends.
Have to quit getting up early enough to see hubby off to work. He always has CNN on and I end up hearing news reports that just totally piss me off. As I told B, I like living in my own private little cocoon, insulated from the real world.

Monday, June 28, 2004


I'm looking forward to Thursday afternoon with you people if that is still a go. Please let me know. A very late happy birthday April. I am very sorry about your kitty Melisa. I am partial to black cats. My very first cat was solid black, I had her since I was 16 but earlier this year when I moved to this evil neighborhood she disappeared. I miss her very much. It is my little girls birthday tomorrow. She is my oldest and the child that is so far most like myself. Tomorrow I will spend an hour with her at the Creative Learning Institute learning how to work the computer program that we are going to use to help her reading skills. She will open a gift and eat Key lime pie and be Queen for a day. She is already a princess everyday. On Saturday she will have a swimming party which she has invited several friends too. These parties are getting a little out of hand. I never had any really special birthday parties growing up, feeling some how deprived I make up for this by indulging my children. We stuffed 30 goody bags tonight with items of course chosen by the birthday girl. Ring Pops, Fruit roll ups that you can tattoo your tongue with, Lucas-a mini lemon and salt shaker, and a balloon horn thing that makes a horrid sound. I've decided that I'm not going to write about my last week because I don't really want to go there yet. It is definitely the reason that my blogs have been scarce. I promise myself that I will write atleast one paragraph a day for at least seven consecutive days. I promise myself I will do something nice for myself each day like what I do not know. Today I bought myself a new bathing suit that I did not need. Tomorrow I will try my best to get eight hours sleep or at least seven.

High Court Slams Bush on Terror Suspects- Constitution 1, Bush 0

iWon News: "WASHINGTON (AP) - The Supreme Court ruled Monday that the war on terrorism does not give the government a 'blank check' to hold a U.S. citizen and foreign-born terror suspects in legal limbo, a forceful denunciation of Bush administration tactics since the Sept. 11 attacks."

Brandy & Dona quotes for today

"The wages of sin are death, but the salary of virtue is the same, and
the wicked get Sundays off." Don't know where this one came from - Les sent it to Brandy.
"As long as an enemy is judged solely by his appearance, his victory is assured." The Outer Limits.

Chapter 11 is now posted

Jordon and his Adventures with G.O.D.

Sunday, June 27, 2004

Some Children give me hope for the future

Carrick Flynn: ", “School prepares you for the real world, which also sucks.” We can think of the bullying school administration as being like our"

A day off - Today was my first real day off

How did it go? - Did I go to the Beach? - Spend time with just the hubby getting reaquainted? - Of Course not, Being a good (Martyr) mom I was making dinner for my darling daughter who turned 20 today. I also learned something new this weekend. I have never been a particularly meddling parent I expected civility and logical thought but my children were for the most part allowed to make their own mistakes as Long as they checked in occasionally and were home by dark. I never picked their friends or limited their choices in life. I considered myself liberal and cool. Well that was then. I am beginning to get an inkling of how we turn into our parents. It is so much easier to let your children make mistakes when the only person that can possibly hurt is them. It is much more difficult once they have kids. It bothers you more for some reason.

Okay mom I am apologizing again, I understand your worries better now. In the end most but not all were unfounded but I understand better the torture that you went through especially with as radical a child as I grew up to be. It is comforting to realize that the concerns and lectures were in our mind as they are in mine from true fear and caring not some wish to rule the lives of your children.

The day was very nice - Dinner was fantabulous - Paremsean chicken crepes with cream tarragon sauce and portabello mushrooms. Store bought cake but it was still tasty.
Hard to believe she is 20 and I am beginning to feel real old. Wish I could have done more and bought her bigger better presents but Oh well.

Happy Birthday April - I love you

A huge old rambling house. And when I say huge and old, it is both beyond anything you can imagine. The house appears to grow and shift moment by moment. (I have no doubt this image comes from the heavy ingestion of Stephen King novels and movies over the last 25 years.) Unlike a house from an SK book, though, this house is in no way evil. It eminates warmth, welcome, and sanctuary. It seems older than the ages. Mishy, Brandy, and I, (along with 2 or 3 other women I either don't know or can't remember) are busy picking out our bedrooms. Each bedroom is done in a different motif (even architecturally)from ages past. One is reminiscent of a Greek portico, one a Roman atrium, one a Victorian boudoir, etc. And each has it's own large attached bath, done in the same style as the bedroom. The grounds around the house go on forever and are dotted with a multitude of "secret" gardens and forests. Mishy picks the bedroom closest to the front of the house. (Don't know what significance this has, but I know it was important in the dream.) The other women pick theirs, and I pick mine. Brandy wanders to the very back of the house, which is crumbling and decayed. Even in this state, there is nothing ominous about the house. It's inviting, comforting..."home" in every sense of the word. Brandy, being Brandy, picks a room in this dilapidated section of the house. I am trying to talk her out of it (there are even sections of the roof and walls missing, the tiles in the bathroom are 1/2 missing and none of the plumbing works) and calling the other women to help me.
This is when I woke up. Have no idea what this dream means (if anything) but I know I awoke from it smiling, happy, and content. Until I realized it was just a dream.

Saturday, June 26, 2004

Dona and Brandy - Morning politics

dragonez: Gmail is going for nothing now and the swaps are
kinda humorous

dragonez: I want a personal shrine but that one is already taken

faeriequeene2000: that's funny. surprised no one has offer a first born

dragonez: Haven't seen that, Probably because the new gestapo
would show up at the door

faeriequeene2000: true. the true epidemic in this country is the lack of
a sense of humor.

dragonez: Yes that and politicians, I've been reading way
too much news lately

faeriequeene2000: goes without saying, as it is impossible to be a politician
and have a sense of humor. they have it surgically removed at a young age.

dragonez: Never thought about that

faeriequeene2000: as soon as they have the least little hint that they may want
to go into politics someday, they immediately have the irreversible surgery done.

dragonez: I want to go into politics and I haven't had it

faeriequeene2000: then you'll have to wait for the epidemic to be cured before
you begin your career.

dragonez: Okay

faeriequeene2000: besides, what you really want to do is go around and slap every
stupid person in the country and scream, "Stop being stupid!!" that's
a little different than politics.

dragonez: Les says that's his job

faeriequeene2000: and i would vote for him for that job.

dragonez: Well thank you maam every vote counts you know

faeriequeene2000: If only that were true....

dragonez: It is true if nothing else it is used to show
how bad the electoral college has become

dragonez: You will vote please

dragonez: Just not for shrub

faeriequeene2000: I always vote. If only so I feel I have a right to bitch. If
you don't vote, don't bitch.

dragonez: Good girl

dragonez: Wish everyone would

dragonez: Id rather listen to them all bitch than to shrub lie

faeriequeene2000: i've begun to think most of the country has been slip some sort
of mind altering drug. if you believe polls (which i tend not to) his approval
rating is still very high. i don't understand that at all. if my husband lied
to me this much i would have divorced him long ago.

dragonez: His approval ratings on the ones I read suck

dragonez: They are are scared and Fear is the mindkiller.Which kinda explains
it all

dragonez: Their minds have turned to pink jelly and they are no longer capable
of coherent thought

faeriequeene2000: and they must all never read or watch any sort of news or reports.
they decided on 9/12 to let Daddy take care of the monsters and they don't want
to hear anything except that he's keeping them safe.

dragonez: Like that's possible, personally I think it is
getting very scary here in America, I don't give a rats ass about IRAQ

dragonez: But the fact that they have a new part of the patriot act they are desperately
trying to get through the congress tacked onto other more important bills disturbs
me. My least favorite being the law can consider anyone, citizen or not, as an
enemy combatant and withhold all constitutional right


faeriequeene2000: God bless America

dragonez: Should read the comics on this site some of them
are hysterical

dragonez: Now if only the devil wasn't ruling it.

faeriequeene2000: Does the constitution even exist anymore????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dragonez: It exists but nobody cares

dragonez: did you watch the season finale of charmed

faeriequeene2000: of course.

faeriequeene2000: and i caught the parody.

dragonez: I am reading book 10 in the left behind series
about the rapture and I am sure these religious writers did not intend it

But the anti christ and GW have a lot of the same character traits
. Illusions
of grandeur and self deception being just a few of them

faeriequeene2000: "Fictitious name inserted here to protect actual person"
did his psych ward rotation already at the hospital. you know when someone comes
in and says they are being followed, phones taped, etc. - usually in the civilian
world this means admittance for observation. at a military hospital it means all
such claims have to be investigated, etc. He had a guy come in ranting about the
fbi, cia, etc. turns out he was right. Guy had made a comment about killing bush
or some such and the cia (or some such gov. org.) was following him, tapping his
phones, etc.


dragonez: And they were

faeriequeene2000: Oh yes. They were.

dragonez: They are all so narrow minded

faeriequeene2000: Don't see why people don't see that no matter how afraid you
are, if you strip away the constitution you have lost everything that "America"
is supposed to be. Doesn't that mean the terrorists have won????

dragonez: They have already won if we are living in fear

dragonez: Bush doesn't want to represent America he wants to drag us down to their

faeriequeene2000: I know, but beyond the fear - the fear causes people to sit
back and allow the constitution to be slowly and irreversibly strip away. All
the principle that make this country. To me, this is how the terrorists win the

dragonez: I totally agree but short of a revolution I am
not seeing it come back anytime soon

faeriequeene2000: the superseding of all state and local bans on types of law
enforcement That's from the first link you sent me. I had this sick, perverted
moment of belly laughter at the thought of what the Anthony cops would do with

faeriequeene2000: surveillance activity

faeriequeene2000: forgot that part!

dragonez: That could be a scary thought

Chapter 10 in now up

Jordon and his Adventures with G.O.D.

If you are tired of selling your gmail invites. Try swapping

gmail swap: the swaps I keep looking for that perfect swap. But the personal shrine is already taken. And I want a shrine - preferably on a wooded roadway in a cool shaped tree stump or even a proper cairn of rocks. I want candles and flowers and food left as gifts.

Friday, June 25, 2004

We've come a long way baby and there is still so far to go.

WorkingForChange-The way things were

Dona's Memory of Kenzie

this happened when i was at fort riley the first time and Kenzie had just turned 9 months old. she isn't walking yet, but crawling like a speed demon. you have to know her - a ball of spitfire already. always happy, laughing, singing, but very obviously constantly looking for the next bit of mischief. we were all sitting in the front yard and Cj has a tiny 4 wheeler type thing that's battery operated someone gave him a year or two ago for his birthday. it was on the sidewalk. Kenzie took off like a bat out of hell, climbed on it, and took off. Didn't even sit on the seat, but stood up with her feet on each side on the "running boards," pushed the button on the handle and flew down the sidewalk, long red and blonde hair flying, grey eyes large as saucers, and giggling to beat the band.

It gave me hope she will turn out okay despite her mother

needless to say, her mother spent the rest of the day tyring to keep off the thing, while i kept putting her on it and yelling, "Go Kenzie! Go!" as she squealed and shrieked with joy and took off.

Am a cool grandmother or an interfering mother? Somehow I think they aren't mutually exclusive.

Chapter 9 is now up if anyone is still interested

Jordon and his Adventures with G.O.D.

Thursday, June 24, 2004

Old McDonald Had A Farm....

I debated blogging tonight, as I felt that my day today would be of interest to no one but me. But, B says this is supposed to be a history of our days, and since sheer, unadulterated venting is allowed (actually, encouraged) here, I decided I would blather to the world about the day from Hell here on the farm today.
Darrel ran over our dog, Keegan today. Of course, you have to be a dog lover to understand exactly how heart and gut wrenching this was. And remember I had to put my beloved companion of 15 years, (Digger), to sleep just 2 months ago. Keegan is a joy, one of those "happy" dogs who always seems to smile. His one and only bad habit is he loves to sleep under the vehicles during the day. (Why he would choose to do this in the hot sand of the driveway instead of under a shady tree is beyond me, but it seems to be his spot of choice.) Although we have always worried about it, it's never been a problem because we know to look for him and can always spot the 100 lb. dog laying there. However, today Darrel had the stock trailer hooked up to the pickup and since the axles on the trailer sit only a couple of inches from the ground, he didn't see Keegan under there, and proceeded to take off.
I was finishing up getting ready to go to work when Darrel ran in saying, "I ran over my dog." I totally freaked and did not handle things well. He said the dog was wallking around, but was gushing blood from his nose and mouth and asked me to please come out. I just kept saying, "I can't Darrel. I just can't," as I sobbed. He said he was taking him to the vet and I just kept saying, "I can't go. I just can't." The thought of watching another "family member" die so soon after Digger just crippled me. I was so shocked at my weakness that I was ashamed of myself and finally said, "I'm going." I couldn't stand the thought of Keegan dying alone in the back seat while Darrel drove. I held him all the way to the vets (a 30 minute drive that felt like 2 hours) and he kept bleeding and choking and gagging. We had no doubt he had internal injuries and we were both sure he would die before we got there.
Keegan is still alive and at the vets and they will perform surgery on him tomorrow. He has a severely bruised side and one lung has a bruised and bloody spot, but no puncture. We've been able to determine that he actually wasn't "run over," but that the low clearance between the axle and the ground caught his head and dragged him several feet. One side of his "face" is fractured in several places and he may lose the eye on that side or the sight in it. He has several cracked and splintered teeth, his muzzle is pretty cut up, and he has a hole in the roof of his mouth, going up to his sinus cavity. (This is where all the blood was coming from and what was causing him to choke and gag.) They hope to repair this whole tomorrow. Of course, with any surgery there is always risk, but I look forward to having him home and completely spoiling him while he recovers.
We also discovered that one of Darrel's year-old calves has pnuemonia tonight. Now, you must understand that we are not farmers or ranchers. Darrel's little "herd" (3 year-old calves, one 4 year old Mama cow, and her six month calf) are PETS more than anything. They too, are like family members, and each has a very distinct personality of his/her own. We are "doctoring" Casper (yes - they all have names, which they know and answer to!) with penicillin and other "wonder" drugs and if he makes it through the next 48 hours he will be fine.
Okay - there's my saga of the day for posterity. Now I want to hear the rest of Lydia's tale, as I totally relate to the "one-eyed fish" idea - I always buy what my family refers to as the "Charlie Brown" Christmas tree!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

New Template Page

After procrastinating for months (something I am very good at) I have finally finished the new blog template or almost finished it anyway. I still don't have the Bios up but I think I am going to link them to a seperate page and flush it out a little more. The other alternative is that we all go fill in our profiles on blogger and they can click from there. Let me knwo which you would all prefer or we can do both. I have officially updated the links list through today and will attempt to keep up a little better than before. Pictures on the page (you should see two) will be rotated between many cool one that I have found and I will put up link to where I found them so theat the authors or artists can have their due. Hope you all like it let me know if something isn't working or if you think some way would be better.

Are you going to write again melisa since I changed it?

Wing Date is currently set for 7/1/04 and yes you can bring the boy Melisa. Time to eat will be 4:30 at Buffalo wild wings in font of the greenwood walmart. The party is only for 5 people but others are welcome they just dont get free food and drinks. Afterwards we will ajourn to Rack Daddy's until about 7 when April has to go home because she will have the baby and because she is under 21. Les and Michael may join us. Les has to work until 6. Kelly is welcome also but I figured he would be watching the kiddies for Lydia.

Please let me know if this works for you all.

I don't find you vain or odd Lydia. I have had a running argument with dress makers all my life that the proper length for a dress is to have at least 3 inches trailing on the ground. Jeans and sweat pants are worn long so you have something to stand on when walking across hot/cold/gravelly streets. Makeup is overrated and men like you as long as you say yes so what is the point.

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Maybe I will get to space someday - I would like it - I would puke but it would still be fun

Historic Private Rocket Launch Today at the Mojave Civilian Aerospace Test Center: "Mojave Civilian Aerospace Test Center, California --- The crowd of thousands equiped with recreational vehicles, barbecues and beer, binoculars and dreams, are building along the high red desert of Highway 58 this morning to witness the first private suborbital vehicle Spaceship One soar to the fringes of space this monring in what may prove to be a daring and historymaking flight nearly on par with that of Alan B. Shepard back in 1961."

Lydia is vain and Ranger can bite people and crawl away!

Melisa is alive! Pets and Life Animal shelter on Navigation near animal control will spay and neuter each kitty for $20. It's a good deal, some cats can reproduce at as young as four months so watch out or you will be a grandma. I was intending to chronicle the last few days events but I am feeling much too emotionally drained from them at the moment. Perhaps tonight I may get my second wind and fill you in. Suffice to say that it is about mental illness, self sufficiency, and the purpose of charitable organizations. I may never write it but I feel compelled to. Low carb diet is working, my butt is shrinking as I type or it could just be my imagination. I will run down stairs and try my pre-Ranger jeans on and let you know the verdict. I can pull them up all the way!!! I can almost button them!! Hooray for Lydia!! I don't know what compels me to feel the need to shop in the Juniors department. I really don't. Fear of women's clothing? What kind of phobia would that be I wonder? Since Brandy is preserving this for posterity let it be known that Lydia is vain. In an odd way of course because she is sometimes odd. She doesn't often wear make up and sometimes only brushes her long dark hair just once a day (which is not enough). Her jeans are often half an inch to long and the edges always tattered and thread bare. Has been known to wear shorts without shaving her legs (just plain scary) but is still driven to glance at her reflection at every given opportunity. She especially likes the little mirror on the visor in the truck. I have a lunch date tomorrow or a lunch meeting rather with some church ladies. We will discuss the back to school project which provides clothing and school supplies for children in the custody of Child Protective Services and other children that our local caseworker for Presbyterian Children's Homes and Family services identifies. Wow I just had a moment of brain activity. In B's line of work she may come across a good family that has been evicted (some times people store their stuff when they have no home to put it in right?) or Perhaps someone will give her a really good sob story as to why they cannot pay their storage rent, which would be terrible if it were true. Anyway if you ever hear of a good family that needs a little help. They can call me and I can put them in touch with the right person or agency. I am doing volunteer work for Presbyterian Childrens Homes. I am getting dangerously close writing about the passed few days events so I'll quit for now. I almost forgot this, Ranger started crawling and cut two teeth.

Nothing of Note...

I promised Brandy I would blog this week, so here I am. As she said, I have nothing of note to blog. I have been "unbloggable" for so long, because we have been going through one of those "life is too full" stages and I have been so sick I even volunteered to go to the doctor's, even if he gave me a shot. (This is my one great phobia in life - sharp needles sticking me in the ass, so this statement is a great testament to how bad I have felt.) Of course, I haven't gone to the doctor, but at least I said I would. Up until a couple of weeks ago I was working 5 days and 1 night for my sister, but thank God that has been cut down to one full day and night from open to close (Thursdays). But, in the last couple of weeks I've made 2 trips to Junction City to visit my daughter and the grandkids. Managed to catch some kind of bug from the little ones and with the fybro and CFIDS, I just have no immune system to fight anything off. (I think I'll tell her to sterlize the kids before I return for 4th of July weekend.)
I did make a monumentous (for me) decision in the last two weeks, however. I have decided to put nothing (and no one) before my health. What this boils down to is saying, "No!" when I don't feel well or think whatever the request is will be too much for me. This may sound like a paltry thing to most people, but B will understand just what a big deal it is. I have even gotten off to a great start. Janelle (my daughter) asked me to stay another night when I was up there last and I actually said the big "N" word. My sister asked me to work last Friday night, and I repeated this word again. (Brandy will know what a great leap all this was for me.) I'm either getting old and bitchy, or as B would say I am "evolving," because I've discovered this word is a drug and saying it is quite intoxicating!
Other than that, life has just been full of all the mundane, day-to-day, annoying nonsense that makes us all feel like life sucks and makes us forgot to count the blessings we have. Maybe now that I've actually blogged again, I can work on making it a habit.

Dear Patti from comments

Lydia was just kidding about the psychoanalysis. If you read the post again she does say she was kidding. She has a habit of saying one thing and then telling us it was a lie. (See transvestite Story) Actually this is one of the things I personally like about her.

The rest of us torment her and eachother all the time with our own psychoanalysis. Its okay - she can take it. Besides our only rule here is that you say whatever you want and we all know it so feel free to say whatever.

In consideration of you actually having enough nerve to speak up and because I am the Goddess of the Blog. (this just means I pay for it) I would like to invite you to join our cast of writers. To qualify you have to be female and agree to write once in a while. We prefer a paragraph a day but its not like any of us manage it. Don't care what you write about. Don't care if you tell us we are all nuts, as long as you write.

What I am looking to accomplish here is to have many women sharing thoughts, lives etc. and to be able to produce a look at the women of out times. You don't have to have exciting things to write and even if you just share links to news stories that interest you I would be happy. Dona keeps saying she has nothing of note to write, I am not looking specifically for things of note. Day to day lives may be boring but in a 100 years others might find them fascinating.

I am also doing this as a historical record for future generations in my own family. Genealogy is great but I think a forum like this presents a better look into the personalities of the people who wrote them. I personally host this blog and it will be paid for generations to come so you don't have to worry about it folding up and going away. If the server gets to full I will archive on CD and provide copies to all members but I am not worried about that happening for a while.

Hope you will consider joining us and lending your voice and vision to our world.
To let me know you can either leave a comment or send me an email through the contact link on the left.

Saturday, June 19, 2004

Emily Marie - The Minor Years - More new baby pics

Emily Marie - The Minor Years


I wish that I was on some strange trip but alas I am not. I am right here in my little bubble where there are many phone calls but no visitors. Of course if anyone would drop by unexpectedly I would only be embarrassed because my housekeeping is at an all time low. Sometimes tenants drop by to pay the rent. I have few friends, I am not very social. The kids really tie me down. It is quite an ordeal to get a sitter. I've thought about after Ranger is weaned leaving the kids with Kelly and just taking off somewhere for at least a few days. I wanted to go to Idaho to see my Aunt, I would take the two littlest with me and leave Lindy and Blaze with their father but Kelly is not too keen on us flying their. He is afraid that terrorists will kill us or maybe it is just a bullshit excuse to keep me close to home. Well actually I may hop on a bus and go there. I wonder how long that would take, days probably. Kelly is gone for two weeks at a time, what would it hurt if I took off for a week or even two while he was gone and I may do just that. Here's a little update on the latest get rich quick scheme, my Real Estate mentor has not called me in a month or maybe more. I talked to him a total of four times maybe. Oh yeah that was worth 3 grand! I told Kelly to call him (I don't have his number or I would) but he has not. Lets make up some fictitious scam and get Kelly to spend our money on it. Of course he will get nothing but maybe we could use the money to go to Vegas and act stupid. Of course I am only kidding. I would want to go some place cooler than Vegas. When I was dropping Lindy off at Girlscout camp, I was so excited for her and in a small way envious. My Church just got back from a mission trip to Mexico and I started talking to Kelly about the possibility of him going with me and he said no way. Although this is a year away he thinks that he will be too busy and if he isn't he certainly does not want to go to Mexico and build houses. He asked me if I would rather go on a vacation, I said I would like that but that I want to go to Mexico too. I kind of got pissed because he was making it sound like an either or. Kelly denies that he ever made the promise of a trip a year for me not to go to NY. In case I haven't said it, that was pretty stupid of me to pass that one up. I don't for see any one ever handing me a round trip ticket, hotel,and a per diem. Not gonna happen. I was so thrilled when I found out I was going. Man I was grinning for a week. He was there at the meeting that night and he did not congratulate me. Okay I'll shut up about that one. As soon as I wrap this up I am going to start planning Lydia, Ranger, and Kelly II's little adventure. I hope that Mish had an awesome time and that it was everything that she imagined it would be. Can't help you eat those cookies Brandy! Kelly called me a wide load and pleasantly plump in the same week. I took a look at my nude body in the mirror and I might be headed that way. I will how ever break my diet for wings and more so if you are willing to wait till the Thursday after next I would love to go! The Thursday after that works also. Let me know and it will be a date.

China, Wow

Jet lagged here, still...but starting to recover. I have so much to share...a couple of days into the trip I realized, when I returned here, that people would ask me to tell them about my trip to China and I would probably just drop my jaw and drool, total sensory overload. Mostly I was amazed by the people...boisterous, friendly, embracing...really a wonderful place, despite the poverty and squalor. I loved it and will definitely blog about the I come back to reality here...

Friday, June 18, 2004

VBS and Mrs. Timberlake

Vacation Bible school was awesome, I got a chance to spend a few hours each day with Kelly II,fourteen other three year olds and a few other brave adult souls. We sang, studied parables (in very simple story form), did cool crafts, made things with wood, and ate snacks. This of course left me too warn out to write even though I should have because some really fine moments have passed. Those kind of moments that you think that you should write about but you just savor the moment and it passes all to soon. I was lying on the couch nursing the baby and vegetating. Little Kelly came up to me and said, "I love God". He was stating a fact and informing me of something new. This was one of those moments and I don't think that anything could please me more than hearing that my son loves God. It was simply a beautiful moment. Kelly God loves you too! Today was the last day of all the righteous madness until next summer. Now for a real treat ( a point of interest in my child focused life). We had just packed a bunch of bird houses, and other crafty things in the Truck and started driving home. There is this particularly steep hill near First Pres, not my church just where VBS was held this year. Anyway, when we drive down it the kids throw there hands up in the air and yell wee!!! Then they tell me to drive down it again since I was so thrilled that it was finally Friday I obliged them. So I'm trying to back track which is difficult because this is a one way street and I am also directionally challenged and we end up in back of the YMCA near the church and some function has ended so traffic is a bit backed up. We are pretty much stopped going pretty slow. Blaze points out the window and says,"Hey are you a man?" I look over and say shush! I am surprised to see a definitely not very convincing transvestite, or a really scary woman. A pretty good five o'clock shadow, large atoms apple. He's wearing khaki Capri pants , almost exactly like my new ones and a fuchsia T-shirt with the arms cut off and knotted at the waste. His bra was showing. Yes I gawked as he was not looking in our direction and I was trying to answer my son's question. I said yes Blaze that is a man and then Blaze said, " He can't look like that!" That's when I told Blaze that he could look any way he felt like and that it's rude to yell out the window at people. Then Blaze said that he was not going to try and be a girl when he grows up. I snuck one last peek and noticed that their was some lettering on his purse. It said Mrs. Timberlake. I started to laugh my ass off. So the kind man who could ignore my sons comments apparently could not bare my ridicule, which wasn't even ridicule because I was laughing at his purse. Well maybe I was laughing because I was viewing a full grown man wearing pants like mine and a very silly purse. So he takes a couple of steps toward the truck and says, "What are you looking at?" I should be saying nothing at all at this point but I yell back, "your purse". Then someone honks there horn and we drive down the street and turn down the hill the kids yell wee and say again and I say that's enough. Actually this did not happen,I have nothing else even remotely interesting to write about so I resort to fake transvestite stories. I have not had much time to write now that Kelly is gone for 2 weeks at a time. I feel like a slave and prisoner.

Where Oh Where Can Lydia Be

I know Michelle is asleep if she's smart still suffering from China Time Sydrome. Sounds like she has lots of goodies when she wakes up into our universe again. Dona is sick and still working at her sisters bar She wins the best Martyr of the week award. Melissa is young and has a life. (And yes us old geezers want to hear about it). April has a baby and is walking around in that zonbie land known as new parenthood. Shirley just isn't sure we can all be trusted and prefers lurking to spilling her guts to strangers. But Lydia I always trust you to be there and your not. So today we are guessing where is Lydia?

Is she being blissful with her hubby and kids and just have to much fun to want to share it with us. Did she go away on some trip which I am sure she told us about but we forgot(I forget a lot). Did Kelly read her Blogging and lock her up in the attic as punishment for having thoughts and feelings of her very own. Did aliens abduct her or maybe she has been transported through the space time continuim to a world of intelligent beings and she just can't bear to come back to this one. Or maybe she forgot to pay the internet bill again. Have to get her on DSL, don't know how she survives without.

Hope she comes back soon. They had another opening at the new Art center tonight thought about calling you and going with you again maybe taking Lindy and April and eating cake and drinking wine and making comments about the quality of art, not to mention the prices but of course I didn't remember until 8:00 tonight which is when it started.

Won a happy hour party at Buffalo Wild Wings for 5 one night(Free wings and 1 free drink each). If Lydia and Melissa would like to go and then maybe play pool afterwards at rack Daddy's let me know and we will call it a date. April wants to go to. Could be fun

Has to happen between 4:30 and 6PM Tuesday through Thursday - I vote thursday cause Yues and Wed are wimng special days and they are packed.

Still have peanut butter cookies left from the Susie Homemaker weekend Will still feed them to you if you stop by.

Movie Reviews this week consist of - Mystic River - The Spartan and The Cat in The Hat

Mystic River 3 1/2 Stars
Good movie but kinda slow - serious type of drama - not really into those especially not the New Jersey Type. Sean Penn was nominated for an Academy award but I would have Nominated Tim Robbins for his part instead. And Of Course Kevin Bacon wasn't bad either.
Good Cast - Worth watching but I could have waited till it came out on HBO. DOes anyone else beside me think that Sean Penn looks more like De Niro the older he gets.

The Spartan 4 Stars
Best Thing Val Kilmer has done in years - Like this one much better than Mystic River,
Also a great cast - Real Plot and everything -

Cat in the Hat - 2 Stars
If you are 12 or under you will probably like this movie - If you watch football and drink beer all weekend you will probably like the movie - If you have a brain or any good taste what so ever chances are good you will only find it mediocre. Sets are nice effects are sometimes cool. But the script is just mostly rude and tacky. Which I suppose it what it is supposed to be but I didn't like it. I did watch it all - Les left about 1/2 way through. Still have never seen anything with Mike Meyers that I liked. I admit I didn't like this particular Suess book either but then I was one of those good kids that followed the rules. Was hoping they had turned it into something good. But it just doesn't make the grade. Not sure I would even want my kids to watch it because most of it is in such poor taste and there is so much better stuff out there.

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

OK I'll Blog

I am beginning to get as bad as the rest of you. I want to blog everyday. I get up every morning and tell myself I am going to blog. I come up with all sorts of interesting and witty things to say in my head as the day rolls on but then night comes and there's dinner and there's the hubby and there is swimming naked in the swimming and we all know where that leads. Even when I have time and sit down to the computer I read other blogs pretending I am just going to look for a few minutes and then I get sucked into the lives of other strange beings and then its bedtime and I am old and need my sleep. I do try and at least post interesting sites so there is something new to read there but I have so much more in my head that I am sure it will explode some day if I don't get it out. And then I wait too long and it all builds up and I can't put it all in one blog or it would be just tooo long and the other members might shoot me for wasting useless space.

This last week has been interesting, sorta in a boring kind of way. My router died Friday so I actually had an excuse not to blog then. Bought a new one Saturday, Went into withdrawal even though I wasn't using the computer and had another one that was working on my office desk. Okay so maybe that wasn't a real good excuse but I did spend several hours deducing that the problem was what I thought it was in the first 5 minutes of the break down. Its a good thing to be sure right? Even if it does take hours?

New Router very small and cute and is wireless and 802.11g. I realize that means little to my sisters here on the blog site but suffice it to say that it is faster than the old and if I ever get another computer I don't have to worry about running cable. I have not yet set up the firewall on it so I am sure that eventually I will have an assortment of little boys (I always liked assortments)in my parking lot picking up my wireless signal and using my internet for free. They can't get to my computer and I don't notice any difference so I have a hard time caring about wardrivers. (War Driving - Def. Driving around with wireless laptops and stealing internet you are not paying for. )

Didn't notice the problem with the computer until very late on Friday because I was having awesome sex with hubby, not that any of you care but it was screaming from the mountain tops good sex. As usual I wanted more. Les says I tell him way too many things I shouldn't and that I give information he really didn't want to hear. Its like when you taste something and it awful and you say "this is gross you try it" I am always amazed at the people that actually fall for that. Well at times I have been known to share personal or other slightly disgusting but everyday normal things with my hubby and he always goes "I didn't need to hear that" Men would make such better women. You start talking about baby puke or anything else slightly off color they get a little green and go hide. Les unfortunately has now decided to retaliate - Don't remember what he told me the other day but I do know I could have lived my whole life without knowing it which is why I have promptly forgotten it. Whatever it was. I think this is kind of strange for a gender that lives on fart and poop jokes when they are young.

Work is going okay - we were supposed to have an auction today but the main office forgot to run the ads. Too bad they didn't figure that out until after they flew down here. This means I still have homemade peanut butter cookies if anyone want to stop by and help me eat them Pleeeease. This should be my last week of working Sundays I only need to rent 5 more and I have 5 small ones available. Pray to all Gods for me because I need a day off.

It is very cool that someone is reading the blog besides just us. Comments are always good. I agree with Dona I love my husband but liking him at times is a completely different story. And I know he feels the same. I don't think he has planned my death in quite as many ways as I have planned his. Sometimes when the kids were little and all three of them were off somewhere I would plan not only his demise but that of my children too. I would spend the life insurance money and have a life of my own. A concept which like women's rape fantasies I am sure is much better in my head than in reality. The reality is that if they had had that massive car wreck during one of those moments I would be struck down with or guilt or my woman mind would say I should be so I would act like it even if I felt a we bit of freedom. To counteract this slight feeling of joy and freedom I would have to sacrifice the rest of my life to atone in some martyrish like way. Volunteering for childcare for the rest of my life, the nunnery and the peacecore are all ways I could see me punishing myself.

Lydia you should call the cops next time there is nothing to get the stoned parents attention like cops showing up at the door. Or you can just take the pepper spray turn the kids over your knee and give him a proper spanking. As long as you do it properly they wont' arrest you and they might well laugh.

Hope to hear from the rest of you soon.

Monday, June 14, 2004

Great pictures of strange bugs and other things | Photoshop Contests | Are you Worthy

I was afraid you wouldn't find it

Propeller Island City Lodge Orange Room
This is on the Boing Boing Page below but I didn't want Dona to miss it. She has been looking for someplace special to spend her anniversary. I think the rooms here qualify as special.

Spend hours looking at it all - Its worth it - Dona Check out the hotels

Boing Boing: A Directory of Wonderful Things

Friday, June 11, 2004

Safety or Freedom - Don't make the wrong choice

Something worth protecting

Thursday, June 10, 2004

She's no dumb blonde thats for sure

BlondeSense..... the 6th Sense

I forgot...

Been meaning to tell you, Lydia, since you posted that you had tiled the coffee table...
I am so proud of you! To understand that, I must tell you that I have had an old wooden coffee table, the tiles, the mastik, and the grout, to do this exact project for over a year now. All these items are currently sitting in my barn, in the exact spot they have been for the past year. You saw Mish's pictures, were inspired, and DID IT!! Kudos to you, and I don't care WHAT it looks like, (I'm sure it's wonderful), you did it!

Is there life out there???

I'm back! Yeah, I didn't even know I was gone. Lydia, don't feel bad. I can't even find the things you were looking for! I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but I have nothing on my "dashboard" but access to the two blogs B created - no links, no nothing. I feel like a complete techno-idiot!
By the way - I never said I ALWAYS like my husband - some days I think I hate him, but I always love him. B and I both love our husbands and have been known to plot their early demises a multitude of ways. We've even spent the insurance money time and again. Loving and liking don't always go hand and hand. That's life and people who don't realize it are either too young to know any different or still sitting on the porch next to the guy with the banjo. (Wonder if she'll even get that reference?)
The house sounded grand and you should have just shouted, "YES! YES! I WANT IT!" Damn the consequences, full speed ahead. What fun is life without risks? Okay - I know raising kids is a daily journey into the world of risks, but maybe the house was the adventure you've been waiting for???


I got a comment on my a lot of things that don't like about Kelly blog. I only know this because I was looking for the link to see little miss Em because I didn't do anything intelligent like book mark it. Apparently I have left this person with the impression that I do not like my husband and that love is a chore. I never said that I don't like Kelly I just said that I wasn't sure that he liked me. Some times I'm not so sure. Love ahh. I think that I am one of the most loving people I know. If I wanted to be psycho analyzed my insurance company has great mental health benefits. I would much prefer if people limited their comments to things like all men suck, my husband is a turd too. That kind of thing. No not really. I really love hearing about all the wonderful things that Les does. I was actually in shock that someone besides us actually reads this hooey that I'm writing. Notice that I did not say we. :)

No good title

Finally, Ranger is asleep. He is a light sleeper these days and this is a noisy household so he is quite sleep deprived. I am quite sanity deprived. The two eldest are at their dads and the husband is out being frustrated at one of the houses and the little Kel is amusing himself so finally a moment to write. The moment that I logged on to the computer my mother calls. (Because she has the worst timing of anyone I know) Of course after she goes on about nothing of any concern to anyone but her and I firmly but politely inform her that I have put aside this time to write she of course is offended because she does not understand that my writing preserves my sanity. What little I have left that is. It is a good thing that I have not written anything within the last few days because it would have been all too dark. I read the sarcastic soccer mom and quite loved the part about wanting to flirt with the neighbors, impromptu cocktail party bit. I want to flirt with someone's neighbors just not my neighbors. More on why I do not want to flirt with my own neighbors later. Neighbors son maybe, the one on the motorcycle. Sarcastic soccer mom also inspired me to by a new outfit. I bought a pair of pretty khaki colored flowered capri pants with a draw string waist ( for when I lose weight haha ) and a tie dyed orange stretchy tank top with an embroidered flower on it built in bra with not quite enough support. It probably would have enough support if it were the right size. I am a victim of gravity and am clearly in denial. I love to write even when I have nothing inspired or of any particular interest. I am going through a rough spot right now. I feel like I have no identity or purpose but to serve my family and that is not at all a bad thing but I would like to carve out some small something that is just for me. Then I feel selfish for feeling the way that I feel. I can control the way that I act, the things I say and do. My thoughts my emotions, no way. I am such a freak that my blood could be boiling I'm on the verge of going postal and I outwardly remain calm. I call this maturity but it could be something all together more sinister. My neighbors son threatened me with a can of pepper spray last week all because I politely asked him not to try and run over my seven year old daughter with his bicycle. So I walked over and informed his parents. Even though I wanted to grab that little brat up by his collar and scare the hell out of him. I told his stoned father and nothing much seemed to happen. I thought that if my kid was spraying pepper spray at someone I might appreciate if they called me before the police. I'll call the cops if there is ever a next time which I pray there never is because I may just smack that kid up side the head and face the consequences. Did I mention, I was holding a seven month old baby when all this BS occurred. I called Kelly and gave him the details of the incident and he didn't seem that concerned. I half expected him to leave work over it but no such luck. The giant house scheme is out the window as even Kelly realizes that it is beyond us. We could swing it if he wants to work off shore until retirement age but that is not the plan. Honestly it would have been pretty wonderful. I admit it, I wanted it. I just didn't want to say so. If there is any noise coming from that church my family would be the ones making it. I would like to throw open my back gate and let everyone in. I want to make this house a home. I might just tackle some home improvement projects myself if I ever have the time. Mishy something about making her home exactly the way that she wanted it. I may be limited by time and budget but Kelly could care less what I do with the house. He hopes some day I may clean it but other than that I could paint the walls bright green for all he cares, and I did paint some of them bright green but it wasn't the bright green I was going for. Kelly was the critique of my mosaic masterpiece. I did agree with him that I need to sand the many rough edges on the tile. Kelly sort of cleaned our bedroom and finally put Rangers crib together. I am not the laziest person in the world I did want to put Rangers crib together but there was all this stuff piled on top of it in the garage and Kelly kept saying that he was on the verge of doing it. I'm going to try and get Ranger into his crib so I can improve the scene in our bed. I hear the Ranger man, the tyrant baby man calls. I must attend to his every whim, my little prince.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Brief Flights of Fancy

Haven't heard from Michelle in a few days. Lost in the porcelain winderness of chinese provinces. Examining glaze runs and collecting vital shards with glaze colors and visions of beauties she will have to make. We all wish we were her.

Or she could have been captured by the Chinese Porcalain underground and she is as we speak being forced to create bowl after bowl in the exact same design throughout eternity. Collecting vital shards sounds like more fun so we will just stick with that.

I only need 7 more units to rent without anybody leaving and I will have Sundays off. Working 7 days a week isn't bad when you are working at home but 11 months is enough. I am am ready for predictable days off every week where I can lay in bed until 11 or sleep on the float in my backyard pool. Maybe I will even find some time to write or paint or go through the mountain of crap I call belongings and see what I can sell off instead of move around. I have toooooo much stuff. I envy Lydias talk of emptyness. We even get 2 days off for the fourth of July that will be a first in a year.

Dona is home as of tonight and will hopefully be back to blogging on a more regular basis. I will start getting more chapters of Jordon up in the next few days so I can be done with it and move on to the next one. Also plan on updating the lonks on the page so if anybody has some they wantt o see as permanent do the blog this thing and let me know. Maybe I will even get to writing Melisas Bio so she will have an excuse to write more. Lydia where did you go. Posted more Emily Pics to her Blog if anyone is interested.

Its a guy, but worth reading

Growing Up

Monday, June 07, 2004

The Sarcastic Soccer Mom

The Sarcastic Soccer Mom

Sunday, June 06, 2004

A butterfly's breath in August

Mellow day here at the Storage lot. My least favorite customer got himself into yet another jam. Went and bought a huge unbreakable lock and then lost the keys. Lock can't be cut with our cutters or drilled, he ended up today spending 6 hours hack sawing through the metal to get it off. I feel sorry for him and I try to be nice but he can be so annoying and has no concept of time or propriety.

I am stuffy when it comes to doing things properly at times. Not that I know what properly really is or why it could possibly be important. In some ways manners seem to be a tradition in my eyes. A tradition we have let slide. I read there is a southern saying that one should put on their manners every morning the way they put on their shirt. I like that. I don't care what people think or say but I see so reason not to be polite about. Telling someone they are a jackass softly in a polite voice with just a hint of disdain is just as, if not more meaningful than screaming it in their face.

I like traditions, I like things that bind me (Les would say I just like to be bound) and make decisions for me. I want to lie there and let the world pass around me. Yet obligations drive me out. I decide too many things in any given day I want the rest of life to be laid out. I want there to be rules. I want the rules to be sensible and just and there in lies the problem.

Childrens birthday parties, myths of childhood that form lives. I was never good at giving parties I think Josh and April both managed to get one out of me that might have been worthy of the name party. They seemed to have survived yet another lack of parenting skills.

We have been having a movie fest here this week. Watched all of the following:
PAYCHECK, kILL biLL vOL 1, THE LAST SAMURAI(Great Movie - I had planned on not liking it)
Down with love, & 4 Feathers (Also an excellent movie) Reccomend all of them

Mishy sounds like she is having fun in China, not that I could imagine Michelle not having a good time anywhere she went.

New house sounds wonderful and I vote go for it. Leave it empty furnishings are just something you have to move. The laws of nature to apply to houses. and nature abhors emptyness so over time you will fill the house. Fill it with things you love pick up antiques make it truly yours and even if it takes 10 years to accumulate pieces you really love it will be you dream when you are done. Yardsales are almost the only place to find real wood furniture in this glorious age of particle board. Let Kelly whine and do what you want anyway. He likes to whine, he likes the frustration or he wouldn't work so hard to keep it. Don't deny him a pleasure in life but no one says it has to affect you. I like that you laugh at him, It shows courage. Don't know about having a church in my backyard. I am thinking parking lot and noise, But then I am the hermit.

Large bathtubs should be properly worshipped wherever they are found

It seems so lonely here. I'm not feeling so psycho today for reference to my state of mind view my draft which I deemed to pathetic to publish. Kel II's birthday party was yesterday and it was great fun. We had a barbecue at the home of Kelly's sisters boyfriend. His little girl celebrated her birthday with Kelly. She's a really neat little girl. We rented an inflatable castle and the kids went wild. Their was cake and candy and great food. I didn't have to cook any of it so of course I was loving it. Anything homemade that I do not have to cook is always top on my list. Lil Kel enjoyed everything, it lived up to his expectations I'm sure. His Mickey Mouse party has been a topic of conversation in our household for some time now. It was a widely anticipated event. Grandad brought him a small sized metal bat and a baseball. Apparently he does not realize that Kelly is only three years old. We are going to buy him a tee to put his ball on and practice his swing. I think that his favorite gift was a spiderman book. When the party winded down and all of Kelly's guests left we rudely went across the street and looked at real estate. A 3500 square foot fixer upper could be a quarter million dollar home. We could literally open our back gate and go to church. It has a bathtub that our whole family could fit in or atleast both Kelly and myself, and wouldn't that be fun. Of course I told Kelly not to even think about it because it definitely would not be the way to live below our means. I could tell Kelly was in love immediately so I tried to curb my enthusiam as I am the brains of the operation or at least that is what I keep saying to myself. The house was just interesting until I saw that bath tub. We had pretty much decided that we could not tackle it until I informed Kelly that I was going to tell my friend Crystal about it. She is looking for a real estate project and may actually have the cash so I thought that this would be a good opportunity for her. That's when Kelly started talking about actually selling one of the houses that are not making any money so we could have the moola to finance this monster. We called Kelly's sister to see it again but no luck so far. I just can't envision our family in that home. We can't even furnish this home. El cheapo complained when I spent 90 dollars on a much needed used kitchen table a t a garage sale last year. Our big furniture purchase was a crappy 100 dollar put it together yourself fiber board entertainment center from Wal mart. That house would be so sparse. I don't think that I could find enough crap lying on the side of the road to furnish it. FYI that's where a few of my nicer things have come from. My home is furnished in white trash trailer decor (mid century). I'm all for living below my means, I rarely spend any money on myself, but I would really like to be comfortable. I would like some furniture (not necessarily new) that I picked out myself and that I actually liked. I think that I deserve that but this is a bit much to expect as door handles apparently are a luxury. Note to self. I must order door handles tomorrow and get with Les about the repair. I need to quit procrastinating. It is very hot now and getting stuck in the truck now could get dangerous.

If we live in fear then the terrorists have already won

Anti-terrorism agents investigate artist who had biological equipment, materials

Thursday, June 03, 2004

Wrote this a while back when I was miffed at Kelly. Me clean all day, like that's really gonna happen!

Spent the afternoon/evening with cool wants my body Kelly and I woke up to him smiling at me in bed this morning. Around noon Critical Kelly showed up just as I had begun to regret all the nasty but true things that I wrote about him. I have decided that Kelly indeed has multiple personalities. We were sitting at the table chatting when suddenly the converstaion took an ugly turn. Loving husband informed me that I would not be depressed if I lived in a tidy atmosphere, and did not have piles of laundry. I of course took this bit of insight as a slam, he should have said if only I stayed home and cleaned all day life would be blissful for him because this is what I heard. Don't know why I chose to take it this way. I have decided to just hang out at home while Kelly is here and try to be as domestic as possible. I see him so little, I might as well just give him what he wants. If all he wants is a maid, cook, and child care provider then I'll make his day! When he's gone I'll just do what ever the hell I please. This plan probably sounds really stupid and it probably is but I can't seem to find any happy medium.

Some things in life I will never understand

iWon News:"'It's hard to believe that the best way to deal with the FBI's 27th most wanted terrorist is to send him back to a terrorist-sponsoring country,

And why would we send them back - to protect our secrets of course.

Justice spokesman Bryan Sierra said Wednesday the government has concerns about many people with suspected terror ties, including al-Marabh, but cannot effectively try them in court without giving away intelligence sources and methods.'"

Something to think about

iWon News: "Congress and President Bush have so far provided $119.4 billion for the war in Iraq. Here are examples of what else that money could buy."

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

A Late but heartfelt tribute to Memorial Day

I may hate Bush, And I may think us getting into this war is wrong. But my prayers are with you, the soldiers battling in his name. May you soon return home to your loved ones safe and healthy. The batles over and the cause won.

How could I forget??

Forgot some of my favorite things about Darrel!
He doesn't care if I never clean house or cook. About the only thing he cares is that he has clean clothes. Can count on two hands the meals I've cooked since the last kid left home (6 years ago) and Darrel is always saying, "Don't worry about it - the house looks fine," even if the dust bunnies have taken over the house and you can't find the floors through the mess. While he's not much to go out and buy a gift, (and the ones he does are generally practical ones), he's always leaving me love notes throughout the house for me to stumble upon. He's always telling me how gorgeous, sexy, etc. (I never said he had good eyesight) I am, and even more so when I know I look my absolute worst. All in all, I could have done worse. (And have, on several previous ocassions.)

You Guys Inspired Me...

Okay, having spent what seems like no more than 10 minutes with my hubby in the past 4-5 weeks, you guys have inspired me. The bad first - what I don't like - In eleven years I can't think of one single project in or around the house that has ever been completed, not to mention the hundreds that haven't even been started. (B - the parts for the new hydrant were purchased over 2 weeks ago and still sit in a bag on the floor. However, I was told he was going to start it one night this week. I worked last night and when I asked what he did, he set a couple of poles in the corral for the purpose of SOMEDAY putting a new fence in there.) It's not that he can't do "handy" things - he friggin built a whole 10 room house and shop years ago. It's that "it doesn't bother me so it doesn't exist thing." The unfinished things don't even upset me any more. The kitchen floor laid 3 years ago that still has no trim around it, the tile floor laid almost a year ago that has no trim around it, the room next to our bedroom that we can't use because 1/2 of one plaster and lathe walls is knocked out and all over the floor, (the list goes on and on). They have just become a way of life, but it would be nice to have something completed, just once. Spending way too much time on the first complaint, I'll move on. The fact that he can't say no to his grown children, although at 24 and 25 I feel they don't need to keep draining us of every penny we manage to save. (Maybe this should be a thing I like about him, but it really burns my ass.) Somehow over the years it has fallen to me to do all the lawn care (with 9 acres, we're talking a full time job here) and cleaning of vehicles. (Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I always thought these were GUY things??) He never fixes anything around here. Bathroom faucet has leaked so bad water runs down the counter top every time you turn it on, since the day we moved in here. I guess it's not causing permanent damage yet, so it doesn't exist either.
Things I like - in eleven years I have only seen him get mad 2 or 3 times. He's the easiest going person I've ever met and I want to be like him when I grow up. I do and have anything I want - I don't even have to ask - just do it or get it. (Lucky for him, I'm extremely low maintenance.) He treats my 38 year old "baby" sister like one of the kids and has never hesitated to help her any way he can. (We call her our oldest and most troublesome child.) We have sex more nights of the week than not, and even after all these years he insists that I must be pleasured before he is. (Even if there is the ocassional time I have to fake this, just so he will finish.) He has the best paying job in the county and he never sees his paycheck or the check book. He gets an "allowance" and I do what I need and/or want with the rest. Not a day goes by that he doesn't tell me he "adores me," or "cherishes me" or that he's the luckiest guy in the world. He calls at least twice a day from work, every day, just to say he loves me. While he would rather I stay home and not work, if I want to work it's fine. I'd rather do nothing with him than something exciting with anyone else. Enough dribble.
Mish - I'm jealous beyond words, but think it's so exciting. I can't wait to hear your tales when you return. Melisa - we are about to send out the search and rescue teams. Brandy - hope you are proud of me. I promised a blog next week, and here I am!!


I some times wear his t-shirts when he is gone even though I know that he hates this. Sometimes wear the ones that he has already worn because they smell like him. He says, "Wear your own damn clothes". I usually wash them (except for when I forget) and try to put them back exactly where he had them so that he won't notice. Some times I don't care though. I just laugh when he gets mad at me. He really hates this. I don't know why I laugh at him so much, probably because if I didn't laugh I would just take everything too personally. I still like him. I like being around him even when all he wants to do is read nap and be left alone. Which is the majority of the time. I was initially attracted to him because I saw him in a pair of shorts and liked his legs. I saw how loving his was towards his daughter and I liked that too. I brought some puppies to work to give away and he didn't care. I thought that he was the perfect man. I just ignored all those child like flaring tantrums that he had that scared all of his other employees away. I found them rather endearing actually. He is ethical and a great lover when the mood strikes him. He will try to fix almost anything especially those things that should probably be replaced. He doesn't try and fix anything that I actually would care about like a bedroom door or door handles. Which might not mean that much to me because I haven't fixed them yet either. I'm about to franticly clean the house or at least give it the illusion of clean. Kelly returns home today (I hope).

Dumb Men Jokes

Dumb Men Jokes

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

A Lot Of Things That I Don't Like About Kelly

Did I say that I missed that man? I'm feeling a Lydia about to become pissed off episode coming on,more on that later. At the moment I can't say much that is nice about the one that I love. He does a job that he hates because he's afraid to do anything else or trust me to contribute to the family. He doesn't open doors and if there is anything heavy to lift he's annoyed that I ask him. It's more likely that he'll ask me to help him move something. He sometimes brings in groceries on demand but grumbles about it and acts really annoyed. Actually me asking anything of him really seems to annoy him, like I am interrupting him getting something of utter importance accomplished. I have tried very hard to give Kelly his space, personal freedom, not be to clingy or needy but I'm getting nothing here. (And here's where the mad rant begins) Everyone had to see this one coming. I get the pleasure of running errands with him for a half day about every other week where he grumbles about his complaint of the day which is sometimes me and sometimes it's just how he can't get anywhere in life. We eat a rushed lunch together and then part ways he usually give me some type of errand or assignment to do while we are apart and then at the end of the day he complains that I did not accomplish enough. At which point remind him that I was home for only a short period of time and that there were diaper changes, feedings etc. Yes he does laundry but only because he realizes that if he didn't we would be swimming in dirty clothes. Not an expert at laundry, it gets a bit backed up. Okay, I suck at keeping up with the laundry. I appreciate that Kelly does the laundry when he is at home. He complains and is resentful about it for the most part. What brought this on you may wonder? Kelly has just more or less announced that he will make this working two weeks straight the norm. Now he did say that we would talk about it but what that really means is that regardless of what I think or feel he's going to do what suits him. It sucks but it's the truth. Some times I actually convince myself that I want things that I really don't just so that It won't hurt that I am totally disregarded. The whole time that Kelly has been gone I have shared with him how two weeks alone with four kids is a bit much for me and that I am really glad that this isn't a regular occurrence. Well I should probably be asking God for some enlightenment. Okay God please enlighten me. I wake up every day and I try. He says that he misses me when he is gone but when he is home he doesn't act that way. His houses are first, we are second. He says that it is all for our family but the guy is pretty clue less. Now I am sure if he read this all he would see is how I am unappreciative and ungrateful. Even though I should not assume anything but I know this man so it is a pretty good guess. When I try to communicate with him about my feelings he says that his actions have nothing to do with me that I take everything too personally. Then I just scratch my head and walk away feeling somehow selfish and unsupportive. I know that Kelly loves me but I don't think that he likes me very much. I asked him if he wanted to read something that I wrote and he said yeah later. Later never came. I wrote him a letter a few months ago. It took him days to read it. I don't know where this is going. Here's the part where I say something nice about Kelly. Kelly is a good person, he's very honest sometimes to a fault. He denies his children no opportunities. He helps others (he never minds when I sign him up to work at Loave's and Fishes) He treats his tenants well. He recycles. He's sober. He's a good provider. I truly envision myself with this man for all of my days. He just doesn't get it. Kelly Nolen is emotionally retarded. Kelly was a whole lot cooler when he was in lust with me. We should have just lived in sin things would probably have been better. I guess that's enough purging for now. Would like to do the pool, barbecue thing but I don't know that it will happen. Please note that I have been alone with four kids for two weeks and have little sense left.

I am jealous

Good luck on your trip Mish wish I was going and I am sure you will have a wonderful time but then you usually do. Tell Congrats from our house on his most recent matriculation into adult society. We will all miss you when you are gone and will be waiting impatiently for you to return and regale us with pictures and then of course we all want pots as trinkets from your visit, but you can wait until you get home to make them as they might be a little heavy for carry on luggage but I am sure you will be inspired and will come home and create beautiful things. (Okay so the sentence ran on a little, I don't Care :>)

Hey Lydia I miss hearing about your world. Have you found the camera yet. I now have a swimming pool in the back yard and if you can entice your hubby away without the children for a few hours I will gladly serve BBQ (I was thinking Filet and shrimp) - and homemade strawberry daqueris while we lounge away an evening in langerous bliss.

Melisa I know you're out there.

Dona will someday soon be back to blogging and not working so much or at least I hope she will be and she keeps making me these promises.

Thats all for today. Tune in tomorrow same Bat Time same Bat Channel

10 Things I like About my Spouse

1.)Right now he is doing DISHES and LAUNDRY - And this is not an unusual occurence.

2.)He always takes out the trash without being asked. He kills bugs and lifts heavy stuff even if I am quite capable of doing it on my own & pays all the bills.

3.)He is always willing to defend my honor or my life or that of anyone else in the way of danger

4.)I like that he stands behind me and smiles when I dress in next to nothing and go out in public.

5.)I like the fact that his feet are always warm and that he offers them to me every night to abuse with my always cold ones.

6.)I like that he does not limit me or what I am able to accomplish should I set my mind to it.

7.)He opens doors to houses, cars and restaurants. Chivalry rests in his heart

8.)He doesn't laugh when I put out my arms and pretend that I am flying through the wind or at least not where I can see.

9.)He always offers me the last bite of any dessert especially chocolate

10.)On warm Memorial day weekends he sets up my pool and then watches me play naked until he molests me.

What more does a girl really need